I would back off some because if he said he wanted to take it slow he probably isn’t sure what he really wants.
He just got out of a how long relationship?
Like see if you back off if he wants to be closer.
Like back off to see if it’s just an infatuation.
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It’s just been a month and a half
Give it time…for both of you.
Don’t rush so fast!
Step back. See how he responds.
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I have had a similar story and I did wait for him to fall in love with me back and I’m happy to say he’s been the love of my life and we have a beautiful baby together and are such a strong couple. It takes time and patience but in the end it was more then worth it for me.
good luck!
Just continue without the label and if its meant to happen, everything will align 
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My husband told me not to fall in love with him at the very beginning.
We’ve been together 15 years now and just celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. Anytime you develop feelings for someone, you’re taking a chance on heartache.
You are friends with benefits. He’s using you but doesn’t want to commit. When a man gives you a sob story about why his ex left him that’s a big red flag. She left him for a reason. Tell him to shit, or get off the pot.
Hes using you for everything you’ll give him for free while he doesn’t have to commit. Stop giving it to him if you want him to be serious.
He’s telling you he isn’t ready for a serious relationship. If you continue being FWB and he ends that part of your “relationship” don’t come at him making him the bad guy. You’re choosing to keep on with it all, choose to accept the hurt IF it comes, don’t dog him out.
Talk to him just tell him how you feel and let him know if he’s not ready then you need to pull back and not hang out with him so much. Don’t be letting him kiss and have sex with you if he’s not ready.
Quit sleeping with him if you are just friends.
He’s looking for comfort not relationship . Give space to yourself
Take a step back, no kissing etc. Tell him why
He’s having his cake and eating it too. Stay friends if you want to but back off a little bit and stop having sex with him. If he feels the same way you do then the distance will make him realize his feelings for you and he will ask you to be his girlfriend. If he doesn’t than you’ll know he was using you all along & only wanted that friends with benefits situation in case he met someone else.
Move on…he has used you as a place holder…he may be a really good guy but he doesn’t feel the same about you…find someone who will treasure you, or better yet learn to treasure yourself. Life is too short.
Walk away and tell him he knows where he can find you when he’s ready, IF you are still available. IF!!
Sounds to me like he’s falling for you as well but he’s not ready to say the love word yet and take the next step. Let him heal his heart a little more. I wouldn’t give up on him, but I wouldn’t push things just yet. Just don’t hang on for years without a commitment!
Be his best friend! Don’t rush things and take everything day by day! Teach him what it’s like to be loved without hinges. Don’t push or rush things. Let things happen naturally without any intentions. Eventually it will pay off. If it’s meant to be then it will be and if not then you have a best friend! Both him and his daughter will respect you more this way. Just continue being his best friend!
He’s told you straight up what sounds like multiple times he’s not ready.I don’t blame him,he got screwed over bad and he needs time to himself and time with his daughter.Either accept that and keep doing what you’re doing or walk away.You’re already in way too deep,I suggest you end it.Good luck
He needs to heal before he can give himself fully to you. And he is being pretty honest about that. Falling in love with someone to commit the rest of your life to them doesn’t happen overnight… or a week… or 6 weeks. It takes a lifetime to build lifelong commitment. Rushing to put labels on things isn’t love it’s codependency
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Seems like he’s using you as a rebound because of the rough breakup. I wouldn’t get too close cause as soon as he’s “back on his feet” he’ll more then likely be playing the field
Set your boundaries. And add some space. Best friend or not sounds like you’re helping heal a man for his next relationship. And that more than likely won’t be you.
You are the rebound relationship. Stop sleeping with him and be just his friend. If he doesn’t want a relationship now…than he shouldn’t be getting your goods
I say if its as special as you say, stick around while he works on himself and supoort him through it. I went through something similar after my divorce but I was the guy in your situation and my guy was you in this situation and now we are happily married and have been together for 13years.
If you really love him, yes, stick around… Give him the time that he needs, that’s what it sounds like he needs… He wants you around but he wants to take it slow. I know from experience and know it’s hard not knowing, but that’s a risk we sometimes have to take.
He doesn’t want a relationship but yet he does all the physical things you do in a relationship? Yea, no he just doesn’t want to commit. You’re obviously not who he wants and he is trying to find that but also doesn’t want to be alone while he does it. Stop being a girlfriend without commitment. Step back. If you’re friends, cool act like friends. If he wants more than that he needs to give more too. This sounds like a one-sided relationship, he reaps all the benefits without having to do anything but “be a good guy”. Nope. Slow is fine, but it doesn’t sound like you’re moving slow except when it comes to actually calling your relationship what it is.
You are in a situationship. What you allow will continue. He gets all the benefits of a relationship without a label so in case his wife comes back he can save face (oh, she’s my friend, she’s not a gf). Let the broken man heal and find one that knows how amazing you are.
Tell him how you feel but respect his space. Sounds like he’s been upfront with you so be upfront with him. Let him go at the pace he feels comfortable. Don’t push him into it if he feels he’s not ready and just stay friends. But stop sleeping with him and really get to know him
Be honest with him. Tell him how u feel
You teach people how to treat you. A lesson worth learning! So if you want him to think you are that girl who is just there to hook up then continue. If not, I Would be honest about it to him. Tell him you are beginning to catch feelings and are afraid that it will damage the relationship if you continue to hook up with no strings attached. If you want to continue being friends, no hooking up, otherwise there should be a title. You have to take care of yourself just as he is taking care of himself. If you don’t value Your feelings then why should he ??? Set your healthy boundaries now. Start affirmative. Be a strong woman .
he told you what to do…slow it down…he’s being honest w/ you so that’s a plus. imo slow down, don’t be so available. when he’s ready for real love, he’ll come for you. guys always come for what they really want imo…wishing you all the best in life & love
It happens, but sometimes it’s better off to stay as friends and nothing else! If you date everything changes and y’all eventually grow apart, I would only stay his friend and enjoy
He’s just healing. Sounds like he’s probably got the same thoughts as you. He likes you, but he doesn’t want to get hurt again so soon.
Ur friends with benefits basically or situationship
Back off alittle and give him time!!!
Pump the brakes but stay on the road. Six years ago I was in your situation. It took a year before we were ready to be more than friends. Three years ago we got married. He’s my best friend, and I’m so glad I gave love another chance. There’s nothing wrong with taking it slow.
Nope. Run. Best friend but NEVER wife. He knows what he’s doing to you. He knows you are falling for him. In the end he will start chatting with other females and tell you that he told you y’all were best friends and make you seem like the crazy one.
He’s healing. I would give it time. If ya know 2 years has passed and still doesn’t want to commit then I’d be saying bye. Otherwise, enjoy each other’s company
If you’re not his girlfriend I wouldn’t be sleeping with him to be honest, being “best friends” seems to be an excuse to use you to get all the perks of a relationship without a title and once back on his feet he can easily go find someone else and then say you being upset is invalid as you KNEW you two were JUST “best friends”.
He is stringing you along to help him with his loneliness. Basically using you. When he’s ready to have a girlfriend, he will find someone else. Have some self respect. You can remain friends, but don’t let him treat you like a girlfriend and say you are a friend. Draw the line and move on!
Just be his friend now and don’t rush it at all. You’re lucky he was open enough to tell you… and honestly, if yall are sleeping together and he gets all the benefits of a relationship. Why would he want to put a title on it? When he’s essentially getting everything he wants without the commitment
not saying it’s bad. But, probably why he don’t want to rush nothing. It’s working for him. But obviously, not for you now… but I’d back off and think about it…
I think he does want a relationship with you, but he’s afraid to move too fast. Like you said, he went through a lot with his past relationship. He’s getting his life in order and is being cautious. My husband was exactly the same way when we started dating. Next month will be 14 years married and 22 years together.
Follow his lead. Sounds like he really likes you but is still getting over the break up. He need time to heal.
Tell him how you feel, but at the same time, he just went through a rough breakup. The lady basically picked another man over her family. He was honest with you from the beginning. You just allow him to have sex with you and do everything relationship behind closed doors. If anything, it would be on you if you end up broken hearted because he was honest from the beginning. You knew he didn’t want the relationship, and you allow him to do all those things. Stepp back and asses yourself and let the man heal. Just be friends, and see if anything changes. If he still wants to hang out and shop together and what not, than I’d assume he just wants to take things slow before being in a relationship, but if you only regard him as a friend, no strings attached and then he distances himself, than you were basically being used as a hookup.
He’s Honest about what he wants a friend with benefits. I’ve seen these type. You’re always gonna be the " best friend". If he really wanted to be with you, trust me he would be with you.
Love is a risk. A relationship is a risk. Spend a bit less time with him. Do things with other friends. Don’t make him your total world 24/7. Be good to yourself. Let him work on him. You work on you. Take your time.
Just tell him that you are falling for him and you wanna take a break from the ‘friendship’ or whatever you call it…
If it will hurt him as much as it’s gonna hurt you then maybe he’ll know that you are important to him and ‘might’ take things forward…
Slow down, I was in that situation except I was him. My guy started as just a friend, now we have a 1 month old. He accepts my 2 kids as his own, and puts up with my coparenting relationship with my ex and have been dating about a yr and a half. Don’t rush it, and don’t expect too much when he told you he wasn’t ready
He has been open and honest with you about where he stands along with where his priorities are. If you are going to be best friends, there should not be benefits involved. Someone is going to get hurt and it probably will be you since he has made himself clear of where he is emotionally.
Give it time. When you have a great relationship that ‘goes sour’, it is not an easy time. Am in a similar position, currently. You are lucky to have a close relationship, cherish it. If it means something to you, live with it
He is sleeping with you, so he already has everything but the relationship.
You have to back off for your protection. You have to only be his friend if you can do that. None of this “friends with benefits” business. Protect your heart. If he decides he wants more with you one day, fabulous. If not, it won’t hurt so much. You also need to make sure you aren’t being used. You never know. Sometimes you think you know someone, they tell you things, but it’s not what it seems. Most importantly there is a child involved, nothing needs to get messy.
If he can’t do this pda with you out in the open in front of everyone. He doesn’t deserve it behind closed doors. Don’t give it up to someone who isn’t committed to you.
Stay he sounds like a good man and only wants the best for not only him but his baby
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Run. Just run. This will end badly for you. I’ve been in this position 3 times in the last 2 years and now all three either moved on to another relationship or reconcile with a previous one throwing me to the side each time. The thing is that one was my own relationship. My husband and I filed for divorce in March of this year but he moved out the March prior. We were trying to be cordial for the kids and it turned into boundaries being crossed and a fwb situation. That was until he started playing the field and moved in a woman from work in his apartment in July this year. I was a placeholder until he found someone new. Now I just don’t trust men.
He basically getting the convenience of a relationship with out the actual commitment that comes with it…start distancing yourself and becoming less and less available to him. Do some stuff with other friends or by yourself for a while. I know it won’t be easy but you must cause he won’t see the need to commit if he is getting everything his way.
He was honest and forthcoming. What she chooses to do with fhat information is entirely up to her. She is not a victim and he is not a dog. Ladies we have to learn how to take rejection. She is clingy and so is he but he was honest and told her he wasn’t ready. He is not using her and he isn’t trying to save her as a backup. I mean why do when interpret straight forward words and make it out to be something else. Rejection is too much to handle so we make it up in our minds that he is using her. We tell her to run away because he is a dog. It makes us feel better. Some women are unable to accept that a man actually says it like it is. It’s too much to process. She needs to back up and walk the other direction because she will hurt herself. It’s cut dry so she has to take some type or responsibility for the outcome if her own expectations. They both continue to participate in whatever they have going on.
Let him know how you feel, and maybe you guys need some space. Sounds like he rebounded with you and you deserve someone who is on the same page. It feels good right now because it’s fresh and new. But you don’t know how it’s going to be like later. So just protect yourself and set a boundary. Stick to that hard boundary
I just recently went through this. I told the guy my feelings and because I have a child told him we have to be on the same page or I have to move on with my life. I haven’t heard from him since but let me tell you. The lesson he taught me was, there are still good men out there who will treat you right. The timing or person may just not be right for you.
Fuck**** chill smh he needs time to heal smh. Stop being needy and give him time like he wants if you can’t accept that than leave him alone
Give him time to heal because you don’t want to be his rebound… Just be patient and be there for him…
Be grateful for what you have right now. Dont worry about the future. You have him basically. Why do you need more ?
I’d fall back to protect myself.
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I was in a situationship like this for 2 years until I finally got tired of it and told him I wanted a relationship. He said no, I moved on to an amazing man and the guy from the situationship got all mad and realized what he had after I left.
Don’t be his Friday night unless you can be the rest of his week
Don’t rush it, I had that. We both weren’t looking for anything but a friend. We both needed to heal. Friends who just hung out and smoked together. Then friends with benefits. I fell for him he fell for me… he was the first to say I love you and all but neither of us fully healed either so on both sides we brought that pain into it. We were talking about being roommates while just friends so we did that jump right into relationship mode. Over 10 yrs together and 3 kids together, married in 2016 now as of 3 months ago he moved out, separated, it hurts. But us not giving each other time to heal really did hurt us in the end because it was brought up so much from both of us. Definitely let him heal and if u 2 are meant to be it will be
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Back off , Allow him to miss you , see what happens, he may be your Mr Right. I have the distinct impression your his security blanket.
Slow down, don’t stay. Do daytime things in public, your way to convenient for him right now.
Think you better back off before you really put a lot of time , energy, heart felt emotions into him. It’s very very possible and more likely your fall is coming , not his , YOURS.
Start doing more with other friends, don’t exclude him, don’t stay, don’t kiss, just stop.
Your only making HIS journey easier.
Be a friend and only his friend , and not everyday.
Live your Life Not His.
He already told you he wants the girlfriend experience without the title… you don’t want that so find what u want somewhere else lee
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he said all that is using you as a booty call
You’re in a relationship already and he refuses to admit/accept it. Either stop doing relationship things and act like just friends, or move on if he won’t make things official.
Enjoy what you have it sounds very special
And it is building … give it time and appreciate what you have with him
what a beautiful thing you have going on for you all I wish you the very best !
Stop sleeping with him. Women never value themselves. It’s always who can I sleep with next. Back off as well and see what happens.
Stop sleeping with him and see what really happens.
Dump him. He’ll never be ready for a relationship.
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I’ve been there before. I expressed my feelings but he’s wasn’t looking for a relationship. So I fell back and boom 3 wks later he’s in a relationship. Smh. Good luck luv
The best relationships start out with being best friends. Slow down and be his friend first, until he wants more.
Don’t be his rebound. Leave. He said he’s not ready for a relationship. You deserve better.
This is how my husband and i started 12 years ago.
Don’t say anything don’t ask about it. Just roll with him.
Respect isn’t sleeping with you for sex.
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You’re in a relationship already but he’s not. He is just using you. If that’s what you want stay, if not move on.
Be patient with him. He will come around when he is ready. Loke.you said. He had it rough his last relationship.
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Better get out and when he’s ready and IF you’re still available, you can have a relationship maybe. You’re headed for heartache if you stay.
Leave him. He is using you to recover from his divorce.
He needs to heal and the only way he will be able to heal is with time. Just be his friend but only friends.
His wife left him for her boss, he has trust issues right now , if you would get with him he would be wondering where you are all the time it would be let me see your phone, who you talking to, where were you? I’d be very careful about getting with a man that a woman had left , he was cheated on… And deep down in the back of his heart and head he wants that wife to come back. I believe you’re just spending your wheels trying to hook up with this man, you’re just being used as a booty call and someone to take the sting out of a broken heart. If his wife wanted to come home tomorrow you’d never be looked at again.
Don’t worry about labels. Be the best friend he needs and one day when he’s ready, it will probably turn into more. If you really love him the way you say you do… give him the time he’s asking for. He clearly has fallen for you already too. Just doesn’t need the pressure of a relationship rn.
Enjoy your friendship and things will work out!
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Don’t push him… Respect where he is and his wishes .
Give it a year and see where you both are. Relax enjoy each day your given.
How old are you? How old is he?
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U need to let this man heal respect his and his daughters boundaries… u accepted being FWB… if u can’t handle it then leave him alone
Right now is a vulnerable time for him. He needs to heal first so I would stop all intimacy for now let him heal. Be there as a friend and companion and when he’s ready he will know you were always there
You need to respect his wishes and his feelings, it’s hard but if you push things you’re just gonna push him away, just keep hanging out like you are, and give him the time he needs.
Relax and take it at it comes!
If u love his company, and u are happy together, go for it. Like anything in life , there’s no guarantees. At least he is honest with you. So u can go with the flow. As if u are together. And just enjoy it or u can make yourself unhappy waiting for commitment
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Sounds like he is using u
You better listen to everyone here telling you to protect your heart, if he goes to extreme mental and physical intimacy with you then repeatedly pumps the brakes and says take it slow- not ready type stuff then you have a trainwreck ahead for your heart, circle your wagons
I had a guy like that once…. We would go out every night hang out… do activities together I’d pack his lunches for him…. He’d tell me and anyone else who would listen that I wasn’t his girlfriend… it hurt but I fell hard…
We have Been married now almost 28 years I still remember the first time he told me he loved me I didn’t believe him at first… I guess I didn’t believe him so much until the day we were married maybe but we are still best friends and still very much in love. He has more than made up for those comments through the years he is loyal loving and a great guy he had been hurt was scared but I could never have found a better man… hang in there I got my fairy tale he might just be yours!!!