Heck nah! If it’s not passionate love I don’t want that shiz!
He is using you for his own emotional gain… don’t do it
This is tough…do you trust your heart or your mind?
The connection you have sounds amazing…just be careful about codependency…sometimes it’s hard to separate codependency from best friends.
It’s been a month? Lol. Sounds like he’s using you.
He basically used you as a booth call to replace the wife.
Now his over it his tossing you away your hearts broken just walk away cut all ties with him .
Or maybe the child has asked if name will be my new mummy?
And realise he was making a mistake by getting a part time relationship with you?
I think he’s using you
Your not wasting your time going too fast can change or lose your friendship an unique bond between you.He is telling you this honestly and from the heart because he obviously cares for you deeply not the opposite.After all he’s not ghosting or ignoring you or his issues just continue as you always have be patient and allow to work on himself he is still raw from his recent past.
Sounds like u both really do like eachother… even love eachother but not ready to say the “LOVE word” I think u should stick around. Being hurt in past has a way of ruining the trust but he’s lil by lil gaining trust again. Don’t push it. Just keep being u the same and he will soon feel he can shout it out loud to the roof tops!sounds like ur starting to date and honestly this is the process of falling for eachother , u will both recall these moments as the best time in ur lives.
I dont believe he’s using u. U spend tons of time together and do everything together. If u wee being used then he would only call u when he needs something or ghost u all the time. He introduced u to his daughter and that means something to a single parent. Getting along with their child is essential to see u as long term. U also haven’t done the deed yet and so just enjoying eachother as emotional support at the beginning is really good sign. He respects u. Doesn’t want to go to quick. Enjoying this stage. I would be worried if he didn’t kiss u yet. But u said he has so that’s step in the right direction that he finds u attractive.
I would also keep ur own life and not be available every single time to show him that he misses u when ur away. This then proves he can’t feel complete without u. The. Confirming he needs u. Plus it’s important to keep friendships and own hobbies especially if their is potential for co depending. That not healthy.
I would pull back, take a deep breath and do my own thing. Your absence in his daily life may make him realize he wants you more than he thought. In the meantime, guard and protect your heart.
If he really wanted to work on himself he wouldn’t have time for you everyday. Keep in mind you are hearing his side of a breakup, you have no idea what the real story is or isn’t. He sounds selfish. You’re giving him everything only for him to keep away the only thing you want. Let him be until he is ready and proves he’s worth it.
Stop sleeping with him and kissing him! Just be his friend if that’s what he wants. But you’re giving him his cake and he’s enjoying it. Tell him you won’t do anything with him till you know he’s serious. Why would he need to make a commitment to you when you’re already giving him everything without him needing to commit to you? Just be his friend if that’s what he wants.
You ever seen the note book? Sounds like you’re Martha Shaw.
I salute his honesty , his truth . Yes he might be stringing you along , but you are too stringing yourself along . This is the perfect equation for heart ache and heart break … please protect your feelings and sanity before satisfying his emotional needs . You are a good friend , but unfortunately , that’s all you are right now … I believe in that 1% difference , and WE all might be wrong , he might learn to love you , he might realise that time isn’t the only thing that’s needed to heal , and sometimes a short period of time is enough for some , but like I said , that 1% might be worth the love in the long run , but thats far fetch , a hopeful far fetch xx
Back off a little bit and give him some time to realise he likes you too
Having great feelings are never waste of time. However u gotta do u. He is being honest w u. So either give it ur all and change his mind. Or move on.
Give him some space so he can see how much he does love you. Keep talking to him but stop the physical stuff. Right now your giving him everything he needs. Back off for awhile.
Stop being so available to him. Then see where it goes. Other wise your just the stepping stone , his go between til he gets over his break up and then feels ready for a relationship and it won’t be you
He’s not interested. Because when you know, you know.
Sorry honey, you’re the rebound chick. The longer you hang around, the more this is going to hurt you.
If you’re in love with him it shouldn’t be a waste of you’re time
I understand his needing some space. You need to give him that space.
The best thing for you to do have is to continue to be his friend but without benefits.
You both have a beautiful friendship. Continue to be friends, because out of great friendships comes great love and understanding.
I married my best friend and to this day, we are still each other’s best friends.
Be patient.
He does need to work on himself after a break up. You just don’t jump from one to another.
Ye needed you in the beginning but maybe you are just too full on for him and now you are too much and he can’t breath . Back off let him get his head straight. I am thinking his need is not that great any more .
Give him space and don’t be so available.
He does need to work on himself for a while otherwise you’re just a rebound.
If you guys are sleeping together and doing everything together and such why do you need the fancy title? You already spend all your time with him
Look up and study emotional unavailable men. This man fells in this category. Leave. He will not love you! sorry!
Sorry honey you’re his rebound girl. FWB is all it is! Been there done that and it isn’t fun when you are the one that’s loses out! Stop being there for him and see where it leads him! If y’all are meant to be it will happen!
Don’t answer his calls for 2 weeks. Then see his reaction. Lol . Dude will either want or not want love then. Can’t have it both ways sucka!
Put some space between you both .if you are what he wants ,he will come around .but don’t sleep with him until he is ready to commit.
As long as he isn’t sleeping with anyone else, otherwise he is using you as a buffer. they way he is interacting with you he most likely loves you aswell but doesn’t want to say it.
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Ugh. You set boundaries.
If he doesn’t want a girlfriend, he doesn’t get to treat you like one.
I would not be so available, back it up a bit . Talk to him but not all day . Be busy sometimes and let him see what he wants . He will be ok if it’s nothing but if he is not doing ok then you might have something to work towards .
Sorry he doesn’t want you, and you should’ve never slept with him so early on if you didn’t want to be his rebound . You can’t f*ck someone into wanting you more or loving you. Take sex off the table and see what’s actually left. Unfortunately once you subtract that—all this one sided fantasy you have in your mind will be more apparent to you. He just needed to get some and you were right there.
He needs to work on himself. You are the rebound !!!
So many red flags! He’s using you
He wants time, he’s recently divorced. Give him space. I was seeing somone after a 10 year marriage and I told him I wasn’t looking for anything serious after a 10 year marriage. Now granted I eneded up falling in love with him before he fell. He just wants space.
I think it will come. The relationship, but i agree with what someone else said. Take the physical stuff out and just be his friend until he’s ready.
He sounds like an amazing person but he’s also having his cake and eating it too. I would tell him you’re interested in more when he’s ready but until he is you also need to protect yourself and be just his friend until if and when that time comes.
You are NOT his best friend ( good friends doesn’t sleep together) you are his butty call .
I do not think that he is doing anything wrong because he has been HONEST with you from the beginning and you accepted the situation.If you are falling for him you should talk to him and just end the “friendship “ before you get really hurt
Distance yourself, stop being available to him.you can’t be doing relationship stuff with a man who doesn’t want a relationship. He’s fine using you but can’t or isn’t interested in committing. You’re setting yourself up for heartbreak hun. Please stay away. When he invites you over tell him you’re busy or you’re not emotionally ready to deal with him n the not ready for love thing…
Nothing good is never wasted
Street memories are always nice.
Why buy the cow when he gets to have allllll the milk
for FREE? Mmm!
Think about it!
Don’t talk to him for 1 month. U will see what he truly wants then. He can have u over, share bed with u, kiss u, but not claim u? Don’t believe that bullshit. We’ve all been hurt.
Don’t reply to anything and just see how he responds
Sounds to me like he’s been honest & upfront. But you also can’t help that you are catching feelings. I’d take the physical out of it, like the sex & stuff. Continue to spend time & see where it leads.
Sounds like you need to check your heart at the door if you want to be in his life. If I were you I would step back and maybe try dating others. He sounds not ready for what you want. You need to take care of yourself so you don’t get hurt further.
U are giving everything with no commitment. Back off and take some power back. Say u need space if it’s just friends. Make him respect u. U tell him everything??
Red flag girl ! He only needs sex rn … he’s using you and manipulating you for sex ! Messing with your feelings and he knows he’ll have you to give him what he wants …ugh girl respect yourself ! Without being disrespectful
If you really love him, you’ll respect him and wait for him.
Quit giving him relationship things for free.
I’m going through something slightly similar:/
I hate to say this but I had somewhat similar situation. Basically he got his heart broken by some ex and I was there. I did fell in love with him, let’s call him “baby” but I didn’t think he was ready so we went separate ways. I dated someone else let’s call him Ahole only to find out that my feelings for the other guy is still there plus the Ahole abuse me mentally and psychically. Long story short I had grew balls to tell my baby how I felt and we now together. I’m not saying we perfect. He end up cheating and regretting. Please no insults. He quit his job where he met The sl%t. Now we go to church together once a week. I go to church with his mom. I’m not that religious but my faith is strong because my mom taught me. I feel fortunate because not a lot of girls these days know how to reserve themselves or know what respect is. You think that woman won’t do the same thing to her manager? She has no morals from what you tell me. You need to show your value. If you want a relationship you have to tell him and if he says no then you have to learn to walk away. If he is the one he will do absolutely everything to get you back. If he says he needs to work on himself alone then let him. Give him the space he needs and focus on yourself. Do you have any goals? What is something your passionate about that you know you are going to achieve with or without him. Focus on that goal. Exercise to get more hot. Put your favorite lotion on your body. You sound like a good girl or woman who would never hurt him like his wife did. Men feel too. Men have a lot to loose. His home, his car, the life he knew was gone. I don’t regret anything because the Ahole taught me how to appreciate my relationship with my baby. My baby never yells or curses at me like the Ahole did. My baby also realized that just because he messed up doesn’t mean I’m going to go off and do the same. If I’m going to give him a chance I got to let him be a man of his word. We going to get Married soon and ima pop his baby! Lol but this might not work for everyone. Your situation is different than mine because he was married. If you believe in your heart he is your man then pray but remember it takes two people to tango. Right now it sounds one sided. The first step is communication. You have to let him know how you feel and want. If you want to remain as friends that’s cool but I completely cut off mine so he can see that I’m not just for kicks. I’m a woman that knows my worth. Plus I don’t believe in that guys friends with females anymore and I can say this because I came from where all my friends where just guys because I was a Tom girl. Plus a guy no matter what is going to look at a girl anyways. Woman can f who they want and men f what they can but men controls who they marry.
I would try to distance yourself a bit and maybe have a heart to heart conversation with him. Honestly though, it sounds like he’s pretty into you and just doesn’t want to admit it yet, for some odd reason.
Get out now and don’t look back girl,the right man is waiting for you!
Don’t be in his bed. They do not buy the cow when the milk is free. Listen to GOD ALMIGHTY.
Dont fall for the guy. Simple. Silly goose.
STOP!!! You’re setting yourself up for a whole lot of heart ache! He needs time to do his healing before getting involved with anyone else… You’re like a security blanket, if you continue, be prepared to be hurt
If he needs to work on himself how does he do this when you are around him 24/7
My suggestion is when you see him hold hands and kiss but only have sex once a week and just say you are slowing things down because thats what he wants
And stop going over every night maybe every second or third night
Because this friendship is consuming you
You might just be his rebound but maybe not and its too soon for him to be falling in love
If he does love you i think you would feel it from him in every way
This is fwb because in public he doesnt touch you and behind closed doors he is hands on
Sounds like he really enjoys his time with you because he calls you everyday to come over
Hopefully he comes around to your thinking
Because basically you are in a relationship you do everything you would do except touching in public
Stop being so willing to do/be the girlfriend without the title, you could be waiting years for him to “be ready” yet he has no problem acting like a partner without the actual obligations that come with it. Decide what you truly want first, if you’re okay just playing around then I guess let it run its own course but personally I’d talk to him. Tell him he may claim he’s not ready but you guys already act like a couple so what’s the point in not just taking that leap? Either he gives you the title you deserve or stop acting like his girlfriend, fuck buddies almost never work without someone getting hurt or it progressing past just friends
If youd see it as wasting your time then walk away. If not enjoy the time and specialness as long as it lasts.
You are the rebound girl. Make your feelings clear, allow him to voice his. If you two can’t meet in the middle, it’s time to end this, relationship
I think it’s too soon to tell… if you are both enjoying eachothers time and he treats you well then I would say stick around and see what happens. It seems like you are both into only eachother. He has a daughter and just went through a divorce. He understandably needs time. Get to know him longer than a cpl months. Reasses in 6 months or 8 or 10…
He’s made his feelings pretty plain. Now you make yours…
Just keep it it is what it is. It sounds like he does like if not love you but love is still a bit scary for him now because of his breakup… so still early days just take it as it comes if you guys live each other’s company so much xx
Sorry, major red flag, how old is the daughter you met? When he tells you what he wants and who he is; believe him…
Slow down both of you are going the wrong way about this he is still grieving sort of from divorce, you are caught up in a romantic fling with him. Yes you are good friends but stay away from staying over with him…please think this through you are feeling his pain and want him to heal but you are also playing the wife he has lost. It could take months years before you realise that it could be a mistake. His child likes you that is great, but when things get complicated both of you aren’t thinking about how this will affect the child. Remember they are suffering too… look it’s exciting that this has happened to you but be fair he isn’t mentally ready and his child will suffer if your relationship doesn’t work out… so my advice is stay friends but go home to your place don’t stay overnight with him wait and see watch how he is coping, help by all means. Then maybe a year down the line if you are still friends take it to the next level…
Slow and steady wins the race.
Stay away if he miss you he find you!
He’s telling you so if you go further you are breaking your own heart.
Start dating, and tell your best friend about it
Stop sleeping with him and kissing him
he let go of everything because he csnt afford it, otherwise hed fight for what is his… it sounds like he likes being babied and being a boyfriend instead of a husband where the real responsibility is of everything, he wants to start over and act like his family doesnt matter, he hasnt grown from that and its sad… hes going to put you thru the same exact thing he put his ex thru… he wont change and your not going to see that til years later, one year if your smart. Jk idk you do you and whateber you think is right… thats just what i think.
He’s on the rebound and he knows it. You will be hurt if you want more than he will give you
Honestly too soon. You don’t want to be the rebound girl and thats what it sounds like already. He has his cake and eating it too. Perks of a relationship without one. I would think long and hard if you want to wait for him.
Take care of yourself. Walk away. Find true love not rebound lady.
Don’t be a rebound if he only wants friendship then thats what u give him only friendship no kisses no holding hands
He stated what he wants and unfortunately you won’t be able to change that. Protect yourself.
Stop sleeping with him! Why do women rush into bed with men so fast? He’s basically emotionally unavailable. Please show some self-respect…
You’re in a relationship. A sick one.
He’s already in a relationship with you no matter what he says. Draw some boundaries to save yourself
Now is a great time to set some healthy boundaries. It doesn’t matter how many rocky relationships you’ve been in; if you bring bricks from the old ones to build new foundations, they are going to be just as rocky. It’s okay to sit down and tell him your feelings. It’s okay to tell him that you’ve fallen in love with him. It’s okay to tell him that you understand he’s not ready for a “relationship” but this is where your boundaries come in. You definitely want a partner that is in a good place mentally otherwise your relationship becomes part of the unhealthy ties, etc. You build communication and set those boundaries. Be honest with your feelings, tell him where you stand, express your idea and set goals. Set realistic goals that you and your partner can work on together if he freaks out, then you’ll know where you stand and whether or not you should move on. I definitely wouldn’t keep my feelings to myself; no one can read a mind and if he knows where you stand then he can’t fault you for leaving on unmet terms, etc. Good luck.
So he’s not in love with you, but in lust with you. You are not merely friends or mates. Withdraw the sexual side let that cool off and see if the friendship (daytimes only) still lasts for you both. Should be interesting.
Yes just be friends till it happens. Don’t push.
When a man tells you he doesn’t want a relationship, LISTEN TO HIM!!! He is giving you fair warning. Keep him as a friend and move on to someone who is ready.
If he wanted more he would say so! RUN! This is a game!!!
Guys tell you what they want. It doesn’t change. He told you what he doesn’t want and hes getting all the goods! RUN!!