I am having issues with my boyfriends oldest son: Advice?

Sounds like he needs counseling, sounds more like he’s hurting than being disrespectful on purpose. Kids that age don’t know how to project their feelings properly and It comes off hateful.
Counseling to get him help would definitely be the best option and to also possibly get counseling for you him and his dad so he feels safe in expressing his true feelings with someone else there.

I have had two step mothers and two step fathers. I can honestly not think of one instance ever where I felt it was okay for a step parent to discipline me.
Love, nurture, support all on the table. Do what you can with those.

The problem is you are just a girlfriend and not a wife. If the bf is not standing up for you then it’s time to ask him to do so and, if not, then leave.


He needs to step up and discipline his kids, since you are not married. I commend you on treating the kids like you do your own. Kids can have a hard time accepting anyone in their parents lives.

You are “technically” a roommate in their house, and while you don’t say how the kids get along, I would be surprised if their isn’t animosity between them as well. If your bf were to make this a permanent arrangement, and if that is your wish also, it may make a difference in how his son views your role in his life. Until then, when there is a discipline issue, I suggest you involve his dad in administering the consequence.

You and BF need a place that is yours together. Not a good idea to move into an established home owned by someone else. BF needs to tell his kid he cannot disrespect his wife. Boundaries

Dump the boyfriend and his sons. He should discipline his kids and teach them respect. A 15 year old is not a child and know the difference between right and wrong. How long were you dating before you moved in together?

Stay and make him miserable Just you being there is enough. He will either treat you with respect or pay the consequences He doesn’t like rules. Tell him everyone lives by rules and to suck it up butter cup this is life. Kids now a days are smarter than you think and they want to be treated like adults with no rules. Don’t give in. Stick to your guns. You got this.

Talk to their father and gauge his response and then decide what you are going to do because then you will know where you stand in the family.

Do you share YOUR house with them or the other way around? If the house is his, how does he feel about having you there? Talk to him about it. Has he changed his mind? Why does his son feel you ought to leave? Ask you if why his son feels that way.

Ask him why his son feels that way?

I have a bonus son, I’ve been married to his dad for 5 years. I don’t do the discipline for him. I’ll talk with my husband when I think something should be addressed but I will never be his mother so that’s not my place. I can, and do, teach and guide like a mother but there are some things I shouldn’t get involved in. Especially boys.

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The fact that his mother is dead is probably the biggest reason hes acting like this. Sounds like some family counseling is needed. Best of luck.

I think that perhaps you all should not be living together. Raising kids is difficult enough without trying to blend families. Your boyfriend needs to step up and insist that his son behaves properly toward you. Fifteen is a difficult age. You might want to determine if he is smoking pot or doing other drugs. This is the age for that and it can make kids really belligerent. Get your own place and see your boyfriend when you can.

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Well how does your bf respond to this? You need to talk to him n convince him that you treat his kids the same way you treat your own. His son should be talked to by his dad too about respecting you

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Children should be disciplined by their biological parent. He is 15 and lost his mother. This is not about you and how you feel. Let his father parent him and his kids. You parent your own kids. This is about the children. It is ALWAYS about the children.