I am in a wedding but want to TTC. The bride doesn't want anyone to be pregnant: Advice?

Do what you want. . . first is first. . . you first/then her in your :eyes: as she would in her :eyes:. Enjoy your new baby :slight_smile:

U do u!!! If sheā€™s a true friend sheā€™ll want u by her side no matter what. What if ur only a couple months along? She still would want u in her wedding??

Not sure why being pregnant is such a big deal, but do what is right for your family. If she is a true friend she will be thrilled for you.


Her wedding has absolutely nothing to do with your baby making plans. Go forth with your plans and if sheā€™s a good friend she will receive your baby bump with excitement and joy.


If this person is truly a friend they would be happy for you and support you.


Itā€™s your lifeā€¦ you should go on with your life with your family as planned. If she is a good friend she will understand. And besides itā€™s not really her business :woman_shrugging:


I donā€™t know why I keep seeing this question everywhere?!?
Everyone has their own life to lead.
No one personā€™s life revolves around someone elseā€™s so completely as to completely make another reschedule major life events around them!!
Enough is enough.
You do what is right for you and your little family.
If this person is not ok with that, then maybe they are the ones that need to rethink their values, morals, and bridezilla tendencies!!

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The bride may have issues herself about pregnancy, bit she should understand your point of view. This is a time for you to think about you and your family. Not just about a bride that may or may not have your best interest at heart

I say to talk to the bride and explain all this to her that you had planned on trying to have your last child for some time now, long before she moved the wedding date and didnā€™t say anything to anyone in case your plans didnā€™t happen and that it was really nobodyā€™s business anyway and hope that being as sheā€™s your friend and wants you in the wedding that she will understand

Did anyone ever think that maybe the bride has fertility issues and maybe she doesnā€™t want the reminder by seeing pregnant bridesmaids at her wedding to bring her spirits down on her big day !! Maybe we shouldnā€™t be so quick to judge and the bridesmaid should sit down with the bride to let her know her plans and how she feels about it.

Be true to yourself
True friend will be there for you
Being pregnant in not something ugly
Why does she have a problem with it

Itā€™s your life. Attend the wedding and be happy for her. You dont NEED to be in the wedding. Donā€™t owe her an explanation.

If she is a true friend it shouldnā€™t matter either way. It is her day, but she has no right dictating someoneā€™s life. Bless you and your family


This is a no brainer. Your family comes first. Do you. To her, her wedding comes first, let her do her. Just attend the wedding and donā€™t make a big deal out of it. This shld b simple between friends.


Always take care of you first. If you are pregnant and she is not happy for you then maybe you are at the wrong wedding


Your family comes first. If she doesnt want anyone pregnant during that time, then let her know that you cant commit yourself to be in her wedding.


Just bow out. You can still be a guest.

Dont stop trying to have a baby! This is a whole life you are talking about. Keep trying and if you get pregnant then let the bride know. The older you get the harder it is to conceive

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I would tell her I canā€™t be in the bridal party since I might get pregnant. You cannot put your life on hold for her wedding. And itā€™s rude for her to tell you to do that


Talk to her now, better now when she has time to decide what she wants to do. But donā€™t put your family plans a side.


Seriously??? You question whether you should have a child to love or be excluded because of love you want to bring? WTC is wrong with people??

Just donā€™t go to the wedding if u are pregnant or planning send your gift and keep it movin

To me that is a selfish act out of her


keep to your original plans ā€¦if she is a true friend she will be ok with it

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Ya i donā€™t know why it would bother her? Makes no sense

Do what makes u happy .

Do what is best for you

Girl, do your thing!!

Have your baby. She sounds selfish.