I am in love with my childs father and husband...help?

If you’ve been waiting for this moment, then you had no business marrying your husband. How selfish are you?!


Waiting for him for 5 years??? Ma’am he wasn’t in the service!!! He literally left you to give birth alone&abandoned you’re child
This has got to be a troll post


Tends to happen but trust me when I say …the grass isn’t greener on the other side. Your husband sounds like a wonderful man . He loved you and your child. He stepped up and did what a person who truly loves…do .

Your ex sounds like a terrible person who thought he could live his life and do better, Only to realize that he messed up . If he wants to be a part of your child’s life , I would make sure he is responsible and consistent . As for you ? You are beyond blessed to have found a man who is all about you . If you dont love this man , let him go . I’m sure any other woman would be more than happy to find a man like him . You just don’t come across genuine people anymore. Appreciate what you have.


Talk to your husband… please :pleading_face:


A part of you may always love your ex; it doesn’t mean he’s the right person to have as your partner. You’ve grown and changed - most likely you’re not the same person you were then. Trying to go back to something that catastrophically didn’t work before is not the answer.


He deserted you and your baby once, he’ll do it again. Use your brains not your heart. He’s not worth ruining your marriage over and you’ll end end resenting your choice


Your husband was there and stepped up when you needed ex’s are ex’s for a reason


hes bored and he sees you happy. he knows what hes doing. he wants you with nothing again. go ahead and cheat if you want. Show him that your his fool.


Naw go see him. Because your current hubs deserves better than he’s got with you for even considering this crap. Why would u put yourself in that situation.


But what? Don’t be one of the goofy ones who messes up a good thing for a loser who left their child…or go be with him and let your husband have someone he deserves and will appreciate him. Not someone who runs to some past loser after he stepped up and took care of the loser’s responsibility.


You need to grow up.


Your already cheating. You have no respect for the man your with. How dare you. I would have divorce papers ready. Then For a man who left you at a drop of a dime :sweat_smile: . Your husband needs to find better and that one is going to leave you :rofl:


How can you still have feelings for this man after he left you and your child? With your post saying that you want to be loyal to your husband so you don’t know if you should go see him. To me you’ve already cheated because evidently you’ve talked about sex or something for you to think that you’re going to cheat on your husband if you see this man. The same man that left you and your child and has not done anything for your child. I don’t get it.

He doesn’t love you your love is one sided if he had he would have been there for you and your child your foolish bet not mess your marriage up

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He probably also likes that your with someone who is financially taking care of you and the child so he doesn’t have to if he had wanted to he would have stepped up to the plate and he did not now he can see his child without all this responsibility


He wouldn’t stand by you in the past, why would he now ? I mean he showed his true colors and lack of interest in being a father before, why the change ? Is he after oh lets say tax deduction, or child credit for taxes ? I wouldn’t mess up a good thing for an infatuation, or just lust !! Just make sure of your feelings and especially figure out why now ? Before you break the heart of a man who has been there for you, could it just be " if only " I’d stick with the man who you know loves you and the girls. That’s just my opinion and take it for what its worth. But remember what ever you do WILL affect the girls. Good luck !!

How could you even be fond of the man who could abandon your child like that? Think more of your daughter and less of your own fanny.

But nothing. You’re a married woman


Be loyal to your husband. He’s been Daddy to your kid not the sperm donor. And if you love him then he must be good to you and for you. He deserves your loyalty.

But…you want us to tell you to go ahead and be selfish?? He did not want you but more importantly he did not want a defenseless child that he was responsible for. Girl. Grow up and respect yourself your husband your marriage and your little girl.


He left u… u moved on … he screwed up , no mess up a good thing for that trash… he is unhappy with his life and now when it convenient for him, he wants to come back , no harm no foul…. BS…. remember HE LEFT YOU WHEN U NEEDED HIM THE MOST!!!

:rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl: The devil testing you. Trying to make sure you still Stupid and he is winning by a mile and a half.


How does he justify leaving you in the first place?

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Just wake up :hear_no_evil:you found out what he was like when he left you ’

I have an ex who was my first love, too. We broke up because he wasn’t ready for a real relationship after his recent divorce (I met him shortly after it was finalized) and just wasn’t available to me. For 10 whole years, he wanted me back when I was in another relationship; anytime I was single, he’d disappear again.
Like I said, he was my first love. Part of me will always love him. But I learned early with him that love and compatibility aren’t nearly the same thing. If I were you, I’d let him have a relationship with your daughter if they both want one…but I’d stay as far away as possible. You’ve been there, you know how it ends.

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How do you love someone who abandoned you and your child? Why don’t you seek some therapy.


He abandoned you and his child. Why risk your marriage for him?


if he walked away once he will again u may think its love but could u need closure off y he walk away from u and ur child more not love


Stay with the REAL man which is your husband, your ex is a loser and hasnt been a dad to his children hes just the sperm donor.

You love a good circle back lol.

Think about your daughter first!!!

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Girl. He left you and his daughter. He doesn’t love you. If you love your husband stay with him. Otherwise don’t be with either of them.


Why are you falling for a deadbeat who left you and your kids instead of being in love with only your husband? The one who stepped up and is married to you and takes care of your kids?!?!

Wow. It sounds like you were in lust of your daughter’s dad, imagined the house, picket fence the whole nine yards. He left you! Remember how hurtful that was; if he couldn’t commit the first time before the child was born…kids are stressful, he won’t stick around long. Get over the lust. Sounds like you have a loving father for your children…who has been a dad to your first daughter… so you’d be hurting your husband in multiple ways; losing his wife and the daughter he’s raising as his own. That’s selfish! What if it doesn’t work out? You’d want to go back to the one who truly loves you? I would hope that he’d not take you back after breaking up his family. Open your eyes before you do something foolish. You’d also be hurting your child by taking her away from the only person she’s known as her father. Either get counseling or your daughter is going to need counseling in the future.


No. He doesn’t get to walk away for the first, and most crucial years of your child’s life, then come back when he pleases. Your husband deserves better than that. He took you and that child on, he doesn’t deserve to be second best in this scenario. Get therapy.


Are you serious
He let you once
You are in fantasy


I don’t think he’d be worth messing up a marriage for. After all, he did leave you while you were pregnant…


Fantasy of past and what might be , Yr ex expresses some interest and you want to jump through a hoop like a lion in a circus trick for the ring master ? He hasn’t been around and has had nothing to do with you or your child and that is supposedly enough for you to go running into his arms in a don’t think so stay put stop conversing with the puppet master .


Until he gets what he wants then leaves again. Don’t allow him to have the time of day

No sorry the grass isn’t greener on the other side! He left you when you needed him the most girl he will do it again! Stay loyal to your husband he has taken your daughter on


He abandoned you when you needed him most and he will do it again and destroy the life you have now. Been there. It is not worth destroying your child and husband’s life.


Don’t be crazy. Why would you want to hurt your husband. Break all ties with former boyfriend. If he wants to see his daughter he can go thru court.


Don’t play with fire. You will all get hurt. Not worth it at all.

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Don’t do it! You will regret it


He left you once, he would do it again.


BD literally left you when you needed him the most.
Your husband stepped up for you AND your daughter.



I don’t understand how you can love 2 ppl ??? You say you love your husband and your childs father that’s not love its lust mistaken for love… have some self respect woman. Do not go back there he’s an ex for a good reason.


At the end of the day it is up to you! What you went through is your experience if you want you and your daughter to go through it again then go see him. If you appreciate your life now with your husband who stepped up to the plate then don’t. But at the end of the day it’s up to you.

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You better let your husband go… he deserves to have someone 100% faithful to him and love only him… you are already cheating by FaceTiming, messaging and making plans to meet up


He left. You have a good husband and marriage. Dont throw it away for something imaginary in the past


Your husband stayed with you and looked after another man’s child. A “man” who couldn’t man up to do it himself ! And you want to risk leaving your husband to go to someone that ran away and didn’t even experience your pregnancy with his child the childbirth and upbringing damn. What the actual f***

If he was the first person you ever loved, why did you get married in the first place? How’s your husband supposed to feel?

You stated yourself he wanted nothing to do with you in the first place!!! The past is the past……don’t go backwards!


Nope, should have never gotten married if you were waiting for this moment!!


Why would you tear your family apart for someone who left you? It’s not just you, but your daughter and husband. It may not seem like it, but feelings pass. Hold on to what you have, when you feel tempted, remember all the good times you’ve had with your family, remember the heart break when that man ditched you and your baby.


Don’t do it, he’ll leave you again. Stay with your husband.


The grass is not always greener on the other side. If he could have left you in one of your most vulnerable state to abandon responsibilities as a reliable person for not only you, but the child he helped create. That should speak volumes and give you your answer right there.
In the end it is your choice, but I think sacrificing someone who stepped in to be that reliable person will back fire in the end and you’ll end up alone. I doubt he’s changed, and sudden contact after a long period does not mean growth. Look at what you have, and if it’s worth sacrificing in your mind, then your husband should move on with his life to someone who matches his loyalty in a relationship


Have you ever heard the saying if your stuck between 2 people pick the second, because if you really loved the first you wouldn’t have had a chance to even think about the second? So that speaks for itself


An ex is an ex for a reason. You were disposable back then and when he’s had his fill you will be again. You have a good place in life now so don’t mess it up. Have you ever thought that he’s seeing if he has enough hold on you to see if you would leave for him? They usually come sniffing around again when they see you have a better life than they do now. My husband has had this happen with exs 10 years into our marriage and he told them in so many ways where to shove it. We are 23 years strong and happy. Remember the vows you took. If you truly love your husband you wouldn’t be even entertaining any of this. It is not fair to your husband. Think of the world you would disrupt for your daughter as well.


I always go with my gut & what my heart tells me to do. With that being said, you have to understand if you leave your current husband & things don’t workout with your children’s father, then don’t expect your current husband to be waiting for you. He will be hurt & eventually move on. I would say if you have unfinished business than you do need to get some sort of closure otherwise there will always be the what ifs.

Don’t be a hoe the world is full of them

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Don’t do your husband like this. Grow up and act straight. There is a legit reason this is your ex.


You don’t love your husband! When your ex left you were scared and alone and he seemed to be a good option at a time when your future looked uncertain…
I’m sure you appreciate your husband, and have some semblance of “feelings” for him, but your not in love with him.
Your also not in love with your ex…there’s simply a lot of unfinished business there and hurt…


Nope. Really… you don’t love a guy who abandoned you. Keep repeating that. He will only break your heart again. Repeat. As often as necessary.

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If you’ve been waiting for this moment you shouldn’t have gotten married.


You have already left your marriage…by feeling this way and the fact you have openly admitted you have been waiting for this for 5years…you have already tapped out…BUT…
Do not think you can go backwards and that grass is not greener on the other side…


Real your husband deserves better. And you deserve that low life dirt bag that left you and you baby! And when he leaves you AGAIN which he definitely will, this time around you will have deserved it…because Karma is a biych. Girl!


Get back with your baby’s father. Get ghosted again. All while giving your husband a well deserved opportunity to get a woman/wife that won’t question the relationship and respect & uphold her vows. If a man/dad takes you & your child as his own & cares for you & commits to you while being non existent to the biological one ? I’m sorry but You deserve anything your disregard & curiosity will get you. Give it a go.


If this man you are with now loves you and your kids don’t mess it up for someone you now know nothing about. If he had of wanted you he would still be with you. DON’T BE STUPID.


A. Go with your gut
B. Personally, IMO if you REALLY loved your husband, the other guy talking to you wouldn’t phase you, especially if it’s been that long
C. Don’t stay with your husband if you can’t love him fiercely 100%. I’m not married but have been with my boyfriend for 4.5 years (we have 2 kids together) and no other man could ever make me stray because of how much I love the one I have
D. All three of you deserve to be happy. Whether it be 2 of you together, or all 3 of you go your separate ways.

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Neither. If you have feelings for both then neither. When you are in love no one else matters in the world. No feelings of love for someone else will pop up. It’s impossible to be in love at that level with two people. Im in love with my SO and I have never in the 5 years we have been together developed feelings for another man. So maybe you need to be alone for a while and definitely be honest with your husband
He deserves to know how your feeling. As for the father of your child five years? Yeah so not worth your time
Time doesn’t change people.


You should definitely go to the EX because if you loved your husband you wouldn’t have to think about it…

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You have feelings. You can’t control that. It’s hard when you don’t have closure. I do believe you love your husband— there were probably 100 different reasons you married him. Focus on that. Realize that the “rekindled” feelings you’re experiencing is more than likely just the butterflies of the unknown. Many of us married and long term committed ladies will silently admit that we too miss those butterflies. That feeling of being swept up. But those feelings inevitably fade… and what will you be left with when they do. When the reality of the past sets in? When you realize you ruined your marriage and let a good, honest man go? Know YOUR worth and remember what makes YOU happy and what is best for your family

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And when it all falls apart, your husband will be divorcing you and will be hurt. Your child will be confused and hurt and you…

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I feel sorry for your husband !


So he abandoned you and his kid :thinking:
He wanted nothing to do with you!!! for 5 yrs.
Wow !!!
Im assuming you married a good man that’s raising your child like his :woman_facepalming:t3:
Shame on you :confused:
You know what being a good mom means putting them first ! Get over your stupid hormones :roll_eyes:
I just feel sorry for your child and husband there going to be the only 2 innocent parties to get hurt in all of this


Remember he left you and your daughter. That would be a hell no.


Oh girl no. You are gonna ruin your life


Good luck, he’ll dump your ass again if you go back to him.

Nothing says crap parent quite like going 5years with no contact with his child. That’s WHO you really want? Wtf. Why would you want that kind of person, let alone allow your kid to be set up for heartbreak like that?


Get your shit together.
You love a man that abandoned not only you but his own child(ren). FFS what on earth are you in love with? What about this man makes you love him?
Love yourself. Respect yourself and the family you created. And for the love of all that is holy, if you can’t love the man that came into your life and took on you and your child(ren) then let him find a woman who will treat him right.

I’ve been there. It sucks.
Pick the man who values you.
Trust me. :people_hugging::pleading_face::people_hugging:

Your ex is love-bombing you.
He wants to control you and get you to alienate someone who actually loves you.
What you’re feeling is likely not love. We use that word for a lot of things, but I think if you really sat down with yourself you’d realize that your feelings for the imaginary version of your ex that you never got over are not really love.
It also may be that you haven’t truly let yourself fall properly in love with your husband because you keep wishing for a story that isn’t compatible with reality.

I’ve been there. It sucks.
Pick the man who values you.
Trust me. :people_hugging::pleading_face::people_hugging:


Stay true to your husband. Your daughter’s dad left you once. He will again. Don’t mess things up now

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Why would you ever even consider the ex who ABANDONED YOU while you were pregnant?! The guy who had nothing to do with either of you for five years…. You have a husband who has loved and supported and your daughter for years…

Your husband deserves so much better than this. You don’t seem to be loyal at all. :unamused:


Dont be duM-b
The grass ALWAYS looks greener on the other side and it’s not!!
Of course babe daddy looks good yall don’t have to do life together, the bills aren’t a struggle with you two the stresses of life aren’t there y’all are showing eachother the best parts of life and of course that looks more appealing then tough times!!
Lust is a big pill to swallow and ruins loads of relationships just sayin’

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Your a shitty person if you go back to that worthless turd
He left y’all And wanted NOTHING to do your baby and you
Again your a shitty person and probably deserve that worthless turd who left y’all
Your husband deserves better than you
He picked up where that man left
Your husband picked up both y’all’s hearts and loved y’all since
And you wanna go back to the one that left you
Wow okay do you boo
Go fuck up a good marriage cuz your horny ass still loves a man who left y’all

Do not do it. Stay with your husband and enjoy the life you have. Don’t waste your time doing some dumb high school shit. Don’t have regrets and ask what ifs now. If it was meant to be it would have but it didn’t. You’re going to ruin your entire life and regret it and you don’t even realize it.

Pray and ask God what to do.

Ppl don’t judge her, she was asking for guidance not your opinions


Do not leave a good man for someone who left you and your kid. Do you want that type of man around your daughter? Is that who you want your daughter to look up to? I can 100% assure you that it will not turn out good to go with the ex, as he had no issue neglecting his family for years. Yes, you loved him and it sucked, a small piece of the old you still wanted him back. He doesn’t deserve you or your daughter

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That grass looks greener because all of the bullshit… don’t do it . :expressionless:

Leave them both…once you start considering stepping out your marriage, it’s over. Your husband deserves better. Sit down for the next who will actually value and appreciate and LOVE only him.

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So your daughters ABANDONED you while you were pregnant with his child and you still have feelings for him…… :woman_facepalming:t3:
To be honest, it sounds like you are emotionally cheating with him. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Wrong on so many levels. Leave one relationship before you start another. Don’t ruin what you have for the past that left you

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You ex wants you back because he sees what he is missing.

What he is missing though is watching what your husband and you have set up for each other. Don’t be dumb.

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He left you while you were pregnant and hasn’t been around the kids since and you’re thinking that’s a good idea :rofl: dafaq?! Don’t do that to your kids, you’re freaking crazy


Hes playing you just remember how he stiched you before run have no contact send your hubby


Cheating , it hurt you both and the children. Sometimes leaving the past is good thing. Think about the pro and con . Don’t fellow your feeling. Does your husband support you and the children do you have a house and food and the love in your home.

Only. You can make that decision. …Only you can choose… sounds to me you want best of both I feel sorry for your husband. In this Why marry a man when you say you still love your ex. You need to work it out for your self. :butterfly:

He left you; he would do it again. He does not love you. Stay loyal to the one who has always been loyal to you.


The grass isn’t always greener on the other side