I am LIVID that my mom put whiskey on my daughters gums: Advice?

It’s a very very VERY old remedy that has been used for generations, and look at all of us, still alive lol… it’s not the end of the world :roll_eyes:


It doesn’t matter who have done it, that’s something she should have communicated with you prior to doing it. Yes I’d be super pissed, what if something bad had happened?

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Grow up.

Very common in time past.

Just tell her if this practice bothers you and ask her to not do it again.

And apologize for your overreaction.


I did that too back in the day

It’s an old fashioned remedy that works, just like most of them do, and they didn’t have bonjela back then. So go with it girl, it worked didn’t it and it’s not like she put it in her bottle.


How many kids did she raise,is she to old to be baby sitting .take some advice on raising kids from her .old remedies are just as good as today are or better.everything has changed sometimes not for the best. Good luck she was just being helpful. be glad she will help some will not even help with their grandkids .I say she knows it your baby she was doing what knew would help.advice from parents helps sometimes

I’d be mad too. There’s other things that are safer. Put a wet wash cloth in the freezer and then give it to your baby. I promise it works. :heart:


The orajel scares me. I’m sure it’s full of chemicals.
I’ve never used the whiskey for my kids but allot of moms back in the day did so maybe don’t be so hard on her.

In the olden days that’s what they used and we’re all fine.

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No you’re not wrong for being pissed off. I wouldn’t ever do that to any of my grandchildren


How much y’all want to bet she didnt give her mom any “wishes” and her mom thought she was doing right by the child. I’m sure most of us would have had a civil ADULT conversation first. Not snatch our kid up and start cussing our mom that just watched our kids for FREE and gave our kids relief… but maybe that’s just how I was raised by the older generation :woman_shrugging:

No you are not wrong, she shoudl have asked. It does help, but thats a big no no .

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I did it to my kids and my parents/grandparents did it to us!!! Best remedy out there!!! Relax a little!! Let’s all go back to a time without this social media shit, fake chemical shit, and get back to what really works!!! Look to the past about what works in raising kids. That’s whiskey medicine, actual discipline, playing outside, no bandaid unless you’re bleeding, didn’t go to the doctor for every little thing, and riding in the back of pickups!!! Send me to the cops because I’m old school and was raised that way!!! I didn’t have phones to keep me entertained!! I went outside!!! Let’s get back to that and going back to old school!!!

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I think “being livid” and “going off” about it is a bit of an over reaction. She should have asked if that was okay. But also its not enough to hurt your baby. My dad has done it for both my kids, and my father in law has done it for my youngest. They both asked first but it works and its not going to hurt so in my mind its not a big deal.


I’d be livid! Everyone knows you use brandy :joy:


She should have asked, probably. But I wouldn’t be too upset. Your options for teething is 1)letting your baby go through that pain without help 2) Tylenol which is now under lawsuit for links to autism. 3) Orajel which will harden her gums and make it even worse for her OR 4) Whiskey. It’s old fashion but it works, and it’s safe. Cut your mom some slack, I think you both should probably discuss and apologize.


I love the “we did it and we’re all fine” rhetoric. Are we really all fine though?


That’s what a lot of “old timers” did for teething . I’m sure she wouldn’t do anything to hurt her grand child . Maybe just tell her you don’t want to go that route and she hopefully will respect that . But In all honestly I don’t think it hurt the child



But if it happened again
She wouldn’t keep her

Hey where I grew in West Virginia that is all they used for teething it just a dab and it nums the gums good better than some of the junk they have out now so Mom your baby will be fine Gma done nothing wrong just didnt want her grand baby hurting stay calm Mom :heart:


Your feelings are valid mama. As when medicating with ANYTHING the parents should always be consulted first. She crossed a line. Now it’s the time to make boundaries, if crossed again don’t send kid anymore til mom can respect you and care for the child in a way acceptable to you.


I understand that people use it, but I would be so pissed if my mom did that and didn’t ask my permission first. Your mom overstepped big time. I would be so livid.


Then watch your own kid.


jes, in the olden days they used that.

My mom did that with us and we were just fine. It just numbs them.


It helps a lot with teething. That little bit won’t hurt the baby.


It was proven many years ago that it doesn’t help and it’s toxic. Any medical professionals who recommend this still should lose their license. We’re not in the 80s anymore. They make lots of natural stuff for teething. Heck frozen fruits in a mesh bag is magic for teething !


I completely understand your feelings. Are you wrong for being upset? I would say no. However being upset and completely going isn’t the same thing.
People who have parented in different generations have different approaches to baby/kid issues.
They had to get creative because they didn’t have nearly half of the products we have now for littles. Mesh teethers weren’t a thing. Tylenol was a usually a last resort not the first. When faced with a situation with their grandchildren they often revert to what worked for them as parents because that’s what they know and it was “safe” for their own children.
Such is the case here.
Keep in mind that orajel isn’t even recommended for babies anymore because it also numbs their throat which makes swallowing difficult and causes excess saliva. In a lot ways a small drop of whiskey is probably safer than orajel.
That’s why people still (today’s parents) sometimes will use a small drop of vanilla on the gums because vanilla contains a small amount of alcohol.
I personally never did this as I wasn’t comfortable with it either.
I dunked baby spoons in ice water and let my kids chew on them or bought those mesh things and put cold fruit in them. On really bad days used Tylenol.
As mom you’re allowed to tell your mom you’re not comfortable with it and not to do it again…but rather than going off? TALK to her. Tell her why you’re uncomfortable with it. Tell her what you do to soothe your baby and give her the tools to use those methods.


Of course your Feelings are valid
But it has been used for 100’s of years to help with teething pain
My grandmother gave my baby 1oz of sugar water with ten drops of gin for colic. I thought she was crazy until I saw how it helped.
Old remedies sometimes are the best


Let it go, no harm done. Apologize to Mom for overreacting. Would you have rather your baby continued to fuss and be in pain?


Wow. What do u think they did back in the olden days? It’s okay I promise


If you don’t like the way she treats your child keep the child yourself. It’s not like she gave her whiskey to drink. Get over yourself.
And apologize to the Mother who raised you. Evidently you didn’t die so she did something right


I did it for my kids if it got bad.

You have a reason to be mad. It’s your child whether it’s grandma,aunt, uncle whatever. She should’ve asked first and if she offered to watch the baby she should reapect how you parent still. I understand a lot of people use it for teething but I personally choose not to as well.


So here’s the thing. Yes this is your child so your mom should respect your methods always. It sounds like your methods haven’t been doing the trick and so I think your mom was trying to be helpful. The above is the only important thing for both you and mom to realize but I want to add the below for you and all the moms. Millions of kids have had this done- doesn’t mean you have to change your views. Someone said “no Dr would ever suggest this now”- yeah some still do. Every single thing you give or expose your baby to has risks -every baby food, medicine, vaccine, wet wipe, diaper cream, etc. It all does and often you don’t know until later, many can tell you why this is “no big deal” but honestly it doesn’t matter what we think. At the end of the day again this is your child and your choice on raising I would take a deep breath and let your mom know that you need her to run things by you and let her know this scared you.


Your alittle in the wrong, whiskey is an old school method that some parents used on kids. Its not like she gave her a shot of it, she used a dab on her fingers or a towel and rubbed her gums. Atleast your daughter wasn’t in pain. If there is something different that she could have then tell her. I would use it on my son. I would apologize to your mom.


You are not at all wrong for being upset. These comments making excuses for her doing that are ridiculous. The people saying “keep the child yourself” are so ignorant. If a daycare worker or a different babysitter did this, I’m sure the comments would be a lot different. Just because she’s grandma, doesn’t mean she should get away with this. It’s not “the olden days” anymore.


Dude I did that to my child and they were fine. He’s now a teenager and doing perfectly fine. I get you got upset but my parents did the same thing and I turned out to be fine as well.


That’s a very old remedy… Did you leave her something else so she wouldn’t need to do it the ol fashion way😆 go give your Mamma a hug and tell her you prefer Ora gel😄


Yup…i used it with my kids…try it on yourself and you’ll see…it will numb your gums and nothing else! You should thank your mom! Lol


A new mom who thinks grandma’s don’t know squat about raising kids.


The ones supporting the grandmother are what’s wrong. Fucking cocaine was used in cold medicine for hundreds of years too and we learned that’s bad. Whiskey is high alcohol content. That’s in the baby’s bloodstream now.
It’s 2022. Time to STOP supporting barbaric “remedies” from the 60s. Kids DIED or were injured.

Girl… mama is just trying to help. I assure you, baby isn’t gonna be harmed at all. I did it with both of mine when orajel didn’t work. It just numbs their gums… really not a big deal.


Why it works great. Child happy. It don’t hurt them

I would rather use a little dab of whiskey rubbed over gums than a paste full of chemicals! It does not hurt the child! Geez


I did for my oldest. Nothing worked for him and he would scream and cry to the point he wouldn’t even let me touch him. My mom suggested it to me and it worked better than anything I had ever tried! But if you don’t like the way your mom takes care of your baby don’t leave your baby with her.


My kids grandad did that to rubbed it on worked well thou

I used it on my
kids and grandkids and my mom used it on us it really helps you are only running it on there gums there not drinking it

Okay yeah. It’s not like she gave her a shot of alcohol. That little bit just does what it’s for. It numbs the gums. It’s honestly probably healthier than some of the gum numbing stuff they have out anyways.


No amount of alcohol is safe for a baby


Yes its a old remedy and it works


Get over it. Evidently you lived. You might want to listen to her. A penny worth of whiskey makes more
Sense then a $10 tube of chemical that probably won’t work as good. Women raised Babies for thousands of years before Orajel was invented.


You’re totally overreacting


Both my kids got whiskey for teething. It an old school remedy and a pediatrician will probably tell you the same. Go apologize to your momma. She made your baby happy and relieved of her pain.


No harm done. Chill out, it’s a remedy that’s been used for years


Absolutely not. I would also be livid. If I were you I’d wait to leave the child with her again until she’s finished teething.


It works very well. Our parents used it on us and we’re still alive. Shes trying to help so calm down


Yes you are overreacting and no at the same time. In this day and she of mothering it would be frowned upon. And many people don’t use it. However, it works. Your mom should have gotten your permission before doing it.

It’s such a small amount it won’t hurt your baby by any means but I can see how you feel a hard line was crossed.

I would be furious. I would never allow it.


My rents did it to us when we were younger

That’s how they handled teething back then. We actually tried it with our daughter when nothing else was working. I think you need to have a talk with your mom on how you would like things handled, but understand she wasn’t trying to harm your baby, she was trying to soothe her the way she knew how.


Did it with my oldest too a few times

Why be mad? I’m willing to bet that whiskey has wayyyyyy less chemicals than orajel in it. I doubt she gave her enough to harm her. And that’s what was used way back when and they’re all okay


I’d find a new sitter!

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You are completely wrong it’s just a little and works better than teething meds


It’s ok to be upset because it’s your child, but I would take a step back at look at the situation-your moms intentions were to help your daughter. She wasn’t trying to cause harm - so I would let it go. But I would have a conversation with your mom telling her how you feel. My mom watched my son, and would sometimes do things I wasn’t so happy with. However, she always had the right intentions & was just doing what she did when I was a kid….so sometimes you have to bite your tongue or pay someone to watch your child so that you can comfortably set the boundaries & not fracture your relationship with your mom!


Take it easy…it’s made out of natural products…and it was just a dab


Put it on my kids gums. No harm.


:heart: I’m sorry you felt the way you did! It’s super scary when you are unfamiliar with practices like that. I’ve heard this old wives tale and when I was a super young mom I was dead set against it and you couldn’t change my mind. My dad’s an alcoholic so it really had me pressed! My daughter Samantha struggled with teething so bad. I had her on Motrin, teething tabs, teething rings, cold wash cloths, you name it I tried it! She would scream and scream in agony. We had an older country pediatrician and last resort he told me try some whiskey on her gums. I was tired of medicating my child with zero results and her little gums were fire red. I tried it and immediately she calmed down and took the best nap! I had tried everything. I expressed to my pediatrician how terrible it made me feel giving my baby alcohol and he said the only terrible thing is to let your baby suffer when you know there’s help out there. I’m not trying to talk you into this remedy by any means! Just letting you know that harm is the furthest thing on someone’s mind when they just want a baby to be out of pain. Mothers just want their kids happy! I would definitely talk to your mom and go over ground rules for babysitting. I hope you can get through this :pray:


It works and has less chemical than teething gels.


We had whiskey on our gums as babies and so did all 4 of my children,you need to apologize to your momma she is wiser and knows what works, and she relieved your baby of pain, its not like she drugged your child or got ur baby drunk, you need to severely apologize and ask her what other old wives remedies she knows because they are the best


My grandma used bourbon when my son was a baby.


You are Overreacting…she meant no harm. It’s an old school remedy that actually works. Over the counter creams don’t work as well as home remedies. My mom did it on us and we did it on our kids and now my daughter is doing it to her 8 month old because it’s what helps the baby best. How uncomfortable for your mom…now she must feel like she’s walking on egg shells. You need to talk to your mom and just let her know your expectations but she meant no harm.


Don’t listen to the ones saying you’re wrong, you aren’t… it’s your baby and if you don’t want her to have something or do a certain thing etc you are right on. I’d be pissed. I don’t care who you are, you ask me first before you give or do anything to my child.


It’s a tried and tested working remedy. You have the right to ask that she asked you beforehand but shouldn’t it also be your baby felt better. She won’t be scarred for life. It had no effect except dulled her pain for a while. Ease up on your mom a little bit l.


You’re over reacting. It’s been a tried and true remedy for years. It is no less safe than orajel or Tylenol as far as possible side effects go if used properly. In your Mother’s day this was a recommended and acceptable remedy, it worked, and you are fine.
Apologize, and tell her that in the future you would prefer to use other remedies.


People have been doing that for years. It’s not like she gave the baby a shot. She rubbed her gums and it numbed it and made it feel better. Yes I think you going off was uncalled for but it’s your baby…


Old school ways usually work the best ! You may learn a thing or two from your mom !


Did that a time or 2 when ours were little

I am a firm believer that you don’t give other people’s children medication or anything else without their parents permission. Period. :woman_shrugging:t3:


OMG chill! It works. It helps better than oral gel. Old school.


My mom did the same thing for us …and I have a toothache that’s what I use. It clams nerve . Don’t use a whole lot of it. I think overreacting.

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U act like she gave ur daughter a shot … she dipped her finger in whiskey and rub it on the babies gums no harm…my grandma gave my oldest a cinnamon stick that was soaking in her gin and tonic now that pissed me off my 3 yr old was basically drunk I was so pist she never watched him alone again hes 19 now and perfect

It’s been used for many years.

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I would be PISSED. You are not wrong. Grandma is.

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It’s not like she put whiskey in your babies bottle and called it a day. She seen her grandbaby in pain and new just want to do.

Those old remedies……I think people forget that back then they didn’t have all the access to what we do today. And most of today’s medicine does nothing for your body but cause harm.


She should’ve talked to you bout it first


I get both sides. Your mom probably didn’t think of it as something wrong, since it is a remedy. She should’ve asked you first, but the fact of the matter is … it helped your child and no harm was done. You can express to your mother that you would like to be asked before she does such a thing again. On the other hand, you trusted your mother to watch your child and she did it to the best of her ability with the knowledge she’s gained from raising you. You process your anger and transmute it into something more peaceful because anger never gets you anywhere. I personally think you’re over reacting and a bit ungrateful.


Relax, it works…and you turned out okay didn’t you?


Yes you are its better than the other stuff


Cool it . It works and it’s harmless. You should be glad your mother showed you !


Old time remedy also cleans it. Better than the other stuff


She got your child out of pain… You should thank her


My parents did it to us growing up and I’ve done it with both kids it’s not enough to hurt her or get her drunk it works as a numbing agent


Yes! It was always used for teething babies. All 4 of mine got it. Grandma knew how to help baby’s pain


I see no harm in what Grandma did. When my mother was alive, I never doubted a single thing she did for my children.


O MY GOODNESS! HOW OLD ARE YOU? I took my daughter to a dr and he recommended rubbing some on her gums lol most mothers have done this, was the child acting drunk? Like slobbering and making unusual sounds? Im sure she didn’t pour a shot in the baby’s mouth, POOR MOM!


She helped your baby find relief, what’s the problem? Would you have rather returned to her letting the baby cry in pain? Make it make sense,


Your baby is fine, obviously. Call your mom and apologize. The over the counter stuff has way more ingredients and chemicals that you can’t even pronounce. She literally just numbed the gums, she didn’t get the baby drunk.


Yes, you are very wrong. She said she put it on the gums, not poured down the throat. It has worked well for at least 100 yrs. or even more. Listen to you elders. You might learn something.