I’m at the start of trying to find an egg donor, so my eight and a half-month-old daughter can have a brother or sister. I’m reading people’s ads for donors that read more like job applications from millionaires. I think who in their right mind would want to donate to me. I’m almost 38. I’m not rich, and God damn it some weekends I wear track pants and eat dinner in front of the TV. I’m reading ads from people that have 4 - 5 children already and I’m thinking " don’t you have enough already " does that make me a horrible person.?? and people flying overseas to pay 60 to 70 thousand dollars for a donor. Ok, that’s fine, but unless I sell my soul, I’m not going to be able to afford that ( and I’m petrified of flying anyway ). My husband and I have so much love to give, and shouldn’t that be enough.??
Try adopting. Or fostering to adopt. Plenty of kids need loving homes.
There are so many other ways, hun. Foster, adopt, egg adoption…don’t limit yourself to just egg donation.
I think your thoughts on others having enough is coming from a place of pain. I have a big family and I’m not offended. I hope you and your hubby have another baby. Some people use acupuncture for fertility issues, maybe look into it.
You could always adopt or become foster parents
I have looked into becoming an egg donor but the criteria is just rediculas honestly. I understand being jealous it comes from pain, it doesnt make you a bad person it makes you human. Best of luck!
Your thoughts and feelings are completely valid.
You don’t have to be a fancy millionaire to be a perfectly good parent.
Just a heads up, make sure to check your state/local laws regarding egg donation/surrogacy and such. I just recently found out that some states have some pretty strict laws about that sort of thing.
post like this make me wish i was able to donate mine. shitty genetics disqualify me from surrogacy, egg donation and really anything pregnancy related. sucks so much i wish it was easier to obtain them
I was a donor for a while. I never got paired with anyone. Kind of bummed me out.
I’d donate some eggs to you if I wasnt currently pregnant! But maybe in the next couple of months if you’re still looking keep me in mind.
Love the child you have some have none
Just breath and let it happen , you just never know what’s around the corner. Keep being a awesome mom and let life show you what’s in store.
I would have loved to be an egg donor but never qualified as I have given a child up for adoption
Can you ask a family member or a friend if they can donate?
have you looked into donated embryos from couples that have done IVF but no longer want anymore kids but still have some frozen? They give that couple a choice of donating or letting them thaw. Not sure on the parameters of that but its a thought.
Adopt. Foster… there are many options here.
Where do you live?
I’ll donate
I’d donate my eggs once my pregnancy is over in May
It should be! And is!
Ask friends, family members! Ask your local community ! Id donate a egg or carry a child for any of my loved ones.
I’d be glad to donate eggs,but I’m “too old”.
Have you considered fostering to adopt?? It’s affordable and those kids need a loving home
Before i got my tubes tied I wanted to be an egg donor but its ridiculous the “qualifications” they expect you to have
I know it’s probably not the popular opinion, but do it organically. Find a woman that has what you want in a “mother”. Have your husband do what he needs to do to make a baby. Then have the “mother” sign rites over to you and your husband as mom and dad. Might be cheaper that way too.
I’ve always wanted to be a donor/surragant, I have 2 of my own and would love to give someone what I have, I know you said you have one already but two is so much more. Problem is I don’t fit all of the qualifications … if you’re in California… I’d help! We can wear track/yoga pants together and stuff out faces while watching tv on the couch haha
You’re not in the wrong for feeling what you are but you also have to understand that donating isn’t easy… it’s not like getting a quick shot and walking out of the office and grabbing a coffee. Plus the criteria to be a donor is insane.
Ok I’m officially done with the page. It has the stupidest stories and it just seems like COMPLETE BULL shite and some kind of need for attention. Bye bye!
I would have loved to have donated, but I don’t have a bachelor’s so my eggs are dumb, I guess. 🤷
Is it necessary to use Gods name in vain?
I’d love to. I have 6 of my own…but they want colleges degrees, etc completely insane!! Maybe ask a friend or adopt a baby/kid. I’d love to do that as well.
Aww, I’d so give you some of my eggs if I could! But unfortunately I’m a carrier for a terminal genetic disease and it was passed on to my son so I don’t think I would be able to I hope you’re able to find someone!
I looked into donation, but I am too old. I am 27
I wish I could donate. I have depression and anxiety and I’m pretty sure that would scare people off. But I’d like to help.
Foster to adopt! It’s a great option.
Instead of looking for a donor please adopt a baby or child who’s already here & needs your love.
Everybody saying to adopt or foster…yeah that’s a great option but stop trying to force what you would do on another…no where has the lady posting stated she wants to adopt…she wants to find an egg donor and hear advice about that …
I donated twice and I don’t have any degrees. I was 25 when I donated both times. I was in perfect health and had a daughter of my very own at the time. I live in Texas. I also donated to one of the best donation clinics in my city. They did ask alot of questions and do blood work but I was happy to help two different families in any possible way.
I hope & pray you find a donor, but you are hilarious! You should start a blog. Your sense of humor is relatable! Good luck
Adopt or foster then
I would totally donate my eggs, but I have a genetic disorder called Marfan Syndrome which is a dominant gene so there is a huge risk that any biological child of mine could have it too. I already have 1 child out of 3 with it and she was diagnosed before me through genetic testing.
Please adopt!! There are kids that need u now!! Go through your state foster system if u can not afford private adoption.
Ive looked into donating for years. The BMI chart wont let me!
And the BMI after 3 kids is higher then what i was growing up and before kids! I was not an over weight child.
I think it’s very unfair of you to make that remark about “don’t you have enough” in regards to the number of children someone has. Many women out there can’t conceive or even afford to have one child, you have a baby already. What a slap in the face that would be if someone deemed you as already “having enough”.
Just my thoughts.
I have been a surrogate and want to donate my eggs but most clinics have weight restrictions and I’m only a few lbs over but they won’t even look at me it’s heart breaking i just want to be able to do it
If you are reading this, I will donate one to you.
I’ll donate one for free
I think it’s a normal part of the infertility process to have those feelings. Life isn’t kind to all of us in the same way. I don’t think feelings are necessarily “wrong”, but it isn’t fair to judge people on how many kids they have or what they can afford to do to grow their family.
I think she’s saying that ppl r posting adds looking for a donor and they already have 4 kids and trying to have another one.
I would love to donate but i found out there was a weight restriction and i just had a little one of my own. This is our only and i would love to get the chance to donate!
I think ur feeling normal. This can’t be easy for u. U aren’t a bad person for having ur own thoughts and feelings. I pray this works out for u. From someone who does have 4 kids, albeit after 5 miscarriages, if I could do this I would. So someone who can’t can
I would love to donate one for free but i am pregnant right now with my first, me and my husband were just talking about this we would love to donate to someone!!
Why does it matter how many kids they have or how much money they have? Unless I’m misunderstanding you are looking for an egg to add to your family. This kid wont be there kid. It wont have their money and last I checked they dont have to approve of you. They donate, you pick them out of a book (or application) the doctor does the rest. They dont even get to know who are you. So why does it matter?
If I could I would donate one for free but I’m struggling to have a second of my own ): I dont have very good advice on it but I hope you get your little blessing
Am I the only one with multiple children who didn’t take offense to get comment she’s not judging she’s coming from a place of despair she’s at a place where it seems she’s never going to have another and those lucky people have four this probably isn’t her everyday thinking in Walmart if I had eggs left I would donate them all to you
I think frustration makes us think and say things that sound unfair, rude, offensive…ect… I totally got where you were coming from. No it doesn’t make you a horrible person, but maybe don’t be so jealous and try to be more loving about it. I don’t know the process of doing it, I’ve had all the kids I’m ever going to have and i lack the ability to donate since I’ve have both of my ovaries removed. But i if could i would donate to you. And i think maybe if you use this platform as a way to network rather than judge you may find a donor closer and more adorable to you.
Id donate one for a third of that! Don’t believe you’d have to fly to KY
I can understand the frustration and almost desperation of trying so hard. Frustration can make a person feel so many others things…they may not all sound nice and it doesnt mean that’s really how a person feels. Everyone has said mean things in anger or frustration.
You are allowed to be frustrated. Fertility is a shity angry hole sometimes.
If youre that desperate for children then adopt …there are millions of children overlooked who need a loving home
I would happily donate but I’m not eligible
Egg donation isn’t often covered by insurance, so the you are expected to cover the cost (which is included in that 60-70 thousand dollars). Not to mention donors still experience symptoms like crazy and unpredictable mood swings, pain and discomfort. Yes, infertility is terrible and frustrating and can bring out the worst in some. However, it doesnt matter how many kids someone has. Maybe their dream was to have a big family and they had fertility issues as well, except they can afford a donor.
If you have so much love to give… ADOPT!
I would donate my eggs to you for FREE! I’m a happy healthy 27 year old with 3 kids and am done having babies!
I would donate as many times as you needed
I’m sure you’ve thought of this and probably want a blood relative, and to experience pregnancy again but keep in my mind all the children in the system that need homes as well. I wish I had some good advice but that’s all I have.
I’m confused, are you wanting to use someone’s egg and have your own child or are you trying to adopt? I’m just confused with the mentioning of a person having to many kids… why would it matter if they were your child?
I would donate in exchange for a surrogacy.
Yes. It should be enough. Not meeting unrealistic qualifications is why our foster homes and orphanages are overflowing with children needing good loving homes, not wealthy ones.
I would give you an egg
Omg I’d donate to you in a heartbeat if I could
Maybe try being a foster family? I’m not familiar with the legalities but I think you may be able to adopt a child a little easier that way.
I’d love to be a surrogate. If you see this, feel free to contact me.
I have pretty children I’d be more then happy to help
I’m also confused are you looking for egg donation or a surrogate if your looking for an egg I got some u can have just pay for the procedure they aren’t fancy or rich but they worked to create my kids
I think you have a point about having enough love but it’s clear you’re under estimating the egg donation process. It’s a HUGE commitment for the donor. They will have to take medications and have medical procedures done on top of knowing that they will have a biological child they will never know. They deserve to be paid. Maybe consider adoption, there are a ton of children who need a home and while adoption is a lengthy and difficult process it seems like it might be a good avenue to peruse.
Find someone who would want to do a split cycle. Someone who has good eggs and would donate half of them if you split the cost of the egg retrieval. It’s a win win for both parties.
I love seeing all these women willing to help
I’m sorry. That’s the nature of it. I pray you find a donor❤️
i would donate my eggs to u
Do you have a sister or sister in law that would donate a egg or be a surrogate.
I want to donate and have made two beautiful children but I’m overweight and 31 so no donation agencies will take me
I would love to donate my eggs to you but I’m not sure how the process works, if you’d like to get in contact please email me at janelycantu97@icloud.com
I’m 22 years old & a mother of 2 boys ages 4 and 1
I would donate if, I could go through Ivf cycle also, with you we both get fertilized eggs and prayers for healthy pregnancy. Have donated in past, all successful.
Shit I’m fixed and got eggs have at em the sooner the gone the sooner I can say buy to my period
Take my ovaries after this baby PLEASE!
If I have any left, you can have them! Everyone should be able to achieve having a child by any means necessary if they so choose. It shouldn’t be so outrageously expensive!
Listen you can have all these eggs .
It’s a crazy process. So many rules for the donors to follow. Trust me, I’ve looked it up. Cant say no to money, especially when these blue eyes have been proven to be dominate over brown eyes in our family. Lol. But I cant cause of the rules and regulations of it.
Is it horrible for saying that. Hmm I can’t say yet. Why are you upset about women who already have 4 or 5 kids? Is it bc they’re selling their eggs? Who are you to say, they have enough kids? I’m hoping you can answer my question so I can understand where you’re coming from!
I would love to donate. Funny thing is I have been thinking about donating my eggs to someone. I would love to make someone else happy and pregnant and I have decided I don’t want anymore children. (I have 1 son who will be 3 in March) Im happy with just the one and I am so fertile its not even funny. I see so many women who can’t get pregnant breaks my heart knowing that they may never get the chance
I wouldn’t say anything about people who already have several kids. You already have one, but you want another and that’s perfectly fine. Doesn’t matter if they have 10 kids, if they want 11 that’s not anyone else business. You’ll find a donor! Hope all goes well!
Im 38 and have 5 healthy kids. I looked into becoming a donor. They told me I was too old. I don’t plan on having more children but I have yet to make the leap to get fixed. I was hoping someone could benefit from them
As someone who did not struggle to conceive but struggled greatly to carry, I get the jokes about “take mine! Now!”, etc. but be sensitive to the person posing this question, she is dealing with something perhaps you don’t know anything about. My first son was 2 months early and weighed 2 lbs, finally on my 7th pregnancy I had another baby boy. Also delivered early due to very low heartbeat…just be sensitive, that’s all. Those of us that struggle never want to give up the idea of having more than one baby to love forever.
Only children have it better off in life all the way around … why not adopt or become foster parents if you want to give so much love out?
I would love to help you , if you would let me…but I’m not sure if I meet the criteria …I am medically healthy and I have 2 of my own…9yr old and a 2yr old…and I’m in the us…
Honestly I’m considering donating eggs when I’m done having kids (which may or may not be after this next child) and I always thought that it should be affordable for people who need/deserve it… Good luck to you
To everybody on here saying they would donate but know the reqirements the need to meet. These are the requirements on the egg donors of america website
-Between the ages of 21 and 31
-Physically healthy
-Have a BMI 19-29 [BMI Calculator]
-Have regular, monthly menstrual periods
-Not using contraceptive implants or Depo-Provera injections as a form of birth control
-Have both ovaries
-Psychologically healthy
-No current use of psychoactive drugs
-No history of substance abuse
-No family history of inheritable genetic disorders
-Willing to take injections
-Dependable, mature, and able to keep appointments
Its a lot and very few meet all requirements. Although i do hope you find somebody who meets them and is willing to donate for you. Good luck!
I’m not sure if it is an option at all, but is it possible for parents who have done IVF and still have frozen embryos to donate them? Would that be something you would consider at all?
Eggs come and go and most don’t care for them even when fertilized and become a fetus, fetuses nowadays are either aborted or carried until delivered then put up for adoption; you’ll probably have better chances in adoption as it’s also an option with less risks or chances of miscarriage (after spending so much money on an egg that might fail); there’s many children who already need love and if you’re willing to put that kind of money into buying an egg, perhaps putting that money towards the health care for a child who actually needs the health care is the more better option. But that’s just imo.
Idk how this work, but i might would donate an egg I mean, if you’re looking for a real spicy Italian baby with a good tan I’m your girl lol
If I can donate aftee getting fixes you can hAve couple of mine.
I am currently pregnant and I am tieing my tubes after I have my baby I would be glad to give all my eggs