Compassion for your wife. Learn new things about her…people change. Maybe you can find a new crush on your wife.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am married but have a girl crush on someone: Advice?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am married but have a girl crush on someone: Advice?
Look for ways/things to appreciate your spouse and fall in love with them all over again
If you’re happily married…how come?.. there’s always a reason for everything.agood person have empathy and not self centered .
People aren’t meant to love only one person it’s in our nature to love and there is nothing wrong with that, but we do pledge our faithfulness to one person and there is where the balance lies. This is where the line is drawn.
Don’t do it! You will feel guilty for the rst of your life it’s not worth it. Work on your present relationship make our spouse happy!
A crush is like artwork. You can enjoy looking at it, enjoy its beauty, appreciate it, but like precious artwork you’d never just pick it up and take it with you. Look, admire, enjoy, but don’t touch.
Remember what made you fall in love with your husband. Recall all the beautiful memories you have, revisit difficult times and how you got through them together. Look over old pictures of you both and you will quickly realise how precious what you already have is.
We all have had crushes but it becomes much more serious if you act upon them. If you are happily married or have kids put it out of your mind!!! Life is hard enough without complicating it more! Good Luck, Make Good Decisions!
You are getting old and think someone else can help you get over it stay married and act like you love your marriage
Wow some people seem to think its a crime to have a little crush on someone. Its absolutely harmless, and normal i might add, as long as u dont act on it. We all see people and take a little liking to them every now and then, and it certainly doesnt mean your acting childish. Give it time and it will pass.
I Would focus on what you said “Happily” married. The grass is not greener on the other side you need to water what you have look at your husband and find the things that you fell in love with and you can feel that girly crush with your spouse not a new person.
Respect the honesty and the fact you want help to stop thinking about her.
Crushes are a chemical reaction. Try to find a way to distance yourself from this person.
Try to keep distance from that person as much as possible.
We are attracted to things we strive to be… Don’t think of it as a crush… Don’t sexualized it. Let the thought pass. Not every thought we have means thats how we feel. Spend more quality time with hubby. I wish the best for you.
Maybe it’s been something…feelings you’ve hidden all your life and actually now coming out
Who knows but, possibly stay apart from both and see . A thought
You need to think about what is honestly making you feel this way. If you are Bi and trying to fight against it, that can mess with you. Are you drawn to things that are missing in your current relationship? You can have a great relationship and still be missing something.
So stop and thing HONESTLY about what and how you feel before you worry about “getting over it”. If you don’t know what “it” is, you’ll never be able to deal with it
Doesn’t meant you have to act on it, just try to divert your inhibitions elsewhere when able.
Minimize your time with this person until you can keep your thoughts in check, and think about what matters to you most!
Define “crush.” Are you just looking at this person And thinking they’re hot and then going about your business or, do they consume your thoughts through much of the day. If it’s the former then it’s not really a problem. No harm in checking anyone out as long as that’s as far as it goes. But if it’s the latter, you may need to talk to a professional.
Me and my ex had many problems that wouldn’t stop change or go away, then I met my girl crush and knew what I deserved for myself and what he deserved for himself. After the first year he was fine with it. He hurt for awhile but he wasn’t happy in the relationship either he had realized and it was for the better.
I’ll tell what I’d tell my child they are both in their 40’s you answered your own question your married
I feel like everyone on this post has jumped the wrong way about things. ‘Speak to your husband about trying to explore this’ or ‘but your MARRIED’ Like its a damn sin to even breathe a thought not about them. So ill go the other side of things… She NEVER said she would act on it. And was merely asking advice. Ill be honest, im a woman, married with kids and yes its happily. But honestly, I have had the odd few crushes, male AND female while married. Me and my husband are open and talk about it. Its not anything I would ever act on and he knows it. Sometimes you’re just drawn to people. Maybe their looks, a trait they have, something. Its possible to crush/love someone without wanting to have sex with them. So, I would say, unless its good for you and helps you, then yes by all means distance or what not, but for me, I would say just keep moving forward as normal, these things sometimes just have to run their course and it will fade as quickly as it appeared, if not, cross that bridge maturely when it comes to it, Just be grown ups about it. Seriously.
I usually try to spend more time with that person and get to know pretty well that usually works right away cause I remember how much people suck
Every marriage goes through dry spells. Take some time alone with your spouse away from the everyday and rediscover what attracted you to them. If you do not find it, the “crush” might be a symptom of something more serious.
2yrs and I still haven’t got over my girl crush!!
It’s not actually a crush . It means your missing something lately in your marriage when you figure that out that crush will be gone
Take all your net worth. Cut it in half. Then use the other half to pay your lawyer and any outstanding bills off. Then get ready for at least 10 to 20 years of your ex coming at you out of know where for more money. And for the situation to be entirely your fault. Plus cut your friends list by about 75 %. Then get ready for one your good friends to tell you he banging your exwife/ex husband .
It gets bad after that.
Just throwing this out there for all the people getting upset by other people’s responses… it’s not your place to get upset or talk bad to people responding. Whoever this anonymous person is that asked this question, put it out for the public to respond, good or bad. That’s on them, they aren’t asking you to defend them.
We’re human hun, we tend to have feeling for all people one way or another, communicate with your partner let them know, is it really a romantic feeling or does this person offer something that your partner doesn’t? Figure out what your feeling really are and why, is this person you are having strong emotional feeling for have said or done anything to make you feel this way, do they feel this way.
Is it sexual or desire you are wanting/ attracted too? Sometimes we think we want something sexual but really it’s the attention we are wanting.
Talk to your partner , write these answer down and if your partner gets upset it’s okay, it’s normal for them and it’s probably going to hurt them and understand that. Your partner feeling are important in this just as much as your and the other person you have feeling for.
Imagine how devastated your spouse would be if you acted on it. Do you want to do that to her? Would you want to be the one who shatters her heart and make her feel like the most worthless thing on the planet? If the thought of your spouse sobbing for weeks on end and feeling like less than nothing and forever asking herself why wasn’t she enough for you doesn’t cool your jets, maybe you should really figure out why that wouldn’t be enough.
Not trying to be rude but sounds like you got a lot of time on your hands for a wondering mind maybe pick up a hobby or work out make more time for for you and your spouse
You’re married. There’s nothing to think about. Just get over it.
There’s really nothing you can do to stop a crush. Id just be honest with your partner and tell them. You never know they might be in to it.
Why worry about it,chances are you’re husband does as well
Im here for the comments. All these women giving advice it’s hilarious. Gonna be the same with your husband when he’ll have a crush on someone?
Try communicating with your partner and maybe feel out if you can ask that the third party may join in sometimes? I have yet to do that buuuuut it’s not unheard of lol.
Grass is not greener on the other side remember why you married in the frist place
Sounds like things I would google as a teenager. As you can see, it didn’t work. My advice? Go for it
What about her are you attracted to? Is it her personality? Her looks?
Well is it a crush or a girl crush? Because if you are sexually/romantically interested that is just a regular crush and obviously is a different approach lol
Maybe you’re confusing a crush with admiration.
Separate yourself from your crush and go on a date with your wife. Its temptation dont fall for it. It can and will destroy all that is good in your life.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Keep your eyes on what you have and not what belongs to others or you will loose what you have.
All of yous on here saying clearly she isnt happily married etc. Damnnnnn you guys must be insecure and untrusting
Wait is this the girl from the guy post?? It’s the same story
Do not act on it…it is a fantasy…fantasies are free…breaking up your marriage will be wrong
Rock salt shells in a shotgun. That will fix those cravings
If you were happily married you wouldn’t have a girl crush.
Flee from the devil and it shall flee from u
You’re going thru an age faze. Move on and stay on your path, YOU ARE MARRIED…
Just remember
Please ignore it and walk away for the sake of your marriage
Plot twist: She’s been comp het for 40 years
You’ll be alright in due time!
You are obviously NOT happily married.
Or jump their bones and be done with it…
I’ve had plenty of Girl crushes and No my husband isn’t willing to act on it at all:rofl:
Grow the fuck up. That’s what you do!
It’s ok to be attracted to people, there are lots of amazing and beautiful and interesting people on the planet… you have an arrangement with your marriage… Have you thought of telling your partner how you feel or is this your secret where if the opportunity was to arise you would contemplate taking it beyond just being attracted? What kind of person are you? Who do you want to be? Perhaps your partner deserves the energy you are spending on someone else? Who do you want to be and what would you want your partner to do if the situation was reversed? How do you want to behave with your partner? How much respect attraction love lust are you showing your partner? Do you even look at your partner the same way that you look at the person you are attracted to? Are you giving all of yourself when with your partner in this relationship of yours or have you got some bit of yourself that you secretly reserve for other people ? This is about you and who you are? Are you open and honest with your partner? Are you still attracted to your partner? Where is this coming from within you, what are your motives or where does this stem from? This attraction for someone else besides your partner is it born from feelings and emotions within you i.e being insecure or a past trauma or selfishness etc etc etc
Just gonna say it again- what if monogamy is the real fetish? #justsaying.
There’s no need to blow up your marriage over a crush
Lol have a threesome
Are you a guy or a gal
Threesome . If he can’t hit it why should you.
There’s absolutely no wrong kind of love. All love is good. Especially if it is reciprocated. Keep it at a personal level.
I have no idea when this page became this… Who cares…? Leaving this page, Deuces!
Leave it alone that dangerous, the devil is tempting you
I am married for almost 30 years. I have a crush on so many hmong men out there.
You are a married period
Easy. Ditch the crush, you’re MARRIED
Talk to your husband. Maybe invite her over if he’s ok with it
Explore it with your husband
laughs in polyamory
The grass is never greener on the other side. The time and energy you’re wasting on her. Will hurt your marriage and spouse
That energy and should invested into your partner.
Something is def lacking in your married life to make you pay attention to other people.
Focus really hard on doing things that will help you grow and then focus extra hard on an area in which you and your spouse have struggled immensely. Also, pray everytime the feelings come up that God will distract you and/or remove them. Sometimes a healthy admiration for someone can turn into an unhealthy obsession. Distractions and reordering our thoughts can help! Take care of yourself
Just relax, it’s normal, and any man or woman who hasn’t had a crush on someone else other than their spouse (regardless of gender) is full of crap, it happens, it’s normal and it’s healthy, most don’t act on it, and it passes in time, and if it’s the same gender as you, it does not imply you are gay or bi, just means you are attracted to someone usually for physical reasons or cuz they mentally stimulate you (are an interesting person)… As I said it’s normal, so don’t stress, most people don’t act on the crush or attraction, it’s called self control and freedom of choice, only you can decide if your curiosity is worth the negative consequences if you actually acted on your crush, is losing everything you have built and worked for worth it? Probably not, just exercise self control and leave it as a crush
Just make up your Mind that you are already committed and off the market. That means that’s it that’s the end- over- fini- no choice ! you made a decision keep your word to yourself!
Anybody remember the song from the 1970s called “Torn between two lovers”?
The answer is actually very simple… You choose chronologically the second lover because if you truly loved the first, there wouldn’t be a second.
If you where really happily married you would not be asking
Tell your wife she will set u straight or ask u to bring her over for a threesome orgy then u can have your cake and eat too
Your marriage is over. You have a little lust, not a crush.
If you are 15, you need advice
Go take a cold shower or get a shot for crying out loud
People still get married, why
Why try not to think about it? Enjoy the fantasy!
Just a phase. It will pass.
3sum solves that issue
Think about what you won’t more and what is best for you. Think Think Think first.
Smash her than pass her bruh ain’t no one gots to know
You already cheated !!
I had a girl crush on both of my previous managers. One of them decided she was done with the company and left in November. My other manager I had a girl crush on ended up becoming someone I despised and she also left the company. One was married, the other was in a serious relationship. One is only 5 years older than me, the other is old enough to be my mom.
Stop being such a hoe
You’re hypocrite and STUPID… why ? How can you say you are happily married… and now you like this girl… YOU ARE STUPID…
Most likely in time it will go away on its own
Ask your spouse for a threesome lol if you’re into that kinda thing.
Bang it and get out
Is this Matt Hancock?