I am nervous to have a 3rd c section: Advice?

I was terrified of my third csection also. It turned out to be my easiest. I had a hard time recovering with my first two. I had infections and a lot of pain. My third was easy as pie. I had a lot less pain and my incision healed better. Definitely get a belly band. It helps hold everything together.

Just had my 3rd c section last week, to me the harder part about recovery is the children that are at home that still need your care. I took my time researching about all the things that I didn’t think were positive experiences in the first two sections and advocated for my self about my concerns and safety, got anesthesia consults to make sure I understood more and had an amazing dr who really payed everything out on the table about exactly what could happen the potential risks and benefits. Ask to speak about your concerns it can’t hurt and if someone doesn’t listen ask for someone else. I had the most positive birth experience this time around and I couldn’t be more grateful.

I’ve talked to my doctor about this as well. I’ve had 2 csections and my doctor said I have a bunch of scar tissue attached to my bladder. There is a risk of tearing the bladder if I have another csection but it heals fast. She said specifically that I can have another if I want, and she does tell some women to stop based on scar tissue and other complications. I would listen to your doctor and ask specifically but if your doctor did not mention additional risk I would not be worried.

My mom had all 4 kids via c-section. I know that recovering from c-section in general is tough, but she is a tough cookie. Don’t stress too much… make sure you aren’t trying to do everything on your own & ask for help. It doesn’t make you weak or a bad mom when you ask for help - we push ourselves too hard as mothers. Also, it isn’t that no one wants to help you if they aren’t asking you… they just don’t want to offend you. We are psycho postpartum. At least I was. :rofl:

I had to have a c-section with my first and in currently pregnant with my second and I’m choosing to have another C-section since I’m getting my tubes tied I went through hell the first time trying vaginally so I don’t wanna do it again just quick and done

I’m getting ready to have my 4th c section. My 3rd was same as the first 2.a little more pain but recovery was the same. Good luck you got this!!!

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I had 3 csections in 3 years my last one was with our 7 month old in my experience it was my worst not sure if its cause i had my tubes tied or because i was confined to the bed for three days while at hospital because of covid regulations with my first two i was up and walking halls as soon as they took my cather out but one thing i have learned is each pregnancy and each csection are different experiences with my first they gave me a binder and pain pump for 6 hours post op and then oral pain meds my second i got no pain medication whatsoever other than tylenol and i requested a binder i never got so i sent my husband three hours round trip to get mine from our my first delivery and with our third they gave me iv and oral pain medication like clock work every four hours wheter i asked or not but they didnt offer binders i did have all three at different hospitals though my oldest was born in a completely different state as my last two

It couldn’t hurt to seek a second opinion, have them weigh the pros and cons and go over it with you and express your concerns

I had 3 sections years ago …I never had no problems…I wanted to have them vaginally but dr said no and I’m glad I didnt…first one was Frank breach and other two had cord around their neck and body about 6 times …

I have 4 kids, all of them Csection. No issues whatsoever with neither of them.

I have had 4 c sections. At my 4th my physician did say I had alot of scar tissue and that can complicate recovery. But I did fine. I had a tubal, so 4 is where I stopped. I would suggest speaking to your DR

After my 3rd C-section I had my tubes tied right after the baby was born, I knew I couldn’t do it again…I think after 3 it’s definitely not safe to try for a vaginal delivery… maybe after 1 but not 3, too risky.

I had 3 c sections twins in 2006 one in 2007 and my last in 2010 and honestly my last one was the best one ever I barley had pain or anything the second one was the worst for me everyone is different I know some people who have had 4-6 c sections yes there are moser risk the more you have but that goes for c section or vaginally having a baby any way has it’s own risks don’t work your self up unless there is something wrong stay calm for you and your baby

I think it is all based on surgical site, scar tissue, the reasons for the need of csection. The more csections you have the more risk there are during a TOLAC. Id get a second opinion if you feel strongly on it, but try to remember the doctor will try to limit risks.

I had 5 c sections and I had a uterine window with my last one and now can not carry anymore children safely.

I’ve had 4 c sections. The first one at age 19. My last one at the age 37. You’ll be good!!! And good luck hun!!!

Check other hospitals around you. Only some do vbacs.

I’ve seen women who’ve had more than 5+ caesarians and they were fine. Don’t stress too much about it

Mine have only gotten easier and easier because you know what to expect. I’m having c section number 5 this August.

I’ve had 4 c sections

Yeah nad how long ago was she a nurse?

I’ve had 4 and with the last one my doctor said I still have very minimal scar tissue and he would feel comfortable with me having another if I wanted.

As a mama who wanted to vbac I could have been a candidate since I waited 2 plus years between pregnancy but I knew I was gonna be high risk anyways so it was just best to do my c section many women have successfully done vbacs but definitely consult yourself and your dr.

My daughter in law had 5 sections…all is well

My mom had all 4 of us via c-section

Depending on how they did your c section I know my 2 c section were a T cut so if I ever wanted to try a v back I could even though I told my doctor I was finished

I’ve had 3 sections and each recovery was easier then the last. I think 5 sections is what I was told was max

I had 3. The last one wasn’t any worse than the others for me.

I have 7 kids. The last 3 were c sections. The last c section was my worst. The placenta attached to my uterus and had grown through it. They were able to cut the placenta out and kind of save my uterus, but I can’t have anymore babies. They say the more c sections you have the more likely this will happen. My first 2 two c sections were easier and I healed much quicker than the 3rd. My baby is 9 months old and I’m still having issues. My doctor says I might need to have a hysterectomy now. I would go with what the doctor tells you.

Fire your dr. Find a midwife in your area and have a birthing center birth or home birth. :yellow_heart:

I had 2, 11mos apart!

I asked my doctor this same question on my 2nd c-section. I asked her about risk, and recovery. She told me the week before, she did an 8th c-section on a woman who was doing just fine. It’s so scary to think about, but you will make the right choice! Get a second opinion if you think your doctor is steering you in the wrong direction…but they know your medical history. There’s a reason why you had 2 c-sections already. Wishing you a safe and healthy delivery.

I had 4. They only got easier for me. Even my last one I had a tubal as well and the recovery was quick. Getting up, walking around, being as active as you can helps a lot with the recovery. The worst part was the last one because of the scar tissue but it only took a little longer. It wasn’t a problem.

I had a c section with my first and currently pregnant with my second baby hospital said I can have natural birth

Vba2c is still a good choice. You just need a supportive provider. Fyi - anyone who says “I’ll only let you go to 38 weeks” or says “we should schedule a c-section just in case” is NOT a vbac friendly provider.


You still can have a vaginal birth my sister in law had 2 c-sections third was vaginal and her biggest

I had 4 c-sections. The last one was no harder than the 1st. My incisions don’t heal well but that’s just me. I always had them scheduled so the risk is lower.

VBAC not an option for me. Disproportionate pelvis.

I’ve had 5 …no issues

Ive had 4, no issues. In my opinion they get easier. I chickened out of the vbacs I was offered. Went into labor 2 days before my last scheduled section, and they fixed me up so the oven is officially out of service :upside_down_face:

I’ve read a few comments saying to ditch your Dr. and do a home birth… definitely don’t do that… if you’ve had a c section in the past, you are way more likely to NEED one in the future. There’s no way I’d be trying a home birth and not be at a hospital!

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My c sections have been super easy my last one was done in 45 minutes I had the option to have my baby natural birth but I decided to do the c section on top of that I was able to pick my baby’s day of birth☺ recovery was fast and no pain just pressure on my stomach. I guess it depends on tje womans body.

Giiiiiiirl!! I’ve had 6 csection.
2007…2012…2013…2015…2018…2019. Don’t be nervous :ok_hand: all my recovery times were almost identical . Didn’t hurt more didn’t hurt less… you got it!

My sister had 2 C sections and then a VBAC, doctor’s said she couldn’t but she did…no problem’s at all,she had a Doula…It’s easier for them to say No you can’t but in reality it is possible to have a VBAC…Do your research before making any decisions.

I just had my 4th c section a little over 2 WEEKS ago. It does hurt a lot worse,I’m still recovering so I don’t know about that,but my doctor had to warn me about the potential risks with multiple c sections. Bleeding out and death are 2 that she made sure I understood. I got fixed this time though because my body didn’t handle the pregnancy well. I wish you luck ma’am.


I had a third c section last year after 7 years. Also enquired about VBAC however due to my clotting issues two doctors discouraged me from following this route. Ended up admitted a month before delivery due to clotting complications.

Each person is different. Seek independent advice from 2 gynecologist and follow those recommendations. Would be safer than heresy since it is based on your medical history.

Had an emergency csection with my first. Then had 2 vbacs. NATURALLY. No problem. SO glad I didn’t have more csections. Loved having 2 naturally. Childbirth is an amazing beautiful thing.

I had 3 c section also. Every pregnancy. The first 2 were 4 years apart. My 3rd was 10 years after that. Trust your docs. They didn’t want me to attempt a vbac at all. Recovery every time was pretty much the same.

I just had my 4th csection my uterus ruptured I was bleeding out and the babies head was outside of my uterus thankfully the sac was still intact but baby was in the nicu for over 3 wks and he was 6 wks early I had my tubes out even if I’d like to have more babies my body just cant handle it anymore

i have 5 kids first one natural second c cection third they made me deliver natural and i almost lost her cord was around her neck and last 2 c cection…i would just be safe and do the cection. but its up to you though.i can’t tell pain wise cause pain tolerance different for everyone.but to me it didn’t hurt no more or less they just have to go through scared tissue.from other c cections

I had 5 c sections and my last one was horrific I got placenta acreta and spent from 20 weeks pregnant in hospital until baby was born I was very ill I had her at 32 weeks small tubes were inserted into my thighs going up to my arteries pumping balloons to stop the bleeding I lost my body weight three times over the surgeons worked on myself for a further 8 hours in total after little one was born only way to save me was by then having a hysterectomy I was then put in intensive care and never woke up until the third day and thats when I met my little doll
But I’m here and live to tell the story

I’ve had 4 csections and that was my limit but I won’t lie my 3rd was my worst and hardest to recover from! My fourth was a breeze like the first 2! But the doctors wanted me to tie my tubes bc the more you have the higher the risks!

3 out of my 4 deliveries were C section and I don’t remember the 3rd being any worse than the 2nd or 1st. But everyone heals/progresses differently and everyone’s pain tolerance also is not the same! Just try not to worry and stress! Wishing you & baby a smooth & easy delivery, followed by a speedy recovery! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I also worked with a high-risk OB doctor and basically the more C-sections that you have the more you’re at risk for having placenta Accreta Which is where the placenta attaches or grows within the scar tissue of the C-section area so then the problem occurs when the blood vessels are entwined and when the placenta is taken out it can cause massive bleeding which can result in a hysterectomy. Also the more C-sections that you have the more at risk you are- it is a lot on the body

My dr was very confident in his work. When I decided I was done. He said you can do this as many times as you want and the surgery will turn out the same. But I decided inwas done since my kids were so close and I had postpartum depression I was afraid I woukdnt be able to do it. Plus i have 3 step kids so we were good. I guess it depends on the dr and if you have had any problems. My dr was very sure I could keep going and still have c sections.

Maybe just the hospital there and ask questions or even get another opinion honestly it’s worse to stress yourself out just ask anyone you think might have insight all the questions and that will help you to make an informed decision

I have had 3 children. All C-Section births…I personally had no issues or problems. Good luck…

After my first C, my dr asked me how many kids we planned for. I said, ideally 2. He said “oh, ok we don’t suggest more than 3 Cs” not sure why your dr didn’t tell you that.

Express your concerns to your doctor and ask they elaborate. Still a no? Get a second opinion or even 3rd. Doctors that go to the same school and have the same residency can do things very differently.

I had 3 Csection. And evertying was fine. My friend had a csection then a vaginal birth. Why would Dr said no?

I had 3. Never an issue with any. Get moving and walking around as soon as possible

I had 4 c-sections. My 2nd and third were only 14 months apart also. Recovery gets a little harder, I think mainly because you have other little ones to care for on top of recovering from the c-section but other than that, not much different than the previous ones.

After 3 c-sections, I had placenta percreta with my 4th and thankfully they caught it beforehand. I had to have a midline c-section and it was the worst experience of my life but necessary to save me and baby. Had I tried to deliver vbac, we both would have died. Trust your doctor

They told me at my first c section that if i wanna keep having kids they dont recommend more than 5-7 c sections depending on how things go that its not only painful but life threatening at that point

I’ve had 5 c-sections, I’m sure u will be fine

I had 3 c sections. Trust your.doctor

I’m going to have my 3rd csection next month, (20 months later after the 2nd csection…) I’m also feeling anxious and asked my gynecologist about VBAC…
There are definitely risks with both VBAC and csection… and medically Drs recommend only 3 csections, however more are possible! My gynecologist explained that he successfully done 6 on one of his patients… but not everyone and every operation is the same.

From my side mom, I think the anxiety is normal but I am sure you will be just fine. :heart::heart: Nobody’s experience is the same so just take it a day at a time… you got this! :bouquet::heart:

Everyone that I know stopped at their third csection.

Can you speak with a midwife? Labor and delivery highly medicalized here in Canada.

Follow Badassmotherbirther on IG. It’s possible

DIL has 5. Did very well.

Had three sections, doctor would have done a fourth, unfortunately we never got pregnant again. First child was breach, second high risk, third a premie. Healed well and fast from all , you just have to get up and get back to your routine slow at first but its the best medicine.

I’ve had 4 csections. The reason they won’t let you have a VBAC after the second csection is the risk of the uterus tearing during labor is too high. You’ll be ok. Trust your doctor.

I’ve had 3 ( my last one being this past august). The only reason my last one was any different or more difficult than the previous ones, was that I had a bilateral tubal as well. Recovery from the tubal brutal!! Now my periods are just as brutal every single month unfortunately. :tired_face:

Listen to the doctor