Okay, so my doctor has made it VERY clear and even gets upset about the thought of me getting pregnant before 18 months. She’s a great doctor in general but gets very tense when she talks about birth control and such. My son is three months old, and I’m very nervous to tell her I might be pregnant again. I took an at-home test, and it says I’m pregnant, but I’m too nervous about going in and telling my doctor. I think it’s more embarrassment than anything because it was very stupid of me. I know I need to go in; just need a little courage here, so I’m curious as to how many moms have gotten pregnant before the 18-month mark (I know every pregnancy is different), but what were some personal experiences/complications? How did your families handle it?
Tell her to mind her business. She is your doctor, not your life coach. My babies have a ten months age Gap and it’s honestly the best thing. Far easier then the 5 year one between my eldest and youngest xx
Plenty of people have. Hence “irish twins”
I would change Drs. I literally got pregnant the 1st time I had sex after my 1st child. They are 9 months apart bc my 2nd daughter was preemie (placenta separated from uterine wall). Unless it’s a health concern she needs to mind her business!
Not much different than the first baby I had no morning sickness which was great didn’t get as huge no complications. My family wasn’t to happy but it was my choice. Some tried to even talk me into abortion that was never an option. Food luck and as for your dr she can get over it /)
Time to find a new doctor. You should never be anxious about telling your doctor anything.
My first 2 are 10 days shy of a year apart
It’s none of her business except if it’s due to medical complications. But at the end of the day, all she can do is warn you why it’s medically not recommended.
Throw the whole doctor away
Not myself personally, but I’ve had lots of friends and family members, including my mother, that have gotten pregnant before the 18 month mark. If she makes you feel bad or uncomfortable find a new doctor. They’re mostly concerned with health concerns. For instance, my aunt got pregnant about 3 months after her first baby and had so many complications she HAD to go on a five year birth control so nothing deadly happened to her or the next baby if she chose to have one. As long as you’re healthy and baby is fine, let her know that you don’t want to be judged for your life choices.
My son’s are 13 months to the day apart. I was nervous as well, didn’t tell his dad for a couple days. But it’s honestly the best. And you should never be scared or worried to talk with your doctor about anything. Having them close together isn’t bad at all!
Its none of her business she’s your Dr that’s it she’s there to help you not judge you if she does tell her to mind her oen business you’ll find a different Dr.
I fell pregnant with my 2nd child when my first born was only 4 months… it was a shock but they grew u close
Tell her mind her own business or second option driffent dr?..my daughter is 1 and 2 year old so you can do it and there ages would be prefect begin play toghters and share all clothes
My 2 boys born 13 months apart.
Your doctor should not be judging you or making you feel ashamed. Get a new doctor
I got pregnant with my daughter when my son was 9 months old. They are both healthy & smart!
Who is she to judge you? This is your life, your family & your baby!! If you feel uncomfortable with her I would find someone who is happy for you!! Praying for you!!!
If you are not a 100 percent comfortable with your doctor then you need a new one.
My dr. Also said I should wait a year before trying again after my miscarriage. I ended up being pregnant again by July (5 months later), and I was so scared to tell her I switched drs and was 10 wks before I even went to my first drs. Appt. (Partially because I was scared of miscarrying again). As much as I loved that dr. I didn’t need her attitude or negativity when I was already stressed, and the new dr was amazing and helpful. My daughter is great and the delivery was actually the easiest part of the whole thing. Lol. I would switch drs if you can if you’re that anxious about it.
I mean who is she to judge? I would just make yourself an appointment. And if she runs her mouth find a new Dr. Good luck.
Plenty of people do end up getting pregnant before the 18 month mark.
Doctors are against it FOR YOUR HEALTH not to be judgemental.
All i can say is since you’ve got the positive test, bite the bullet and call your doctor. Since you are pregnant so soon after having your other child, its really important to start prenatal care immediately
Irish twins are more common than you think!!! And why would your doctor even voice their opinion
My son was 8 months when I got pregnant with my youngest daughter (oldest daughter was 6). So my younger two are 17 months apart and we’re all fine. If your doctor judges you, switch.
If your doctor has made you feel that embarrassed to tell her something then you need to find a new doctor.
If you’re doctor makes you feel uncomfortable for any reason, ESPECIALLY about sharing your medical conditions, then you need a new doctor immediately. This is an area you should absolutely feel comfortable discussing with a doctor, and if you are pregnant it will be okay.
I have cousins who were born nine months apart and everyone was fine. I’m sure your doctor just wants your body to heal between pregnancies-carrying a child and giving birth can take a tremendous toll on a woman’s body.
She needs to be supportive of you no matter what.
She’s your Dr, not your mother. Your situation, outside of the medical aspect, is none of her business. If she can’t handle it, then it’s time to find a new Dr.
There is 11months and 3 weeks between my bothers. My mother had 4 kids in 5yrs.
My sister had Irish twins. She was in birth control when she got pregnant with the second kid.
I’d find a new doctor.
I got pregnant when my son was both 9 months at 18 months both pregnancies I miscarried. I got pregnant again when he was 2 and a half and had a healthy rainbow boy. Each pregnancy is different and you body may need more time to heal. If your uncomfortable with your dr you can always switch. You may be high risk bc of the length of time between or bc of any health problems you have
I had kids 8 days shy of a year apart. Just saw my midwife every 3 weeks to monitor me as i was high risk.
Many have irish twins.
A school year apart.
My cousin m was born april 85 and both me and his brother were born dec 85.
I got pregnant 3 months after. My doctor told me to abort because I’d have all these complications which I thought was bullshit. I had NO issues and I had a beautiful baby boy. I never saw that dr again.
I would get a more supportive doctor who you feel comfortable with. I found out I was pregnant with our second little one when our first was 8 months old and they are 16 months apart. For me everything went smoothly and I didn’t have any complications. However I did not have a c-section so I imagine it would have been different if I had.
Find another doctor. You should never be uncomfortable during your medical care.
Did she give you a reason why? Is it because it could be dangerous because of your specific circumstances? I’m pretty sure your doctor impressing upon you the importance of not getting pregnant before your body can handle it does not make her the bad guy.
My two kids are exactly a year apart. You just won’t be allowed to labor naturally. You’ll have to have a c-section. Get a new doctor. YOU are in control of your reproduction, not her.
If you feel so judged from your Dr it may be time to find another. My 2 youngest are 15 months apart and while I was not enthusiastic at first my Dr was thrilled for me lol
My son was 6 months when I found out I was pregnant again
Your doctor shouldn’t be judging but helping you. I would chance doctors, no matter how could she is. You need feel respected by her and definitely not scared share anything with her.
You are a doctors job security quite honestly! My daughters are 11 months apart…my first daughter I had an easy labor and delivery no stitches…and being pregnant again so soon wasn’t that bad…tiring because you are growing a human and taking care of an infant but that was my only issue
I was high risk old medical issues induced 32weeks shes almost 11mths old and im 4mths preggo still high risk my dr nvr said to wait nor medical reasons as to having to
I got pregnant after 9 months.
My little ones are 1 year apart. I found out I was pregnant with my daughter when my son was 11 weeks old. It was definitely not the plan. I was shocked, nervous, scared, and embarrassed. I understand your feelings on this. But it really isn’t your doctor’s personal business. She should be giving you medical/health advice, not personal life unless you ask for it.
My daughter is 2 today. My son is 3. It is like having twins. They’re Irish twins. And it is difficult to keep up with. But there’s a lot of love between us and the kids and we make it work. Looking back, I regret feeling that embarrassment and shame when I should have enjoyed my pregnancy with her more:persevere: I want to add that a downside is that I didn’t let my body heal and so many hormones. Because I had a csection with my son, my dr said I would need a csection for the 2nd because they’re so close together. My advice is to make the best of it, enjoy it, and take one day at a time. You’ll do great
Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed we all have sex it’s human nature but don’t feel nervous to tell your doctor it’s your body if you took the chances to have unprotected sex and on top of that know that your birth control wasn’t working or anything it’s too late now to back down just be excited that you have another chance at life to give birth ,Babies are beautiful blessings just be happy Momma and make sure you tell your doctor with confidence Good Luck
I’d get a new doctor! That’s not her business to be getting mad at you.
First off it sounds like you need a new dr. Doctors are supposed to be there for you and not make you feel uncomfortable especially with a new baby on the way. I changed Drs with my new and current pregnancies and it’s been the best decision. My old dr was very firm and told me no more babies but things happen. Don’t be embarrassed. I know several people who have kids very close in age. My step mom got pregnant and found out at her 6 weeks check up with my 2 sisters.
So maybe find a new Dr… you should be comfortable with your Dr and not embarrassed to mention things or nervous of what they will think. They are professional and shouldn’t push opinions but seriously get a new Dr
I had my daughter August 14th and was pregnant by November and due the following august. It was hard not letting my body rest and going through the postpartum phase as pregnant again. However my pregnancy was fine. Those are my 3rd and 4th child. So obviously it was hard being mom to a at the time 4,2 and infant and being pregnant but we managed and here we are now I don’t know what I would do without my little Irish twins basically
It happens all the time actually. And your doctor’s job isn’t to judge you, their job is to take care of your physical health. I would honestly find a new doctor. You need to feel comfortable telling your doctor anything.
Maybe time for a new dr…you should never feel scared or nervous to speak to your dr .Good luck & Congratulations !
My two sons are nine months apart
My 1st wasn’t quite a year old when I got pregnant again. I think you need to go see your doctor to confirm and if they make you feel bad in any way you should find a new one (whether or not you are pregnant).
My daughters are 11 months apart lol their Irish twins. My doctor I had was very sweet she told me their could be complications due to my body not healing fully before getting pregnant again but to just take it easy. But honestly it was easier than the pregnancy I had just went through. I had no complications besides my daughter being 5 days late but other than that everything was fine. For ur doctor I’d be telling her that you appreciate her concern but it’s your body and if u want to be pregnant well that’s your choice. And if she can’t handle the concept well then maybe it’s time to find a new doctor hun
Be yourself. If your Doc really cares you’ll be fine. If not…move on.
This is because they claim it takes 18 months to fully heal on the inside. Find yourself a new office if you are uncomfortable.
I have Irish twins (a few days over 12 months apart) then I got pregnant when my 2nd was a month old, twins, then again two years later and then the last one and they are 15 months apart
If you’re uncomfortable telling your doctor something, get a new doctor.
If you’re nursing your 3 month old, the test could be incorrect from hormones, so you definitely want to get checked.
Find a new Dr. Its not their job to shame you only keep you and baby healthy.
My children are 10 months and 20 days apart in age. If you are comfortable with her otherwise, go in, tell her, and move on with this pregnancy! If not, find another O.B.
My children are 8 days away from being a whole year apart… I get the “embarrassed” part, but it’s your body my doctor joked when I went in and said “didnt I just see you” it happens. If you aren’t comfortable, get a new doctor.
Ya shouldn’t be scared of ur doc maybe go elsewhere?
Your Dr should be supportive. You shouldn’t be scared or nervous to go to her. My kids are 14 months apart and 15 months apart. There is nothing wrong with it unless she told you it could cause complications. Back in the day many woman had children back to back
I got pregnant a month after having my rainbow baby. Both are beautiful healthy princesses. I was scared cuz I just had my rainbow baby.
My kids are 2 yrs apart and 15 months apart all three were csections and all three we’re heathy pregnancy’s and babies
Unless there’s some medical reason your doctor didn’t want you pregnant, it’s none of her damn business. It’s her job to take care of you. Not judge your life choices.
My girls are 15 months apart in age
All my babies. Youngest two are a year and 1 week apart
I don’t think it’s judgement as much as a safety issue. The uterus needs time to heal and there can be an increased risk of complications when getting pregnant again so soon. But with that being said even if your doctor wanted you to wait, as a professional she should not be angry and should care for you like any other patient.
15 months between my kids, my 2nd was a woopsy as well, found out Oct 31st, waited til after Xmas to tell family, I was very nervous and honestly not happy I was pregnant again but duhh that’s what happens lol, pry should find a new Dr though, you’re grown and can do what you want
My 2 youngest were born as follows may 2017 and June 2018. Their big sister was 5 years before my second. The only thing I noticed is you dont snap back as quickly and bleeding may be worse. You got this. My doctor was upset at first too. I promise it just made her be careful and watchful with me. I had 2 healthy deliveries all natural no epidurals or anything.
If your OB belittles you for giving life, find a new one. The first 10 months after giving birth (it may be a year) is when a woman is most fertile. Are you happy to be pregnant again? Does it excite you that your 3 month old will have a little brother or sister close in age? Or at all? Then THATS what matters. Dont be embarrassed because you are fruitful.
You doctor should never make you feel like you don’t have her support. You need for find a new doctor tbh. I wouldn’t feel comfortable to see a doctor who isn’t supportive. There is nothing wrong with having children close in age. It’s your choice when you’re going to have your next baby. Not your doctors.
My oldest 2 girls are only 15 months apart. I wouldn’t worry to much about it but if she starts giving you too much of a problem find a new Dr. No Dr should have a say in when their patients get pregnant.
She’s not a great doctor if she’s making you feel like that. I would suggest finding another doctor.
My kiddos are a year and 6 days apart. It’s not your doctors choice when you decide to get pregnant or her job to make you feel uncomfortable about it.
I’d switch doctors and not worry about it.
there is only 11 months between my two, and they were really healthy
I got pregnant 4 months after… no problems at all and find a new Dr. My Dr was fine with it
If you are nervous to tall to your doctor you need a new one. They are not there to judge you? They are there to make sure you and your baby are healthy. I understand the concern of not letting your body rest between babies, but life happens and they should be there to ensure you and baby are okay. Best of luck!
I dont think your pregnancy choices should be her business unless it meant serious risks to you or your child. If that was my doctor, she would have been fired awhile ago. No doctor has the right to tell you what you can and cannot do with your body, nor has the right to get personally upset over your choices…
Have you considered a different doctor? You definitely shouldn’t feel hesitant or like you can’t be completely open.
My first child was 9mo when I had my 2nd and the 2nd child was 5mo when I got pregnant with twins… find a new doctor Hun. You should never feel nervous about seeing your doctor.
You should find a different doctor, she can’t be in charge of your reproduction. Having kids before the 18 month mark is very normal, especially since you have a higher chance of being pregnant again after giving birth
If your doctor is making you feel like you cannot discuss this with her…you need to find a new physician. Its not her job to judge or make you feel bad. It’s her job to help and support you with your reproductive health and pregnancy. I cant personally relate to having children so close in age…but children are a blessing no matter how far apart they are or close together…or any other circumstance.
My dr is the same. After researching I get why and appreciate being looked out for but in the end she’s going to do her job and you’ll be okay
My girls are 11 months apart at least ur babies will be a full year congratulations … don’t feel ashamed to be carrying a beautiful baby have as many babies as you wish no one should shame you good luck
You need a new doctor boo. They’re there to educate us and help us through medical and emotional challenges, not belittle us and make us embarrassed to come to them. In fact, she should be the one person you’re NOT embarrassed to talk to about anything regarding your health, physical or emotional.
I conceived when my daughter was 3 months old found out when she was 5 months old fuck what your doctor thinks never be embarrassed. This is your life
You should never be scared to tell your doctor anything if she makes you feel like that you need to find a new doctor
My little sister had a baby and was pregnant again before like two months I think. She’s fine and she had two c sections. Don’t let that doctor judge you. Honestly just find a whole new doctor.
If you wanted your babies close in age it’s not your Drs business, unless there was something medically wrong or life threatening to get pregnant so soon. Get another Dr. that’s not right… good luck
There is more than likely a valid reason why she strongly recommended not getting pregnant again so soon. It sounds more about your health and safety than her being judgmental. What are you not including in this post regarding your previous pregnancy?
13 months 3 days difference between my 2, now all grown up. You may need a new doctor if this doctor makes you feel this way. Your life mot theirs!! Best of luck!
My kids are a year and ten days apart!
I conceived 2.5 mknths pp by surprise as well. Dont let her judge you. Its her job to care for you. Not parent you. If you feel uncomfortable look for a new dr.
Girl you should never feel nervous to talk to your doctor! I would get a new one! I have 4 daughters&& my obgyn talked me out of tying my tubes lol
It happens, if she treats you badly because of it time to find a new doctor
Your dr shouldn’t judge like that and should make you feel supported. I would suggest another dr