My doctors the same way. And my kids are 3 1/2 years apart. Honestly if I get pregnant again I’m probably gonna find a new doctor.
Your Dr. works for you. She has no right to be aggressive towards you. You got pregnant sooner then maybe you should’ve, not a big deal as long as you can handle 2 babies in diapers and the baby is healthy as well as you. Find a new OBGYN if she can’t be professional. Don’t let Dr.'s intimidate you.
My oldest two are 1 year and 4 days apart. Then my next two are 11 months apart. No issues even after having csections
You know there are plenty of other drs to choose from, right. It’s ur life and ur family. After 6 consecutive miscarriages, I had a miracle son. My dr didn’t recommend me to get pregnant again. When he was 5 mnths old I found out #2 was on the way. I didn’t care what she had to say, and she knew it. Now it’s the 4 of us and I love my little family
Find a new Doctor.
That’s one the person you shouldn’t be afraid to talk to.
If your doctor makes you nervous get a new one. It’s not their job to judge you lol wtf
She is just passionate because of the increased risks. If shes a good doctor she wont care she’ll want to proceed to make your pregnancy as healthy as possible! This includes not stressing you out about things that cant be helped. I hope you have a healthy pregnancy regardless x
I don’t think a great doctor would allow you to feel embarrassed about anything. Congrats on the new pregnancy
My kids are 10 months apart. They are now 4 3(twins) and 2. I’ll be honest, it was hard but I wouldn’t change anything. Your dr is just a jerk.
I got pregnant with my son when my daughter was only 2-3 months old. He just turned two and she turns 3 in a few days. They are super close and love each other so much. Accidents happen don’t be afraid to tell your doctor especially if you feel like she’s a great doctor.
You need to tell her asap it could be very dangerous for you and the baby if you are
GET A NEW DR. It is non of her business to be angry about other peoples lives. She ain’t paying your bills.
Girl I found out I was pregnant when my youngest was 5 months. It happens
A new dr is recommended.
If there is no medical issues for the reason why your dr thinks you shouldnt get pregnant before 18 months then what is the problem? Lots of women get pregnant soon after birth and have no problem other than a headache from having multiple children close in age. Get a new dr if you dont want to deal with her
3 boys in 3 years (yes, I know what causes it, YES, I was on birth control with all 3) people do it all the time, it’s just harder on your body. All 3 of my pregnancies were thankfully pretty uneventful and all my babies are perfect and healthy. I have no sanity left, but
The Dr should be supportive not judgmental, change your Dr.
I have two 11 months apart 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 and I wouldn’t change it for anything!
My kids are 18 months apart and all I can say is being pregnant which is exhausting no matter what sucks with a newborn who is also exhausting. But now that they’re getting older I’m glad they’re close in age. I still don’t get sleep though.
My boys are 11 months apart. From April 16 to May 13 they are the same age
I would find a new doctor
She’s probably not being mean about it or nothing she’s probably just worried about your health because getting pregnant that early after just having one could increase your health risks
It was a dumb idea & my dumb self planned it. BUT!!! I love my babies & they’re super close!! Go see your doctor so you can both be on the same page as far as healthy pregnancy goes.
Um eff that dr. Why do you care what she thinks?. Drs should not be critical or judgmental.
Get a new damn doctor. Its not her place to get mad. Wtf. She is there to jusy make sure youre both healthy and okay. Not to he judgemental. Get a new dr asap.
Girl I have a 6,5,3,11 month old and the 2 oldest are 9 months apart. It is the best and your dr should never be unsupportive. My dr was like ok here we go again lol
Shes just doing her job. Back to back pregnancies are really hard on the body, and she would know what that does to women.
I would find a new doctor. But in all honesty she just probably is ‘passionate’ about the womans body FULLY healing before carring another child. But you also shouldnt feel judged or embarrassed. Find a new doc. No harm in that.
If she’s rude about it find another doctor. I have two that are 2 years and 2 months apart and I’m about to have my third and my middle child and her will be 20 months apart and my doctor has been nothing but supportive!
I have 4 under 4, soon to be welcoming baby #5 which will put us at 5 under 4 just before my oldest’s birthday. My midwives never judged me and always congratulated me on the new pregnancies. My oldest was 9 months when I got pregnant with my second. My second was only 3 months when I got pregnant with my twins. My twins were 11 months when I got pregnant with number 5. I was on birth control for all of them except for our last, ironic that’s the biggest gap and we weren’t using birth control lol.
Regardless, she shouldn’t judge and I would find someone new. While you can be passionate about maternal health, you should never feel bullied or afraid to seek healthcare.
Find another doc. Being judgmental is not part of the job description.
Also, my kids are technically 4 days shy of 2 years apart (youngest’s birthday is the 21st and oldest is the 25th). My CNM wasn’t too happy with me, but she never judged me for it.
I would not want to have kids that close together, so I would be nervous on that count. As far as your doctor goes, it really isn’t her business how many kids you have or how close together, so she has no right to be upset. I am sure you are aware that your body needs that time to rest between pregnancies, but stuff happens.
I had 13 mths between 2 of mine daughter got 3 13 mths n 11 mths difference
I wish people would remember that you employ a doctor-you pay for their services and if you don’t like how they treat you, their bedside manner or whatever, you do what anyone else who is not satisfied with a product you pay for does:. You fire them and find someone else. You wouldn’t continue to go to a restaurant if the service or food sucked, why put up with it when it comes to healthcare?
When I had my son I went and talked about birth control and then had an insurance problem and wasn’t able to get it. Got pregnant at 4 months after having him, miscarried then got pregnant the month after with our rainbow baby. They are 13 months apart. They love each other so much and teach each other a lot of things. Your doctor should only advice not judge. It’s hard on your body no doubt, my second was so much harder and also having them so close together will definitely have you at a higher risk of having a preemie but seeing the love they have for each other is beautiful. They are each other’s favorite humans. She can’t say bubba but he is always saying sissy and giving her kisses.
My son was 15months when I had twins. Everything was fine. Stop worrying about the doctor. It’s your life not hers.
What aren’t you telling us? What is the real reason your dr said you shouldn’t get pregnant so soon?
I think you really need a new doc hun…
Go in get tested! You never know it could be a false positive. If your Dr judgey talk to her if she acts the same after find a new Dr.
Look get pregnant back to back it happens. Everyone has opinions, some even very rude. I say fuck them it’s your life, your body & your baby!
I had 3 under 3 for awhile their not 4,2 and 1.5… my doctor said let’s talk about birth control and I said I was on birth control ! She never judged me🤷♀️ I’d find a new doctor
Switch doctors. A doctor is supposed to make you feel safe, heard, and taken care of. Choose a doctor that is right for you!
God forbid your doctor do her job by telling you not to get knocked up again that damn quickly
I’d be getting a new doctor Nobody, most of all your doctor, should be judging you.
I have four kids and my oldest two are 13 months apart. The bond they have is amazing. The only thing I couldn’t do that my doctor recommended was bed rest. That is my whole pregnancy with all 4. I told my doctor I was trying again when my youngest who is 10 months hits 1 year. The only thing that was said is there will be bed rest the second you come in. So if you can get your 1 year old confined to one area daily than let’s go. But the risk of a preemie will increase but all your kids have been preemies. And a blood thinner bc of a blood clot. And monitoring me more closely. There is one doctor that I refuse to see out of 4 bc she wants me to stop after 4 because how dare I and my husband be able to handle more kids than her. It’s not her business it’s ours. Find another doctor or put on your big girl panties and tell her and confront her
My youngest 2 grandkids are 10 months apart. Now my son is with his new girlfriend and shes pregnant. He has custody of his first two they are 15 months and Ashton just turned 2. Shes due in june. So these kids are super close together. I have trouble keeping up with 2 but soon it will be 3. I raised 5 and my own youngest were twins but I’m getting up there in age not sure I can keep up with all 3 at once. Lol
My oldest was 5 months when I got pregnant with my second one they are 5 in 4 now my third son is 2 in my daughter is 3 months old I have 3 boys in one girl
Your doctor is a key person to be able to be honest with. You should be able to tell her anything. If you can’t, you should change doctors, it could affect your well being at some point.
I have 2 teens and a 2 year old. The teens are 13 months apart. It happens more often than you realize… and women have them close together than that! We have 2 extremes - very close together and then very far apart (the 2 year old is 13 years younger than our youngest teen). There are pros and cons to both scenarios. There is no “right” way.
I took our oldest to his doctor to get his 6 month shots and she mentioned how we needed to wait at least a year before trying again so that I could give our son all of the attention he needed. At that point, I was pregnant with our 2nd and felt incredibly guilty and stupid for a while. They’re so close today though! Having older teens and a little one means lots of extra hands. Just enjoy your family the way it is… And really consider changing doctors to one you can be open with.
Go to the OB not a physician
My oldest 2 are exactly 14 months apart in age and the rest are 2 I had 4 under 5 years. But I wouldn’t change it
If it were that serious then our bodies would make it physically impossible to conceive during that window. Tell that doctor to keep her judgements for herself.
Find another Dr. you feel comfortable with. Leave her practice; run, don’t walk.
Get a different doctor
The reason she is tense is because growing a child is very taxing on you rbody and you need over a year to regain everything you’ve lost. Now that you are pregnant again you need to be watched more often for everything. If you dont get enough calcium you can start developing tooth and bone problem, not enough iron you can get anemic, its very hard on the body. While your doctor may be upset at you at first, know it just because shes aware of these issues and was (in her own way) trying to spare you. That and raising a baby while making another is fatiguing all on its own. If you are not comfortable with you doc find another, but if shes been a good doctor just go talk to her like the parent you now are. You dont have time anymore to be embarrassed.
I would think if she’s rude about it. You may want to find another provider. Though at the same time she’s just doing her job to make sure your doing what’s best for you. Pregnancies one after the other can be hard and stressful for any mom. Now I’m not comparing you to a dog. But one of my friends has a Mastiff. She had puppies. Only a month or so after her puppies were given new homes she came into heat again and got pregnant again… he knew she was due for her cycle again but didn’t separate the dogs. She had 13!! Puppies. He was lucky mom survived because she became very anemic from the back to back broods
I got pregnant while breastfeeding child number 4. They are 16.5 months apart. They’re very close.
My mom had 5 kids in 7 years.
I’d either switch doctors or bring up The Duggars, who use no birth control. Lol
I got pregnant with my 2nd three months after i had my first. She came at 32 weeks… But im not sure if it was because of a soft cervic or stress. So if your pregnant just take it easy and find a new doctor that dosent make you geel that way
If you are to nervous to go to a medical professional cus if how they make you feel then find another doctor .
That’s my daughter! Love those surprise gifts
One…did you deliver by c- section?..time is needed to heal up well internally…
I feel the only reason they get upset is because it takes your body a year to heal. If you have them close together you are just doing damage to yourself, and as a doctor it’s her job to take care of you. She might tsk you or frown about it, but she will also do everything to take proper care of you and make sure you are as comfortable as possible. She may warn you of things your body may do or not do (like your tummy skin might be stretched permanently, or it might not) stuff like that. Tell her though, if she warns you like that it’s because she cares.
Don’t be afraid to tell ur Dr. u hired her , and if she’s gets upset then she can refer u to another physician
Tell her to go be judgy somewhere else
Doesn’t sound like a great doctor if your are scared to talk to her. Get a new doctor, you should not feel judgement of any type when seeing a medical provider. Regardless of if u should or shouldn’t have gotten pregnant is not for her to pass judgement on. That’s ridiculous and reportable to her board actually.
My kids are 14 months apart and everything went fine for me and my boys are best friends
This happened to me also I didn’t know I was even pregnant with my second child I found out around 6 months and now they are a year and 3months apart but after I had the baby literally every dr I had that wasn’t even my gynecologist kept telling me to get on birth control and not to come out pregnant again I always felt bothered by them always repeating it over to me but I suggest you look for a different dr so you can just start over fresh with them I think if I ever got pregnant again I’d do the same I know it’s our fault for not taking care but it happens without plan they shouldn’t judge you.
My first son was 8 months when I got pregnant with my second and my second son was 15 months when I got pregnant with my daughter. second two were later than the first and no complications. The midwife joked with me leaving the maternity ward saying she’d see me in 18 months.
It is what it is. It’s your body, your rules. My doctor wanted me to wait at least a year before trying again. I waited because I get overwhelmed easily because I had to do it all with my son. Think of all the mothers who had/have babies back to back. Don’t over think this. If she’s a good doctor she’ll understand. She’s not your mother and does not have any sort of control over you and your family. If she gives you grief, tell her to kick rocks and find another doctor. Life happens and you don’t owe anyone an explanation for how you choose to live it
In Ireland we call pregnancy so close together like that “Irish twins”
Don’t be afraid to tell your doc as it’s you having the baby not her or even look into changing doctors if you don’t feel comfortable with your current one.
Congrats x
My kids are 17 months apart. It’s really tough on the body but guess what you are an adult go talk to your doctor.
I was actually told by my obgyn that it was easier on my body to carry two closer together than to wait too long before having another. Because your body doesn’t ’ have time to forget’
You should never feel uncomfortable about talking with your doctor about that stuff. I think you need to sit down and share your concerns with her. It’s never good to hide anything.
Wish you the very best and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
My 2 girls are one year 2 weeks and 3 days apart and I had no problem
I never felt judged by my doctor when I had my younger two close together. I say find a different doctor. You shouldn’t feel afraid to talk to him/her.
My daughter is 19 months and my son is 10 months, they are 9 months apart to the day. My son was born several weeks early and in the NICU for 2 weeks but nothing was seriously wrong thank god, and he was born 5lbs. He just wasn’t eating on his own he was on a feeding tube for a week, but other than that he was okay! It’s hard having them so close apart it’s a lot of work but it’s worth it I have 3, and my 2 youngest are so close & I would definitely change doctor, my OB told me if I wanted Irish twins it was more than ok!
She (your doctor) is a service provider and you should absolutely not have any hesitation about telling her. The risks do increase having babies closer together but she should be equipped to help you navigate them. Good luck Mama!
It’s ur choice fuck that doc
The Dr. has valid concerns as it takes a couple years for the body to completely recover from pregnancy and childbirth. But if you are, you are and you should probably talk her about it. Otherwise, congrats!!
Get a dr who cares about YOU!!! Not her own damn opinions!!! You shouldn’t be stressing! She should be a safe place and if not, time to find one that is!
Get a different doctor?
It’s your body. But your OB/GYN only told you that is allow your uterus to get back where it’s suppose to be. . But again , she isn’t going to tell at you, you are a adult & if you want to get pregnant 3 months after you had your last one. It’s up to you, B ut again the uterus needs to rest & get back to where it should be. So your OB will keep a good eye one you.
Go to a different dr. You should feel comfortable with any doctor you see. And any doctor shouldnt be judgmental.
I went back to my 6 week check up after having my daughter only to find out that I was pregnant. My first two daughters are the same age for about month.
My two oldest are 10 months apart. And second two were only 14 months apart. No problems at all.
Get another Doctor. It isnt isn’t working and it is not your fault.
I was 42 and pregnant again in 6 months of having a baby… was there complications from your first pregnancy for her to say wait? If not, she is not your family planner.
Your doctor should not make you feel embarrassed. So many people have two or three in a row. Inform your doctor or get a new one and take care of yourself!
My girls are 13 months and 3 days apart. It’s not bad but hectic when they are small. And if she doesn’t like that,your prego again, that’s her prob. Your body and if you are healthy it shouldn’t matter. I had heart probs and even open heart surgery. If your in good health then you should be fine.
I would find another doctor.
I would get another doctor. You’re doctor should never make you feel judged or nervous, that isn’t their job. Their job is to support you, comfort you, and to care for you with the best of their ability.
My first two are legit, 11 months apart. That means, I pretty much left the hospital after baby 1 and got knocked back up less than 5 weeks later. Was my doctor happy absolutely not but she did not treat me any differently and I feel THATS what you’ll have to look out for, there are complications and such as there is with any baby, but mostly everyone turns out fine.
You should in no means feel embarrassed or ashamed. Shit happens and at the end of the day, it’s your choice NO MATTER WHAT THE DOCTOR RECOMMENDS. The only person who’s health you are affecting is your own. If you really are this worried about it try to switch to a different OB or hospital if you have another one close. Best of luck.
I had 3 in 3 years, 8 months between pregnancys twice. The dr is not there to tell you what you can and can not do. I would change drs honestly
My sister and I are 361 days apart. My mom had no complications. Good luck & tell your doctor!
My girls were born a year and two days apart. My son was born 16months after my second child. The reason it is discouraged is because your stomach muscles separate when you are pregnant. If you don’t wait the full 18mo. Between children, you risk them never growing back together. Mine didn’t. But my children are now 11, 10, & 9 and I’m doing just fine, as are they.
I got pregnant 6 months after my daughter was born 22 years ago. Blessed with a son 21 years ago. They are 14 months apart to the day, March 30th and May 30th. I was 37 and 38 yrs old too, no problems. No worries!! Got cute comments at work, “Fertile Myrtle”, “don’t sit in her chair!” It was all good! Best of luck!!
What are you even talking about
It’s your decision not hers unless there’s a medical reason she’s advising you differently. After having my first baby u got pregnant again. My son was only 3 months old. I misscarried. My fault went horse back riding too soon. Pregnant again with twins. My son was 16 month old. Guess what number 4 came. 4 boys in 3 years. They were all good babies…grocery shopping was the hardest. I used cloth diapers. No disposalable. Good luck.
Change doctors… as for family they will always say something, up to you to listen. I got preggo when my lil one was 9 months werent very supportive but it was me having baby.
She possibly said it because your body needed time to heal. I gotten pelvic griddle pain badly because so soon.