I am not into the guy I am dating

Your just scared that he’s actually the “one”. Accept being loved.

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Why are you playing games with this guy?
Let him go.
If you aren’t ready for what he offers, stop.
You should probably get yourself together before you date.


You’re not into him but yet continued to date him for months? That’s like playing head games with this fella. Someone knows from the first few dates if they like them or not and usually end it there if there isn’t that connection. You need to let him go and figure out what u really want. Don’t play games with him and give him false hope.


Sorry for all of the harsh comments. I’d say don’t “force” a relationship with him. If you think you can develop romantic feelings for him, then maybe give it a little bit longer, but if you don’t think it’ll change, let him go and don’t regret it.


You’re answering your own question! Walk away! Your feelings won’t change…

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Stop leading him on. Let him go find someone that will value him.


Sometimes from a best friendship comes an amazing relationship. But think hard if you feel like there is a best friendship happening. Discuss it with him then the 2 of you make a very difficult decision.
If you would be sad to lose him try to figure out why, but be honest with yourself. Don’t be available one week to go out…do you miss him?

Before you ruin this man. Just walk away.


Then don’t go out with him anymore, it’s not fair to play with his emotions.


I understand where you are coming from. Your practical side is saying it must work and your romantic side is saying but it’s not. You can’t fake chemistry though. Is it not even there with kissing? Then you know it’s time to cut it off.


Get over yourself and give the man a chance

Poor guy. He sounds like a good guy. If you’re not into him quit leading him on and cut him loose. Let him be happy. Why would you continue to still see him when you’re not interested?


I think he is moving faster then you & it may be scaring you…I’d say tell him to it down and get to know him better!


You don’t want him like that. Girl let that man go. I’m pretty sure you’re just waiting for something else to come along. Don’t string him along if you dont plan on keeping him.


Let that man go find someone who appreciates him as much as he does them. Your obviously not happy…Move on!


Why ask us when you already know the answer and even answered it yourself? If you’ve been going on dates with him for a couple of months now, you should have let him go before now. I feel sorry for the man.


End it. It may be that he’s attracted to your aloofness. If you give him a chance he may end up dumping you as the thrill of the chase is gone. :woman_shrugging: Then you will feel kinda peeved cos u weren’t that interested to begin with. Don’t try and force yourself to feel something you’re not. Go with your intuitive gut. Better to enjoy your kids than fake a relationship with someone you’re not really into.


Why would you even consider him meeting your kids when you are not even into him like that?


People can be so harsh on here. Ignore them. You are trying to figure things out and your feelings are valid. It’s a tough position to be in when your head and heart don’t line up. I’ve been there. Sometimes feelings come in time, but often if they aren’t there after a few dates, they won’t come. I wouldn’t force anything, even if he sounds amazing on paper. It’s best for him to get to move on. So to answer your question, don’t have him meet your kids and tell him exactly how you feel. He shouldn’t be offended if you tell him all these great things and why you wanted it to work out with him. But definitely end it now before he gets more attached.

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I think you aren’t that into him because he has not had the opportunity to experience the whole you. Your children is a big part of your life and not having the opportunity to see how they interact together is kinda unfair to yourself. I know I truly fell in love with my partner by the way he interact and dealt with my kids. He touched my heart through them. I don’t think you have given him a fair chance to fully prove himself to you. Good men are hard to come by. And if he treats you well allow him to show you how he treats your kids. So you can get the full picture of him.


Slow down and make sure he’s not to good to be true

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And this is why good men get ruined


You have to either move forward with this great man or let him go!


Yea, end it! You wouldn’t want someone else leading you on


You already know the answer.


If you’re not into him quit leading him on and expecting him to take you on dates and spending his money on you…that’s just not right.


Do him a favor & let him go.


If he was the one you would know. Move on an stop dragging it along before someone gets hurt.


You need ro be honest with him and quit leading him on period what if the table was turned and he wasn’t really that into you and then he kept going on dates and letting you buy him things obviously not flowers lol but that would probably be very hurtful to you and absolutely he does not meet k7ds until you 2 are exclusive and have a set goal as to where the relationship is going you never put the weight of an adult on a child’s shoulders meaning he meets kids he is great with them and the kids like him and form a relationship with him then 3 months goes by and he is gone not only are you heartbroken but your children will also be affected as well so no meeting k7ds until I been with you at least 6 months and we have made a goal for our relationship my mother did this to us growing up every man she met she brought home with her guess how Many of thise fly by night fellas molested me and my little sister you know how many raped me from age 7 to 13 when I finally left home in Florida and came to Indiana I can tell you 9 she has been married 12 times now im 47 years old and I have never let any of my 4 k7ds stay with her for 1 minute alone because I don’t trust her judgment im not saying this will ha0pen im saying it can and you always shield your child from adult issues and you always put them first and foremost thus life I grew up in has made me that helicopter mom I swore I would break this cycle and I have thank God I wish you luck hunny but you need to be honest with him

It’s always better to be loved than in love you are old enough to know that .

Let him find someone who really wants to be with him. Say goodbye.


Rather than being a cow and letting him think he’s got a chance way ye cut him loose block his number and stop meeting him


Leave him alone! Seriously!


I just went through this exact situation. He was everything I ever wanted but I didn’t feel a connection with him. Also hated the constant compliments or affection and it pushed me away even further. I had to break it off.


Let him go its bin a few months If u got no physical attraction too him …you’ll find the rite man

Why are you stringing him along?


If you’re not into him stop stringing this poor guy along and let another woman have a chance at having a good guy.


I think you are so into yourself as you kept telling us how much he is more into you than you are him. Get over yourself and let another woman have such a wonderful man in their life.


Don’t keep him hanging. He’s wasting his time.

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An old lady told me one time the secret to her marriage was to always marry somebody that loves u more and is more attractive to you more than you are to them because they will treat you like a queen and make you feel loved all the time.

Stop dating him? TF…

Just because someone looks good on paper doesn’t make them a good match I’d tell him your just not getting the
Chemistry and would like to just be friends Talking to him and letting him know your feelings would be the best route

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How dumb. If you’re not into him stop going out with him and don’t introduce him to your kids. He deserves better.


Why would you even think of bring your children into something like this! Let this great guy go find his true love someone that will be honest with him it’s not you.


Well if you don’t want him let him go and let someone else snatch up this good man. I’m trying to understand where everything went wrong. Do you want a man that treats you like shit? You’ve said nothing but good things about him.

Let him go. You know the answer. You just want validation from others telling you other wise. But you know the answer so let him go and move on.


This is as good as it gets! Run from this guy.

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You answered your own question in the very first sentence girl, let him go and he can find someone who really loves him. That is the kind thing to do :heart:


Why are you comparing how he’s into you to how you’re into him? It seems that there’s always one person in the relationship that’s more fond of the other.


I cannot believe I’m reading this. If you’re not into him, tell him and move on so he can find someone who is!!! Go take up an art class or dance class to meet people and stop wasting this man’s time. It’s extremely selfish to do otherwise.


Let him go so he can find someone else!!


Oh geez …let this guy go …let another woman love him like he is supposed to be loved…


Young one - let the man go - sounds like he is a wonderful man- he deserves a woman who feels the same. Don’t introduce him to your kids - that is for someone you “feel it” for. Do it asap so you do part as friends -


Sounds to me you like getting flowers and free meals! Leave the poor man alone!!


If you can picture your life without him… he ain’t the one

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Why would you want a stranger to meet your kids when YOUR not that into him. Jeez let him go before someone gets hurt. You’re leading him on.


Yeah you should. Let him build something with someone who is worth his time. You ain’t it.


Let him go, he deserves to be with someone who is into him.


Let him go to someone deserving… go find yourself a fuck boy :wave:

Definitely let him go.

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Stop wasting his time…


End it if your not feeling it , your not feeling it , dont lead him on and waste his time x

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Quit using him…he deserves better


Let him find someone who is into him.

I pray my sons don’t meet someone like you.


Let him go so that he can be with his equal. You are not it and you are unkind.


Maam break up with him

You need to end it now, before he gets any more attached. If you’re not into him, you’re just not.

End it maam. Tf wrong w you.

Stop it now don’t lead him on and make him think that something is possible when it’s not and definitely don’t introduce him to your kids if you’re not into him.


Stop leading him on so he can move on. What kind of person are you looking for

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Ppl like y0u are the reason “there’s no good nem” in the dating pool . :unamused: let him go. You’re a walking :triangular_flag_on_post: and ruining a good one

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Are you my ex? Jesus just let him go. He deserves better

Stop toying with this man’s feelings just because you think he sounds good on paper. You are obviously not feeling it, stop trying to force it.

Then end it. What’s the problem? His feelings will be hurt more if you lead him on for nothing.

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Stop seeing him if you’re not into him you’re wasting both of your times

I think you know the answer. Stop enjoying the benefits of a good person when you aren’t being one yourself


Stop leading him on! End it!


You should have already stopped seeing him. Poor guy is in for a heartbreak if you keep on seeing him.


He may be what you want, but if you are not into him, then you are dating him for the right reasons. Be honest with him, break it off; otherwise, you are just stringing him along and wasting both of your times


Be kind and let the right person love him. Don’t take time from someone if your not feeling it. You could keep him from finding his person this way.


Quit playing games. This is a good man who would make someone a terrific husband. Just not you. Cut him loose


End it now so you aren’t leading him on

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Sometimes its better to be loved than to be in love.Also if you’re just not feeling him let him go and meet his real love.


Tell him he is a great guy, but you’re not ready 4 that relationship with him.

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You’re wasting his time… How is this even a question? :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2::rofl::rofl::unamused:


You need to follow your gut. You won’t be happy. He deserves to be happy too

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Let him go. You Don’t Know a good thing when you have one. He sounds awesome, but if you don’t feel it, then tell him and SET HIM FREE


Stop wasting his time the longer you wait to end it the more you are going to hurt him it sounds like he already has strong feelings for you just tell him I’m sorry but the chemistry isn’t there for me

Put a stop to it. You are being selfish and using him

break up with him so he can find someone worth his time…

Stop leading him on. You are using him, keeping him around because of the way he treats you.

It’s not good to lead him on !If you aren’t feeling it let him find his true love.The fact he hasn’t met your kids after two months how u know he will even want to be their daddy ?I mean ya it isn’t good to introduce your children to early either I understand that!Ask yourself what is it I’m NOT feeling ?Are you afraid?Why don’t you feel it there has to be a reason !?My mother married my step Father when I was 5 my Bio wasn’t a good Dad.My Step Dad married her wirh 4 kids and was awesome for us kids to have him !Good luck with your decision !

Do him a favor and break it off. You’re leading him on because you’re scared. Its ok to let go

If you. Aren’t into him, why are you dating him?? :flushed:

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Well… at some point he would want to help you with the kids and you can’t know if he is the one without that… you’ve ruined your chances by never letting him in and being actually together

Stop wasting his time and let him find someone worthy of it

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Maybe Yr scared of letting yrself get that into him,maybe u have been hurt alot in past x

U are so wrong u knew u didn’t like him u definitely deserve a bum