I am not into the guy I am dating

So you go on a date with a very charming handsome guy and he’s absolutely charming and everything I’d absolutely possibly dream of, thing is, he’s all into me and all over me everytime we see eachother but I’m not as attracted to him as he is to me and the feeling of him being intimate with me is there for him but not for me and I ain’t feeling it. But I love that he’s someone I’m so looking for with great goals and a beautiful personality treats me like a queen brought me flowers on our first date… he has his shit together and has a job and is super respectful. But I’m not into him as much he is into me and j think he can feel that. Before he dropped me off lastnight wanted to come in and pleasure me… I get really super tired during evenings and nights because I am a single mom of three and never stop always on the go. So I told him no , you can’t come in as I’m going to bed! He’s never met my kids before and we’ve been going on dates for a couple of months now . I would like him to come meet the kids but if I’m not into him as much as he is into me should I end it put a stop to it ?? Before its too late and emotions and feelings are hurt . What should I do ??


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am not into the guy I am dating

Stop the relationship kindly


If you aren’t in to him, you are leading him on. End it with him and don’t hurt him. If you stay with him you are always going to be looking for something else and that’s not fair to either of you. And definitely don’t bring your children in on it if he is temporary.


End it…otherwise you are using him.


He deserves better than you leading him on


He deserves someone who can treat him and feel for him the way he does it’s selfish to drag it out.


Stop playing with him.


Your looking for someone to treat you like shit and keep you on your toes sounds like .End it

End it. There’s a woman out there that’d he make so happy… and she’d make him happy. I wouldn’t want to do that to someone who deserves happiness.


Good girl! Slow it down
Don’t see him as often. Tell him you like him very much and look forward to it, but you aren’t there yet (that kind of intimacy). If he is the one, he will respect you and wait til committed to you, meaning heading to marriage. He will respect you or be gone.


Why would you want to bring him around your kids if you’re not into him? Let him go


If you’re not into him and you’re contemplating letting him meet the kids, don’t do it. You’re stringing him along and that’s not okay. You already know what you should do; you answered your own question.


Turn the tables and imagine it was him not as into you. How would you feel? Don’t lead him on. That leads to heartbreak on his part.


:woman_facepalming:t2: why do you keep going out with him then? End it and let him find someone else.


Sit down…so the woman of HIS dreams can find him


End it so he can give all this love he has to give to someone who deserves it.


End it. Your gonna hurt yourself, a good guy, and your kids if you keep progressing when you know your unhappy. Just be honest with him


If you’re not into him. Be honest. Tell him he is great but you’re feeling like you’re just not into him. DO NOT introduce people to your kids that you don’t see in your life for long term because if they get attached it will hurt them when that person leaves or you break it off.


Tell him he’s lovely but not a match for you :heart:

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Stop leading this man on and end it.

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Break up with him and move on… because he’s into you but your not into him so why drag him along

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Just end it if you’re not into him. You shouldn’t lead him on.


Wait its a good great guy that wants u and is respectful to u but u a single mother of three :rofl::rofl::rofl: make it make sense and u leading him on. Girl bye go be with your 3 kids that your tryna introduce him too


I think you should explore why you arent super physically attracted to him? Is it because of your past relationships? Is it something about his appearance you don’t like? Does he not fit your physical ideal man?

If its because you’ve been hurt in the past then you should think about if you’re truly ready to move on.

If its a specific thing about his appearance. Is it a deal breaker? Is it something minor that could be discussed with him politely.

If you have a certain man in mind down to his looks you are making it harder to find a good loving man- which it sounds like he would be.

Have you been intimate at all- kissing fondling? Etc…

Regardless these are questions you should ask yourself. If it doesnt feel right then it doesnt feel right and you need to tell him. If its any of these then i think you need to really think about how these are affecting any potential relationship you have.


I think you should have been forward with him once you realized that you weren’t into him


Sorry but you sound like a broken record… “I’m not into him” He might be everything you want materialistically but you’re not into him sexually so END IT!!!


Give it time ! He is much better than those jerks that love you and leave you ! Let him grow on you! It’s much better than being just again

If you don’t see a future - im not sure why youd 1 continue leading him on and 2 introduce him to your kids


Why are you still dating him? You’re not into him so let him know. You need to be compatible/ attracted in all ways for it to work.


Girl, how many times did you state your not into him?.. there’s your answer! Clearly you both deserve better!


Flip the tables… If you were super into a guy (and him NOT into you) wouldn’t you want to know so you could move on? Also, sounds like he has his stuff together & is a decent man. Maybe you should shelf reflect & figure out why your attracted to drama/chaos! :face_with_monocle::thinking:


Seriously? You aren’t attracted to him other than he has his shit together, and you don’t know what to do? Three years down the line you’re going to be writing in because you just found out your husband, who you aren’t really into but he has his shit together, is cheating on you because you won’t be intimate with him… And you don’t know what to do.

I don’t think you are being fair to that man. If you don’t see yourself together in the future, let him go find the live he deserves… I’m sure you wouldn’t want someone leading you on!

Run fast the other way

Let him go so he can find someone that will treat him the way he treats them.

It’s the same story I’ve heard a thousand times. You’re going to dump him and probably end up with some douche bag and then you’ll realize you were wrong and want him back but at that point he will have moved on.


You have stated multiple times “im not into him”…do him a favor and stop stringing him along and let him find someone thats actually into him.


A couple months!? Yes! End it, why are you torturing him!?

Why are you leading him on? Not fair if it was you being lead on you’d be crying about it.


If you introduce him to them. …they are the ones hurt he most because they think You live him they will start to try to like him. That’s going to break their hearts too. END IT. They deserve better and so do you. Pray for guidance. God has someone for you. Be patient. God bless.

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A single mom of three shouldn’t be so picky. Lol


Why aren’t u into him? Are you not used to good guys? Some women will be so used to being treated like crap that when a great guy comes along she’s not into him. Maybe it just comes down to retraining your mind to think that you are worthy of a good man and you deserve it!

Don’t force it tho. Just give it a little bit longer and if at the end of it you still feel the same I’d say let him go to find someone who can reciprocate his feelings.

Good choice on not letting him meet the kids yet too mum. I love that. Some women will just introduce their kids to anyone.


Why are you still with him? Let that poor man go. Why would you involve your kids???


Let the poor dude go. There aren’t many kind honest men left out there who are willing to bend over backwards for a woman and he needs to put that toward someone who’s actually into him and sure about him.


Let him go some other woman deserves him and you need to work on yourself


Then why are you wasting the man’s time?


Turn the tables. Would you want someone doing this to you?Would you want to meet his kids and get attached wtf. You answered your own question. Leave him alone and let him find someone for him.


Please let him know that he’s a great guy and all but you need to stop the relationship kindly and respectfully. Don’t continue this relationship and leading him on, because both feelings will be hurt and be much worse.


You are not making much sense saying you’re not into him like he is to you but yet you want to introduce him to your kids?You don’t seem to know whether you’re coming or going so let the man know you are moving on so he can take all he has to offer and give it to someone who feels the same about him.


Maybe being intimate will change your mind???


Stop leading that man on.


Sounds like your use to losers and your pushing a great guy away because you think it’s to good to be true


Don’t involve your kids, you don’t want to hurt them too once he is gone.


If it’s not hell yes it’s a no. It wouldn’t be kind to introduce him to your kids or even continue to date him if you can’t reciprocate his feelings for you.


Out of respect for you both, let him find someone who will appreciate him before you complicate things by introducing to your children it will only end in tears for everyone otherwise.


Don’t lead him on. Be honest with him. If you don’t see a future with him then I would absolutely not introduce him to the kids. However, sometimes love develops in time. Loyalty and good moral character may enduce some feelings. But if you’re not serious then I would just cut ties now. Save time and he doesn’t sound like he deserves to be lied to.


Not all relationships start with being into someone as much as they are into you. Sometime that flips and some people take longer to know that then others and THATS OKAY. But tell him you need slow so he’s not at one level and he’s surpassed you. Don’t have him meet the kids either until you know if you like him.


Stop leading him on, if it was reversed you would be calling him a player, if feelings are not there you can’t force it, let him find someone who deserves him


You’re not that into him…you mean, you’re not attracted to him. Stop wasting his time.


Let him go and let him find someone who is into him


With this type of mentality and behavior no wonder you’re a single mom of 3 kids :woman_facepalming:t2: geeze. Poor guy. Sounds like you’re used to bums, and losers and that’s why you aren’t attracted to a good guy.


End it. You’re literally not into him :woman_facepalming:

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I once thought I had a kind, honest, too good to be true man…brought me flowers, etc. Well, he ended up being a terribly abusive narcissist. He wore the mask for months. Really not saying this guy is, u just don’t know. If u aren’t into him, let him go, and leave ur kids out of it.


You answered your own question


If hes truly everything youre looking for then maybe youve got some problems of your own to work through? Either that or the chemistry just doesnt work


Why date months if you aren’t into him? Wasting his time and p!aying with feelings. Ridiculous!


Stop leading him on, that is cruel to do to anyone!


There is literally nothing you can do to force yourself to be into him if you’re not already after a few months. End it for both of y’all’s sakes…… and don’t go crawling back to him when the next guy you date doesn’t work out. End it and let him go for good. Don’t keep him as an afterthought. It’s not fair to him at all. Let him find someone who is into him.


Trust your gut. There’s a reason for not having feelings. Let it go

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If you’re not into him tell him and call it off before it goes any further

Can you send him my way by any chance? Lol jk

Let him go. Don’t play with his emotions.

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Be honest with him. Tell him how you feel.

Don’t string him along. Tell him how you feel and part ways :woman_shrugging:t2:


I know this isn’t Reddit, and you didn’t ask, but YTA.


Don’t continue dating him, tell him the truth and then let him move on to find a great woman.


If you don’t think it’s going anywhere…I wouldnt let him meet your children. Why confuse them.


Stop leading him on. Let another woman appreciate what he has to offer and stop being selfish. Sounds like you need to look at someone for who they are instead of what they have to offer. You’re weighing materialistic things to intimate things. Sounds like that’s not a man you deserve and you honestly sound shallow. You know he’s a good man and treats you like a Queen but you wanna keep him around for shits and giggles? Make it make sense. Stop wasting both of your time.

:musical_note:Let It (him) Go, Let It (him) Go​:musical_note:

Don’t lead him on and toy with his emotions if you are not into him. And definitely don’t let your children meet him if there is not a connection!


Maybe your inner feeling/ guts is telling you that he is not the one for you

From personal experience let hm go. I didnt, becz for me i knew i loved bad boys. i grew to love this guy and we have a really really good relationship. I definitely am attracted to him and he gives me butterflies but i feel like its a lot of work from both sides to keep it working purely becz he generally wasn’t my type. Theres a lot of sacrifice on both ends to find balance and to understand eachother becz we r polar opposites but hes my better half literally. He keeps me grounded but as soon as hes very stressed he pulls away-i start needing some excitement and fun or attention. We end up fighting becz i want it from hm no one else. We fight it out n find our balance again. We together 10 years. A beautiful little boy later

Don’t stay with him. If your feelings aren’t there don’t try to force some. I’ve been in a similar relationship before and I shouldn’t have let it go on for as long as I did. Hopefully you figure it out hun.

End it. You are wasting his time.


I felt this way with my baby daddy, it took months for me to actually catch feelings but I did. It ended up being very toxic and we broke up.

Let him go so he can find someone who will love him .


I know people will say tell him how you feel . I’m in a similar situation and I’ve told him exactly how I feel and even told him that we could just be friends but I know he thinks he can make my feelings grow and does not stay away or stop texting . Easier said then done

You don’t deserve him!! Do you realize how many times you said your not into him but he is into you!! Your are selfish, you like what he does for you but your not into him!! Let a good man go he deserves better!!


You like him for all the right reasons. It sounds like you’re focusing on the awkward thing and letting it destroy good things. I would honestly have a conversation with him, be honest and give him a chance to correct since it seems like you’re very one the fence about how to proceed It may just be a weak area for him, and he’s clumsy going about it. I’m sure it feels like he’s forcing things by trying too hard in that one area and that is SUPER second hand embarrassment inducing lol! If things don’t start to happen more organically then call it quits


How many times in the same post does someone repeat over And over …I’m not into him…why is this even a post .very strange that it’s even posted …you keep saying the same thing…and then say you want him to meet your kids… something is just not right with you…I think you need to keep your kids out of your relationships until you know…if your “* into him *” OR NOT…
What the heck is really going on here …
I’m so confused and actually a bit irritated… If you can’t figure this out…
I think you should seek professional help…and not ask random people in a Facebook page ???


My grandmother, a wise woman, said find a good man who loves you and wants you more than you love and want him.


You have to let him go it’s not fair to him and won’t be fair to you as time goes on. Don’t introduce him to your kids unless it’s as a friend :wink:


You’re used to assholes. I’m the same way!

Give the guy a chance you’re only selling your self & kids short……

If your not into him then let him go its not fair to lead him on like that


You’ve been going on dates for a couple months now and you feel no attraction to him. Let me him go all your doing is leading him on and wanting him to stick around because he’s a great guy in the end you’ll end up being the asshole how would you feel if the roles were reversed?

…maybe you are sensing something he’s good at covering up.


Go get yourself a piece of shit. Leave that man alone so he can find someone else.

I can’t do someone all over me… nope I want my space. I guess that why I like being single.

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Stop wasting both of y’all time. Gone on about your business respectfully and let him find what he’s looking for. Treat others exactly how you expect to be treated. Don’t ever play with a man time, money or emotions.


stop using him…he deserves better!!!


I can’t even :woman_facepalming:t5::woman_facepalming:t5::woman_facepalming:t5:


You said he’s charming n everything you could dream of so,my question is what ARE you looking for? If he treats you like a queen what are you holding back from. So many women I know are dating and so many problem, men, they wish they could find someone like that. What is up with you??