I just want to know if any other Mamas suffered from multiple UTI infections during any pregnancy. I just recently got treated two weeks ago for a severe UTI infection & now I have another one. I took all my antibiotics on time, as prescribed, I am clean; hygiene wise, use non scented body wash as well as my baby’s father & i both make sure we take a shower before & after being intimate. Nothing seems to be working, I didn’t have this issue with my first pregnancy. I am worried that something may happen to the baby & i am tired of being sick. Is there also a chance my doctor may do more then just prescribe antibiotics if the UTI infections keep occuring?
Hydrate and take cranberry pills! They’re natural and help keep the UTIs away!
I went through this started at the beginning of my pregnancy and has been going on for a year straight!
Ended up sepsis and it was my kidneys.
My advice is ask for further testing and rule out kidney stones or infection and get referred to a Urologist!
Me✋🏻 sooo I had one right off the bat with my first pregnancy then ended up getting them multiple times to the point I was on medication for it my entire pregnancy, but be careful and stay hydrated because it actually caused me to have a kidney infection that hospitalized me for almost a week.
Don’t hold your pee, make sure to pee after sex, stay hydrated. Our urine is stronger while pregnant maybe get some wet whipped and make sure you clean yourself really well. Drink lots of cranberry juice if you can’t stand the taste then cranberry pills will work. Eat yogurt
Is your husband or boyfriend also being treated? It’s possible that he could have contracted some bacteria as well…just saying.
I have this same issue! Drink lots of water and cranberry! And its sounds bad but try to abstain from sex for awhile!
Your baby’s father may need to get checked. Not saying he’s cheating or anything, but men carry bacteria and don’t know it and it can be given to you and since your hormones are already out of whack due to pregnancy, it makes it harder to fight off bad bacteria. Also, try drinking Cranberry juice, it helps keep them at bay. Add more water too, one that helps with your Ph balance.
Please note, yeast infections are common during pregnancy as well, so stay dry down there as much as possible…me, I go commando
Sauerkraut creates a peroxide in your urine
I don’t think I’ve ever taken prescription for uti I drink unsweetened cranberry, pomegranate, or cherry juice and water so much water
The only time I ever had a UTI was my first pregnancy and they would recurr until I started drinking cranberry juice everyday. It really does help!
Drink a lot of water!
My first pregnancy i had 18 uti’s
Cran-grape juice worked the best for me
Pee immediately after sex!
hydrate to the point that you feel like you are about to burst and then drink some more… also do not hold your pee, make bathroom trips often and right away
Do you take baths? This can be a source for UTIs
I suffered from this horribly i got severe uti’s every 2-4 weeks at 5 months pregnant Never suffered from uti’s before my pregnancy. I ended up in OB Triage every time they said it was just from my pregnancy and i had kidney stones causing my uti’s cuz everytime they cultured my urine it was clean of infection but always had blood in it so i took a low dose of antibiotics till the end of my pregnancy sadly it just took the edge off. It was the worst part of being pregnant cuz they couldn’t do anything for me but mine did not affect the baby she was born healthy but they did keep a close eye on her. Hope yours gets better!
Have your blood sugar checked.
Also takes lots of probiotics! After one round of antibiotics it can take our bodies 6 months to get our gastrointestinal tract bacteria balanced right IF we are eating super healthy. Do some research, it’s unreal. Even with taking probiotics it can take up to 6 months. Take them in the morning and don’t eat for 30 mins afterward to get the best results. Everything from our urinary tract to our vaginal canals are balanced by gut health. Walmart has some good ones for $20. Read the labels and make sure you get the ones that have all the strains in it, some are marketed for women/men or younger/older but read the labels
Cranberry juice, or azo cranberry pills and lots of water. I’ve never had a UTI other than when pregnant. Pregnancy does weird things to the body.
Could you be diabetic?
My first pregnancy I had them back to back to back … I was told it’s not uncommon to have UTI’s in pregnancy and it wasn’t anything I was doing wrong, just another ‘pregnancy thing’
Get your kidneys checked!!
I’m 28 weeks now and I had the same thing . Turns out I have kidney scarring which is causing it
I actually got told sometimes it’s not your fault… I did all of the same stuff your talking about and still would get it. I had at least 2 and one was really bad out of nowhere basically… I had no symptoms until I had some pink bleeding cause of it. Try tilting forward when you use the bathroom. I got told sometimes the way the baby sits on your bladder makes it so your not emptied all the way which results in the bacteria too. Not your doctor and I don’t look at your labs but bring it up… water and cranberry helps.
Any chance your hubby could be cheating?
UTIs can be passed to each other through sexual contact…
Go pee as soon as you feel like you have to, make sure you are fully emptying your bladder. I got UTI’s with both pregnancies because the baby was sitting on my bladder, so I wasn’t able to empty it fully. They’re a pain and the antibiotics would give me yeast infections if I didnt take probiotics as well.
Is your doctor doing a culture on your urine? I would imagine they are tho. Just to see what antibiotics the bacteria is resistant and sensitive too. Maybe request that your doctor give you more info or send you to a urologist.
I had the same issue…I had them the first five months of my pregnancy…drink plenty of water…I agree the father needs to be checked…these things can happen without cheating…mine was just my body plain and simple…I was clean…he was clean…it just happened…
I had them my entire 2nd pregnancy. They aren’t fun but they happen. Drink plenty of water. Keep U track flushed
Did they run a urine culture?
U could have preeclampsia
Cranberry juice works better than even an antibiotic
Do not take baths, dont wash with soap down in that area just use water is what my dr said when my daughter kept getting uti’s
Make sure you pee after sex and get rid of sugar in your diet. Cranberry is a good preventative. It has to be actual cranberry, not that cocktail crap. I prefer cranberry pills.
I would get uti and bladder infections so much before pregnancy I couldn’t even notice the symptoms anymore. My doctor prescribed me a high dose antibiotic to kill everything I took thay for 10 days then she prescribed another one I took everyday after. It was a much smaller dose. It is common to get them during pregnancy but maybe ask your doctor for an antibiotic you can take daily
Make sure you drink plenty of water. Pregnancy messes with your ph levels
Don’t wash your lady bits. Just rinse down there. Something is throwing off your ph balance.
Change your undies to cotton.
Dont wear thong undies for long periods of time.
Drink more water!
Make sure your husbands fingernails are clean.
Make sure the doc does a culture to make sure the prescribe the right antibiotic. Antibiotics are not universal. The hormonal changes could be making it easier to get UTIs or could be bladder reflux. I take medical grade cranberry supplements recommended by my urogynecologist, called Ellura (on Amazon).
Oh how miserable!! Are you drinking plenty? Some herbal teas & tinctures work but I don’t know about their safety for pregnancy.
Normal but a sitz bath is my OB’s recommendation along with water and cranberry juice.
For a minute there I thought u were…
I had back to back UTI’s my first pregnancy. Nothing worked. Matter of fact that’s why I went to the dr and found out I was pregnant. You may be too clean. It’s possible you are washing away the good bacteria that takes care of the bad bacteria.
Have you had the glucose test done yet?
I had a UTI my whole pregnancy, so when I started having Braxton hix at 33 weeks, I went to the doctor for more antibiotics and a urine culture, I found out I had sepsis and my and my baby almost died. Emergency surgery right then. I was in the hospital a week before signing myself out cause I had 2 kids at home, and a newborn an hour away in the hospital with sepsis. Please MAKE them do something or give better antibiotics. I do not play around with a uti now. I never expected it, now I definitely wouldnt want someone else to go threw what we did! I was sick for months and got 4 blood transfusions!
I had 3 with my last pregnancy. It was not fun.
Have prenatal vitamins always clean out your intimate area everytime you shower they r over the counter stuff you u to get at the store good luck
I would have labs done, a1c, CBC, urine culture. Ask for a referral to a urologist.
Drink a lot of water and stay hydrated. Don’t hold your pee in. If you have to go… just go. Try some AZO over the counter meds to help ease the irritation. But again… drink a lot of water.
I took antibiotics through my entire third trimester after I became septic from a UTI that spread to my kidneys. Maybe ask for a preventative antibiotic like Macrobid that’s safe to take during pregnancy
I had 4 or 5 uti’s when I was pregnant. My dr wasn’t to concerned except for not wanting it to get worse so he wanted me to come in first signs so he could get me back on antibiotics. As soon as I entered the 3rd trimester it just stopped. But I was on antibiotics for 4-5 months straight. It was roughhh. Hang in there mama!
I had numerous UTI’s and yeast infections this last pregnancy. I need up having preeclampsia and gp+.
Yes! I suffered terribly with them…or so I thought. Didnt figure out I was trying to pass kidney stones until I actually did It mimicked a severe UTI over and over and I was treated with antibiotics thinking they were recurring UTIs.
Plenty of water ,when using the bath room wipe from front to back drink cranberry juice
Its possible they need to switch up your meds to accomidate the infection. It seems like the one you have may not be working make sure hubbys finger nails are clean (not that hes dirty bacteria like to hide u der finger nails)lots of water!! My fr made me cut tea all together w my second.
Up your water intake and drink pure cranberry juice. Continue to do so even when you do get rid of you UTI…
Try taking apple cider vinegar baths once a week
antibiotics often cause the UTI’s. Take Diflucan with antibiotics.
I had several UTIs and yeast infections during my last pregnancy but none with my first
I had one almost the whole time I was pregnant. You need to pee as often as possible, things are so much different when pregnant especially your bladder and urinary tract, find some organic NO SUGAR ADDED cranberry juice, it definitely exists lol, I lived off that the last couple months and it helped along with a ton of water.
Common in pregnancy I’ve read. Google it, it will explain why.
Change your diet and you may have a vitamin deficiency so get a culture
Yes never before, but the way she sat my bladder didnt empty all the way. I had them most of my pregnancy. I had to take mild antibiotics the last two months bc they can put you into labor late on. Feel free to message me with Any questions
You are not drinking enough . Granberry juice helps.
I went through 3 rounds of antibiotics. I finally said enough and took what I used before Pregnancy. Cranberry extract capsules. Ones that you only need 1 a day of. Took them for 2 weeks and was gone. No harm to baby. DR new I was talking them. As we get older we tend to get UTI infections also. Cranberry helps to strengthen the bladder.
Our laundry detergent caused me to have repeated ones. They stopped once I changed to All Free and Clear.
If you douche. Dont.
Drink as much water as possible and pee on time (dont hold). Washing the infection with fluids is the best treatment - that is what helped me during my pregnancy.,
I had 2 with my son and with my daughter i didnt have any
I have a tilted uterus which I’ve been told can cause things to sit differently and then bladder won’t empty 100%, therefore causing infection and uti… I have had one course of anti biotics but it’s not safe to take them alot during pregnancy…
This is going to sound weird but if you wipe from back to front that could ruin your life.
Ask them about macrobid.
Before being intimate, have your partner wash his hands with soap and water. (Sounds silly, but you probably don’t know the last time he washed his hands and he might not even know). After being intimate, go pee. I do this and haven’t had a UTI in years.
Since it’s been happening frequently, ask your doc to do a urine culture to get the correct antibiotic. Some broad spectrum antibiotics don’t cover all the possible bacteria.
Sometimes your body’s ph can just be off. There’s a lot going on during pregnancy. I swore I had something wrong. I had an extreme amount of discharge, I had to wear panty liners. And itchy, itchy, itchy. Doctor checked for everything and it was normal as normal could be.
Rocephlin shot in the butt
I had one at the beginning of my last pregnancy that would not go away. I ended up needing iv antibiotics
A lot of good comments. Dont worry you arent alone. I had multiple yeast infections when I was pregnant with my son shit was miserable
With my son I had a UTI every other week. It sucked. With my daughter I didn’t have any at all. Every pregnancy is different. And some women are more susceptible to them than others. The UTI’s didn’t effect my pregnancy at all. I was just on antibiotics most of the time. I made sure I cleaned, took care of myself, ate right. I was just more susceptible during that time.
He is giving it back to you.i had that problem have him go to doc or stop having sex.
Maybe the first one never fully went away … drink tons of water even if you think your drinking enough drink more cut out sweets pee after sex don’t let him go down on you or use spit as lube and make sure his hands are clean if he must touch … talk to your doctors about testing your pee to make sure and see if they can change your antibiotic
Sounds weird but have them check you for e. Coli. I kept getting them when I was pregnant and finally figured out that was why. They told me I most likely got it from undercooked hamburger meat.
I had multiple utis during my last pregnancy and my doc gave me an antibiotic to take my whole pregnancy, and my baby was fine. Make sure your drinking water!
Reftain from SO giving oral. Prenatal vitamins could need changed too…
Yes. Doctor can perscribe a preventative, to be taken daily during duration of the pregnancy. Had a UTI that affected my kidneys, a few times, had a hospital stay 3+ days a few times.
I had like atleast 3 maybe 4… They are very common during pregnancy,not much you can do unless the dr can give you certain meds
Blueberry and pomegranate juice one of the best things you can do for UTI along with what medications they give you and plenty of water
U baby ok cause of the sack that protect him. But its better tqo go to thedoctor or hospitolq.
Try a lot or water drink it if you have to put lemon or Christel flavers but more waterif you can
Deffinately talk to your dr about it but…in the mean time, drink lots of water and make sure you and your bf are always clean when intimate. Could be your pH just messed up at this stage of your pregnancy. Try cranberry juice too. Uti are very common during pregnancy…(I had them the only time in my life every other week it seemed… )while I was pregnant with my first son.
Cranberry supplement, google it
Always wipe front to back and never the other way. Don’t over wash your vag or it can cause a ph imbalance. Change underwear more often and wear cotton I’ve been told it helps
With both my kids I had suffered utis & had be hospitalized due to preterm contractions but delivered around 39-41 wks
Did they actually do a c&s with the ua?
A lot of times they just do a ua and prescribe an abt without seeing what bacteria it is and what it’s sensitive to…
Make sure you pee after intimacy and wear cotton underwear and it is also pretty common in pregnancy
I did doctors told me to drink barley… so I drank robinsons squash with barley and I never had one again
Pee after sex and make sure you wipe front to back when using the bathroom. Lots of water and cranberry juice but even all this may not stop it. My mother seemed to keep a UTI most of her last pregnancy due to being on her feet too much and there wasn’t much she could do about till she had my sister but it’s no threat to the baby
Very common. Pee after sex, in latter pregnancy after you go stand up and wiggle a bit and see if you still need to go this helps empty the bladder fully. Ural satchets from chemist, for the odd uti but if your getting it frequently despite drinking plenty of water and the above precautions a check up is needed as can lead to kidney infection.
Start going commando, have your partner tested for a UTI (bacteria can transfer from sexual intercourse), don’t use body wash on your pubic area, avoid baths… talk to your doctor about whether garlic supplements are safe to take while pregnant. While they can’t treat an existing UTI, they do have natural antibiotic properties and can help in prevention but I’m not sure its safe to take while pregnant so please discuss with your OB before taking them.
Could be Gestational Diabetes…