I am pregnant and my boyfriend makes comments about how much I eat: Thoughts?

Everyone is different, but I never was in the kitchen day and night! It’s not healthy to gain to much weight during pregnancy! Be careful!


He is just teasing…your hormones are not helping. Try picking healthier options and show him that anyone can make good choices (thats including a new boyfriend…lol)


I mean it’s your body but you only need around 350 extra calories. I regret stuffing my face with my first I gained too much, got stretch marks, and almost got preeclampsia from too much sodium. My kids dad made comments too but I was overdoing it. Doesn’t make him right but i think i knew he had a point.


He needs to stfu. It’s not funny. That’s all.

Tips: kick him in the nuts and when he yells say “I’m just kidding! Calm down!”

But seriously what he’s doing is dismissing your feelings. It’s insensitive at best. If you are going to be a couple then he needs to respect you. That’s not respect. He needs to get his head out if his a$$.


Talking to him seems like a good idea but sometimes they seem to forget or still think it’s not serious bc its only a “joke”. Honestly, what you should do is break down crying the next time he says anything. He will feel guilty and bad and probably very uncomfortable. Cry everytime he slips up too, until he stops completely. Believe me, I’ve been in your shoes and they will not stop bc they think a joke is harmless and not realize that you’re sensitive about it


Your the sensitive one

Laughing at a pregnant lady is like jumping the fence of the tiger exhibit at a zoo. Tear his ass up and show him pregnant women are always right and he needs to get his shit together. He isnt growing a human from scratch, you are.

I’m 8 months pregnant and me and my boyfriend are constantly popping jokes back and forth about each other’s weight gain through this whole process… he’s not trying to be mean he’s just poking fun and your hormones are all over the place and making you really sensitive to everything. Yes ask him to stop because it’s stressing you out and you don’t like it, but also try to see where your reaction is coming from.


Lmao please grow up :rofl:


That’s emotional abuse.


You could make some thing that would make him throw up…not sure what that would be except mashed up bananas with milk and maybe some chocolate? :innocent:

He shouldn’t say things that hurt you. That’s not right. Sounds like a start of abuse.


Just try eating healthy options… And tell him I hurts your feeling but your growing a human life and you need the fuel

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My husband knows better than to ever EVER say something about what I eat. Tell him it hurts and ask him to stop. Then kick him.


Yea people tend to not take the emotions of pregnant people seriously. Tell him off

Just sit down and tell him that although he thinks it’s funny, you don’t.

You’re growing a human, and you’re hungry! You can’t help it! I’m pregnant right now too and I’m constantly eating!

It’s normal to feel sensitive about it, my husband will make a joke every now and then but not constantly. If anything he just dishes me up more food or will grab a snack for me and we laugh about it. :slightly_smiling_face:

The bottom line is that we shouldn’t criticize our significant others, and if it hurts your feelings then he shouldn’t do it.

I also found for myself when I was breast feeding/pumping with my first girl (I’m pregnant with my second girl now) I was always hungry too. So the hunger doesn’t just end when you give birth! :joy:

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Its completely normal for you to be eating like this. Pregnant women get hungry. The next time he says something tell him you are literally growing a human and if you want to eat seconds or thirds of a meal and 20 snacks a day that’s your right. Carrying a baby takes alot of energy :woman_shrugging: .


Let the pregnancy hormone beast emerge lol hell stop :joy:

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They don’t call it eating for two for nothing. Everything tastes better pregnant. I would simply tell him I’m eating for two Back The F*** off.

I would eat everything & not share anymore lol tell him starve unless he apologizes or cook.

Show him some articles online about how you need to eat more when pregnant…prove always shuts them up lol

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He’d wouldn’t have a mouth to make those comment after I was done with him :rage:

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I get it your sensitive. But he is joking about something that is true according to you. So, You should listen to him. “Eating for 2” is actually a myth. And Over eating during pregnancy is really bad. Can lead to alot of problems. I think y’all should go talk to your doctor about it together, to get a mutual understanding.


If it really bugs you, and he keeps doing it, let yourself be hormonal and have a break down. Cry about it, start yelling, let your frustration out in a way that doesn’t cross lines.

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If your eating healthy foods I dont see a problem w it! But I can see him possibly being worries about it for sake of baby if he you are eating unhealthy food. You actually shouldn’t gain more than 20 lbs in your pregnancy “eating for 2” isnt really a true statement. I would talk w your midwife/obgyn


I wish I was hungry while being pregnant right now. I hate food and I hate the smell of everything. But that’s not cool to make jokes unless he’s actually worried about you eating too much. Yeah its insensitive and he should be more sensitive about it but then again if I saw my man eating a whole lot and not slowing down after awhile, I have said things to him too once he’s started to gain alot of weight and I know it’ll be hard for him to loose the weight afterwards. I just look out for him, he likes to be in shape. So I’m really on the fence. I know your making a baby, but if he thinks your gaining weight fast or something then there is a better way of telling you, in a nicer way. Eating healthy should be the way to go though when your pregnant , if your eating like horrible foods then I also think it’s ok for him to speak up and say something.

He should just be quiet, hes not growing the baby you are. Not saying you dont or his crap is acceptable but try healthier more filling foods and it cuts back on how much you eat… I was in the kitchen day and night with my first but once I got the right foods in it calmed down.

Stab him in the hand with a spork!

No don’t really do that!!

Just eat him


If he knows its upsetting and still does it, that makes him an ass, and you have every right to go off.
When I was 6+ months pregnant, I was the same. Could not stop eating, it’s perfectly natural. Tell him to shut the fuck up and keep his comments to himself. :+1:

Just eat the bastard aswel 🤷:joy::joy:

Tell his insensitive ass to read a damn book and get off your case about it. I’m too angry of a person or something to deal with a guy like that… Id flip

Man up and stop being so sensitive


Might not be the right guy for you

Wish my fella would of told me, I get that we put a little weight on but I used the excuse ‘eating for two’ during my pregnancies to indulge in the shitty stuff & now I’m fat :joy:
(I’m sure if he did tell me back then though I’d of eaten him as well) just make sure your eating a balanced diet & ignore him! Xx

If you’ve taken it to an unhealthy level, maybe that is how he is trying to tell you without outright saying it. Our bodies only need an additional 300 calories/day while pregnant. If you’re not gorging or eating the wrong things for the growth of the baby, he can screw off.


Tell him to f*ck off!

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I basically lived off M&Ms for baby #3 she’s absolutely fine aside from a sass attitude and loves chocolate :grinning: I ate what made me feel good. I dealt with the heartburn when it caught up. Long as drs/midwife is happy I wouldn’t be too stressed.


Start taking the joke away from him… Joke about yourself eating

On a normal anyone says something like that to me i would get mad so more so that im pregnant. In my case my husband isn’t so insensitive but if he was id probaly cuss him out

He shouldn’t do it and he need the grow the hell up. Every thing is not funny or meant to be a joke. He’s being passive aggressive

Tell him to grow a human and not eat.

Tell him to shut the hell up!

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It’s a myth about eating for two. It’s also not good to gain a lot of weight maybe try to back off eating to much.ask dr


I used to snack while cooking dinner. :joy::joy: I was permantly starving with my 2nd one. I’d just tell my boyfriend id eat him next when he made comments.

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He’s a fool.
He’s not joking. He’s being a jerk and thinking about your weight gain once baby is here. Tell him to STFU honestly. I cant stand a guy who does things like that. His body can’t even make a child, like get a clue bro.


Just make sure your eating the right things! Your okay Mama just stear clear of junk and unnecessary carbs

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You need to tell I know your joking but it still hurts my feeling I would like you to stop.

If he doesn’t start crying or go off on him till he gets the picture

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What a jerk. You need to eat to keep up your energy. You are making a baby.

Tell him if he wants his baby to be born strong and healthy that he needs to shut his face hole cuz nobody thinks his jokes are funny. He’s being insensitive and needs to stop

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Your feeding for two its normal

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Id just lose my shit on him once the hormonal rage gets him you will either break him or he will stop😂

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Tell him that it is upsetting you, that you are pregnant and his comments are uncalled for. Wow the amount of people saying she shouldn’t eat soo much are mean. You eat what you need to when pregnant and we do not know what she is eating.

Omg my husband is the same it’s annoying but he does that to joke around because he knows how upset I get but I try not to eat much infront of him lol

Smack him upside his head. It gets to a point where it’s no longer funny, just hurtful and he knows it.

I wish men could get pregnant. They would not be able to handle it.!!!


Eating for 2 is a myth and to much eatting or weight gain isn’t good for yoy or Baby. As for him tell him even through he thinks he’s joking your hormones are all over and it’s hurting your self confident. To please stop. If he dosent then he is being mean and a jack azz.


Fuck him. Eat what you want

Im 31 weeks with my 6th. My husband jokes with me sometimes, but for the most part i know he is just joking. I do the same to him. That being said, if you are feeling hungry all the time, try to eat something different. I found that your body will tell you when you need something. If your hungry even after eating, you may not be eating the right things! You don’t want to gain to much trust me, been there and it is sooo much more uncomfortable towards the end when you gain too much, and way harder to lose. I would talk with your doc and tell them that you are feeling hungry all the time and see if they can work with you on what your missing. Or try stuff on your own. This time i found fruit fills me up faster and for a longer amount of time! So I eat fruit with each meal. And being dehydrated can make you feel hungry. So, try drinking at least 2 glasses of water with a meal. Good luck momma! Just ignore the BF, men can be a little out of touch sometimes!

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Just be up front and let him know it hurts your feelings hun! Mine was the same way because the weight I was gaining made him “uncomfortable”. Also do NOT let these people tell you how go eat! Eating for 2 simply means you do need to make sure you’re eating healthy so that baby gets the key vitamins and nutrients it needs to grow! If your body is telling you to eat then eat, it knows what you need. Also the weight you should gain differs from person to person. Some should gain 20 some up to 35. It all depends on the person! It’s not bad to gain weight unless you are going crazy gaining a ridiculous amount which rarelyyyyy ever happens.


My guy helped me not gain too much weight during my pregnancy. But I asked him to help me stay accountable.
If you don’t want that then that sucks.

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Me and both my half brothers do not have my father’s last name because he used to say shit like this to my mom and my brothers mom. So you do what feels right to you. And dont ever let a man who had a hand in this situation make you feel bad for giving nutrition to your growing baby.

My thoughts… eat him too… :sweat_smile: I have spoken.


just a thought (food for thought!?) anyway—as your baby takes over available space in your abdomen, if your appetite is increasing it is only out of your habit of eating too much and stretching out your stomach. Health-wise, you need (should) only gain around 21 pounds total during your entire pregnancy–8 lbs or so for baby, about the same for placenta/water weight/increased breast size—any extra pounds will “hang out” on your body and quickly be weight you cannot lose. This is not a time for over-eating. Read a book, take a walk, distract yourself. Sorry but your boyfriend has a point and maybe he is a little concerned about just where all those pounds will go after the baby is born.

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a tip: don’t eat so much, you’ll just get fat.

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Tell him it’s all mine. Make sure he doesn’t get emy

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People poked fun at me too for how much I was eating… I just kind of laughed it off… Just know every pregnant woman does it! Don’t even worry about it… you’re making a perfect, tiny human :slightly_smiling_face: you will lose the weight! Tell your partner you’re sensitive about his comments, it hurts your feelings.

It’s your first? By the second usually U won’t care anymore

Keep eating 🤷 who cares what he says, he may think he’s being funny but obviously it’s hurting your feelings just keep reminding him of that or try to ignore it but you’re feeding too and you have cravings and you’re going through a lot of different emotions right now. Keep eating do your thing create that baby your beautiful who cares what he says or thinks.

If all else fails do what everyone else is saying and eat him too :joy:


Tell him you will eat him next


Tell him to shut up or he’ll be next :rofl:

You only need 300 more calories per day for the last trimester, but you do you. Pregnancy has a whole bunch of physical, mental and emotional strains and if snacking helps you then go for it. I will offer some advice though - In my 1st pregnancy I gave in to EVERY food craving I had and it left me horribly overweight for a long time after giving birth. This time (4th pregnancy) and the previous two pregnancies I’ve snacked as and when I feel the need, but tried to stick to healthier options like fruit, veg, natural yoghurt etc. Fruit’s great for that little sugar boost to lift you!

It’s totally your body and your choice though, so don’t be too hard on yourself and remember, it takes nine months for your body to create a baby so it’ll take AT LEAST that long before your body starts to return to some sort of normality.

Slap your boyfriend. Best of luck x

Show him this post. Boy this me and damn you so he can buy you more food. #Win

Lighten up a little don’t be offended he means well if he was teasing before pregnancy then I would consider it an issue just remember we have mood swings and can get down about little things as simple as no salt on fries well I cried haha

Take him to the obstetrician with you. Tell the doc you want him/her to explain your nutritional needs to dad because he shames you for eating for you and baby. That will show him how you feel!

Knock that asshole the FUCK DOWN. Oh NO NO NO!!! Eat his shit too…little mother fucker :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:

You know what I think? Fuck him , eat what you want when you want and beat his ass he says anything to you. Put the fear in em. :joy::joy:

Your hormonal, ull take everything to heart. I did when I was preg too. And as for him joking he prob really means no harm by it but if it up setting you just tell him :heart:

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i’d tell him to suck my butt