I am pregnant and will most likely be raising my baby alone: Advice?

Honestly, I was scared to death too… I’m no longer with my ex and I’m more financially stable now . All I know is I can’t imagine my life without my girl she gave my life a new meaning. Hopefully he’ll come around but, if not YOU GOT THIS. and if you ever feel like you’re not doing parenthood right join the club none of us to bc we love them so much you got this!!.. :woman_shrugging:t3:


You are already the best mom, loving your baby and trust me your momma instincts will kick in and you will figure it out, that’s what moms do. As far as the father, he needs no part in your child’s life if that’s how he’s gonna behave. Good luck.


You fight to give that baby best life and don’t look back! If you do not have education take advantage of government programs that will help you get educated to give you and your baby best life.Make your baby be priority .Build a relationship with God and watch amazing things happen in your life.


A lot of us have been in that situation & we made me with more then 1 so chin up you got this with it without him eat so you can provide nutrients to the baby & sleep because no matter the outcome later on I would just worry about 2 no one is ever financially stable even with 2 income kids are expensive & prices go up as the days go by you got this & you will be just fine


Been a single mum with all the stress and worries as a single mom are nothing in comparison to the love nd pride you will feel as you watch your child grow! He/she will fill a space in your heart you never knew was empty and you will even on toughest of days never wish u hadn’t gone through with it!! Your child will give you strength and support in the most unbelievable way that no man ever could!! I was single too since finding out I was pregnant and I have an 8 yr old now!! I have worked all his life nd payed my way, living week to week!! Living our best lives!! Look at everything as best you can and always be grateful, your life and path will find a way! Don’t be afraid to ask for help, moms will always be there for each other, a baby doesn’t need endless supply of material things, they will just need you happy, they feed off your vibes, as nee born nights nd days can be tough, but you will get through everything and be a formidable force of strength for your child that you never knew you had within you!!! I wish you and your baby so much luck, health and happiness momma!! :heart::blue_heart::sparkling_heart:


You’ll never regret a child you have. Even in the toughest of circumstances. Love your baby, love yourself… it is rough but it isn’t impossible!


You can do this I raised 4 young men as a single mother . I’ve been the mother and father for them and they love :heart: and appreciate everything I’ve done for them now as adults .


I did it as single mom, not easy but I wouldn’t have it any other way, I love my children


I regret not leaving. Babies need warmth, clothing, food, and lots and lots of love. As long as you can and want to provide those things then walk away and prepare your life to receive your child. It can help to live closer to family to have some support so do that if you can. There’s nothing worse than being depressed over a failed relationship when you should be focusing on welcoming your baby and healing your body. You can do it! :heartpulse:


Dad or no dad YOU can raise that baby boy and YOU WILL be a great mother! Money may be tight but God will ALWAYS provide for you and your family. You don’t need that jerk to help you raise any child because YOU ARE A QUEEN and you will make it work. Keep your head up!!


You run from that toxic man, stat. I had one of those in my life at one point and I’m so glad I got far away from that. Now I’m married to a wonderful man who treats me better than I ever could’ve imagined.

You raise that child in love. There are so many single mothers out there, and I know it isn’t easy, but you can do it.


I did it for over 7 years. You’ll be ok. Good
God will provide. You’ll find a strength you didn’t know you had. You will accomplish so much on your own And provide a life for you and your child and be so happy And proud °!


You DO NOT have to give your baby up. You have made it clear that you want your baby, so don’t let anyone try to convince you that you should. Baby experiences trauma when separated at birth. There is help out there. You are what’s best for baby. They are already bonding with you in the womb. You will get through this. I did. I raised 5 alone. We were poor, but we made it, and all of them know they are loved. I wish society was more about helping the mom than promoting adoption.


I have a beautiful little girl who is 3 months old. I found out after we split that I was pregnant with his child. He too also said I should get an abortion because of financial reasons. I knew from the start I’d be doing it alone. He has never once been a good father and at this point is a sperm donor in my eyes. Hasn’t met my daughter, continued to be half assed I wasnt gonna expose my daughter to that especially one who couldn’t even tell people I was pregnant or that my daughter was born. No parent is better than a half assed one. I had SO much anxiety on top of trauma from our relationship I was terrified to do it alone. I got into therapy to prepare for my daughters arrival and that helped soo much. It wont be easy, and some days will be harder than others but it is 100% possible. Staying together for a child is selfish in my opinion. If Moms not happy theres no way to give the full amount of attention and love your chidl needs. A happy Mom is what your child needs. You can do this!


Single momma here and I had the same feelings when I was in your spot 9 years ago. I worked part-time jobs, needed assistance, had a wonderful support system of friends and the will power to take each day like the badass that I am. I’m here and I’m doing it. Wasn’t easy but wasn’t impossible. Get yourself in a good place and take each day as they are. You’ll have sleepless nights, you’ll often wonder the what ifs and could haves but when you look at your little bundle, your love will always find a way. My son has been my strength, my will, my everything from day one. He doesn’t know what it’s like to have a dad because he didn’t want to be a part of our lives. His loss, not ours. You’ll see when you go through it as well. I’m glad it happened the way it has, do I wish it were different, of course but would I have changed what I have now if I could have what I thought I needed at that time, Nope.


I’ve raised two kids on my own had my first at barely 20 and yes it’s hard but it’s worth it! There are so many programs to help mothers out there. You do what’s best for you and your child is all that matters and it sounds like doing it alone without your partner is the better plan.


Trust your instincts. You don’t need your bf. Take time out and think make the best decision for you not him


My mom was a single mother of 3 and let me tell you. I never missed having anything. She hustled all her life and gave us everything she could. Even if we had to share beds it was all worth it. I’m the oldest and I had to help around the houSe while she worked. Let me tell you not knowing my dad is ok. I’m strong and so are my brothers because of my Mom and only her. It will be hard but it will get better. Sending you good vibes


I was a single mother and although it is hard when you see that baby there is nothing in this world you wouldn’t do for him/her. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep going. I had hard times for sure but when I look at my son I know I made the right choice. You will be alright.


First of all … you are not helpless. You are strong and can be as independent as you decide to be. Second you need to put him on birth certificate so that he can help financially provide for HIS child. Regardless if he wants it or not. You didn’t lay down and get pregnant by yourself. . . If you wait til you’re “financially ready” you’ll never have kids or a family with today’s world. . . Get a place of your own and surround yourself with a village of mamas that see your value and be the best you that you can be … every day wake up thinking “today I’m going to do great things!” . . . Because you are goin to be a rockstar mom.


As long as u love your child the rest will follow ive brouggt my son up from day one on my own and went through most of pregnacie on my own his dad got with someone else just after i gave birth and has neber botherd abd honestly its not as bad as you think i love it im very proud of myself and how well ive done and im sure you will feel the same as well its actully better youll have your own rules and all that love from your child dont worry about what the dad is doing just focus on you and baby and you could join mother and baby groups and meet other mums its very normal to panick that you cant do it or worrying take one day at a time and try to see the positives it will all work out for you in the end x

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I’ve done it by myself for almost 10 years not saying it’s been easy but I promise it’s worth it. Your child will only make your stronger. Best of luck to you.


It sounds like you know exactly what you want to do and that’s keep your baby. My parents were married and had 4 kids and financially struggled. Sometimes it’s just a part of life but you sound so determined and I think you would be an amazing mom! I know plenty of single moms who straight rock it and I am sure you can to!! But If you feel you can’t provide try an open adoption were hopefully you will still get to see the baby from time to time. My husband is adopted and I’m so thankful for that because I wouldn’t have the family I do if his mom kept him.


It is scary and it will be hard at times. But all of it will be worth it and you know what you will always find a way to make things happen.
You saying that you are afraid to not have enough love for you baby etc means you are already so much in love with him/her.
Go for it, you can do it!:muscle:t2:

Much love and God bless​:pray:t2::heart:


Your choice but frankly if I was you be happy that he showed true colors now instead of later. I’m a single have been most of their lives. Enjoy your baby . Don’t let him live your life.

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Motherhood comes natural for most. Love yourself and remember it’s not just about you anymore. Also remember don’t trust anyone around your child just because your lonely. Good luck!

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lots of us sat in your position.Trust us u got this. One thing u will learn is u will never ever feel that much love for anyone in your life. Your a good mom already the way u are protecting both of you. It will be fine trust us.


I was afraid to leave my ex husband when my son was little cause I was worried about the same things and worried he would have no toys and no clothes. He ended up having tons and a mom who loved him beyond belief and he turned out amazing. Both my sons did. You can do it. Feat of the unknown is usually worse than the reality ends up being

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Stick with your decision, you already seem like you’ll be a great mother from your post. He should have been more careful if he didn’t want a child. There are many resources for low income families (food share, wic, state insurance, child care etc the list goes on depending on what you need help with). I’ve raised two of my children without their father but with a tremendous amount of support from my family & friends (it takes a village) and they turned out awesome. You can’t force him to be there, so if he leaves I’d go for child support. You got this!

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God has a plan for you and your provisions will prevail! :pray:t2: He’ll regret that once he looks onto those baby eyes. All babies are blessings. This hit home because I share a similar story. Just don’t give up. Breath and focus on being mentally healthy for the baby and all things will fall in place for you.

I had my first at 15. The father walked out when my son was 2. I then had my 2nd at 20. I raised both of them on my own for a long time. To me, there is no excuse to not be a mother. If you love that child you will find a way and you will do what you have to to give that child a life. They are worth the fight and much much more. You got this momma! Work your ass off for your baby!

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You can do this. It’s possible. It doesn’t seem possible now, but it is. Your life will fall into place. You will meet another person that loves you and your child. Life gets easier. Just breathe

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You got this! I’ve been a single mom for almost 8 yrs. My oldest was 11 and youngest was almost 4. It wasnt easy but I did everything I had to to make it work.


Many single mothers can it and do well but you can only can make the decision you know how much support you will have so you need to weigh all for your options and see what will fit you and the baby they are write you both will be better off with out him ass far as get support for baby It can be hard I have known people that don’t have a problem getting and other have trouble so don’t count on it for sure and you get the money in your hand and their are some open adoption where you can stay involved with the baby it always a option .good luck on what you do.kept if you can but don’t chose abortion god bless the baby

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You will be fine regardless and if he doesn’t make an effort when the baby does come dont worry all any child needs is warmth full belly and love and that’s it all these things will come with or without his help so dont be stressing hes taking precious time that he doesn’t deserve dont let him take anymore enjoy your pregnancy and remember tomorrow is always a new day

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Sometimes a father the baby doesn’t have to heal from is the best father. It will be hard but not impossible, as long as you love and nurture baby will be fine. Be sure of your decision, that your heart and conscious could live with.

Keep him/her. Never look back. Don’t take that ass back either. It will never get better. They DON’T CHANGE. Get wic (woman infant children) they pay for food basics. Formula if that’s your thing and if not they add nutrition for breastfeeding. Money will always be tight, nothing is ever perfect to have a child. If you can try for assistance like snap and home heating ect. It is manageable. Difficult but manageable. I hope you have family that can help. Good luck mama

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I’m going to play the devil advocate. No matter how much we want a child, we can’t force him to be a father. He has a right to say that are not financially ready. I’m going to assume they are not teenagers, so the are old enough to make sound choices around their education, housing and their careers. As you can see many people are having children later in life just to make sure that they are financially stable and they have their careers.

She will be just fine, she needs to prepare herself for all what’s a head and hopefully she have a good support system.

Honestly choose the baby. Being a single mom just means you get to see all the rewarding things your child will do! Some days itll be a struggle where you dont know where to go from there. I was in a similar situation where my ex partner freaked out because he didn’t know how we would be able to afford it. He out every offer on table lole abortion or adoption. Both of those sounded crazy to me because I knew in my heart that I couldnt just leave this baby. I knew it would be hard and there would be a lot of figuring out to do but I knew there was a way. Hold your head up because as much as your fighting for the baby I think that says a lot on where your heart stands.

You can do it alone. You will find a way if this is what you truly want. If you feel you cannot, there are other options, such as adoption. Only you can make the choice. Do not feel presto do something. If he is not ready, don’t force it. It will only make the situation worse in the long run.

If you have a good suppot system and love this baby everything else will fall into place. My ex husband left me 5 months pregnant with our 2nd child and he was planned. I dont regret being a single mom even though its hard as hell. Do I break down? Of course I do, but i love those boogers more than ever.

And if you aren’t sure you can do this on your own, that is OK too, adoption is always an option as well.

Goodluck to you darling, you always have us to lean on. :heart:

I raised 3 by myself. I did alot of praying and lived on faith. You just gotta have faith. Mine are now 27, 23 and 19. And all is well.

yes its super hard to be a mother but i was 15 alone first child no mother or father and started working for her to give all she needed GOD made woman very strong 3 children now and I work full time and have houses on the side to clean as well and going to school as well you got this children are the best thing in life men will come and go but a childs life and love for you will always be there also so many woman cant have children if you dont want baby look for amazing parents to give baby a chance a life many prayers for you :raised_hands:

Single mothers are a great thing. I raised my daughter alone for 8 years until I met my husband. It is hard yes, but you do it and it’s absolutely worth it. You do what you have to do for your kids. There’s no shame in it and there’s soo much reward in knowing you can handle your own

My mom became a single mother when I was 10 and my brother was 5. I can’t say it was easy but we were always taken care of. I had my first at 20 and I was and I am still married . I didn’t know how we would afford a child either. It takes hope, faith that your doing your best and accepting help when you need it.

You will never be happy if you choose him over your child. That decision will only cause you to feel resentment towards him and the relationship will never stand a chance. Go with what your heart is telling you. You will find a way

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I’m a single mom and I’m telling you, you got this! I don’t get child support but I do have WIC and it helps! Also I have some family and friends that have helped me when times were very rough for me. You just gotta ask. The worst you’ll get is a no. Message me anytime if you need any moral support. Don’t stress over him. Too much stress isn’t good for baby and baby can feel how you feel so keep your chin up and look forward to a great blessing due soon!

Single mother of 3 and doing absolutely fine. A mothers strength has no limit. If you want this child you will do whatever it takes. Love conquers all. X

I raised 2 kids by myself basically making starvation wages and now my son is 21 and doing well on his own and my daughter is 8 and she’s just fine, you will be okay❤️


My partner walked out on me when I was 4 months pregnant. Was best thing he could have done. Times were harder but I managed and got easier with time. His loss. My daughter and I are very close and no one can ever take that from you. You will be totally fine. Not the first and wont be the last. Good luck to you.

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I used to be a single momma I was raising 2 boys on my own one of which is special needs it was really tough but I got blessed when a man came into our lives who has now adopted them and is raising them as his own don’t give up hold your head up know there are groups who help people out with baby stuff different names depending on your area its rough but totally worth it and one last thing you will find strength and courage you never knew existed especially when you see or feel that little one you got this

There is lots of good advise here & I can’t read all the comments but please seek out a pregnancy center that counsels expecting mothers on how to parent, help with baby needs, etc. they are out there so please go find one & think about getting out of that relationship

Get on wic for sure ! It helps a bunch and they can help with other things such as food stamps and Medicaid to get started !!! This will help you soooo much !! And all I have to say is that… you got this ! Where there’s a will there’s a way… I hope you have a support system … like family or friends will help alot … it has its up and downs but you can do it … it’s more challenging but oh so worth the reward at the end :heart::heart:


How much can he love you if he isn’t even willing to step up and try to do better for his child (family he now helped create) that tells you alot right there about it not being a solid relationship. Learn from it so you choose better next time and move on, if you really want the baby push yourself to do what you can to work and provide. Seek assistance from places that can help out. Definitely pray for God’s help. He should’ve known having sex that theres a risk for a baby, don’t want the responsibility take the precautions then or don’t have sex…that simple.

You can do this. All it takes is you putting one foot in front of the other. You are strong. You are enough. You are all that baby needs. You will be okay. You got this! God Bless you both❤

I was fresh out of high school when I found out I was pregnant. I had just been accepted into college, I was scheduled to start at my first job the next day. I chose to focus on work because I knew my limits and couldn’t go to school, work, and care for a baby all at once…left the baby’s father a couple months later and raised my son for two years on my own. I had a good support system, though, which helped–it wasn’t easy (I struggled A LOT) but I did whatever I had to in order to care for him. I’m happily engaged now to a man who treats my son as his own :slight_smile: Don’t try to stay with a man who doesn’t want his own child and clearly doesn’t care about you…you can make it on your own. It’ll be hard as hell but you can do it!! Take him for child support, sign up for medicaid, food assistance, and WIC. I hope you do what’s best for you and your baby; I wish you luck!


Let me just say NEVER underestimate the strength of a mother and her love for her child/children.
We as women are a lot stronger than we often give ourselves credit for.
My advice or humble opinion is this…
LOVE and BELIEVE in yourself enough to know that you CAN do anything alone, even if it means raising a child on your own.
When I was 3mths pregnant along with my other two children (4yrs & 5yrs old at that time) I finally found my strength to get out of an abusive relationship.
This “man” left me broken, cost me my job, both my rent and electricity bill were due, not to mention he cleaned out my bank account and took MY car.
I know this is far from your situation, but I share my experience in hope that this will give words of encouragement to anyone in a similar situation.
Today I humbly and proudly say that although the road hasn’t always been easy, yes there were times when I wanted to give up…
But I did it!
I have my own vehicle, my house, a full time job and I am financially capable of supporting my 3 children on MY OWN without the help of a man.
You too are capable of so much more.
Do what’s in the best interest of you, your child/children, family because in the end only WE as mothers can love and protect our own babies.
Ladies PLEASE don’t ever think you need a man in order to make it in life on your own.
The right man will come along, all in due time.
This I know too now and he’s going to love you and your child/children the way you all deserve to be loved. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::black_heart:

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Take your time and truly think about your decision oh, and when it is made take it hour by hour day by day. I left my ex-husband when my daughter was 4 years old and we lived on $86 every week! You will learn that he or she she is the reason you get every morning and your reason for living! You have a whole Community here ready to support you no matter what it is you need.

Do not abort if you do not want it. Living with regrets will eat you alive.

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I dealt with this when I was pregnant with my son. I worked multiple jobs and wound up moving closer to family because I was way too stressed out dealing with my sons father who didn’t treat us good. I worked my butt off to provide for us but when I was pregnant I did look into ALL of the options out there. I know a few girls who gave their babies up for adoption, they knew they couldn’t provide for them. No shame in any of the choices mothers make. But I knew I would be raising my kid alone with no help and I thought long and hard if I was going to be able to take care of us financially before I decided to keep my pregnancy.

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I think the best thing to do is have the baby abs love it. Will it be easy no but will you make it. Yes . You will find a way . Talk to family abs friends about help. Even in the best of circumstances when you have a partner on board it can take a village … you are not alone. Talk to your family . Talk to your doctor there may be services to help you… but you must eat that baby needs food and the only way to get it is from you so please eat if not for yourself for the baby …

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It will be hard. But your baby is more important than anything or anyone in the world. U can do this

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My husband died when our son was 1 1/2. It was hard being a single mom, but I managed. Even got my masters degree in the process (I was not single the whole time, about half of the time I was going). I met a man that loves my child very much and is a good step in father. If you put your child first, you will be fine and the right man will come along to help you be even happier. But you do not need a partner to be happy. You and your baby will be happy with just your two.

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You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option. You’d be surprised with what you can achieve on your own, if keeping the baby is what you want then do it besides there’s no turning back once you get a termination!! You’ve got this momma :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

Lots of women are single moms. It’s not always easy but you figure it out. It’s well worth it.

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Single mom here as well. My amazing daughter is 8 and I wouldn’t trade the world for her. It’s not going to be easy but you can most definitely do it on your own if you have to. Having a child will make you want to be better and do better. There are plenty of avenues you can go down to get assistance if necessary. I advice to start now. Start looking for a job even of it’s part time. Look for a car of you don’t have one, babies have a lot of places they need to go as they grow. Look for a place to live if you can’t stay where you are. Most important take care of yourself. Anxiety is a beast but you can over come it little by little until you are more confident in your decisions. I know it’s easier said than done, but getting out of your own head will help lead you were you need to go. I wish you the best of luck and believe in you wholeheartedly.

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Have you considered a open adoption?

If you are not a established adult mentally and finacially, do NOT put the pressure on YOURSELF just because you know you can… it’s about the baby… not us… it’s about providing the best life for the baby from the get go… I’m not saying you CAN NOT do it. I know you CAN, but what about the baby? I had my first son he’s turning 9 in 2 weeks… I was not ready… he is paying for it everyday… I do my best but he deserves better. 🤷 I HAD to give my 2nd baby up for adoption… the father told me “get abortion or I’m signing my rights over” and I had never been so thankful… he could have let me have that baby with the thought of having him by my side but he was very honest with me and it takes courage to be honest… pls think about what’s best for the baby… and then about yourself… good luck to you!

I chose my son adoptions parents… :heart::heart::heart: not the state or anyone else. My son is living the life I would HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO PROVIDE. :persevere::heart:

Single mom life is hard but worth it! I raised 3 kids on my own for 14 years until I met an amazing man that stepped in.
On top of your job, Apply for state benefits, This is exactly what they are for, to help people get on their feet. Then, you should follow Dave Ramsey, and save save save. Even if you can only save $5 at a time.

It will be harder trying to raise that child with someone that doesn’t want to.
Have him sign over parental rights. Or go for full custody/rights and he pays support with no contact.

You will be fine little lady I took care of my self and the baby and the dad for years!! Where are you do you have a home a job

There’s plenty of programs out there that can help you provide for your child. You are strong, and you will be a great mother that will do whatever it takes to care for your child.

I was a single mother of four until 2 years ago. You can totally do it. My oldest kids dad moved states away and later decided he wanted to be a father. He continuously asked about him for a year paid child support so I let them meet and they have a great relationship now. You can totally do it

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I was a single mother with my first one and i was going to school full time and working full time its alot of hard work but you do what you have to do for you and that baby and noone can tell you othersise its a stressful thing and i wasnt financially stable but who is when they get pregnant but once you see that bundle of live you brought into this world you will no a love so strong that nothing could break it i know that from experience so if you truly love that baby then you got this you just have to believe in yourself

I brought my 2nd daughter into the world on my own, and you can do it too beautiful girl. You will have days that you crumble and days that you stand tall. You will cry and you will laugh. But motherhood pulls a strength from your core that you didnt even think you had. I have 4 babies and an amazing husband now who loves all my babies to death. Theres a reason everything happens the way it does girl, I swear. Let me tell you, you’re never fully financially ready unless you’re rich because LIFE happens. You can & will be such an amazing momma, regardless of whether there is someone by your side or not. Believe in yourself and remember love wins always. Love, Grace, Patience, just remember that. Praying for you! :purple_heart::pray:

You can do it. It will be hard but so worth it. You dont need a man to tell you what to do with your body.

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Single momma of three for ten years :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts: I couldn’t picture it any other way now. I’m so grateful for all my kids. Baby bonus and government wages will help you get on you feet girl. Don’t be ashamed of it !


Get on income based housing list, get on state insurance, move in with a family member whose supportive and surround yourself with support. Work and save. Do assistance if have for short term. Leave him and don’t look back. You can do it by yourself, it is hard, but you can do it. I did it with 2 babies 1 yr and 5 months apart, went to college full time, part time job, and was in army all at once. Your drive and motivation and focus will be your baby! Your child later on in life with admire and see you as an inspiration.

I raised 3 kids from infants as a single mother. I did have a lot of family support and my mother cared for them when I worked. It was not easy but if you love that baby and really want it then you keep it. You pray to god every day and he will help provide for you both. Never give up but you need a decent job and work very hard.

Tell him to get on board or get out. You can do it on your own. You might not think you can but you can. Find a support network. If he makes it either him or the baby, choose your baby.

Just my thought, get help, go for child support, stay with baby for a few months. The find someone good to watch them while you start working. I do merchandizing jobs because I can do a lot on my hours. Its tough, but better than toxic because that’s what the kids learn is OK. You both deserve better. Someone will love you both.

I was in a similar situation 11 years ago I picked my son over everything yes is not easy been a single mom but there’s always someone that help you out if you got family and they have your back they can babysit the baby while you work or do something from home baking jewelry anything like that good luck hope things work out for you and your baby

You can do it. There are tons of resources available. I was a young singlemom with my first born. I’m currently pregnant with #3 and while I’m with the father, he’s out of work. Feel free to message me!

The child you carry is a gift from God. He has entrusted you with this gift and you will get through this. He is thinking of only himself and that won’t change. There are support groups and church groups out there you can utilize. There are programs like WIC and MOPS and others where you can get useful training and socialization with others who are going through the same things you are. If you need to chat, please contact me. Keep the baby and dump the man. You are stronger than you think.


What is it with these men who think they can dictate killing an innocent baby?

You’re going to be just fine, you are more powerful than you could ever imagine and once baby comes you will level up to superhero. Believe in yourself. There is a bigger plan.

No one can ever be financially ready, things happen to even the most stable households. Money comes and goes but a child is a blessing

No one that know was financially prepared for a baby! Let Jesus come into your heart and you will never be raising your child alone. You are going to love keeping your baby. No amount of money can even come close to that. You’ll do just fine. Being a good mom is the most important job in the world. Your boyfreind will regret not being a dad.

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your baby comes first. despite how bad you want the child’s father. the baby comes first. if you cant give that baby your 100% then look into adoption please.

You do you honey. It’s not difficult to accept being a single mother but it’s hard to imagine. I did it. My entire first pregnancy was terrible. The sperm donor pretended to be interested only when it suited him. He was never 100%. Cheated. Lied. Abused. Like I said…it was hard to imagine being a single mom. Anyway. You do you!!! Be the momma. You just don’t know true love until you are a momma.

Adoption is a great option. There are so many couples hoping to add a child to their family. Hope things go well for you as children are the most precious gift.

I had my daughter when i was 17 today she is 9 years old always put God first i struggled as well but God has and was always faithful you pregnant for a reason love and embrace your child God always provide even if you dont always feel like this and the dad dont you worry about him your job is be the best mother you can be yes we need money to live but the child needs love aswel and am sure you have more love for the baby thats why the baby was given to you enoy the journey huni and am praying for you and lil one

There is a lot of help out there. We have a place that if you take parenting classes you earn baby bucks which can be spent in their “boutique” which has everything you need for a baby and you’re also learning things at the same time. My cousin got a crib, tons of diapers wipes and clothing for his kids there when they were small. Reach out to your local assistance office, they can help guide you in the right direction to get help raising your baby alone. I know getting government help is frowned upon by some but it’s nobody’s business but yours and I know I could have never given up one of mine!

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You can do this. If you have family that will help, that’s wonderful. But if you don’t, there are agencies that will help you find a job, affordable housing, daycare, moral support and many other things to help you become a great independent woman raising your child alone. Good luck to you and God bless you for deciding to keep your little blessing from God.

If you are in the US sign up for WIC ASAP, they will help you with food and lead you in the right direction for any other services you need


I was 17 when I got pregnant and my daughter is now almost 18. Raised her on my own until she was about 11. You got this!

If you don’t think you can make it on your own and provide a home for your baby, consider adoption. If you do an open adoption you can have contact with your baby. I’m familiar with one family who invited the birth mother to celebrations for birthdays, school graduations, etc.

My 20 year old daughter is about to go through this. She is pregnant and the baby dad and her friends are causing her all kinds of stress.

I personally don’t care for for abortion but Ik it would be hard to hand over baby just as much as it’s hard to raise one alone

Your stronger than u think wait till u see this baby and u won’t belive how much u will love it. It can’t be explained how much and you will provide and love who wants someone whom want u and the baby your better off without him.

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You can do this i raised three kids on my own. You would be amazed at the things you can accomplish when you know you have a child that loves you more than anything and to look into their eyes is all you need to know what you need to do to make your little family survive. Have faith in yourself.

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You are going to be great! I found that there is a strength and an instinct that comesalong with motherhood. You are going to be a wonderful Mama because you havexalready fought for your baby’s life :heart:

I was a single mother for 8 years very hard don’t regret a moment of it. My son had everything plus he needed, best thing in my life. You can do it. Lots of single mothers out there rocking it everyday. The love for you child will make you so much stronger and wiser.