I am pregnant and will most likely be raising my baby alone: Advice?

It won’t be easy, but you can do it. There are programs where you can assistance. You need to be strong for the baby and yourself.

It’s hard but worth it. Sign up for Medicaid n what ever other help I can get. By little by little. Don’t be afraid to buy used. Babies grow quick! Hit up yard sales. Don’t buy a bunch of baby clothes. You will mostly use little sleepers and receiving blankets at first. WIC is a big help too. Good luck.

You can do things you never thought possible with the love you have already for your unborn miracle. Get a job. Start there, remove any toxicity from your life, concentrate on your goals and needs; and above all, love yourself.

You may not think you can do it now…but you can. It’s amazing the power and drive you can have with a child. If you honestly want this baby, there will be a way. I was a single mom, I look back and wonder how I did it, at the time it was hard, but I got through it. The love you will have the day you look in the baby’s eyes will give you the power you didn’t know you had. :heart:

If I waited until I was financially stable to have children I wouldn’t have the 3 most important creations in my life… Believe me they keep you strong and it will be the best thing to ever happen to you!:heart: Drop him like a hot potato!! You can do this :muscle:… You and your baby will work it out like a dream team… My ex partner didn’t want our 3rd child told me to get rid because we would never manage blah blah blah so that’s what I did… Got rid… OF HIM!! Now my 3rd is 2 and a half, my only girl and the best thing to ever happen to me… She’s my best friend and she made me so strong and our family complete… YOU HAVE GOT THIS… Good luck xxx

Single mother here. My oldest baby is 20 and I raised him 20 years by my self. It can be done. It has been done. You can do it.

Sweetheart I have 2 and I’m single… you can do anything you put your mind to. Live is the most important. You got this no matter what.

You can do it…trust me. I’d get rid of the man and keep the child. It’ll be the best decision you ever made.

I was a single mom and a full time college student. I applied for state welfare and food stamps. I signed up for wic. You can do this. Itll be hard. But 100% worth it. A bit of advice find your village. Whether it’s your family or friends. You can do this! :slight_smile:

Run and keep your baby that boy don’t want responsibility Run And Run Fast From Him

Darling, you aren’t the first single mother and definitely won’t be the last. Things will be ok…they might be hard at times but you and your child will not die of starvation. There are programs out there for low income people that will help… also take his ass to child support. You will be fine and so will your baby. The most important thing is that you want your baby and you love your baby. Everything else will fall into place. God is good. Dont ever forget that.

Wow. Ok. I am 47 years old. My first 3, ages 28,27 and 16, I have raised as a single parent. Not gonna lie, we have struggled alot, but, I knew I was all they had! Their was not a chance in hell I would let them down! At times I worked from 1 to 3 jobs to support them by myself! With that being said, I adopted 2 siblings in Jan 2019, as a single parent. For me personally, being a single parent is the norm. I prefer to raise my kids by myself…I love it! But, there are times when I’m watching my 4 and 5 yo, and think they need a positive Male role model…maybe one day that will happen? Maybe not? It’s a personnel choice for everyone…you got this! If you need to talk, message me. Already sounds like you made the choice!:heart:

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It may be a challenge but there are so many ways to get help as a single mom. Don’t give up on you or your baby! Once they are here you won’t question it anymore.

I was a single mother since day 1. Don’t be afraid to be a single mother. Once that baby gets here that fear will melt away! I do offer some advice prepare now!! Buy a box of diapers or a box of wipes every week. Stock up on what you can afford now… my son is almost 10 and he has clothes he’ll wear when hes 18 getting them cheap end of season sales.

Mamas always figure it out, that’s what we do for our little one. I’m essentially a single mom of 3 and it takes a lot of sacrifice and a village. But it’s doable stop stressing about the unknown it’s not good for the itty bitty just take every day as a blessing and keep your eyes open for opportunities they will come

Honey this child already don’t have a dad,he said to kill his child get away from this devil and turn to the father that created this child,then you and baby will be fine…

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You made the choice to retain the pregnancy, so now you need to put that child and its needs before just what you want. Maybe you know what you need to do…

My girls are 21 and 18. And nobody is ever financially ready for children. I don’t care what anybody says, LOL it’s true!

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Being a single mom is hard. My kiddo has autism and adhd. I feel like he’s aged me, I’m tired lol but I wouldn’t trade it. He’s only 6 and already a better man than his father. I taught him that. I have autism too btw and full legal and physical custody. I suggest an open adoption as opposed to an abortion. You can still see your child grow up. Just remember children choose their parents long before they are conceived. We have everything in us to parent the children being born unto us.

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As a mother, you will always figure it out. It might be hard and money may be tight but you will make it work.

Once you become a mom you with move earth and water to provide for that child. We are strong women when we need to be.

You became a mother when you got pregnant. :heart:

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As a single mother of 3.
You will have ups and down. Just think you can do it and be strong. Nothing is perfect.

You are not helpless. It will be hard, but it will be worth it.

First off your body your choice! If he doesn’t want to be part of your and your babies life than it’s his loss!

Don’t listen to anyone telling u to sell (give up for adoption) your baby that you have expressly said that you love! If you need emotional support my company would LOVE to give you FREE coaching during this time !!!

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If u choose to keep ur baby over adoption u got this I’m single mom to 2 kids 4, and 1 it is a challenge sometimes because I’m low income but most my extra money goes towards my kids u have this :hugs:

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There is always a way, you just need to find your local Community Action Programs

Either you have a partner or not, you will do everything for the baby. Switch your mind to find solution instead of being hopeless, by thinking what’s going to happen in negative way. Much you can do with your baby without that man who is heartless. Even he will be around, I doubt he will be of benefit being around with you and the baby. Don’t be caught up in hopeless thinking. Think what you will do to survive with your baby with out the man around. There might be some government program that you can go for support step by step, day by day. There’s so many women raised their own children with out the support of the child’s father . They just focused on ways what to do to go on with their child with out the father. By what you said about the father- it’s hopeless to have that man to stand up as father and husband to be.

He said he didnt want the baby off rips. If you choose to keep your child you need to understand not to come for him when he made it clear who he was is.

You will know what to do…left my ex with my 3 mth old, 1 year old and 3 year old…one will be a Dr. Next year. One in Australia with her husband (bachelors) and my angel baby boy a Marine…
You can do this

It’s a deal breaker…find another place to live so you and your baby can grow together. Easier said than done but there are ways to make it work.

First of all, you’re only as helpless as you will allow yourself to be. You are not helpless. Don’t play the victim. You both knew the consequences of having sex and not taking appropriate precautions to prevent a pregnancy so you are both responsible. I didn’t want children. I can legitimately say I was actively taking my pill at all times and both of those times ended in pregnancy. Best thing that ever happened to me. My youngest was 11 months old when I left my ex-husband. Was I scared? You bet your ass I was. Did I make it? Sure did. You can do it just like the rest of us have. You just have to believe that you can. Is it always easy? Ohellno! You need to get rid of that jackass and proceed without him. You will need to talk to the child support agency and I would not put his name on the baby’s birth certificate. Just my two cents worth considering he wanted you to abort the pregnancy. He still needs to be held liable financially and names on birth certificates can be changed at a later date.

Hunny I was in same situation as you 30 years ago money is nice yes but the love of your child is more i couldn’t do it and I manged just fine not going to say it was easy because it wasn’t your life is on hold you don’t get a lot of you time I find when baby sleep you sleep and when hes or she is poorly be patient just make sure you have your mum or a dad a friend on hand to help you for the first few months once you’ve cracked that you’ll be amazing. Talk to your partner it might not just be hes thinking of money he might be scared of becoming a dad some men are he may come round give him time xx good luck enjoy your pregnancy with out any doubt x

There are a lot of resources out there. Start looking early. You can and will do it.

You’ve got this lil momma! You’ve got support and that’s more than what some moms have sometimes

You got this. You don’t realize how bad ass and strong you are! Hang in there mama.

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You can do it without him. I got pregnant when I was 16. The guy was 24. He wanted me to get an abortion.But when I was very young I was told that I wouldn’t be able to have kids. So I was not about to kill my miracle, I loved my baby from the moment I knew he was there. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I knew some how I’d find a way. We’re women We always find a way. I worked through my pregnancy and went back to work as soon as I could, I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it without any help. You can do it. Your baby deserves everything and you will find a way. When you feel anxious think about your baby and how happy you’ll be when you have your baby in your arms. Don’t worry about the guy He’ll either come around or not. Focus on your baby’s and your well being. Take care and be good to yourself.


No matter what u do it’s your choice make sure it is yours and your only don’t let ppl influence u however there are programs to help u with food housing etc if u keep the baby

You are in tough spot. But you can do it! Please see a counselor.

You can always apply for help using resources from your local state or county. Apply for housing and any program that can benefit you!

Moms have been raising babies alone, since the beginning of time. You can do it too

Stay in the power of NOW! Surrender your lives unto the creator one moment at a time. Birds don’t go without and niether will you.

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I have raised mine both from birth solo. So far so good. I suggest getting back to school if you do not have a career, trade, etc. There’s plenty of programs and financial aid for low income folks. My children have my last names. There’s no need to put him on the birth certificate as he can stop you from doing a lot. Wish him well and make fun plans for your future. It will be tough but you can do it. I’ll admit I did NOT breastfeed. Breastfeeding as a single mom is an EXTRA bunch of work and stress. I’m not saying don’t breastfeed…I’m just saying if you cannot…it’s NOT a big deal. Take care of your mental health. Hugs to and good luck. I’m always here if you need. I volunteer helping SMs with lots of things including budgeting and education research/resumes.


Um. Its easier being a single parent than having to stress about the stuff “daddy” isn’t doing

U do what’s right for u and with determination u will make it work I had my first at 17 and I worked my ass off to insure he had everything he needed my ex was never much help so another child and a divorce later I met a man he’s my kids dad I have 4 now and he doesn’t care blood or not they are his kids there is good guys out there even if this guy isn’t the one

Do you have any family that can help you get on your feet ?

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Been doin it for 21 years. Worked 2 sometimes 3 jobs at a time. We made it.

Find a women’s shelter and they will help you , to
keep your baby and find work. They will help you get on your feet, andGod will be with you all the way. I don’t know what city you are in, but the Salvation Army can help you find a shelter. They will keep you until one is available. Don’t give your baby up for anyone.

“Do you want the truth or do you want comfort?”

I raised 7 in eight years without dead beat dads. U can do 1. Have faith!

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Trust, once the baby is born, all worries go out the window Ann’s you will provide and care for the baby.

You will be alright. Things will fall into place as you need them to. Being a mother comes natural to most women. Whether you are with the father of the baby or not, you may even find someone who will step up and be and even better father, bit that will never change the mother you were meant to be. You will do what’s best for baby in any situation. You never know what the situation will be in a year. You have plenty of time to figure it out. And let me just tell you, there is plenty of help out there. Have friends and family throw you a shower. For my first baby, I had 1 regular baby shower where people brought clothes, bottles, diapers, wipes, binkys, blankets, any and everything I could have needed. Then I had another baby shower thrown for me where I asked for only diapers and wipes. I didn’t have to buy anything for my baby for a year. Not everyone is as fortunate but lots of people, even strangers are willing to help. Sign up for wic. Every single pregnant woman is approved and every baby to a single parent is approved. They will help with foods that you need while pregnant, and when baby is born, they will give you foods good for breast feeding, or provide formula for baby. It’s definitely do able as a single mother. YOU WILL ALWAYS be YOUR BABYS BIGGEST ADVOCATE! PLEASE NEVER STOP STANDING UP FOR YOUR BABY/BABIES! It’s definitely a love that you will never experience in any other situation. Keep loving that baby and stay strong mamma. The reward is worth the fight. Don’t stress bc baby stresses when you stress. Just know that everything will be okay!

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Just take it one day at a time. Worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes. Tonight you need rest and relaxation.

Keep the door open for a while and see if he changes his ass mind?

Buck up and deal with it or get an abortion. But a pity party isn’t an option.

Follow your heart…hes scared…you dont need a man to raise a child…men are babies…God will provide. That lil bean already has a heart brain and soul…

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Just remember that your situation is temporary. By the time your baby comes you could be better off. The first year or two of my first child’s life I didnt have a job or a home. Then eventually my parents let me stay in one of their houses until we were forced to live together. There are government programs out there. Foodstamps and medicaid. Your baby will be fed and have medical care. Not to mention WIC to help eith formula. Thrift stores and marketplace to buy cheap baby items. It’s not as impossible as it seems at first. If you get a job, apply for childcare through human services. Apply for low income housing. Trust me. We all go through this. Even couples who are together will still feel incapable of taking care of their kids. Fast forward a few years and now I have three kids and I provide for them just fine. They never go to bed hungry and always have clothes to wear. Many kids dont get that. Especially ones that are in the system.

God gave u that gift a child pray and have faith u got this believe in your3

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For as long as you are doing what is pleasing to God, be assured you’ll get all the help and miracles you’ll ever need. He is our Great Provider remember.

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Turn to the Lord.
He wont fail you. (I will testify to that)

Psalm 119:50
This is my comfort in my affliction, for your word has given me life.

Ps 94:19 when doubt filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.


You can do it, you don’t need this is negativity when your pregnant your going to be a great mum. :blue_heart::heart:

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a baby is a blessing from God he will help u threw. it if u. dont think u can. adoption is great. prayers for u

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Have your baby God will provide. If you wanna be a good mother you will be ! Good luck💕

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Get on Medicaid, get a second job while you can, save, save, save

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Parenthood. The toughest job you’ll ever love. Believe in yourself. You can do it.

Hi I have a lovely pram if you would like it. I had my first baby boy 18months ago. An I’ve lots of baby boy clothes and shoes if you would like them…just help you get started… I’m sure you will be an amazing mammy… its the best feeling in the world being a mam… it is hard sometimes but its the most rewarding job in the world.


Get out now it will be easier on the child

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If you love your baby, that’s all you need to know. God will make a way for you both. Everything will turn out fine for you. Have faith in your abilities!!:heartbeat:

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Good advise. :pray:t3::two_hearts: There’s always a wat out. God always provides for us, for life, because He is Life. :pray:t3::two_hearts:

You’re baby is a blessing and your strength!
Cheer up!

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Keep your baby. Single mom of 3 perfect babies here. It’s hard but nothing ever worth having comes easy. Leave the sperm donor, somebody else will love you and your baby as their own someday. Just work on getting yourself prepared for the baby, don’t worry about a man right now. I’m sorry and I know it’s a hard choice but, there’s no way you can live with an abortion based on what you’ve shared. You already love that baby. I have never been in a position to afford a new baby but, somehow we make it work because we have to.

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Oh my dear sweet girl, choose life and love. You will never regret your child, and you will always make a way.

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You will do just fine lots of mommas do it will all work out

Keep your baby it is a gift from God :heart:

After this use birth control


Adoption or be prepared to be a single mother. Harsh but truth


Run some one will love you both

I was a single mother for 14 years. Where there is a will, there is a way. Surround yourself with loving people. Family is not always blood. And do the damn thing. In today’s world there are so many programs and outreach groups that one truly does not have to be alone in this journey. I did it on a waitress salary and trust when I say the struggle was real but if you really want your baby, you’ll find ways.

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There are plenty single mommas doing it for multiple kids

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Single mom to a 12 year old boy with Autism, Spina Bifida and Tourettes.

It can be done. Yes. It’s hard sometimes. But we love our kids so we do whatever we need to.

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Do not let a man dictate what you do. Your baby will love you before any man ever will. Raising a baby alone is probably gonna be tough. But you can do it!!! We all do it every day!!!


A mother will is all you need honey :revolving_hearts:

I was a single mother, hes 23 yrs old now.
It’s not as hard as you think right now but I would advise you to have a good support system like family around. Just my 2 cents.
You got this!!

He might come around once he sees the baby… being a mother will come naturally once you hold baby.

I was a single mother for 20 years. Had 5 children plus extras that came to live with me. Took in run aways for several years. I worked and made things work. I was the only one for my girls and I enjoyed it. No o e to argue with. Sure that’s not always help, but I had family and friends.
I wouldn’t change anything of those years! And my girls are closer to me than many kids.

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You put everything you have into loving that baby and bust ass to provide for you both. You can do it. Lots of us have been there. It’ll be rough and you’ll have some breakdown days but it’ll be well worth it

First of all you are not helpless… It’s definitely a state of mind… The struggle is real, but if you step up and know that it is no longer about you, you will find a way to provide. I can tell you I lost multiple jobs because my son was sick and can’t go to daycare for 24 hours after puking or fever. Lice in elementary school and kids can’t go until it’s gone. (Can take weeks. (Shave boys head when desperate) I knew I was going to be a single mom. I was not going to settle or make anyone be a part of their child’s life. It will only hurt the child in the end. They will learn on their own who was there for them. Look for help in family or friends, and if you don’t have that like I didn’t, you can look for a good job with good people who will support you with flexibility in your schedule. I went back to college, and my professors would let me bring baby to night class when needed and I work for myself now (Real Estate) Bartending at night for extra $. My oldest is 21 and got a football scholarship to play in college and graduates this year. I had 2 more kids and he grew up babysitting them(10 years apart) he met his dad at 18. I never talked bad about him or my other children’s dad. Just told him his dad couldn’t take care of himself which is why I left. They will cry and think they are the reason other parent not there. Try to have a good relationship with the dad whether he pays or not. I’m owed over $100,000. Paid $8 in 21 years. Be your child’s strength and reassure them that all they need is you and be what they need. I’ve slept in hotels before getting apartments and found myself evicted once. Money talks, so I would work as much as you can for the next 6 months, unless you don’t have a job. Very hard to get job while pregnant. They won’t tell you that’s the reason you’re not hired, but it will be. I have been to interviews with my son in a stroller and got hired. It will be a challenge, but if you really want it you can make it work. I never brought men around my kids. (Oldest said in 8th grade I know how my brother/ sister got here now) lol! Almost 22 years later my youngest is 1 and at 44 I found someone who wanted to start over and it’s my 1st time in a real relationship. Hard at times, but he has given me all the time I missed with my other 3. Had to look for jobs a week after delivery with my 2nd because I had nothing. Went into property management, so I could live onsite while I worked. Sometimes had free rent in exchange for work. Never worked farther than 5 minutes away from kids in case of emergency. Restaurants are good $ and can work shifts around kids schedules and still pick up from school and be apart of their extracurricular activities. New president is going to be giving $ away that you will be spending in ways you don’t want. Gas/Food going up and who knows what other taxes but it will balance out. Best of Luck in your decision! Only you know what your capable of, and as hard as that decision is you owe it to yourself and your child to be honest with yourself. I’ve had to make that decision too. I believe everything happens for a reason and you can’t predict the future so just do what’s best for you! They say it takes a village to raise a child and I can tell you that is soo true :heart: Especially when they are teenagers and nothing you do is right! Stay strong, and find some help (teachers/coaches) to figure out goals they may have and find ways to make that happen.

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So many single moms manage. After 12 yrs, I found myself a single mom of 5. Was it a struggle? Yes. But my kids have never complained about not having “things” bc they had so much love that it didn’t matter.

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Follow your heart. A million times worth it.

there’s always adoption

You got this girl :grinning:

What state are you in?

girl I raise 3 by myself

Blaming others is a sign of weakness. Men like that are spineless idiots. To leave your man will never be a loss. Everything happens for a reason, whether you believe in God or not, your little angel is there for a reason. Right now, she or he helped you discover the kind of man you are wasting your life with. Sooner, you’ll discover more reasons and I promise you, it will be all for good. Be strong.

Work your ass off. My best friend waited tables until a week before she had the baby and then returned to work when the baby was 4 weeks old. Dad was a piece of crap said the same thing about aborting but she wanted her girl. She’s a great mom.

You can’t force hom to want the baby. Take his butt to court for child support, find yourself a cheap one bedroom apartment and look for a good job.

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I went through a similar situation like yours I was married for 5yrs before My Ex Husband left me 2 months pregnant for another girl all my pregnancy I cried was depressed because not only was I alone pregnant I was going thru a divorce and he was denying the baby being even his. :expressionless: TO BE HONEST I FEEL SOOOO STUPID for have wasted my time worring about the what if and how come or why me. BELIEVE ME when you see your little ones face the first time all your worries will go out the window. My baby was born preemie and the umbilical cord around her neck 3 times I went into labor by myself yes it was scary but it made me stronger to fight for myself and my baby girl. Try not to worry about it or stress about it you dont want to get dehydrated or have complications when its time and you definitely dont want to hear your new born have the after cry breathing because it just will break your heart to hear them do that I felt so guilty because its really true the baby does feel all your feelings so stay strong mama one baby is NOTHING im on my 3rd baby now and I loom back and think wow ONE baby really was easy lol stay strong and dont be afriad to ask for help from family friends and thier are a lot of great foundations!! Praying for a Safe and healty and peaceful pregnacy! Stay strong you are good!

Ya know you can’t really ask someone else what to do when it comes to should i or should i not have a child and become a parent its not a goldfish this is only somethi g you can answer two choices put it up for adoption. Or do what I did keep your baby and bust your ass and and do what it takes to care for that baby the best you can and i mean busy your ass I worked my whole pregnancy I only was able to take two weeks off after having a C section I havr no personal life and some days in so tired and lonely and frustrated I just wanna give up but I love my daughter she has autism and is nonverbal which makes it 10× harder but she loves me so much and I’ve worked hard and sometimes even tho she can’t say it 8 know she loves me for it and I had bare minimum for myself for the last 8 yrs I dont go out. I work 6 days and 7 nights a week thank god my daycare charges a flat rate and my cousin is yo lazy to get a real job so she lives with me which allows me to work at night. But at 27 this yr i have purchased a house for her I took her from a 1 room efficiency apartment to a two story 2 bathroom 2 bedroom house with a big backyard that has a brand new privacy fence while paying my car off right after if you work hard your child and you will be fine work sacrifice and determination you can give that baby a good life with those three things

When you become a mom there is nothing you can’t do. You can do it alone. Don’t doubt yourself. You got this!