I have two kids, ages 7 and 5. I am 35 years old and am pregnant with our third child. I am having such bad anxiety about having a third. I am keeping thinking about our jobs, balancing life, three college tuitions, three weddings, a newborn baby, breastfeeding, etc. I keep thinking we should have just stayed with two. I know we can’t go back, but why am I so worried? I know I will love this baby but I am very scared and worried.
I haven’t got 3, but I just went from one to two. And the worry and anxiety had me a mess through my whole pregnancy. The guilt I felt for my daughter who is 4 now, was the most overwhelming thing I’ve ever felt in my life. His 5 months old now, and we’re still finding a balance. Some days are bad, but we’re getting more and more happy days. Congratulations and I hope you get the advice you need x
Same boat 3rd and I’m 31 anxiety has been really bad this time. Your only given what you can handle life works itself out exactly how it’s ment your just a bad ass momma girl chin up ya got this
My first born were twins, 18 years ago. I had all the same worries… I did get through it, without my family, and I had post-partum depression before I knew what it was. I’m not really sure how I managed. I’ve had 2 more after that… 4 kids total. A lot of worry. The only advice I can give, is to take each day as it is. Make it through that day, deal with the tomorrow’s when they come, or when you’re ready to deal with them. They’re a long way off from a wedding, and college. When your 3rd isnt a newborn, it will be easier for you. Then you’ll have a bit more time to think of the future. For now, think of the present. And if you need help, please ask for it. Either family, or community services. Talk to your Dr.
I have three kids and I don’t find it much more difficult than having two kids. My big kids were 9 and 7 when I had my third and I was 37. The third was easier in a lot of ways - I was more mature and I also just enjoyed it more. I didn’t freak out as much as I did when I was a less experienced mother and my third kid is such a go with the flow guy! Not to mention, I got a lot of help (and still do) from the bigs with the baby. My kids are 18, 16, and almost 10 now. It is hard to balance sports and extracurriculars, but it is hard to do that with just two!! You will do fine and you will never regret adding another love to your family! I think 2020 is just freaking us all out and giving us all major anxiety - big life changes are hard to tackle in this climate.
I’m 34 and on #7! (And yes I know how birth control works got pregnant with the nexplanon this time around )
Stop worrying aboit THAT far into the future. You never know what life will throw at you.
I have 3 the last was a surprise, it’s pretty easy going and you need to not live in the future live in the now
I was the same way with my 3rd and in the beginning it was a little stressful. Things definitely cost more now, mostly the grocery bill but I’m not at all worried about weddings or college now, it’s way too far out for me to worry about I got asses to wipe seriously though, it will all work out fine
1 to 2 was tough. 2 to 3 is not anywhere near as hard.
I tried to make sure that the older two were involved. We always called the baby “their” baby too. (Can you get your baby a diaper, I think your baby is cold, can you get her a blanket, etc). The feeling that they were a part of it made it much easier for them.
Youll be all good!
When your feeling over whelmed just take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Remind yourself its okay. Its okay. Its okay. It’s okay to feel worried and nervous but don’t let it consume you. Life has a funny way of just working things out. I also got horrible anxiety with my 3rd. I’m using the breathing technique to help me relax. It will all just come natural just like the first 2 times around.
I was the same way when I was pregnant with my second. Once the baby is here it will change. You will find that balance just give it time.
I have no advice, just here to say you aren’t alone. Currently pregnant with number 3 and all up in my feelings too
Just live your present and give the best to your kids every single day, future is uncertain and what they need right now is the joy and love of you! YOU ARE A SUPER WOMEN, EMPOWER YOUR SELF WITH POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF
I have 6 living 1 angel. I can only hope they go the college path, but if they don’t there are still great careers out there without a college education. Thinking about the future is more along the lines i raise healthy adults that have morals and achieve greatness by not becoming a holes and not ending up in prison or become drug addicts or the like there of. I believe in them. My 5 year old is so interested in the human body and helping others. She plays doctor all the time. Im just encouraging her and there are so manybcareer paths she could take with that. My oldest is 14 and likes to tinker with things, taking them apart and hes very detailed. I could easily see him in a computer field. Empower them, don’t sweat the small stuff. You got this.
I just had my 3rd, a surprise, and I was 42! He is the sweetest little guy I could have asked for! Worrying is natural, we all worry. However, in the end, it all works out!
If you’re early enough along, you can have an abortion. If that’s not an option, adoption.
You will be fine. I had a 3 kids by 35 years old. My two oldest were the same age as yours when my son came. I felt the same way while I was pregnant. Once he was born I went into momma mode. Everything will fall into to place. The first couple months were hard but if you have a supportive SO then you will be fine. My children are 27, 25 and 18. Two graduated college and one more to go. Lol good luck!!
I went from having one child for 13 years to marrying a man who had two sons. We became pregnant with our first one and I did the same thing. I had one child for 13 years and now suddenly we have four! My anxiety was through the roof. But it passes in time. Mine just seemed to vanish once our son was born. I just knew that God has given us this baby and he would also give us a way to do everything else.
I’m 34+4 weeks with my third and I’m 33 yes old. My older kids are 6+5 and having another is scary. BUT I’m choosing to think of all the best things that come with having a baby and focusing on that. We have so many happy memories from our older kids as babies and we can’t wait to experience those special moments again with our new baby🤗
I’m 37 and having number three at the end of the month and my older 2 are 3 years and 16 months so I’ll have 3 aged 3 and under. Don’t stress too much it is probably just because of the age gap between the kids. Just work to stay calm everything will be fine
I have 3 boys, 12, 9 and 7 months. Just take each day as it comes. What will be will be xxx
Should have thought about all that before getting pregnant.
After 2, it’s like… What’s one More lol… I have 5 kiddos. And everything will come naturally and you’ll figure it out. It May take a couple days but you’ll get it and everything will be fine
That third may be the greatest blessing in everyones life. It makes life so much better. Enjoy every one for their unique personality and the love they bring to all of your fsmily!
Worry about now- tomorrow will take care of itself
It will pass Mama. We are also on number 3. Unplanned. Our other two are 6 and 5. We’ve gotten a bit more excited but still very anxious. Babies are blessings. Prayers your way.
As soon as you hold your baby, if not before, you will love him or her forever. With the current state of uncertainty in the world right now I think it would be natural to have more anxiety during pregnancy. Take each day as it comes, but make preparations for the future.
I think as we get older and more experienced in life our thinking shifts and starts thinking about everything you mentioned. I have a 14 and 10 year old and had my baby 8 months ago at 34. Everything you’re thinking I thought too amd more. I don’t recall being so paranoid with my other 2 like I was with my 3rd.
We will be okay, YOU will be okay. Blessings!
I had anxiety about my 2nd kid too. I think it’s a normal feeling when asdding to your bunch. Your baby will be so perfect to you that you won’t care about any of the extras when he/she gets here. Just go with the flow! It all comes naturally & works itself out.
I have five. Three was my hardest number not gonna lie
I had my 3rd at 36, planned, and still have anxiety over how we will get thru it all (they are now 21, 18, & 14). They are all great kids, and we both work f/t, they were in daycare for years (tough years financially, but we made it thru) & now college. Just love them with all your heart, be kind to one another, spend quality time with them when you can, give them each individual attention when they need it. It’s exhausting, at times frustrating, at times scary, and endless worry, but he/she will fill your heart and hopefully complete your family. And they will always have each other. Good luck and stay strong!
3 college tuitions
3 weddings…just chill…its many years away!!!
Plus have the kids work while they go to school so they can contribute to their tuition or have them get loans. There are grants u know.
Maybe they will elope and u wont have to pay for their weddings…or they help pay for their weddings…so chill
Really no need to go to extreme anxiety over things that will happen in future and not in ur control now or later cuz if it’s causing u anxiety panic. Attacks then the kids can contribute$$ to their own life choices.
Live in the moment
Focus on ur health
Remember that baby is a gift
Start savings for the kids now. Dont wait. Put $5 out of every check ($15) in each acct. When tax returns come, put another specified amount in each. Do NOT touch the money until they are going to college. There are special savings for those. Also, adjust you & your significant others, tax forms through your jobs to claim the most you can to ensure larger checks now as you will likely always get a return due to 3 kids. Also I highly recommend not counting on a tax return (even though you will get it). That way you know to put it in savings when you get it instead of spending it on other things that arent neccessary.
All I know is I was the third child. I had sisters who were 10 and 6 years older than me. I was totally unplanned but my parents always said i was a wonderful suprise. We always were close and did everything together the 5 of us. Financially I wouldn’t worry. Things always have their own way of working out. College tuition? That’s far away but I recommend trade schools for anybody. Electrician, plumbing etc. They can make close to what lawyers make.
New baby is always worrisome. Hormones don’t help! It will be okay!
Itll be fine. Start saving for college now little by little. Weddings they can pay for themselves. I paid for my own wedding. Not to mention they might not even want to get married. They can also work through college, get loans to help etc.
Just enjoy the now. Not thinking 18 years time.
Once u get more than one everything is how you make it. Plan ahead. Set limits realistic (for urself and kids) and stick to them. Wld be helpful to start all that now so the older ones get used to it. Good luck!
Like my wise Grandma told me, “just take one day at a time, and get through that, during hard times”.
Going to church will help. Reading your Bible everyday will too. Psalms is a comforting book.
God bless you. Praying for you and your family!
Live within the moment… Deal with the now than over thinking to the future where the path is never clear. You have been blessed, enjoy this mama xx. Congratulations!
I’m a single mum of five it’s not even that bad and your other kids are old enough to have more it’s not hard at all
I had a third baby around the same time and my older kids where around the same ages, it’s not so bad. Breath you will get through it.
Been there done that… It will pass. It will be ok and you will settle into your place. One day at a time.
I felt like that with #4. I was terrified through my whole pregnancy. Ask for help, don’t be afraid to ask. Take one day at a time. You’ll adjust to everything. It may take some time, but everything will fall into place. It’s ok to be scared, and feel this way, but it’s gonna be ok. Mine are 24, 23, 20 and almost 17. We made it and we did just fine. You’re gonna be ok
It’s normal to feel this way. But, thinking too far ahead can be crippling. I have anxiety that I’m dealing with that got way worse after my second. I do know too that when you do add a third child, it’s like they were always there. Baby will fall right into place and you guys will be just fine. We are always here if you need any help
I had crazy anxiety with my third and a little over 3 weeks ago had my fourth and the anxiety wasn’t as bad. I am 35 as well was 33 when I had my third. I came close to losing my life when I was giving birth to my fourth so she will be my last. My kids are 9, 7, 2 and 3 and a half weeks. With my third when the anxiety attacks came I took a step back laid my head back and just started counting to 10 and just try to breathe until I felt better.
My son and daughter-in-law have 4. I think you adjust with each addition and just do the best you can. There will be a lot of fun times and they grow up so fast even though it won’t seem like it at times.
There is so much going on right now besides your pregnancy that may have a lot to do with it. Just remember, your kids will be okay if they have to pay for things themselves like college and weddings. It is not a law that you have to pay for these things. Your job as a parent is to love them and bring them up to be happy, respectful humans. I have two boys and both have grown into good adults. Could not be more proud of them. Besides, what you are worrying about is a long time away. Things change constantly. Just take one day at a time.
I’m pregnant with my second and will be 35 next week and I’m tired. I feel the same way you do about things but I know everything will work out. Just try to relax. You got this!
It will be alright momma❤ I had my 6th baby last year at 35. You will do wonderful!
a baby should be a joy and thrill and a blessing from god pray to God get ready to meet a new face let go of problems wake up
One day at a time, mama. Things will fall into place somehow.
Breathe mama . Every thing is go an be alright
Have faith in yourself you can do it
lmao i had two under 5 at 18 one more wont make a diffrence i had my first at 15 we did ok
I only have one child, but I also experience horrible anxiety. While I can’t help much with the balancing part, what I can say is try to take life one day at time. I’ve realized looking too much into the future and focusing on just one day (I know it’s almost impossible) is easier on my anxiety. Just focus on what you can control and what’s in front of you right now. Meds help a lot but they aren’t for everyone.
You need to get out of your head. God gave you a gift. Enjoy,relax and quit over thinking. You got this. If not there is always adoption. I suffer from anxiety and I know I’m my worst enemy
My 3rd was within 4 years. She was a blessing to me her whole life. We are best friends. One day at a time. Take a deep breath and realize it is part of Gods plan. He is in control.
My third has been my sweetest and easiest kid from the second she was born. It’s like she’s always been here and as far as work load, it’s just another plate at the table. I don’t do anymore work for her than I would already be doing for my other 2 kids.
I was a lot more anxious during my last pregnancy too. I made sure I done something each day to release my thoughts causing me to freak out (talk to someone, journal it, etc) and took time for myself when the other 2 were in bed. I didnt want to be on meds since I was already high risk so the dr suggested therapy. I didnt have the money for it so thats why I talked to my family and friends… theres nothing wrong with worrying, but remind yourself everything will be alright.
Going from one to two is the most difficult . The third is a piece of cake . Enjoy it. I’m a mom of 5 . Youngest is now 21 . It goes by way too fast . Cherish every moment you can .
I was scared when I found out I was having number 3. I’m so very thankful she is now 37 and she had always been the topping on the cake. She is a wonderful human being.
Like you I had severe anxiety and panic attacks when I was pregnant with my 3rd baby. I talked to my doctor and I went and saw a therapist. She told me to focus on the positive instead of the negative. Focus on another sweet baby to love . Go for a walk. It will help you mentally as well as physically. Pray and give your worries to God. Phillippians 4:6-7
Our third one was a surprise blessing. Our daughters were 7&8. I had just started back to work full time when I found out I was pregnant.
Honestly, everything really work out. And you will soon wonder what you were worried about <3
Be gentle with yourself. People used to joke that our son wouldn’t learn to walk because I always carried him.
I had the same problem. As soon as I was pregnant w my 3rd … everyone decided to come out of the wood works and tell me how hard having 3 is and Im brave blah blah. It was slightly upsetting. But its fine. Your little one will not be anymore overwhelming then the 2 you have. Also your other children are at perfect ages to help mommy w the new baby. Don’t stress. People are dicks. Everything will come together just as it needs to.
Such is life… take a deep breath and look at your precious babies… not belittling your anxiety at all it is normal mom stuff
Wishing you the best. I had a 6 and 8 year old and had not planned on having any more. In fact I was going to make an appointment to have my tubes tied when I went to the doctor in the fall. But I was pregnant when I went to doctor. Turned out to be the best thing. I always said she was my surprise blessing. The other things will work out. As far as house work and taking care of the baby, it was actually easier than before because the other children were not toddlers. Yes, financially, you will have ups and downs and things sometimes will be tough. My three are all grown. It all worked out.
It will be okay. I’m currently in the process of taking in my nephew because his dad is strung out and his mom is not in the picture so he needs someone in his corner. Just take it a day at a time. But I also have my 2 girls to raise. So I get where you’re coming from with anxiety. But it will get better.
Its gonna be ok . try not to look so hard into the future breathe take one day at a time. Enjoy being able to carry a baby. We live in scary times but focus on the good . try some warm tea pamper yourself spend time with your kids just enjoy your kids your pregnancy and your mirracle your carrying . everything’s gonna be ok and work out eventually . you got this.
It’s normal. I was the same way with my last one. My son was my 2and, my husband’s 5th and we had custody of his oldest 3 with 2 going weekly to therapy appointments that did nothing as they would say they wanted me dead, out of the house, etc. Then he decided to become an OTR trucker…he was the only one working…talk about extreme anxiety. But, we made it work. My MIL lives in a different state that has better mental health options so she offered to take custody of the 2 needing that and left me with my 15, 5 and 1 yr old. It is still hard as dad is a trucker, but we made it work. Even a year later, I still suffer some anxiety, but I know that we got this and can get through it. We are all here for you.
I had four children and three miscarries! Enjoy everyday as much as you can. Don’t worry about college it will take care of itself when the time comes! We lost our middle son to pancreatic cancer 7 years ago and I am so thankful for the 42 years God gave us with him. Enjoy your children everyday of their lives because you never know when they’ll be gone!
Give your self a break there is so many negative things happen right now. Those things you are worry about are way down the road. Keep your mind focused all the positive. Pray for God to help with your anxiety and give the burden to him.
Put it in God’s hands. Just know that everything will work itself out. If you worry about what might happen you won’t enjoy what is happening. Enjoy your pregnancy, kids, husband and where you are in life right now.
My third was a surprise but the biggest blessing. She’s the only one who looks like me. AND once you have three, no one thinks you have to be super mom.
It took us 3 years to have our first baby, (military), it took us 1 month to get pregnant with our second. Our 3rd took us totally by surprise. Like you, going back was not an option. I’m so grateful, she has brought more joy and laughter than I could have imagined. All 3 are beautiful caring mothers. We got through
School, weddings, pain and trials but much more joy. You have anxiety because the world is scary, always has been but seems lately that it’s gone over the top. Honey don’t try to solve things that haven’t developed. Trust that God has a plan and remind yourself that you’re a strong woman with His help.
You will love that sweet baby so much you will forget all that other stuff. God will take care of it all. He gave you that baby to raise for his glory
You worry too much! I raised 5. Things will work out. Trust God! Inever worried about how Iwas going to manage. Iknew that if God gave me those babies he would see that Icould care for them. They are grown now and Ithank God for my big family.
Hormones can cause anxiety to rise. Its very common. You can try many mentioned options, therapy, talking to your doctor about medications, but one thing you for sure need to do is talk to your spouse. You wouldn’t imagine how much help they can actually be when you are feeling anxious. Don’t hide how you are feeling from them, include them and try and come up with a game plan! We just added number 7 to our family 2 months ago. He is actually my 6th, but my fiance has a child from a previous relationship and then I had 5. I got very anxious during my pregnancy and talking with my fiance and coming up with different scenarios and plans helped out a lot. He helped me greatly and I dont think he even realizes it.
Just know what you are going through is perfectly normal!
It’s a very scary world out there and every one is a bit anxious about this virus and where ww go from here… Dont watch the news that will make one anxious… Put on some sweet music in the even x try and chill… Have a long bath when the kids are in bed…at least you have your hubby by your side… So try x relax I no its hard… Good luck… From England.
Go get some counseling and talk things out with a therapist who can be objective. There is nothing wrong with what you are experiencing.
Try not to look so far ahead. Enjoy your family and your new little one!
Things will work out. I raised four. God wouldn’t have given you another if he didn’t wsnt you to have another baby. Relax and enjoy.
You are worrying about something that you can’t change. Enjoy your new baby! Ask for help when you need it, your kids will be a big help!
I will like to tell what my dad use to tell me. U are not given more the u can handle. Just enjoy the baby and handle everything else as it comes
My third one was a complete surprise. He has been and is a joy since Day 1. I was in my last year of college, Had a 2 month old, had to do internships and take my boards. It will all work out!
Don’t dwell on things you overthink things then it makes thing’s worst. Positive thoughts positive thinking
Get out of your head and just relax with the flow. There’s nothing you can do to change it except enjoy the ride. Easier said than done? Yes, but still enjoy the ride.
We have three children. Did not plan on #3. But he turned out to be delightful. Just take one day at a time. Right now college is so expensive. Something will change or they can always take college loans
I was like that but after baby 3 was born I was fine he,s 5 years younger than middle child…
You cant worry about the future so much. Revel in the now. Enjoy the kids and baby while you can. The other stuff will work out.
Turn off the news and watch only family type shows. BTV can be so depressing today and we worry about what kind of a life will these little ones have. I am male, and I worry about this.
I’m a mom of 3 boys ages 16, 10, 8. You will be okay. Having 3 is not much different than 2.
It’s scary but try to take one day at a time. You will get through and everything will be fine.
Why are you worried so far ahead just take one day at a time and leave in the Lord’s hand!
I have 3 children but went smoothly
You are borrowing trouble. Kids may not go to college, may elope etc. I wish I had a third child.
It’s normal. Wrote them down, then wrote how you plan to cope with the issue. That should help reassure you.
I would talk to your doctor but I bet this isn’t unusual…
It will work out. God has a plan and this child is part of it.
Understand what feeling have you talked to your obgyn about it???