I am pregnant with my 6th child and don't know what to do

Once you have so many kids it’s like what’s one more…you can make it work it’s just going to be a struggle at first. Best of luck



You can do it!! We have 6 & are blended on a budget! Lol it is possible & still b happy!

I guarantee you that once you have that baby and the nurse puts her/him on your chest, every worry/ concern you have had throughout this whole pregnancy will be gone and you will just feel LOVE. :heart::heart_eyes::heart::heart_eyes:


Do what is best for you and your family. You still have options. If you need support, I’m here to support any decision you make. :heart: Good luck.

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Well I’m certainly glad that you didn’t have an abortion. But I can definitely understand the stress and I can’t imagine how you feel having five and then the sixth one going somewhere else. That would stress me out too BUT this is about the wellness of the baby. If you playing out cannot provide a good life for the baby then adoption would be the best bet. I have so many on my timeline that would love to adopt but can’t afford thousands of dollars to do that 

God gave you that baby for a reason, an iud can’t stop what he has written for you. Accept your blessing for what it is. You’ll be thanking him soon I’m sure. Prayers sent up for you and your family :pray::heart:


Theres always the option of an open adoption. You can pick a family that would raise the child but you and your family could always be a part of the little ones life too


Everything will be okay, please keep your baby

We went from 3 to 5 kids. Living separately. We had a hugr shock seeing twins on the monitor. It’s a struggle but you make it happen

Remember where there’s a will there’s away! God will prevail!!:baby:

I am 1 of 12, they will help take care of each other and when they are older they will love the idea the have many siblings, we were sooo poor, but we had morals and we each other, please remember it will all be ok, not sure where you live but other will help you

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There are alot of prograns out there that can help…check with your local visiting nurse to see if you qualify and if a diaper pantry is in your area…maybe you can even find out other prograns that can help you…good luck!

Please don’t adopt. The child will never understand why you kept five and then gave it away. Not sure that I could ever forgive. God will provide if you trust him. Time to cut the tubes. May God bless you and your husband and especially this gift from God.


Oh momma , once that baby is born all you will know is love for the baby nothing will even matter ! You got this and you can do this momma I’m always here to chat just message me :heart:


You know… keep it. You both can make it work. You have 5others? Get them to help you.

Good luck is all I can say​:grimacing::scream::grin:

There is a lot help out there juxt ask centrelink money used wisley will help also. You are lucky to have a good husband who wants the baby you can do it best wishes xoxo and hugs

I was once where you are… you will survive, and it’s going to be okay :heart:


If you couldn’t live with yourself putting the child up for adoption, how could you live with yourself aborting it? Every child is a gift, whether planned or not. You will find a way to make it work and love that baby without question. Keep your chin up and know that things will work out. :heart:


Perhaps it’s time to change up your precautions as they dont seem to be working?


The gift of life is so amazing. Have you thought about adoption?

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There are so many couples who can’t conceive who pray for a baby. If you can’t do it financially with another child, maybe you are the answer to the prayer another family is waiting for. Just a different perspective.


I am a single mother of six !! 3 boys and 3 girls from 17 to 2 .And I’m not gonna tell you it isn’t hard .because it is very hard .but it can be done !! Yes at times it very stressful specially after school . Play a musical fields lol soccer field football field cheerleading.get Supper ready on time… getting them all in the bathtub… mornings are crazy to… needless to say our schedule is tight and so is our money… but I could not imagine my life without any of them !! YOU CAN DO THIS!!


I would adopt your baby.

Dont worry things always work themselves out! Your gonna do great mama!!! Best of luck!!! :blush:

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I have a brother who has eight kids, I wouldn’t trade any of my nieces and nephews for anything. It always works, my brother and sil had a hard time but family is everything and it’s easier with even number of kids than odd number. Congrats!

You can do it! There are mamas who have 10+ kids! Who cares about housework. One day you will be so happy you have so many children who love you. And who knows, baby #6 could be the one keeping you out of a retirement home. Babies are such a blessing!! You are so extremely lucky to have so many children, seriously! I hope you find a change of mind and become excited. You’ll get through it :heart:


Put it in Gods hands.He gave it to yall.


Girl… I have a 10,7,5,2, and 4 month old and I just found out I’m pregnant with what will be my 6th child. This all while I was taking birth control everyday at the same exact time and I took the morning after pill just as a safety precaution. :joy: if I can do this you can too!

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It’ll be a struggle, it always is. But you’ll make it work. Set a budget, coupon if it’s available in your state, make tons of dinner and freeze some etc.

If you honestly believe you can’t do it, look into adoption. There are so many people who would LOVE a baby, if you’re not financially able to.

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Every child is a blessing, if your not able to financially care for the child, then I would choose open adoption. If you can even with family members

It will all work out. Ask God for strength. My prayers and congratulations. :heart:

Sweetie my Mom had 6 children , and she and Dad ,raised us you can do it also ,just put your faith in God,and things will be alright .

You know what keep your baby n then have your tubes tied…everything will work out if God thought you couldn’t handle it he wouldn’t of gave you another baby. God only gives you what you can handle n believe me you will be able to handle this


Keep the baby you will regret it otherwise.

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Keep the baby! You have no idea how many women would pray for that and dont receive. The baby is a blessing!


Keep your head up mama!!

If you already have 5 I don’t see 6 being much different


There are alot of parents out there that would probably love to adopt your baby. They probably would help you throughout your pregnancy and pay for things. Something to think about?

If he didn’t get snipped, then it wasn’t very cautious. i know sometimes it grows back, but you can’t say you tried to not get pregnant if that didn’t happen. the chances of tubes being tied growing back are 42 percent, and chances of him getting snipped is under 10 percent. i’m not being mean, i PROMISE, but you can’t say you have done everything to prevent it if you haven’t. btw, him getting snipped is a trip to an office with mild anesthesia and a two day rehabilitation, where as a woman as to go under heavy anesthesia and have weeks of recovery. and i’m sure every woman has a different story, but my nana did it, and her tubes got infected, and they kept treating it, and it caused a blood clot that turned into cancer, and it’s very common. get the snip snip. there is no ties to men and vasectomies with cancer, but women getting their tubes tied have more trouble. NOT EVERYONE, but statistically

Each baby is a gift from God. He will make a way for you. How old are the other children??? Lay you burdens down give them to the Lord pray for guidance. Congrats you have this mom.


I have 6 children and after number 6 I had my tubes removed, babe you can do it, just get cheap second hand stuff and jump on people giving away baby stuff!! You learn to get into a routine fast and trust me you have enough love to go around xx


You got this girl . You’re stronger then you realize. It might be a struggle at first but there will come a day your going to look at that beautiful child and feel blessed. It will all work out. Plus you have 5 little people to help you out.


God created another baby for a

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There are so many people that would love to adopt a child. That would be a blessing

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Right now thinking about a 6th baby is overwhelming, but things always work out. Use your hand me downs, maybe your local church or doctor’s office can help out with diapers and formula unless you nurse. There’s usually someone that can point you in the direction of aid for the baby & even your other children. For now, enjoy your last pregnancy like it was your very first. Good luck!

It will work out. Lots of hugs help too.

I wouldnt keep a baby if I knew I couldnt provide the best life for it and my other 5. Out of love I would put him or her up for adoption. You can bless someone with that baby and you can meet with many families to make sure you feel it would be well provided for. Just tell your husband he is being selfish. Orrrr you can keep the baby and make change your circumstances. Get a job if your a sahm or find a better one. I’m in agreeance with you that termination is not the answer. Goodluck momma!

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In the old days, extra kids were shared with the family. Could an aunt, uncle, cousin take an extra kid for a while. They would still be part of the family, just not in the house everyday for a time.


I say find a way because you will always wonder about that child and eventually want to see them


Babies Are Not mistakes, they are Gifts from GOD !!! He will provide if you pray and believe!!:pray::pray::pray:


God will see you thru this!

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You will be fine my dear. I don’t think you need to give up the baby for adoption… you won’t manage. You sound a loving couple and happy family. God will provide. Hugs to you

Your child is a blessing, just love that child like you do the others. My mother had 7 although when my older sister and brother were7 and 8 they went to live with their dad, then my other brother went to live with mine and his father, best thing all 3 siblings did for themselves. I always wanted 4 kids but could only have a beautiful daughter who is everything to me. My 3 younger sisters and I loved with mom, she divorced their dad when I was 12 thank god, only one of my sisters graduated from high school. My older 3 siblings also graduated, my mom didn’t think girls needed an education so very wrong. Anyway please keep your child you won’t regret it. You seem to have a good husband

You got this, God is good and works all things for good.


God gave you that baby for a reason and he will help you get threw it he never gives us more than we can handle you got this

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Pray. I think you got this! I think this child is a blessing in disguise. I think the love energy and strength will come.

A parent will always find a way for their child to have everything they need. Everything will work out. God wouldn’t give you a child y’all couldn’t handle.


Don’t put in adoption. You will always carry that with you. God gave you baby because he knew you handle.

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Keep it you will be fine everythjng happens for a reason don’t do anything you’ll regret

please think carefully you will manage have you got family that will help you a bit and money wise it doesnt matter if they wear handme downs we all did it will bring so much love you will be run of your feet but it wont be long and they will be all grown upand they will always love you and hubby

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I have 6 and wish I could have more. Stay positive and if you can make it work with 5 6 will be easy… good luck mama

You got this, Mama. Just think long and hard, I can’t imagine having to make this decision. Sending positive vibes!

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It is time for you to have the kids pull a little of thier own,give them appropriate chores for thier age.You got yourself a team there.Make it a winning one!


U got this mumma :sparkling_heart: u will draw ur strength from ur family & when baby is born u will think wot was I worried about!


You were going to abort it meaning you were going to murder your child but you won’t put it up for adoption? Every child is a gift no matter how you felt when you found out you were pregnant. When this baby gets here you won’t remember life before it was born. There are tons of programs out there that can and will help. Check with your drs office I’m sure they’ll point you in the right direction. Keep your head up.


Jesus wouldn’t blrss you with another child and not see to it that you can provide for he/she. I have 5 children.My last was born the urar that my oldest was graduating high school. The last child was a tremendous blessing.Just pray and the Lord will relieve your fears.

How could you not love it it’s a gift from god and that alone will give you strength.I no it’s not easy but you will be fine.God bless you and all your family


If you had 2 IUD babies maybe you could sell your mojo or blood or whatever to infertile couples & make a fortune! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Seriously, make lots of new friends who can help out. Join more than one church to take advantage of all the help each can offer. Tap older people who might be lonely to help as they can (from watching a sleeping baby to after school homework or reading help to driving them to activities).

Have the older kids dog walk, babysit, mow lawns from age 11, or work @ McDonald’s or temp agencies from age 16 on during school breaks & in summer, or have them do an online or other business to earn extra $$. Have them charge to help old farts like me how to use our phones or do stuff on the computer.
Can they get jobs someplace that will send them home with leftover food? What does the school cafeteria do with their leftovers?

Eat vegetarian all or some of the time (beans or lentils & rice, egg dishes, yoghurt, tofu are all nourishing, cheap & quick); meat is expensive & if factory farmed, not even healthy. Brown rice, whole wheat bread & pasta is much healthier than white and doesn’t cost much more. Encourage your kids to invite themselves to other people’s houses for dinner (only half kidding).
Take the whole crew to every pot luck supper you can & you bring chips.

Have people teach your kids to cook (ask older church or retirement home people), have the kids plant food gardens in the yard, and/or in containers on your deck or balcony, patronize food banks.

Ask every coach, activity person, etc if there are scholarships or ways your kids can be involved for free. Get your kids to find rides with other families to scouts, sports, parties, whatever.

Do free stuff @ parks, libraries, parades, outdoor concerts. Exercise together (walks, yoga, tai chi, DVDs, take turns picking music to dance to). You can have family meetings during walks.

Reuse all your old kid stuff, shop at thrift stores, have the kids learn to sew their own clothes (tap into retirement home old people, church people, friends or relatives) out of remnants from the fabric store or to alter thrift items to be more stylish.

Provide this forum with your address & ask us to send what you need to Mamas Uncut. Have someone get you on Ellen Degeneres’ show.


First of all mama, I am proud of you for being the best mom you can be! I have four myself and dont know how I do alone. But once you hit 4 or more you are already working the hardest you can be a good mom. You can handle this baby just as you have done with the others. If you need a friend or support, reach out to fellow moms. Us mamas have to stick together. I know you can do this, this baby is a blessing not a curse. Keep you head held high, you got this!

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Evrything will work out perfectly. Strongz dear

LOL kids are a blessing, I’m so glad I didn’t get that many. My husband was off work due to back injury. Doctors had said I couldn’t have anymore so no birth control. My daughter 5 ask for a baby brother or sister. Told her to ask God about. For her frist show and tell she took her baby brother. Hang in there momma this baby is a blessing. Do your best


Babys are a blessing. I am praying for you and your family.

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Only you can make this decision but I don’t think you could give this baby up, also think about getting your tubes tied aswell as get your man the snip that way the chances are 0% to fall pregnant again


Yes!! Did i mention how much easier it was this go round with older siblings around to actually help!! And they wanted to hold him, change him… feed him. You’ll be suprised!!


BS bs bs let me say it for u again fuck u fuck u very much pussy poo

Every children have their own blessings… You and your family can make it and keep on your faith, He will send His blessings to your family…


Every baby is a blessing it may be a struggle but the love will be worth it


The same thing happened to me, I found out I was pregnant with my 6th child when I was 21 weeks, hes 6 now, I love him to death, wouldn’t trade it for the world, & guess what, the financial struggle wasn’t as bad as I thought, yes we had to make some changes, but it’s worth it, everytime my baby boy tells me how much he loves me. You’ll get through this. We Woman find strength where others would say it’s none.


The universe makes it happen. You’ve got this

When we had my son the panic set in that we thought we were ready but really weren’t and somehow we found the extra $200/month for diapers and formula now that he’s off formula we have no idea where we were getting that money from lol because we’re living the same way and don’t have any extra. It’ll be okay :heart:

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How can you do this ? Honey you’ve already done it you’re at pro level now. Congratulations!!! Bigger family more to love set strict budget plenty of mobile apps to help with that now and the more strict the schedule at home the more your whole family will strive. Start the excitement as a family for a new member


Honey don’t be stressed our heavenly father is with you and if you believe he will provide he always does God bless you and your family


Try getting your tubes cut and tied

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I was in your same situation for the entire 9 months. I was so sure I couldn’t take care of another human, the dad was dead set against adoption so I even went as far as to LEAVE HIM so I could place the baby!! Well… We ended up getting back together because we love eachother… And the due date got closer n closer… Me still being on the fence though… So…now… Here I am, 3 days PP from an unexpected c section, and there is no way I could give this baby up. God is with us and he will make a way.


Keep the faith,God knows what he’s doing by blessing you with another child,I pray for your family and for your new arrival,God bless


You will manage. Good will only give you as much s you can handle . In t this case He must think you are more than capable and a loving mom. Keep your faith and remember how precious these little gifts are.


It is a gift ! Pray all will work out

Big families are a blessing. This baby will bring more blessings to you. Everything will work out for your beautiful family.

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You have 5 blessings. One more is amazing. You handle your children and there is nothing to worry about. Money is always an issue in today’s world, but as mentioned you’ve got 5 older siblings to help. One day it isn’t going to be 6 in your house, it will be 5. Then 4 and so on. Hugs. And it is going to be wonderful for you.


Turn your fears to God, he is our Provider and thank you for not having that abortion.


Things will work out. Just have faith & pray about it. I had 3 sons when I met my husband & he had 1, we got together & had another boy, so all together 5 sons. It may seem scary or even impossible but you can do it. Dont make a rash decision based off of fear, you both have made it this far with the 5 kids, you will make it with 6. Keep that beautiful blessing & you will see in time that it was the right thing to do.


I just had my 3 baby 4 days ago she was extremely unplanned and we didnt know what to do either because we were also taking precautions but we decided to move forward with the pregnancy and it is very hard going backwards when my other kids are 7 and 11 but she has made a beautiful addition to our family my older kids help out before and after school i went on maternity leave my hunny works n im home woth her n long nights r the hardest part but i nap alot n know its not forever and I will miss ot one day i believe children are blessings god has blessed u and your family with more to love its sll worth it when they are here i promise

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It will work out give it to God

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A baby is ablessing you and ur husband will be ok you will feel different once ur baby is here

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For all the reasons you have named it looks like you have made up your mind to give the baby up for adoption.

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You can do this,I’m proud mom of seven and two were surprise ,big blessings to you

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If you decide on adoption though there are lots of moms . Watch the show I am having there baby . Inspirational


Sounds like you’d be a
Good mama. I say “go for it!” Don’t let
anyone bully you!!


Everything is a blessing. And this is also nothing short of a miracle!! God will help you find the strength within to take care of this precious baby as you are with your other five. I would say just keep the faith and strength and push forward and try your best not to see all the negatives and keep your strength in the joy of the positives. And I know it’s easy to say, but EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY!!! :heart::pray:

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