I am pregnant with my 6th child and don't know what to do

How do you, a woman who has had 5 children, make it to 18 weeks without realizing you’re pregnant? :flushed:


You will do okay, if you can handle 5 already! It will be a labor of love.


Congratulations ! Its a baby. Youll manage . One more . Dont think about it as a negitive . Hopfully your older kids can give you a hand. God bless your Family !


You guys will make it :heart: my parents 6th was a total surprise (my step found out in med assisting school when they were practicing urine testing lol) and they def struggled when we were young, but they will both say it was worth it.

You guy’s got this. Your new baby is meant to be. Surprises always come along for a good reason. Try not to over think. I’m sure you were worried with #4 and probably#5. God bless all of you.


If sinle mom make it thru with all their babies, Im pretty sure you can with your husbands help, if you give your blessing up for adoption how do you think when the baby is old enough n wander why only me ?? Awful !!! Its for a reason gives us babies!!!

You can do it it will be easier with the older kids to help. It’s a blessing you just can’t see it yet


Keep your little one or adoption Show him adoption stories but do it private not to the government. You can pick and find the parents yourself.

I have family who has adopted they are so happy. And one day I wanna adopt myself because I was adopted in family.

It’s really up to you. Praying for you.


I’m in a similiar boat. We will be bringing a 4th into the world…completely unpmanned esp since we have two teens and a 3 yr old and I will be 44 when this one is born. I’m now 12 weeks along and it was a complete shock. I also have health issues so my pregnancies are never easy. We can do this…for whatever reason I believe things are meant to be. We may not see it right away but itll all work out in the end.


God some of these women are gross. You tried to prevent pregnancy and I’m sorry it happened. If your husband doesn’t want you to give it up for adoption he better be helping 10x more than he already is. You don’t deserve that extra stress if you don’t want it.

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Reading the majority of these comments… is restoring my faith in humanity :heart: So glad to see mostly everyone supporting this woman in her decision to keep her child! It will most definitely work out mama! Just takes some adjustments.


So bring up vasectomy! Why are you only birth control? He can get fixed. You should have your husband look into it. You got pregnant 2 times on birth control. You did your part, he can snipped.


God will provide a way! Do not stress too much. Its gonna be ok.


My mom has 9 children and homeschools all of us. My dad is retired military so we moved, a lot! We make it work. All my siblings play club/travel soccer and I (being the oldest) have 2 jobs. All my siblings also take music lessons from different people, at different times of day and I’m different days. So God will definitely help you. He knows what you can and cannot handle. Because he is always there for you when you THINK you can’t handle something.


God is giving you another precious gift too love. There are places you can reach out too for help.

Women have survived this for centuries. You will make it work… Then get permanent birth control. Hugs.

Have the baby and love it… it will work out

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Im a single mom of 7 girls. I work a full time job and take care of my girls its hard work and I stress A LOT bit at the end of the day, we are amazing


I had my 3rd in November, he was adopted, it’s heart breaking but my hands were so full with my two, it was a good decision for my family. I went through an adoption agency, and they’re screened, and even help you financially. But you have to do what’s best for you guys, I’m sure if you keep it, you’ll love it abd everything will fall into place.

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You will be okay. Promise. It will work. My 5th blessing is the best baby ever. I can’t imagine my life without him even though he was a total surprise after vasectomy. Praying for you mama.

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You can do it hun, your already a saint with 5, you can handle one more blessing I’m sure.

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It may not have been your plan, but it was in gods plan for you. Babies are a blessing❤God Bless!


First smart thinking about tubs tied. Second you will do awesome as you already do with the other kids. If u can try breastfeeding it will help a lil other then that I think u will do great . Stay positive.

Keep your head up and eyes on the Lord. He will lead you forward.

Husband should get a vasectomy. He should have done it a while ago. Perhaps this would be a great time to do it since you are pregnant


That baby is not a mistake! You’ve done this 5 times before and you’ll be able to do it again. Try to see the good that this new life will bring to your family. You’ve got this!


So this is going to be a hard few years. But you have lots of little friends to help with the baby. And all babies are blessings. You may have to join a church and ask for help. That’s what the help is for! Please be happy and look into getting additional help from human services or pregnancy support agencies in your area.

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You can do this. Just try not to stress out too much. (Easier said than done I know) you’ll find the strength and you may just surprise yourself. Ask the kids to help out around the house and have your husband help too. You are a big team and you’re gonna need the extra help. Also if you have family close ask them for help. Good luck. You’re gonna do great.


Blessing in disguise momma. You were giving your 6th for a reason you are strong. You can do this. :heart:


Looks like you’re having a 6th baby congratulations you can draw state aide possibly and get on WIC? Both of you get fixed after your 6th and that’ll be like 99.9% effective.


You got this! It will all work out and one day (many days actually) you will thank your lucky stars that you had and kept this child! Best of luck to you!


Girl I know it will be tough and money will be tight!!! Just know God doesn’t give us more than we can handle…he obviously knows your a wonderful mother to the 5 you have and this child needed you in its life!!! You can do it!!! Keep that head held high and when you need a platform to speak your feelings come here and we got your back!!! That baby needs you and its siblings and a wonderful father!!! You can do it!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Have your baby. The Lord will provide. My mother raised 7 children by herself with only a small income. We did fine. What we lacked in materialistic things we made up in love for each other. We’ve all grown into honest hardworking, loving parents and grandparents. Worry will kill you. Trust in God.

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If you can mAke six u can raise six it will be hard I know But have your
Husband have a little
Snip it will be easier and cheaper for both of u good luck And god bless

I’m going through this EXACT scenario, only its #4. It was so hard to make a decision to terminate the pregnancy and then come to terms with not being able to. Very emotional. :heart:


Every child is a blessing and even though it may be tight you can still do this, I had 4 kids in a tiny little 2 bedroom trailer and iffy jobs but we still managed and in time things improved and now I have 6 and love them all and don’t regret any of them. You can do this, just love this new baby like the others and it will all work out.


Would the OP please message me?

God will provide hon.

I don’t have much advice. I’m sorry. I will tell you that I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd a couple weeks after my 6 week checkup with my 2nd. I had been using the nuva ring. I went to my doctor and bawled my eyes out. I said that I didn’t know what to do. I was going to college full time, working a full time job and had a 2 month old and 4 year old at home. My head was spinning already. I didn’t think I could have another baby. One on my nurses looked at me, said from what she could see I was a wonderful mother and held me a minute. She said, God’s got this and so do yo. I don’t know, for me, those simple words helped. You are in my prayers. Hugs :heart:


Everything happens for a reason. And it’s 100% normal to feel scared. I’m 9 weeks pregnant with my 2nd and we alwayssssss wear a condom. So…it happens. But they’re not mistakes. Just happy accidents. Time flies so fast anyway, you’ll be just fine. Just keep your head up and remember what a blessing it is to be a mother💞

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Just praying for you…its hard but its likecriding a bike once you’ve mastered it you won’t forget… You got this

Why get another iud if it didn’t work the first time, if you don’t want anymore kids, you should’ve got your tubes tied the last time. You will never be able to have enough money or prepare for a kid but, as a mom you always make it work. God gave you that baby for a reason, love it and take care of it.


Remember that every baby is a blessing. You may be scared and nervous but it’ll all work out fine in the end.


Are your other kiddos old enough to help with chores? You can Google chore charts for kids and youd be surprised with how much they can help you, even if it’s just little things.


Adoption is a great option.

Rude comments will NOT be tolerated. I will ban you.


This is pretty much what happened to me. My 6th baby is now 4 months old. Let me tell you it is sooooo hard. But some how I manage and you can too :heart: all babies are blessings and all good moms are super heros :wink:

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I say things happen for a reason. You will find a way to make things work out for your family.

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So many family’s would be blessed to have a child from adoption that can not have there own or just can no longer carry a child ! Strongly consider talking to your husband about possibly talking to someone together about the benefits of it !

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I am a single mother of 5. My oldest is 17 and my youngest is 12 weeks. I didn’t think I could do it either but here I am doing it. Good luck to you! I always say if you can have 2 kids you can have 10. You are a Mother and with that being said YOU will find a way!

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Im sorry for the position you’re in and best wishes with whatever you decide!

If you really didn’t want another one, either of you could have been fixed. The baby could be a blessing & well worth it & some way, somehow you all will make it work


You got this momma! :two_hearts: I was scared too and now I can’t imagine my life without him

I have 6!!!Well not I but WE.Its hard every day.I didn’t want Gage either.I said Why me a hundred times even wanted to give him up and then I said to myself I cant.Hes the last.God did this to us for a reason and Im poor.Im a server Nick doesn’t work but I bust my ass 6 days a week and I have a 3 bedroom full basement that I rent.Life is a struggle if I didnt get food stamps and medicaid we wouldnt make it on my income alone.But hes here hes a blessing and I thank God every day for changing my mind.My kids started to love me being pregnant and the excitement went from there.Good luck and God be with u​:sparkling_heart::two_hearts:

Prayers for you and your sweet family. God will provide and love will see you through.


I’ll adopt your baby :blush:

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I was terrified when I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd… I had 2 that were 10 and 7…what the hell was I doing having another baby?! I had just got divorced.
So you know money was more than tight… I was just starting life over again… shes 9 months now…and such a blessing to her sisters and I… I thank God for her every single day… it may seem rough and hard and how the hell am I going to do this?! But do we ever really knowwww? Have faith…pray…and it will work out💜


I am from a family of 5 and my aunt and uncle had 6. Neither my Mom or my aunt worked. Somehow we all made it just fine. The older ones took care of the youngers. Finances were tight, hand me down clothes or thrift shopping mostly. We had a large garden though. AND none of us were planned!! Everything will work out. Congratulations!!


You’ll be surprised at your strength and resilience, you can do this! :muscle:


Take care of that baby There must be a reason you have the lol one little one PRAY AND PRAY


I had my tubes cut and burned! 2 years to the day…I was pregnant! Do your research. After my son was born I had tubes removed and made my husband go get snipped. Not taking any more chances. Would not give my son up for NO money. He is a blessing!


I just dont understand how hes ok with killing the baby but not giving it to a family that actually wants it.


God will make a way. Every baby is a blessing. Have faith, pray. Congratulations

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I pray for everyone struggling. I, myself doing foster care see these situations all the time. My heart breaks for those hurting or facing such a decision. It’s a selfless act to look at adoption as an option. People can be horribly judgmental, yet aren’t there in the long run to help support the mom and baby emotionally or financially when the birth mom tries keep the baby in fear of loved ones judgment.
If anyone possibly looking for adoptive home for their precious child, I’d love to be contacted.

You’ve got this, Mama! Everything happens for a reason and you will adore this baby! :heart:

I think you’ll regret it if you gave the baby up for adoption. I can’t even imagine having 6 kiddos. I have 3 and our 3rd was a surprise! My husband had a vasectomy after we had her. I was scared, upset, devastated but she is the sweetest little girl. I’m so glad she came onto my life and feel like even though I thought I was done, she was just ment to be. I wish you well and hope everything works out, I’m sure your head is spinning with a million thoughts on how can I get through this, but you will, if you decide to add to your family or let the baby have a different one. Trust your heart and know you are not the only one struggling. Good luck momma

We all know how to avoid pregnancy. Especially when you’re stretched as thin as you are. And i am also sure you don’t need a lecture. I could imagine all the people who would love to adopt your child. That being said imagine that child knows you had five other children and chose to have him or her up. It’s so sad to think about. When things are as hard as they can be, we always find a way to make things work. Anything is possible.

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I’ll adopt your baby but if you have your baby you should keep it, it will be worth it in the end.

This is a blessing. Is it gonna be hard? Yes. But all things worth anything are. You can do this boo!!!

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It sounds like you and your husband have a huge decision to make. No matter what you choose , you are still good parents. However you need to choose what is right for your family. I highly recommend reaching out to your closest family facility that could provide you more information. Planned parenthood is a one that will let you know all the options and give you the pros and cons of each. You and your husband may want to keep this child after talking to them because they explain how you can do it. Or they may show you a side of adoption you never knew. You may decide that is the option for you.

Please keep an open mind, open heart, and ignore the negative people. Much love to you and your family. Good luck


Believe me you will make it work. The child needs the first thing and that’s called love give it that you’ve got it all it’s not your choice anymore it’s dad’s choice just remember he’s there to help you pray helps yes but get other help and it’s a love child enough for that love supersedes all

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I have 8 kids and #8 will be our last. Have we struggled during the years? Hell yes Has family or friends been there to help? Yes Have we done it on our own? Yep Your baby is a blessing and worth it. You will make it work and yeah it may be hard at times but life is in general. I wish you guys the very best.


I had my tubes removed :heart: keep the baby you can makr it work mama

You can do this !!! Don’t underestimate yourself. You have the power and strength…

So you’d rather kill the baby but not adopt that makes no sense to me but okay


Keep the faith look at all the help you got one day at a time sending prayers

Every baby is a blessing, and I encourage you and your husband to pray about it. Ultimately you know what you are capable of handling. Ignore what everyone else says and listen to your heart. Talk it over again with your husband and make a decision together.

Not sure if your are religious or not but god will not give you more than you can handle (certainly doesn’t mean he will make it easier on you either). I couldn’t imagine giving up my baby after already having kids at home, but I know something wonderful will come your way to help along the stress and the work. Our first and soon to be third child we’re both surprised, on birth control, and still got pregnant. I was devastated at first as we were not ready but couldn’t imagine it being any other way (I myself am gain gym tubes tied once I have our third in November as we clearly get pregnant easily). I’m sending prayers for strength, courage and comfort your way. Everything will work out as it’s suppose to.

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I pray for you! Me and husband have a blended family and we make it work with 8 kids and ourselves under his income. We are low income. Manage to budget. We manage to buy diaper and I had formula for my son and made it work. You guys have this! I’ll keep you in my prayers, you should enjoy this, and I would definitely tie your tubes. I did. I’m married and raise 8 kids, I’m done with having babies. And I am most happy with my decision :blush: best of wishes

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You do what is best for you hun. Hell I would adopt a baby in a heartbeat. I lost my daughter at 5 days old and i had my tubes tied when I had her. Im sure you could make it work. Babies are a blessing. Just do what’s best for you and your family.

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Not being rude I swear. But as someone who struggled with fertility I would give anything to have another even on accident with so many. Nothing is given to you more than you can handle. I’ve had 4 miscarriages. And even though I thought I’d never recover o always didn’t just like you must have freaked at the 4th or 5th but look how far you’ve come. It’s hard it’s going to get harder but you’re stronger.

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Precious momma, I have no advice, but prayers!!

Everyone of you is amazing in my book! I’m a single mom of 1 and sometimes it takes a lot out of me! I also knew I wouldn’t be able to handle another one nor did I want another 1 so I got tubes cut and tied

You could do it, i was in the same boat as you about having an abortion but couldn’t bring myself doing that and we also talked about giving baby up, but I couldn’t live with myself.So we just made it work, our 6th baby completed us. Our family is now complete. My hubby works long hours, 5am to 9pm-12am and i stay at home with the kids. Absolutely love being an mother to 6 beautiful children. Oldest is 16 years old and youngest is 4 months

As a mother of 6 I can tell you it’s hard but we’ll worth it.

This baby was meant to be. God has a reason
I couldn’t give mine up. God will work it out. Bless you.

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Place your problems in God’s hands.

Not to be insensitive but if you got pregnant once having and IUD what made you think it wouldn’t happen again? He probably should have gotten snipped or your tubes tied after the 5th. But after the fact this baby was meant to be. Would a family member maybe raise the baby so you have contact with the baby? They could take over guardianship or a friend it’s just a suggestion I have no idea I feel for you I have two kids and it’s hard enough I’m a single mom something will work out. And seek out state resources like food stamps, housing etc.

Why is he for abortion but not adoption? Makes no sense. You guys can make it work, no matter what life throws at you. but, adoption is also another beautiful alternative.


Dude needs to get snipped!


God never gives you anything you can’t handle momma. I would definitely cut, stomp and burn your tubes after this babe. But you got this!!! We are mommas we do anything for these littles and that little miracle is bound to be someone in life if even with an IUD he/she made it and stuck :heart:


there are plentyof places that offer samples abd support and ways to get discount stuff for ur baby

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My grandparents had 12. You guys will be alright. But maybe bring up him getting snipped after this one.?? :woman_shrugging:t2:


Unpopular opinion however I can completely understand wanting to put your baby up for adoption. There could be a couple who would absolutely love to provide and cherish your baby. Open adoption is always and option as well as closed. I have 4 children and personally would never consider it for myself but fully support your decision. I believe your baby could one day thank you for giving it a home that could provide more than you could. I can understand not wanting to take away from your other children to give to another child. Either way you will need love and support and I wish you the best of luck!!

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Im 28 my partner is 31 we have 7 altogether 1 from his ex and 6 together you’ll be fine :blush: anyone agreeing to adopting the baby is disgusting she has 5 others surely she can step up and be a mum to this one they made don’t have fucking sex then

Every child is a blessing. God chose you to be this babies mama… There is always room for a
One more.

I’m here to tell you ,it will be ok.Everything always has a way of working out.Im the single mom of 10 children. I do not get child support, or help from the state.I live in NY, and it’s not easy. I work 12 hr nights,I own my own home,and my kids have a good life, a happy life. You at least have a partner that will help you.Have faith, every baby is a blessing. You can do this.The best thing in my life are my kids,even when they test my limits lol.


Babies are a blessing he or she was meant to be

You’ll be surprised by the strength a mother has. You’ll manage.

I am the mother of 7, always wanted a large family. After the first 2 101/2 mo apart I was told I would probably not be able to carry any more. Had a miscarriage but 6 years later I was blessed with 5 in 6 years. I lost my youngest at 26 from appendix cancer. Believe me there is always room for one more, but not one less. Instead of thinking about abortion why not consider killing one you already have, maybe one you don’t like as much. It’s still killing so when you look at your other children think how hard it would be to let one of them go and then you will know if you can let this one go.( there is a story that goes along with this but can’t remember how it goes) god bless and be thankful for what you have been given❤️