I am pregnant with my friends fathers baby: Advice?

Sounds like she’s a step daughter now
Then a friend


You broke the girl code. If you “didn’t want to lose her friendship”, you should have thought about that before playing pogo stick with Big Poppa. She deserves honesty from both of you. This is a double edge sword for her and will cause hurt and betrayal on both ends. Things will never be the same.


You sound like a love struck 14 year old that just got her first boyfriend :rofl: yikes. Good luck with that. Gonna loose a friend. If you haven’t told her in the 8 months it’s started you know there’s something wrong.


Wow…there are 7 billion people in the world and you HAD to choose your friend’s dad?! Well who needs enemies with friends like you…you’re gross…he’s gross…and I’d be embarrassed to be apart of either of your lives at this point…eww…

“So how did you 2 meet?”
“She’s my daughter’s ex best friend”
::slow turn and walk away::


“Hey bestie… so… I’m your new mommy now and I’m fixin to poop out your sibling… yay Fam!”
Goodluck though

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Yes you did do something wrong


Oh you fudged up girl.

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Tell her and be honest in your dealings with her. I wish y’all the best :kissing_heart:

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This sounds like it would be a good read… book

If yall get married your girlfriend is about to be your stepdaughter. Kiss the relationship goodbye, and understand why.

That being said, before you started fucking her dad was the time to say somethintg, once you caught feelings was another chance, this is kinda your last one.

Marie Ashley whew chile the ghetto :sob::rofl:

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I think you’re in lust. I would wait… at least to get married.


Ewww you’re an awful friend…


She should be the one ur telling. Not us.


I think your friendship was over the minute you chose to sleep with her dad…
You have to see it from her side no matter how much u try to justify this you are so wrong to have done this behind her back. Before anything happened you should have asked her what her feeling would be if u were to see her dad. A true friend would never do this to a friend. You ultimately might have ruined her and her dad’s relationship and your friendship just to get laid. And now to be pregnant and forcing her to forever be binded to your choice as there is now an innocent child involved.


Jesus, save some red flags for the rest of us


Everyone talking about how wrong she is for letting this happen, ummmm what about the Dad!!! He is supposed to be the older responsible one. :woman_facepalming: I would be more pissed at him seducing my friend at this point. Good luck with this :poop::circus_tent:


Lifetime Movies presents, your life :joy:


Would you like it if your friend was sleeping with your old man and had your half bro/sister or could possibly be your step mom? I guess she will probably never talk to you again, and you just ruined a father daughter relationship. But I guess as long as your happy huh. Alot of men in this world…out of respect for your friend, you should never have even gone there. But I guess now she knows who her true friends are…and it isn’t you.


Just a guess here but I’m gonna guess she’s going to be super angry at both of you and would probably cut contact with you both for a very long time. He may be fine but what is wrong with him :woman_facepalming:t3: I’ve got a 27 and 25 year old and I’m only 45 but it’s never once crossed my mind that my kids friends are someone to hook up with eeewwwww he sounds gross not fine :woman_facepalming:t3::face_vomiting::roll_eyes:


Ignore everyone else. Of you’re happy with him and about the baby, live your life. Sit down with both of them and tell her.


Imma need an update :grimacing:


You slept with her dad an are pregnant with her sibling who would take that good😳


A friend did the same thing you did, hooked up with her best friend daddy, now their married with 2 kids, her friend got over it.


Holy moly let us know how this goes when you do tell her


Yeah it’s strange. Unless she knew from the start and was ok with it she probably won’t be happy. So you gotta expect things to go bad between you guys. If not great but don’t be surprised.


Can’t help who you fall in love with. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: just tell her how much she means to you and her dad .

You need Jerry Springer and a Rosary!


What in the Jerry Springer did I just read?


If youre happy, youre happy… Ya only live once :slight_smile: ppl get attracted to other ppl :woman_shrugging:

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Oh wow I’m just not gonna say anything but good luck u probably will need it Iam sure she will never talk to u again but hey what do I kno​:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:

You could write her a letter first to let her get over the shock before talking with you and her dad. It’ll be a tough several months until you come to an understanding/truce among the three of you. Maybe see a family counselor together when the flames die down a bit.

You and the dad would benefit from some sessions with a couples counselor because you’re going to have a bumpy road ahead no matter what.

Do you have a decent job and could you afford to support your child on your own if things go badly?

Do you and the dad do anything besides have sex? Do you go out on dates? Have long talks? Y’all better start talking now about the future: finances, marriage yes/no/maybe, religion, health care costs & philosophy, politics, parenting styles, expectations for your relationship and life in general, what happens when he wants to retire, schooling options, employment, division of chores, childcare responsibilities, etc. You are yoked for life because of the child you’re expecting.

What would happen if you weren’t pregnant? Would you stay n the relationship if he couldn’t get it up anymore (common for men over 50, some can’t take Viagra)? If he gets sick or disabled down the road, would you be willing to be his caregiver and possible primary wage earner for years on end?

Why did your friend’s parents get a divorce? Do you know her mom? What happens if dad doesn’t want to be with you anymore and wants another 25 year old when you’re 30? What happens if he dies when the child is still young?

Will you expect your friend to throw you a baby shower? Babysit? What do your parents think about all this? Is your friend going to be afraid you will steal all her inheritance? Would you accept a prenup?

Hope it all works out for you but be super prepared in case you don’t get the happy ending you are looking for.

Do your other friends know about your secret trysts? Do you have other friends and family who will be emotional support and a help to you during pregnancy, childbirth and raising your child?

Create your “village” now. It’s unbelievably difficult being a mom & you will need all the help you can get. There are times of so much joy but times when you want to throw the little bugger out the window or just leave ‘em on a doorstep so you can get some uninterrupted sleep. Have backups for your backups and don’t count on your friend to help with anything. If she does, it’s wonderful, but don’t assume. She might move away for marriage, career or just a change of scenery anyway.

Your now her step mother lol :see_no_evil:


You cannot help who you fall in love with, if it’s meant to be it will happen regardless…

Congrats btw! :tada:

But girl, this is a messy messy MESSY situation! lol

Honesty is always best but know there might be repercussions for your actions…

hopefully the shock and anger will eventually die off & you get the happy ending you want… :crossed_fingers:t2:

Just know it’s going to take a lot of time, patience, and understanding on both ends!

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Where is Jerry Springer when you need him?


Lol some of you women are so judgemental. Firstly, the age gap? So what lol she’s 25 she’s an adult. There’s 18 years between my husband and I and I’ve been with him since I was 26. I’m now 34
Second “I’d be worried about the fact he seduced her”… stop the women pity party brigade. If she was 18 ok I’d get that but 25… adult.
I do get that the friend is gonna be pissed but good God they’re ADULTS.
If my friend got with my dad it would wierd me out for a bit but I wouldn’t get pissed at them and be nasty. Hell if anything I’d have a lifetime of stepmother jokes prepared by the end of the day for her.
Live your life honey. And don’t come asking a bunch of other women their opinion on it. Tell your friend and just deal with the aftermath whatever it is. Shes got 2 choices


you made her own bed now lie in it. dont blame the friend if she never talks to you again. how selfish and heartless and wrong can you be and wonton for that matter. should have kept your legs closed and its pathetic. you have no shame and yes you need a wake up call. some friend you are.

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I’ve hooked up with my best friend’s dad lol but it wasn’t like a relationship type situation. And when my best friend found out she was totally cool about it and I hope yours is too


I’m gonna need an update also :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Hopefully she can figure out how to be happy for you guys I feel like you should’ve asked first to see how she would’ve felt about it I can imagine the relationship alone is going to be alot for her to take in but a child on the way pheewww your not a absolutely terrible person for this or disgusting you’re human but extremely inconsiderate prayers for you all

If my bestfriend did this I would never speak to her and cut off my father because that’s just messed up. The fact he is even looking at you other then his daughters mate, I’m guessing your the same age as his daughter is twisted.
But each to their own. Good luck !


Good luck to you lol

Are you allowed to update this thread with live video feed. I want to watch this announcement.


The Jerry Springer Show


Tell your friend the truth before she finds out from elsewhere . She might be upset or mad about it but unfortunately she doesn’t decide who you fall in love with. And her dad has every right to fall in love.


you love who you love :woman_shrugging:t3:
but expect the friendship to be over cause your basically be her step mom lmao :joy:


You crossed the line… its pretty much unwritten that you just dont mess with your friends family members (especially their parents :face_vomiting:) out of respect for you and your friend…


Freal answer. It’s gonna suck or its not. You’re happy, dad is happy and I’ve heard of more unique situations that turned out ok. Keep a good attitude- move forward with honesty and allow her to have her feelings. Cuz she will. Grow a thick skin fast cuz you might get disrespected at first. You slept with her dad, I mean. And probably both of yall have been lying. About where you been, who you are dating, etc. I hope yall have a full family…but calling a friend your stepmom is gonna have problem. Be kind, be humble and weather the storm

I hate to break it to you, but you messed up that friendship the minute you decided to cross that line​:bangbang::dart:


Honey… HE may be “fine” but he doesn’t have much integrity !!! Especially for a man HIS age. He certainly wasn’t thinking of his daughter… was he ??? Don’t be flattered when a man wants to get laid. . . . Really shows naivete.


Has to be a reason a fine 46 yr old is single good luck with that but you can consider that friendship over, step momma …and welcome a new strained and forced relationship if she ever speaks to you again which she might life moves on after all controversy but things won’t be the same unless she’s a better woman than me but either way good luck with that too :joy:


I literally REQUIRE this to be satire


I mean congrats on the baby and being happy together but you need to be realistic here, you’ve probably lost your friend for good. Gloria :grimacing:


Do you honey. I am with a friends father and we just had a baby. 30 years apart but we have alot in common as I am an old soul and he is a great man. In the end its your happiness that counts not theirs. Harsh but its the truth. To be honest he should be the one to tell her since it’s his daughter and you can either be there when he does or not be there. Congratulations on the baby news. They are a blessing :baby::raised_hands::heart: wishing you all the luck and happiness :blush:


Is this real?
She thinks he’s the one?This age difference in today’s world makes a big difference. 46 year old is genx and 25 year old is Gen z. Major major differences in how they grew up. I mean MAJOR!

I think that best-friend friendship was over the moment you decided to sleep with her dad lol


In all honesty if she was your best friend, you should have confided in her when it first happened.
That would have hurt her a lot less than now, 8 months later and only being told about it because there is proof in the form of a bubba on the way.
Honestly I don’t know her to judge her reaction, but I could tell you I would be pissed off because “my best friend” couldn’t confide in me, more than I would be with the circumstances.
If your friend is like me, she may need a few months to cool off & adjust, then hopefully you can regain your friendship from there…I mean you are having her younger brother/sister so if you all value family, you will all find a way to make it work out.

Just know she will need some time to come to terms & may not accept the situation straight away.


He banged his daughters friend. The man is trash and so are you.

It’s a little late now to worry about your friendship. It’s been eight months and you didn’t put a stop to it. You have to deal with consequences of your actions. And just because he “is fine” looking there’s a reason he is single. Good luck.


It’s okay to be married and in love with a tree, yet it’s frowned upon to be in love with a friends dad? Make it make sense


She will probs be more pissed off u didn’t tell her than the actual pregnancy

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The moment you cross the line you lost your friend. I would not want a friend like you. Sorry not sorry sucks to be your friend.


If you were my friend, I’d be annoyed you didn’t tell me sooner. And left it until you were pregnant :woman_shrugging:t2:. But I wouldn’t cut you off. Age is just a number. Love is love.

Best of luck. :two_hearts:


I mean, if y’all get married you’d be her stepmom and that’s pretty weird lol


She may be your friend, but you definitely are not hers. Him being fine isn’t an excuse for your behavior and don’t get me started on his disgusting behavior and how you’re so blind you don’t see him messing with you says a lot about the kind of guy he really is (hint; it ain’t good). Also, love isn’t an excuse to do this BS, bc you weren’t in love when it started you were being hita, selfish and trifling.

*With friends like that who needs enemies.


I so want to see a photo of him lol
Why will she have a problem? You’re both adults, there is no sneaking around anymore.

Your child is your friends half brother or sister. Hell yeah you made it weird you weirdo


Be honest that’s all you can do

Am I the only one curious to see how fine is fine​:joy::eyes:


Best case scenario she loves you enough to let you be happy regardless but still be angry that you hid it for so long. I mean either way it’s gonna come as a shock and a slap to the face. As for the baby that’s a whole other scenario not only does she have to face the fact you’re smashing her dad you’re now pregnant with her sibling at the age of 25. I think this is an overall messy and selfish situation

If you were my friend I’d never speak to you again. If he was my dad I’d cut all contact. There are lines you just don’t cross. How are you even asking if it’s wrong. You know it’s wrong. Otherwise you wouldn’t have kept it from her this long. Friends don’t do that to friends. Period. You don’t think it’s gross that her dad is sleeping with someone his daughters age? In my opinion that shit isnt normal. Imagine if you have a daughter that is 17 and a 38 year old started messing with her. Disgusting. He’s a creep and you’re a terrible “friend” if you even want to call yourself that. He’ll probably leave you for someone younger eventually since that seems to be his thing. Not only did ruin your friendship but probably everything her family has built and done to keep the peace for their children,family. I’m seriously so disgusted right now.


Boundaries much?? Eww.

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So…….she could possibly be upset. But a family member of mine was in this situation before. She wasn’t pregnant though. Her and who would later on be my uncle just wanted to be together and for everyone to know. Her friend surprisingly took it well. Obviously didn’t call her mom lol. But she actually was pretty cool about it and they were still best friends. I don’t know, eventually she’s going to know. I mean………you can’t really hide it at this point. Just try to be gentle when you break the news. That’s all I can really say. This situation could be tricky. Also, you don’t got justify why you’re seeing an older man. Or explain yourself like that in any way. :heart: You’re an adult. It’s okay to be with another adult that makes you happy regardless of the age gap. :two_hearts: I wish y’all the best and hopefully everything goes okay at least.

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I wouldn’t care ! And just be honest

The dad is single and available but she should have been up front about the relationship.


Watch four Christmas’s bc that sameThing happens and Vince Vaughans character says “u can’t be sleeping with my mom and be my friend” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This didn’t happen so much it unhappened things that had.


You’re not freaked out that he’s going for someone the same age as his daughter? :eyes:


This can’t be a real post… I just hope it’s not


What in the Maury Povich is going on?

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Omg lol. That’s a can of worms. Boundaries

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Cant hide it anymore, might as well fess up and let the chips fall where they may. You’re bringing her half-sibling into the world, and you’re in love with her dad. Not really something you can just brush under the rug at this point, ya know?


If you were her friend you would’ve told her from the get go. That’s her dad not some stranger.


U crossed the line and u shouldn’t have but it’s done now all u can do is tell her and move on . Hope everything works out for u guys .


Yes you did. You knew something wasn’t ok when you didn’t tell her to begin with. It doesn’t matter what he looks like- you friend may be upset about things and it will be weird especially if you and Dad don’t work out. I hope he’s able to be a partner and a parent. You are “grown” and made choices.


I think I heard this same story on a soap opera a while back🙄

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Are you wrong for falling in love? No. Are you wrong for not telling her? No. That is your life, your business and you do not automatically have to let your friend in on everything that happens in your life. Stop feeling so guilty. With that said, your friend may feel hurt that you did not tell her. However she reacts is her right, just as much as it is your right to have not told her. We need to stop letting other people take the wheel in our lives, you are a grown adult, she is a grown adult. You are both entitled to your feelings and both are validated. If she doesn’t understand right away maybe she will in time but she doesn’t have to. And you don’t have to let her have control of your happiness.


Should of told her before getting pregnant with her soon to be sibling, at this point you just have to tell her, if you were that worried about the friendship bringing it up before sleeping with him would of been the route to go, now either way you just need to tell her the truth, you don’t really get to decide if you have a friendship or not with her anymore.


Is this a weird porno???

They who play must pay.


His old enough to be your father… Eww… 8 months… You clearly dont value your friendship if you kept sneaking around with her dad so long… And it doesn’t say much about the dad hooking up with his daughters best friend… Thats some Jerry Springer s%:t right there.


Just tell her. Whether it’s right or wrong no one should judge you. No one on here is perfect but for the sake of the relationships tell her.


Might be a bit late for any of that now. Should have probably said something a while ago


Just be honest and what will be will be


This is Jerry springer, Ricky Lake with some Maury Povich on the side honey !!


Her feelings weren’t a factor when you chose to keep it from her. It’s your choice, it’s his choice to have that relationship. Stop depending on others feelings towards your decisions. In the end it’s yours life. You’re a grown ass woman. Treat her like one too.

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Lmfao tell her she’s gonna be a big sister. Then make her your step daughter :rofl: :rofl:
What kinda friend does that? You gonna get dog walked, I just wanna watch :sob:


I would say you lost her when you decided not to tell her you were banging her dad!


Ooooooooooooooo you’re in so much trouble!!! This is halarious because you know better little girl :girl:


So now you are your friend’s step mother right? Well…Congratulations👏