Crackers and water be ssd’s ide your bed eat and drink Before u get ou TV of bed worked for me ,try it js
You may find Rennie help a bit too
Peanut butter and bananas.
Preggy pop drops…that’s the only thing that helped me
Canned peach juice!!!
Try the health food sore.
I just read yesterday to try watermelon.
Salt flavour pringles x
Try room temperature coke cola
Zofran does wonder for morning sickness.
Get your doctor to prescribe zofran
Mint and ginger were my lifesavers
Ginger ale and saltines
Small sips of Schwepps gingerale helped me a lot
Try peppermints and tums
Saltine crackers and Ginger Ale
Your doctors office should be able to call something in for you.
I did Pringle’s n lemonade
Eat a raw potato it really works
Canada dry ginger ale.
Gum, Preggie Pops, lemon water, crackers
Ginger ale and saltines
What state do you live in??
You sound like you have hyperemesis
When you get up eat couple crackers before you get out of bed. I puked most of my first pregnancy and nothing really helped. I just ate stuff that was easy to puke up tbh
soooo the ONLY thing that remotely worked for me were the ginger hard candies called gin gins, and they barely took the edge off and then I was later diagnosed with hypermesis gravidarim that eventually wore off into week two of my second trimester. Not sure if that is necessarily advice but I hope you feel better nonetheless!
Depending on if this is available in your area
This works great And saltine crackers
If needed stir the fizz out of the Vernors and sip
This only thing that worked for my daughter she took once a day and wore sea bands bracelets too and both are safe for pregnancies
Go to a Walgreens or other pharmacy like that and get the car sickness bands. They have a ball on them. You find your pulse on your wrist and put the ball there. Hope you feel better!
This worked for me, most of the time. I was on zofran AND Diclegis and still nauseated.
I was super sick with my son. I wasn’t diagnosed with this but I feel I had it.
If you can’t get Zofran… this is an alternative
Only thing that helped me
I’m 35 weeks pregnant and still have morning sickness it’s not as bad as the beginning where I literally couldn’t eat anything without throwing up. The only thing that helped me was to eat a few crackers before you even get out of bed. My dr also prescribed Zofran for nausea which also helped a lot!
I lived off of mints and sprite with my first pregnancy. They helped a lot! My second, ices helped a lot!
B6 three times a day. Nothing over 100 mg a day. I take three, 25 mg tablets a day and it has helped me so much! I also take a sleep aid at night with the drug doxylamin which has been discovered to help with morning sickness as well. Between the combination it has done amazing wonders for me! I’m currently 12 weeks pregnant
Ladies do not take a pill to stop your nausea what is going on all these women sick like this careing a baby women lot in life ladies be very careful taking med it was a pill the women were taking for nausea it cause deaths of baby at birth i remember that this day an time its pharmency med med med be careful ladies never never seen so many women sick all day every day crackers was a best help what kind of prenatal pills are out here now. Think women in pass times did not take prenatal pills the women body is design to cared an nourish your baby i had two babies i did not have all that ulutral sounds that was if something was wrong with you so they give ultral sound to see if if affect the child ladies be careful with all these meds an i had my babies natural no medicines that stuff was for women who baby is not birthing right so so so much the pharmacy is the way. now days read what you ladies are taking the side effects having a baby is a natural item for a women an concerder natural birth c-section was a way of emergency to get that baby out to cut out but a women natural has a slice between your legs for that baby to enter the world what arrange a cut when one is their these doctors want to cut an. give medicen some where something you women are taking is making you women sick scarie find out your doctor’s school history. If they went now day folks been paying to get a college diploma money talks be very careful ladies stop talking all those ulutra sounds those are rays when i find out the name of that nausea pill i will write back sorry now but will post it cause bad results to babies take care ladies try drink water as well my doctors recommend that the old pass doctors did not pass all this medicals
Diclegis is an approved medication for morning sickness. Helped my best friend alot.
Try b6 supplements it worked for me, good luck
Get motion sickness bracelets try them they helped me
Don’t get dehydrated
My husband and I got separated when i found out he was having an affair with another woman, when i confronted him, we had argument and he broke up with me, i tried all i could to get him back but all to no avail. I cried all day and helpless looking up to God to help me with the problem in my marriage. All I need is my marriage to be restored back, we’ve been together for years and he has done nothing but cheated and lied to me. but I know it’s something that can be fixed I still love him the same way when I first met him. However I decided to seek help from Priest Andrew, he reunited my marriage back together as it was in the beginning. now my marriage is perfectly fine and I know there are lot of people out there who have different kind of problem in home, marriages and relationships. Here is Priest Andrew email: priestandrewcureservice123@gmail. Com
and whats app him +2349064356977
Life is more beautiful when you have someone you love who loves you even more but after my girlfriend left me heartbroken. I was lonely and sad luckily I was directed to a very kind and powerful man called . Dr oboh who brought back my wife and now he loves me far more than ever am so happy with life now thank you so much Dr. Oboh if you need your ex lover back email Dr oboh for help email
add him up on WhatsApp +2348143147936 thanks
Vitamin B6 and unisom!!!
Phone midwifes and doctors
Popsicles. Pedialyte even makes a freezer pop.
Sheri A. Timmis some good advice for mel
Marie Murray. Pharmacist.
Vitamin b6 can help sometimes
I’m with you still @ 18 weeks. Down 24 lbs. Daily zofran & benadryl plus a CBD edible in the afternoon seems to help, moderately. This is my 7th pregnancy & first time with sickness. Ginger does nothing. Herbal tea helps relax my stomach churning, but now that baby is moving it’s almost worse. I’m praying for us both, mama. Shit is for the birds.
I got a medication called Bonjuva from my doctor. Miracles girl
Unisom works too for that B6
Sucking on a Peppermint helped me
Shot of pickle juice
Pickle juice and crackers
I just sucked it up… I had terrible morning sickness, even on the day I gave birth.
Chew fresh ginger slices. Or try flat ginger ale. Good luck.
Try anti-nausea bracelets/bands. Amazon has them, wear around both wrists. I don’t know if this will work, but maybe worth a try. Good luck.
Watermelon for sure, try to get one that’s not so ripe that way it doesn’t taste THAT sweet. I go for ones with the field spot and somewhat shiny, it still tastes watermelony but not so intense
I’m suffering really bad too. This is my third & definitely my last. Yesterday I couldn’t keep anything at all down, today I’m a little better but still nauseas. I’ve just been googling some pressure points that are supposed to help (the mum I want to be all Herby & hippish) but I’ve also just got some meds from the doctors because I can’t cope anymore I’m 11 weeks. I tried everything & nothing works. If you figure anything out please pm me! Just commenting so you know your not alone x
I was the same way during my pregnancy, I found chamomile tea to calm and soothe me down