I am scared to tell my boyfriend that I am pregnant: Advice?

Being 17 years older he should have done what right to do so you should tell him right away so you can find out is he going to stay a deal with it with you or is he going to run and you need to gind this out before its at the point you cant do nothing about it.

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Just be honest and tell him right away.


A little late for that. The little is on it’s way. Blessing from God. Could of should of wont change what it is. Just be happy.

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Lol why do females fck older men with 15 20 yr gap lol especially when your like 17

Honestist the best policy

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Well u should of thought about that before you slept with him! That baby ur growing inside of u didn’t chose the situation and now u should take responsibility and be an adult!


Just tell him. He will either be OK with it or he won’t be. Either way it will show you which path to take. One towards a family or one possibly away from him. (Cuz who wants to be around a partner that can’t take responsibility for the things they knowingly know can happen :woman_shrugging:) My daughter was an ‘oops’ baby (accident just seems unnecessarily harsh of term), and the best ‘oops’ ever! I only knew her bio for a couple months before she was created. He didn’t want her. I did. End of story! I can’t imagine my life without her in it. Sometimes things happen for a reason :wink:


I get that your scared, but whether you think it will ruin things you still need to tell him. He has a right to know. Maybe he’ll be excited. You’ll never know unless you tell him.

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Nothing to be scared about. The moment he chose to have sex he knew the chance he was taking. If you are scared of a child ruining the relationship your with the wrong person children add value to a real relationship between a couple if you don’t see a future together make the decision together whatever you do don’t wait months to tell him. Tell him tell him right away he is going to react the same way today as he will in 4 months. So get it over with and you will see his true colors as a Man. Then you can choose the path you want to take for the future. Good luck.


Dude is beyond old enough to know if he has sex, the woman he is with could end up pregnant.
Don’t worry about whether it will ruin your relationship or not. If he breaks up with you over it, then you just saved years of your life attached to some old jerk. Bonus, you get a beautiful baby.
Believe me, the age gap may not seem like a big deal right now, but I guarantee down the road you would notice.
Plus if dude didn’t want any kids, he could have gotten fixed or at the very least discussed it with you so you could both be on the same page.


Takes 2 to make it happen. Be honest with him and go from there.

Wow look at all you judgy fucking perfect ass Karen’s out here. That time you lost your virginity all you nasty mom shaming batches better have been hoping for a baby. I’m so done with this group. When I joined mamas uncut the point was we talked about the shitty side of pregnancy, labor, and parenting and now somehow the group has been invaded by a bunch of conservative stepford wives.

My kids father was 18yrs older than me.We were together 20yrs.He was the love of my life.Age difference didn’t bother us untill he turned 50yrs old and realized he had a young wife and became extremely jealous.

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Don’t be scared, he’s the one who did it. You didn’t spontaneously become pregnant.

I be mentally and emotionally prepared for either answer and what you wanted…

If he gets upset, he’s not the one. Regardless of anything, you both decided to have sex and know, or should know, that pregnancy might happen even if you use protection. You made this baby together so just tell him. Then discuss what you both want to do. Good luck.

“it was an accident” :unamused: anyways- your an adult- he’s an adult (much older so should know) you need to be an adult and tell him. He has a right to know and if it ends the relationship that just shows he’s trash. Don’t let it stress you. You could always give the baby up for adoption if you don’t want it. Good luck :+1:t3: and try to stay positive ok, it will make you and your baby feel better. 🫂


Just tell him. Having sex means there is always a chance of pregnancy and he knows that.


I was 15, and he was 17 whenever I got pregnant with our daughter. He had just turned 17, we had only been together 3 months. He took it hard at first, and didn’t believe, but once I showed him the test, he was fine & supported me completely & was there for me through it all. We’ve broken up a couple times, but he was always there for & our child. We are now married, and have another baby. I hope this gives you some insight. I was absolutely terrified that he would leave us, but he didn’t; even when we broke up. I know it’s scary, but sometimes men surprises us. Take a deep breath, and let go. No matter the outcome, you still have a baby on the way, that will love you no matter what.

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Be sure to process yourself the fact that YOU ARE pregnant. Don’t go into this conversation with your bf with any expectations, you should mentally prepare yourself for it to go either way. If he should tell you that he is going to take responsibility in his part of this pregnancy, great……. If that’s what you want. He may say very clear that he wants no parts of the baby…… be prepared. Know your options and really think about what you want. At the end of the day which ever way he feels about this, it will be on you. To go on and have the baby will be hard. To end the pregnancy will be hard as well. Just be sure that whatever decision you make, you really thought it through, and are doing what you truly think is right for yourself, your family ( if you have other children?) and the baby you are carrying. I wish the very best for you.


Sending best wishes💛. I am sorry for some of these people’s responses.

Tell him and pray ge is mature about it? What is his personality like? Is he mean , controlling? , against kids, a gas ligter? Someone who supports you emotionally? Why are you afraid to tell him?

Kinda doesn’t matter if it ruins things or not. Fact of the matter is, you’re pregnant. Unless you plan to run off and raise the baby on your own or have an abortion, you kinda have to tell him and let the pieces fall where they may.

Sleeping together? Pregnancy is a side effect and both of you should have thought of that.


My man and I got together around christmas found out i was 2 months pregnant in April. Now my fiance and I have a feisty almost 2 year old. It was a shock at first but all we could do was laugh about it.

Y’all are really mean. Process things first and then have a convo. Peace and love sis


Oh it will be fine
Just tell him he’s going to find out at some point
And age difference didn’t wasn’t bugging you to sleep with him why would it be any different of age when it come getting pregnant :thinking:

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My boyfriend and I met New Years 3 YEARS AGO! We only started dating that following March and In may I found out I was pregnant (mind you I never wanted kids) we were both 23 at the time, I was TERRIFIED to tell him since we barely met not long before but low and behold 3 years later our son is our absolute world. He’s an amazing father and we have the best relationship to this day, we’re already planning baby number 2 now that our son is getting older, it is terrifying, things can go either way, but my best advice is tell him right away, you honestly never know how the outcome will be! I wish you luck and hope your “situation” goes as great as mine :purple_heart:

Wait until you’re about 7 to 8 months then drop the bomb on him, he won’t figure it out…smh

Don’t be scared tell him , me n the ol man have bean together 15 years we are 30 now and have three beautiful girls pregnant now with third and all you can do is tell him

Shouldn’t be having sex if you’re not mature enough to tell a man if you’re pregnant/end up pregnant.


I feel like if he is 20 years older than you that makes him pretty old… he should be understanding of the situation. If not super excited… depending on the situation… idk :woman_shrugging:t3:

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If yall was having unprotected sex you both knew it was a possibility to happen


It is better to be up front give him the option to walk away if you want to keep your child love him or her with everything you have which is better than being in a toxic relationship and arguing all the time not healthy for u it your child. He has options and u do too

Well he probably won’t be expecting such news after 3 months! Do you live together already? You don’t say how old you are!anyway like Ruth says! Either he will or he won’t, but if he doesn’t care let him go.

You wasn’t scared when sleeping around with him…It sounds like to me this man you call a boyfriend have a whole family and married :broken_heart:

My opinion is. You wont be able to hide it much longer. I would tell him in a non threatening way for example like i am pregnant I dont expect you to step up and see what his reaction is if he doesn’t step up you have to be prepared to do it alone

15 year age gap but the time we had been seeing each other was about the same when we found out. It was a shock, an accident but ended up turning into one of the greatest things that have happened to both of us. We are now married, been together for almost 10 years and the perfect team! Don’t hide anything. Just be honest.


How can You say it was an accident ??? You played roulette knowing sex causes pregnancy. You both took that chance together. He took the risk with you if you said you were on the pill or otherwise. You took the chance.he.was sterile. What is the victim story about ? You both put yourselves in the situation . Now you want to figure out hiw to tell him


You won’t know till you talk to him. If he back away then you go ahead a raise the child your self but keep the legs closed. Give the child the health raising. It deserves. There lol us help out there lol


Best be honest and tell him, if your afraid this will end you two then my question is why would it, age is just a number. Also since you did have sex you should of also thought about the possibility of getting pregnant. For you to fear he will leave then I feel there is more going on, you guys must care for each other unless your not on the same page and with his age he is going to know what he wants but if this does break you apart then you two shouldn’t of been together to begin with.


I unexpectedly (birth control pill failed) became pregnant after knowing a guy for a few weeks… I made the mistake of telling a friend/coworker first… DON’T do that. She ran and told him!!!
I hope the best for your situation… My son’s dad decided he didn’t want anything to do with me/baby. Wanted an abortion, told me it isn’t his etc…Quit his job, changed phone number, adamantly denied ever sleeping with me and disappeared… court found him and ordered paternity test. Long story short his FAMILY wanted to be a part of my sons life. THEY met my son when he was a few months old. His dad came around about 8 months later. He is now a good dad, takes care of his son and has him every weekend…
It may come as a shock to the baby’s father (im sure you’re shocked too) try and remain calm. If he reacts badly… do what YOU think is best. Good luck and congrats


How does one get “accidentally” pregnant? Unplanned is a better term. He’s older he’ll understand. Life happens. Just tell him. No need to keep it a secret. And no matter what happens you’ll be fine

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Hey…if he willingly participated in unprotected sex he has no right to be upset! ESPECIALLY if he is an older man…he knew better!. I hate to think you have to be scared to tell him. I hope it all works out for you. And I hope you are both happy about the baby!


I never wanted kids, my husband thought I did. We have a 17 year age gap, got pregnant early in relationship. Daughter graduated from college this year. We had 2 more. Your boyfriend might not care ( maybe he wants kids), mine did. It sucks to have conversation.

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I’m prolife, so the first thing I advise is to keep the baby. It will be a hard road, but that baby might make it worth it.


Rhonda Cales
Hi! I know this is a very personal question, so I’m not expecting a response. Are you being mistreated or worse? Not judging, just asking.:blue_heart::pray:

Tell him so you guys can figure out where to go from here… He might be supportive and if not you have enough time to figure out what you are going to do as a single mom


If he didn’t wear protection then he’s got to expect an accident.
The best accident evvverrrr.

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You’ve got to tell him even if u made out once.3 months is a long time .to get pregnant.sometimes it only takes once.

My husband was 18 years older than me we raised 2 kids together married 31 years together before he passed

Don’t be scared you have an angel with you tell him if he loves you he should be happy if he don’t like it then just be ready to be a single mom for that baby who will give you happiness when he or she will be in your arms just pray that he might be happy if he knows about it okay?

Better figure it out ! Tell him and then u will know what to do ! Good luck

It nay be a good thing he is older. More mature and established. I think he will be happy. He probably started dating a younger woman because he wants a family. Be excited and tell him. You have his beautiful child inside of you. Be happy always.

I mean didnt you know that having sex without protection could result in pregnancy ? If you telling him that you are pregnant ruins things ,you never had anything anyway. Are you adults , ? It’s your body ,your pregnancy make your own decision, men are sperm donors after all . Tell him and see where his head is at ,I wish you luck

It’s real and not going away. Your options grow more limited with each passing day. Stalling will only increase your problems. Make a decision and tell him ASAP in the best way you can devise. Do you need counsel? Legal advice? A supportive friend? He has as much responsibility as you for the pregnancy and resulting child as you. Make a plan and get moving.

I think you should talk to your parents and get their support first. Then go and tell your boyfriend. I will put you on my prayer list.

Don’t tell him and see what he says in 6 months when you’re walking around with a nice sized baby bump. This makes perfect sense.

The sooner the better​:orange_heart: in all reality he can’t be too pissed considering that the responsibilities of birth control is on you both :heart: with that said take vitamins see a dr or health care provider ASAP and good luck :pray:

The only thing that will ruin things is lack of trust w his not having your back. It takes 2. He should be honored

Just tell him. If he walks away from you, let him walk away. If you find it difficult to raise a child on your own, then there are a lot of couples that would love to adopt a baby.

I feel like there is a lot of missing information here. Can I ask how old you are and do you want a baby? How do you feel about this guy?

Tell him now ! This will give you time to srrange your life if he “cuts and runs” ! Good luck !

Tell him. His response will reveal his true character. If you are not ready for motherhood, please consider making an adoption plan. There are many loving couples who are willing to give your baby a good home! Many have been waiting for years to become parents!

Tell him. I would not move forward in a relationship just because I was pregnant. Deciding whether to have a baby should be your decision to make.

If he doesn’t want kids, he should have gotten snipped. If he leaves you because he got you pregnant, make sure to take him to court for child support.

Well I tell my kids if fate before you do something because hindsight comes back to bite you in the ass and it never comes out the way you intended to

Every conception is an accident. It doesn’t happen every time you have intercourse.

You weren’t scared to hop in bed with him so if you’re grown up enough to do that then be mature enough to just tell him

If you can not be honest with him now, you don’t need him for later. After all you did not get pregnant by yourself.

Pray…ask God to help you have the boldness to tell him he is going to be a father. Then both of you hopefully will take responsibility for your gift and love it and raise it …

Nothing really to do but pick a time to tell him and brace yourself.

Whenever you just starting dating you must always use protection no unprotected sex could be hiv

First of all, he should’ve taken an active role in preventing the pregnancy if that’s not what he intended. But now that the baby is made, just let him know. If he isn’t happy, he isn’t worth trying to hang on to, hon.

Why are you afraid to tell him? Besides him being older is he also a married man? Either way he should know!

Having sex with someone and getting pregnant is not an accident. A car crash is an accident.

Congratulations. Please let the father know as it is his responsibility also. No baby is an accident. Let the love grow. :heart:

Is he abusive? Why don’t you feel comfortable telling him? If you feel in danger don’t tell talk to someone professional first.

An ACCIDENT??? You knew what were doing

I know this is very personal, but I just have to ask. Are you being mistreated or worse?:pray::rose:

You didn’t get pregnant by yourself, you didn’t do something wrong… you just knew first

A little to late …accident great story to tell your child

Getting pregnant is not an accident

Accidents can be wonderful. Tell your boyfriend and see how it goes.

Hmm !! May as well just tell him ! You both participated!:+1:

Tell him and he accept, if not you raise your child on your.

Why put this on Facebook. Am sure you have family and friends… :thinking:

Well The situation isn’t going to get better by waiting to tell him.

Grow up and just tell him

U getting pregnant wasnt accident

just tell him it will be what it is

Too late to back out - he needs to know n you both need to talk about the next phase in your lives n consider that unborn child …

Wow scared?!?!
Does he beat you?

ACCIDENT? No such thing

He’s old enough to know what happens if he doesn’t use contraceptives…tell him and if he runs then you’ve lost nothing of importance …but he might be pleased but you won’t know by saying nothing…good luck x

Why are you scared to tell him ? That’s the first question ?? Is he free to support you and a child ? I am sure he’s aware of the consequences of unprotected sex and he needs to know ASAP. I hope it all works out for you as lots of discussions and decisions now need to be made for this babe. Good luck

Takes two to “tango” Sorry “Charlie” It isn’t your fault, but it is definately his to deal with.17 years didn’t matter then, and it certainly doesn’t matter now, Good luck .

“Remember that night you didn’t pull out? Well I would say surprise but you shouldn’t be surprised when this happens when you don’t pull out”…

It wasn’t an accident. Did you slip and fall into a puddle of his semen? Did he penetrate you without protection during a car accident?
Not using protection then getting shocked you are pregnant isn’t an accident.

I got pregnant the 1st time I has sex with my ex husband. It was only 2 months in. We married for 10yrs and 2 kids. Just tell him. Or wait till the baby does.