I am scared to tell my boyfriend that I am pregnant: Advice?

This is an example of why so many people believe in waiting until marriage. In this unfortunate situation, you should tell him the truth and prepare for parenthood.

Just tell him but be sure you have a plan for being a single Mom. Have him buy diapers, clothes etc every week so when the time comes, the baby has what he/she needs. Buy a few gift cards for Walmart etc and put them away or open an account and put $ in every week to help with things later. Best of luck!


He’ll either stick by you or walk away, you’ll only know when you tell him, bit regardless you’re bringing a baby into the world either as a pair or separate, there is no love on this earth like the love of your child, what ever happens you’ll be fine, I hope he’s ok about it x


So him being 17 yrs older then you what is your age ?
Either way you neither one didn’t think you should use birth control.what did you think would happen. Knowing someone 3 months isn’t long enough to really be good friends let alone sleep with each other. I think you may end up raising this child on your own . And taking him to court for child support.


Don’t be scared me I got preg in a space of a month I met him we still together our child is turning 8 in July we are happy family

If it does then you will find out he was only there for the sex but tell him you must he may be thrilled

If he was afraid you might get pregnant then he should have taken precautions… If he gets mad… Then oh well… It takes 2 to have a baby.

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Tell the truth, and tell him soon.
It takes two to get pregnant.

But I don’t get how pregnancies occur by accident!
You either have sex and use precautions.
Or you don’t !
Quite simple!
You don’t get pregnant by accident in this day and age.
I know people will come down on me for this!.
But really??!

Tell him,if he doesn’t show any interest,walk away and have your baby,he will come back.

If he rejects you over this, he’s not worth it. Tell him and be upfront and honest

Not heard of contraceptives?

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Just be up front with him


Didn’t use protection…the question is…WHY???

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Well if you don’t think you can share this what kind of relationship would you be having with him so tell him

Tell him you find out what kind of man he is

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Umm… it’s about how YOU feel. If you are keeping the baby, you have to tell him.

He has a right to know,legally and moraly

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You didn’t pregnant alone​:heart::two_hearts::two_hearts:

We aren’t together but on the same page

well you will soon find out when you tell him good luck with that

If he was unprotected, but how do you feel

Best thing to do is be honest and go ahead and tell him.

Tell him. takes 2 to get pregnant so he’s to blame as much as u

Tell him immediately if you decide to keep the child.

You will find out soon enough

You will have to tell him sooner or later, sooner will be better

Just tell him. Odds are he already knows.

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We both laid down we both f***** we both made a baby get over it

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Well, he’s going to find out sooner or later.

What do YOU really want? Be open and honest with him. Either he will be supportive or he will bolt. In the end, its all about what you want for your life. Are you ready to have a child? Possibly alone? If so, then more power to ya. If not, dont let anyone tell you how to live YOUR life.

If you just started dating three months ago and you’re dating somebody who is 17 years older than you, I don’t think pregnancy is what he wants to hear. 17 years older than you huh?

Definitely not an accident

Honestly if u didn’t want kids 3 months into a relationship should of used protection :woman_facepalming:

Are you ready to provide a child with a secure and stable home? Are you ready to guide a new life into a stable and good person? Are you willing to have your life changed forever and put someone’ else’s wellbeing ahead of your own at all times? Are you willing to sacrifice the fun and joys and freedom of your youth? Your own development will be stunted because raising a child is a serious thing. A life depends on you and every single decision you make from here on out, no matter how big or small. If you’re not sure, don’t let a baby be the victim

Beautiful Girl, I am a Mentor with Zoe’s Place - we help young women like you who have become unexpectedly pregnant. Its a confusing and scary time, We are in Newcastle, but available anytime if you want to call us to chat, your not alone XXXX www.zoesplace.org.au 1300 793 595

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Just be honest. If he don’t step up than he is a lousy POS

Be honest tell him been there


You’ll have to sit down with him and just have a conversation about it. Idk how your relationship is but this makes it sound like you’re very young and he’s 17 years older and maybe not wanting kids (or more if he has some already). Just be open and honest, pay close attention to his reaction and what YOU want from this. From this point forward it will tell you a lot about him based on how he handles this information. I hope he’s supportive in whatever way you need and that it works out for the best.

If you can have sex with someone you and them can handle the consequences to those actions

I got pregnant after 3 months with my now fiancé… 3 years later and we now have 2 kids and more in love than ever :heart::heart:


Wow…are they not teaching Sex Ed in school anymore? No condom or birth control…you make a baby… probably should have thought things thru before doing things unprotected…


Wow the way some of y’all are responding to this poor girl is disgusting and shows you lack any sort of empathy.

Scared of what? Tell him in public. But maybe you should be single if you scared of him.


Why have unprotected sex. Try birth control if you dont want to get pregnant


Wow…the amount of women being class A bitches on the post…if you’ve got nothing nice to say don’t say anything :roll_eyes:


Neither of you were scared to screw without protection. Why be scared now?? You both knew the consequences… Tell him and deal with it…


Heard of birth control? How do you get pregnant on accident!? :joy:


Is he also married? Just wondering

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You women are judgemental and rude. Either answer the question or don’t say anything. How hard is that?

& to the poster, unfortunately you’re just gonna have to rip the bandaid off so you both can talk about your options and what you now need from the future.


If hes 17 years older, getting you knocked up to bind you to him might be part of his plan to groom you. (Yes, I’m jaded, speaking from experience). Look for other controlling behaviors.


Maybe he will be happy. You never know! I got pregnant at 18 after 3 months of dating…we are now going on 8 years Sept 8th. Congratulations by the way! :heart:


Are you going to spend the rest of your life afraid of telling him things!? ~ Tell Him!


If he didn’t wear protection…then he should know he can become a father.men know if they dont want babies…wrap it up then.


So sorry for all the rude comments. Just do what you know is best. If you tell him and it ruins things… it wasn’t meant to be anyway. Good luck to you :slight_smile:

What happened to women helping women. Some of y’all are so judgmental and down right rude acting like y’all are so damn perfect. Well news flash no one is. Accidents do happen, I got pregnant and I used protection. Protection in any form isn’t 100% effective

If you’re scared to tell him you probably shouldn’t have laid down with him


What does this have to do with NAILS


He knew exactly what he did … the men are really in control of getting us pregnant his fault he knows he didn’t pull out just being real .

An accident? Are you 12? Did he fall into your vagina?


If your afraid he’s going to leave you then apparently you aren’t sure about his feelings for you or you would know what he will probably do so if you have doubts it’s better to know now then later but good luck

Asking him the question “what do you think about kids?” Would be a start

Wow maybe you should try celibacy if u are afraid to tell the guy ur pregnant. I dont know what fairy tale land you live in. But sex makes babies. If u think he cant handle that fact dont sleep with them. Good luck to ya.

Lmfao the amount of women on here saying “SHOULD hAvE uSeD BiRthCOntRoL” is honestly astounding. As if y’all don’t effing know how sketchy birth control is to begin with. Gotdamn :clown_face:s :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


Bringing a new life into the world should never be scary—see it as a miracle and let everyone else to see it their own way.


Id say bring up the subject and if he never wanted kids then go from there. You as a woman have a choice to keep the baby or to abort it…but also, if he doesnt want kids and you want to keep the baby, you have the choice to raise it as you want to.

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Maybe nervous? I hope not scared. Its life! Its gotta come out. You’ll k ow what kind of man he is when you tell him. He’ll step up or step out but no matter what that baby will need his mama!

Its okay! Were a 15 year age gap and got pregnant 2 months into dating lol were going on 6 years now with two girls a decent house and a big property with 3 dogs ans 3 cats and a few classic cars :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: youd be surprised with what a little passion can do for the soul. Or hes in for some child support :fist_right::fist_left: lol you’ll be just fine. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Up to you… its your body and it took two of you to make it happen…

Sorry ur scared. Just take a moment for urself to absorb everything. Then u will need to tell him sooner than later, so u can start preparing one way or another. If u keep the baby, and he doesn’t want to be part of the child’s life, u and the baby will benefit from receiving child support. Or u could always put it up for adoption if u don’t want the baby. I am not an advocate to get rid of the pregnancy, so I won’t even mention the word. I know ur scared, etc., but u will get through this one way or another. I wish u all the luck. U will be OK.

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If it ruins your relationship he’s not good enough for you. It’s very hard to raise a child on your own but I know you can do it because God gave you a baby he knows you’re gonna be ok.

Be honest and tell him. He deserves to know he will find out eventually. When having sex there’s always a chance of getting pregnant even with condoms and birth control.

Shouldve thought about that before you opened your legs just saying


This sounds as if this poster is very young and maybe taken advantage of.

Tell him and if he ditches you think hard on what you want to do.
There’s options for you

Unpopular opinion: don’t give a shit!! Maybe you should e waited to take those chances when you learned his favorite color. These women give out pussy like it’s a goodnight kiss. Maybe you should’ve … I don’t know… WAITED??? You want to lay down and feel good, but not deal with the possible consequences. Grow up girl!!!

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Be out front with him right away…The age difference is the question was he married an has a family.Anytime you have sex an unexpected pregnancy can occur…That why you should save yourself for marriage.

You mean you were walking and fell on a dick?thats accident

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It seems as if he has a wife and a,family. Something is missing from this equation.

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Y afraid??? B4 u open ur legs to a man u loved n make love u must be ready 1st to take d responsibility. Sex is sacred if u not ready to get pregnant y u both did unprotected sex? For me u must tell him baby is a blessing if he will not accept dat it’s okay God is good all d time!!! May d good Lord guide u along d way​:innocent::pray:

Pregnancy is not an accident!! You play with fire, you get burned!!!

Sorry you’re scared but you HAVE TO TELL HIM !!! The sooner the better !!

Does he have any other kids? If so you can just get a shirt that says big brother or sister and let them tell him haha. That’s what I did and he was still shocked but also thought it was really cute. Maybe do it with your family since yin’s haven’t been dating long and you may need some support. It will be ok. A baby is a blessing. :heart:

Me and my fiance have 20 yrs between us him being older. And we r welcoming r 4th child together. And total r 8th baby. He’s got 3 I got 1 together 4

I was in a similar situation. I got pregnant three months into dating my now husband. There is a 10 year age gap. We’ve been married 9 years this year and I have 2 beautiful girls out of it and I’m a bonus mom to 3 kids. Things happen in life and nobody has the right to pass judgment on you. I know you’re afraid but things will work out how they are supposed to. Sending you strength.


I got pregnant within 3months with my now husband
They’re surprises❤ make a cute announcement and tell him
He knew what he was doing if he’s not happy then he’s an asshole but now you will see where you stand and that baby

It’s going to come out and/or be noticed at some point, better to rip the bandaid off and be honest straight away. Decide if you want to keep the baby or not and then ask him if he is prepared to stay with you and support you or not. He will be more upset/disappointed the longer you keep it from him

My husband and I got pregnant 2 months into our relationship 7 years ago. It’s been a hard road but we have our 6 year old daughter, 4 year old son and I’m due in December with baby number 3. You just have to tell him! If he’s that much older then I would hope he would be a man and take care of his family.

I mean, what did you think would happen if you were having unprotected sex!? Just tell him. Hes either gonna run or accept it :woman_shrugging:t4:

You might be pleasantly surprised at his reaction.
Voice your concerns, when y’all do talk.

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My concern is that you’re “scared” to tell him….scared because he will end the relationship? Scared because he will be mad? Scared of mental/physical backlash? If this pregnancy will “ruin” things, I’m not sure it’s an ideal relationship anyway.


I’m currently in labor and delivery with our 9th. My husband is 15 years older and is very excited to have this baby. Yes he is starting over and his kids are closer to my age. We have 3 grandkids already but it’s just one more to love


Hey buddy! Ya know when we had sex? Yeah well guess what…WE are pregnant. That’s how that convo should go


It takes two to tango so why would he be mad at you. He did this too. If he leaves then he’s a pos


Stressing it don’t do you any good. Just tell him. Don’t beat around the bush or drop hints. He’s gonna react however no matter the way you tell him.

Dont waste time. Talk with him about it. He’s old enough to know “what causes that”, and that accidents can happen. Don’t waste time worrying about it and putting it off. It might be the best thing that ever happened to you, and him.

Tell him now if he will not accept it then it is time to forget about him :pray: but have the baby alone you are in a country that Helps single parents , wake up and be brave :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::us::heart:


My bf is 17 years older than me and we’re having another baby in January! This one wasn’t planned. I was on birth control!!
Can I ask what you are scared of?

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Well I’m sure he knows how babies are made so if any type of accident happened he was there and can’t be too shocked


28 years ago I’d only been seeing my kids dad 3 months when I found out I was pregnant I was with him 19 years and ended up having another saying that it wasnt a good relationship and we are not together now :roll_eyes::thinking::roll_eyes::unamused:

I got pregnant within 2 months of dating someone and I was scared as well… especially because it’s not ideal, but 9 and a half years later and 3 kids later we are still together and happily married!! :two_hearts:
Just tell him. If he is a decent man then he will stand by your side through it all and be there to support you!
Good luck!