I am starting to resent my spouse

If you care about your marriage don,t add more stress to it.


Some of these comments! Geeze.
That wouldnā€™t work for me. Youā€™re in school and taking care of kids and growing a life. He works outside of the house. I donā€™t think he should be napping every night. Be a big boy, help with dinner, baths, bedtime and then game or go sleep.


How you go 50% and you in school, married, taking it care of all the kids and pregnant! And Where is the job


At 5:30 leave them kids with him and lock the door s as ms take a nap

Ummm howsabout heā€™s an adult and can feed his damn self! Itā€™s all good if heā€™s helping then we WANT to cook for u and make sure youā€™re fed and happy but if youā€™re not helping then make your own food, do your own washing and everything else in between.

Iā€™m sorry but once babies come into a relationship, itā€™s decided then and there that both parties are committing to the responsibility and for that not to come to fruition when the babyā€™s get here is a huge letdown for us, well I know it would be for me.

Everything should be shared. My partner works 10 hours and will still come home, help with our 3 month old, cook, clean, do washing. Whatever he has to do to lessen the load for me because he has so much respect for what us as women go thru being pregnant and giving birth that he feels he has alot to do to even be in the same ballpark as a woman.

If your man doesnā€™t even help with dishes F#!$ HIM OFF! Or maybe communicate this to him if you havenā€™t already. Maybe he thinks youā€™re ok with all of it. As much as we want them to be, our men really arenā€™t mind readers lol

Seems like he needs to grow up and be a man! And as far as advice, you should have asked for that 35 weeks ago before you got pregnant by himā€¦ā€¦again, bc that move probably wasnā€™t the smartest. He seems to not care about your schedule and the fact that you do all that during the day. You need to have a serious conversation with him about this, preferably before that baby is born. Put your foot down and tell him how you feel. Thereā€™s no need for him to be napping after work lol thatā€™s ridiculous and just his way of getting out of helping you with HIS kids! As moms, our job never ends, even when help is there.


Ummmm is he not married with kids!!! He should be belong you no matter what! Have a serious talk with him and let him start taking himself to and from work. What kind of nonsense is this? I was in a similar situation, but now, I refuse to do things that benefit everybody. Everybody needs to bring their part now.

Have you talked to him about it? I know it sounds funny but maybe he doesnā€™t realize yy feel this way.
Iā€™m a mom of 7 beautiful children. I have no support except my best friend and my neighbor whoā€™s like a mom to me. Iā€™m engaged and have been with him for 8 years. I work as a server a few nights a week (itā€™s my only time away from My kids). 6 of them are In school but Since I have insomnia and severe OCD, I donā€™t get to bed until around 8 AM after they all leave for school, So when I get up I clean up anything that needs cleaned, and then itā€™s time to deal with the kids and all the while I have my baby who just turned one so I spend about four hours per day cleaning on top of taking care of my children and then also work part time like I said Iā€™m the one that does 95% of the cleaning. My kids do have chores but my OCD likes things done a certain way so I end up doing almost everything meanwhile my fiancĆ© works at the prison eight hours a day and heā€™s in the army so when he comes home from work I let him unwind then he spends a little bit of time with the kids and then he watches TV until he falls asleep. I love that he is able to get a break when he gets home but my break is work and thatā€™s it and itā€™s only a few hours a day three nights a week, so I feel like he deserves it more I guess. Last year I started getting very angry about doing so much I never get to sit down for two minutes so I snapped and we had an argument and he told me he didnā€™t realize that it bothered me he thought that I wanted to do most of it myself because I am OCD and I have severe anxiety so cleaning helps me try to stay okay. Once I talked about it itā€™s not like things magically changed but now if I mention needing some thing done he jumps on it. I feel like he can read when I really need a little break and we have two days off together per week those days are spent running to appointments or running errands etc. I feel like this is a common thing that happens between spouses and a lot of times the spouse doesnā€™t realize the other one is overwhelmed so I would seriously just try to bring it up in discussion and I bet you will be surprised! I wish you well no matter what happens.

If he makes time to be video gaming then he MUST have time to alleviate your load. Its only right. His ability to play video games at anytime is an actual break for him, whereā€™s yours?


Communication is key tell him what you told us not to be unkind but men are not the brightest tools in the shed when it comes to stuff like this :woman_shrugging: and suggested a girls night out so you actually get some free time!

Instead of attacking him for having a job, maybe sit down and talk about everything you do, that itā€™s taking itā€™s toll and you just want a break.

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Hope this helps you cheer up. :heart: Absolutely love what she has to say.


Sometimes playing games is a way of pretending life donā€™t exist for a while. Likely he is also very overwhelmed and stressed and games are a coping mechanism. He needs to find healthier ways to deal with his stress which donā€™t make him unavailable In the evenings when you need him most. I know people are allowed to have their hobbies but they should never take priority over family. And maybe consider talking about hiring a babysitter more often so you can get time yourself and time together with him.

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You have to talk to him. Now, before baby comes. You will resent him more after. Ask him to prep, make and or clean up from dinner and do 1 bedtime routine. Ask him to split the duties while heā€™s home. If you donā€™t say anything he doesnā€™t know what to do or that youā€™re feeling the way you are. Theyā€™re not good at guessing.

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Obviously we canā€™t possibly know everything about your situation but it sounds as if you have kept quiet until your frustrations boiled over into ā€œcalling him outā€. Itā€™s a natural reaction to pent up stress. Now thereā€™s ā€œhostilityā€ in the home which is bad for everyone. The current situation is not working for you but itā€™s very likely that until you called him out he wasnā€™t aware of a problem. Conflict will not be resolved by creating more conflict. Men are problem solvers. It may help if you tell him something like ā€œIā€™m having a really hard time withā€¦ could you help me pleaseā€ or " I really need someā€¦" "Calling him out is not the answer. Iā€™m sure some people are going to slam me for this but I would advise apologizing for calling him out and explain that it came from your pent up frustration and ask for his help. Believe it or not an apology can go a long way to opening his ears to hear your needs. Good luck :crossed_fingers:

During pregnancy women go through hormonal changes and mood swings, also they are not physically active to do everyday chores. You should explain this to your husband as men donā€™t understand this situation by virtue they donā€™t undergo these situations.

He needs to daddy step up, everything isnt all on you, and sounds like he expects it to be. I would definitely change that now. When he comes hm he can help watch the children or help make dinner. Being a parent is a 24/7 job for both parents. I would definitely change it now or it will continue. Let him knowhe needs to help more around the house and help with the children.

Hopefully he can feel yours too! Remind him you have 3 kids not 4. Time for your boy to grow up! With 3 kids surely he canā€™t expect not to help with the raising of them?