I am struggling to get pregnant: Advice?

Here’s hoping the poor man has secretly had the snip :woman_facepalming:t3: its woman like you that give us a bad name and men think women just want to trap them. :clap::clap::clap::clap: good job lady, you should hang your head in shame :woman_facepalming:t3:

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Maybe he noticed and you didn’t realize it so he got fixed :thinking: how would you know since clearly yall keep secrets from each other :woman_shrugging:. You honestly either need to come clean to him and if he’s willing find away to have another if not then you need to respect his wishes or find someone new who also wants a child.


You dont want judgement, yet believe it’s ok to deceive ?


Firstly pregnancy and bringing a new life into the world needs to be consensual by both parties !!! It is wrong to wish and take no precautions on YOUR behalf as that is what YOU want !! Be an adult and have a conversation and if it isn’t what you BOTH want do not do it !!


Wow so you are doing this while knowing he doesn’t want children…you’re a piece of crap for that one girl…sorry but that’s so wrong on so many levels…smh

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If this was a man doing this, think of how violating this would feel. This is a type of sexual assault and it’s fucking disgusting.

He doesn’t want another baby so you’re trying to get pregnant behind his back? I sense marriage problems in the future if you do get pregnant. Just wow.


What are you doing? He doesn’t want kids and you are secretly off contraception? Absolutely you deserve to be judged for this. You are mistreating him and disregarding his family wishes. Be happy with the children you have or find a partner who wants more kids and get help from fertility specialists.


Seems like you have a choice: no kids with current love or break up & have that 3rd child on your own with a sperm donor.


Drinking has absolutely nothing to do with fertility. I do know that older women(over 30 years) typically have a more difficult time conceiving.


Oh you deserve to be judged, hard core.


He probably secretly got a vasectomy. You’d be surprised how many guys actually do this.


He doesn’t want more kids…I wouldn’t either if 40 and kids grown. Baby stage is hard and starting over at that age is pretty rough to think about after kids r pretty much grown already have. Maybe see if he will compromise and maybe foster or adopt an older kid. Just dont force him to have another baby and definitely dont trick him into one. Maybe if presented with the option of fostering or adopting a kid past diaper age he will agree. .Good compromise. Talk it out.


I’m 40 and just had an iui. Def look into that.

If he has said he doesn’t want a child then don’t get pregnant. A little late in life to start over again. I have three children, one miscarriage. I always wanted another but it just didn’t happen and then hubby got a vasectomy for his own reasons. So I enjoyed the children I had and the grandchildren that followed. It could be a big mistake to have another pregnancy when he has expressed that he doesn’t want another child.

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Wouldn’t it be funny if while you are keeping a secret from him, he is too and he already got snipped :smile:


I know the thought of not having another baby is hard to accept but purposely trying to get pregnant with someone who is strongly against another one is very wrong. I understand you want more children but that doesn’t give you the right to lie, manipulate and try to force this person to have another baby. This isn’t okay at all, and I would suggest communicating with your partner and looking into consoling. This is not normal behavior not is it okay to do to someone you love. Consoling would help you alot with getting rid of these toxic behaviours and also help you come to terms that you won’t have anymore children. (If you stay with this man) if having another child is that important that you have to scheme, and lie to your partner then clearly your not in the right relationship. If your goals/happiness/desires don’t match up and neither of you are willing to compromise then this relationship isn’t the one. Good luck, I wish you the best and but I also am hoping you don’t get pregnant until you can sit down with your partner and he agrees to it as well or you find someone else.


Um this is a big no no. A child should discussed ypu shouldn’t not tell him you’re off contraceptives. That is something he needs to and deserves to know. It is NOT just your decision. You clearly don’t respect this man and it’s sad.


Sorry, but actively trying to get pregnant from someone who has expressed that they do not want children is HORRIBLE!!! You say not to judge but I can’t get passed this. You do NOT force a pregnancy or child on an unwilling participant.

If it were you that didn’t want kids and you found out that for 3 years he had been poking holes in all the condoms in an attempt to get you pregnant, you would be extremely violated and justified in leaving. I see no difference in this situation. The obscene violation of an express boundary here angers me to no end.


40? Just stop. Of you got pregnant today. Your child should be 21 when you are 81. That’s fucked up.

Your not doing something right by being a sneaky person and not being honest with him . You are manipulative and I hope he catches on asap before you do get pregnant with a child he doesn’t want .

Ma’am, you is triflin’ and ya nasty!!! And hopefully you won’t get pregnant.


Lies and deception. That’s your problem. Absolutely disgusting what you are doing.

Wow, that’s such a violation of trust in a relationship. What you’re doing should be a crime. It’s assault.

I think it would be a good idea to communicate that you stopped taking your contraceptives and want to try for another baby. Not in a judgmental way, just because if you do end up pregnant or if he found out you did it that way it could harbor resentment. If he ends up agreeing I definitely recommend tracking your cycle, and if you arent taking prenatals try to at least take some folic acid.

The only good advice to give is to tell him the truth of what you have been doing and figure it out together. This is literally how relationships and families fall apart

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Your being abusive. Stop it. Get into counseling to figure out a way to either be happy with your current children or leave your SO (prob better for him) and use a sperm donor. But still continue the therapy Bc that’s fucked up.

Ask your dr for clomid

Maybe he got fixed and didn’t tell you.


Move on and find someone who wants the same things as you.

Wait… he doesn’t want children and you are trying to get pregnant…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Please stop


Hopefully… he got snipped… He doesn’t need to have another baby with you… When you are deceiving him…


Wow. You’re actively trying to get pregnant by someone that has told you he doesn’t want kids. T r a s h


Maybe he secretly had a vasectomy


If he doesn’t want any, respect that, how selfish and deceitful, what a horrible thing to do. Sounds like he has already got the snip, communication is key, you have betrayed him on the worst level, and if it were me, I would leave, as I would never trust you again. :pensive:


No child deserves to be brought into this world unwanted.


No I definitely will judge you for lying to him about something like that. That is low down dirty.
Find a man that can give you the child you want.
And get therapy bc there is clearly something wrong with you and maybe that’ll help.


karma is never forgetful… if you con a guy into pregnancy he will spise you. never never ever … be like that type of person. karma train will hit you if you keep doing it. never be unloyal

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Women over 40 run the risk of bearing a child with all types of problems and issues (google that) you have children, love them!! But dont use the “but i need to have another baby” excuse!!! And adding another child to the family IS a family decision!!! You seem to have a great mate and father figure, why lie? Why cause waves at this stag of life? You would be 60 when the child graduated!!! 60 grandma age, just saying. You dont have the right to control the last half of your husbands life. Maybe he wants to retire, take it easy travel ect. Maybe your starting “empty nest”???


“Please don’t judge me for not telling him I’m not on contraception” are you fucking serious?! You are a disgusting human being saying you guys love eachother so much and you know he wouldn’t leave if you got pregnant. I feel sorry for this poor man he deserves better

3 years…he probably got fixed. You should never be sneaky and get pregnant if your spouse/partner doesn’t want another. You think he won’t leave but it can happen. Unfair to him to do something he doesn’t want.


this is wrong in any way it looks … what the hell is wrong with you? this is disrespectful … definitely WHAT YOU REALLY NEED IS HELP NOT A NEW BABY


He might not leave but he may never forgive you for deceiving him into having a child that he doesn’t want. I absolutely do not want any more children and if someone snuck me into having one I would absolutely hate them.


That’s a terrible thing to do. Really freaking horrible. I’m sorry, I don’t usually insult people, but you are a toxic human and need to realize what you are doing is horrible.


A woman’s fertility begins to greatly decrease once she reaches around 40 years of age due to her eggs and ovarian reserve becoming low. The chances of having a child with a chromosomal abnormality also begin to increase around this time as well if a pregnancy is achieved. PLEASE make sure your partner is on board with making a baby, it’s extremely unfair to him for you to be deceiving him in this manner. It’s a massive betrayal to his trust.

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Omg! You’re trying to get pregnant without your partner knowing? Wow! You’re being deceitful. Stop!


He probably got a vasectomy behind your back because you’re trying to get pregnant behind his back. Shame on you.


Please talk to a therapist. You are about to ruin a marriage and a childs life :flushed:


Shit happens but never have a kid with a man who doesn’t want any, it’s usually for a really good reason.

Don’t get pregnant because he is being clear he doesn’t want a child you have no idea the resentment he could have turns you and that child who he is with the kids you have already has nothing to do with him wanting a child of his own

Not judge you?! Maybe you’re not getting pregnant because you’re trying to do it behind his back when he told you no… things work in mysterious ways.


Maybe you’re not getting pregnant because you’re trying to sneak in a baby on someone who doesn’t want one :woman_shrugging:t3:.


“Maybe I’m not doing something right to become pregnant at 40.”
Lady, you damn sure aren’t doing something right, but it has nothing to do with your age.
“Please don’t judge me”
Don’t judge you for lying to your husband and crying over the fact that you haven’t had any luck forcing a child on him?? Pfft. Too late for that, honey!

You are incredibly toxic. Advice? Stop. He’s going to resent you. He doesn’t want kids and assumes you are being responsible. And you aren’t.


Well I do judge you because that’s fucked up. If someone told me they got a vasectomy and they didn’t and I ended up pregnant I’d be pissed so I mean, he’d be right to leave you if you lied to him and you got pregnant. Nobody should give you advice about this until you can grow the hell up and tell him you want a baby. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Just here to remind you that you had your experience raising children and I bet it was great- but guess what, now you can look forward to GRANDKIDS! :baby:

Your future grandchildren will need your undivided love and attention :white_heart:

Oh you’re being judged alright and rightfully so. How could you even try to take that choice away from him behind his back? You don’t love him, that’s fucked up.

Maybe it’s not happening because you aren’t being truthful. Don’t trap people. That’s not cool. Karma…


I really hope he got a vasectomy or something. That’d be poetic justice here


You are a psycho who needs help!! You don’t ever try and get pregnant when your husband doesn’t want to. And you sure as HELL don’t do it behind his back!! You are what’s wrong with this world


You’re literally a terrible human. I hope you can’t have more kids. Trapping a man like that is disgusting.

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Wow just wow. Clearly you don’t need a 3rd if your going to lie and sneak around and try and get pregnant, when clearly your husband doesn’t. What is wrong with you?


WTH is wrong with you. He said he doesn’t want kids. No means no. You need your damn head checked

Ummmm so much wrong with this post. I can’t even.


Autumn Stover read this :flushed:

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That’s not right at all.

They have ovulation kits. Did you try one of those?

I really don’t know what is more selfish or devious. LYING to your husband and trying to force a child into the world KNOWING he doesn’t want more or trying to have a child at 40 YEARS OLD. Your eggs are old. From reading this, you sound more like a 16 year old girl who wants to get pregnant to keep her teenage boyfriend around. I’m not even going to apologize for being rude because what you’re doing is absolutely disgusting and this is God’s way of looking out for your husband. God knows what you’re doing is wrong and you think he’s going to reward you with a child?? :grimacing::roll_eyes:. How can someone as old as you be so immature and wrong???


Wtf!!! Basically you are trying, not him!!! You are an evil piece of work for being deceitful, if he is so good why don’t you talk to him instead of trying to trap him like an immature teenager.


All i got out of that was your a gready B****. You already have 2 children but are lying and going behind your parners back. Someone you apparently love so much. Ever thought maybe he is perfectly content with the other 2?
F*** be great full you even have any at all!There are people older than you that have wanted nothing more in life than to have a baby and simply cant.
People like you sh** me to tears.


Amy Breeze i wanna slap her so god damn hard

Wow theze comments…


You are psycho, probably why he doesn’t want to have another child with you. And the fact you’re doing it against his consent, is terrible. Imagine if a man forced you to have another child when you didn’t want another? You’d be outraged. That man needs to leave you or get a vasectomy.


“I know he wouldn’t leave,” wow that is bunny in the pot type of crazy shit right here :rofl::rofl::rofl: poor guy.

I would suggest you stop trying unless you are going to be honest with your husband about it. Can you imagine the hurt you are going to cause if you do by chance get pregnant and he then finds out you’ve done this on purpose against his will? That goes against the sanctity of marriage. Not to mention think about it this way, what if you were the one who didn’t want anymore children, was using condoms as your only form of contraception and he purposely poked holes in every condom to try to get you pregnant against your will? You’d feel betrayed at the very least. Or even another perspective, what if he secretly got a vasectomy without telling you and had you believe you were trying to conceive a child, all the while he knew he was not capable of doing so. There is so much wrong going on here. I know how badly you may want another child, but this isn’t the way of doing it. This isn’t a game, these are lives and emotions and the very foundation you created your marriage on and you are toying with it like it’s a bucket of legos. Think about the rights and wrongs of what you are doing/wanting and do the right things. Be honest, be sincere and be selfless. This isn’t something you force upon your partner just because you want it for yourself.

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Sounds like he may have got a secret vasectomy. I’m not going to be like the others on these comments and cuss you out and drill you about how wrong it is. You’ve seemed to have got plenty of those, so I’ll give you some actual useful advice. You need to sit him down and come clean to him about wanting another baby. Communication is everything. Come to a compromise or mutual agreement. One partner not wanting to have more kids has been a major dealbreaker for a lot of couples. You need to decide what you want more. Your marriage or another baby? Because going behind his back is beyond wrong. If you’re dead set on another baby and can’t come to an agreement, you need to make the decision to either deal with it or leave. Life is too short to settle and let’s be real, your eggs are on borrowed time at this point. There are plenty of men out there who would love to have a big family and more children. You need to decide if you guys want the same things and whether or not you see it as a dealbreaker. Either way, you need to stop going behind his back because it will backfire on you later.


You don’t love this man because if you did you would respect his decision on not having kids instead of trying to trap him. This type of behavior isn’t love and I hope he finds out and run far away from you. It would be something if he had a vasectomy done which is why you’re not getting pregnant good for him if he did.

Not judging one bit like these other ruthless inconsiderate people are. However, what is the reason you are not telling him? What is his reason for not wanting another? Are you guys happy with the babies you have? Sometimes it is not ment to happen, sometimes it is. Please do consider telling your husband that you are off BC and talk about the pros and cons of having another one. Maybe he has a legit reason for not wanting another. Are you “financially stable” another to have another?? I feel you are scared to tell him in fear he may be upset with you. You however are not psycho. Just worried and scared. And your age is making you even more scared. Lots of love sweetheart, I wish you the best​:heart::heart::heart:

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Your deception is unfortunate


This made me angry how can you go behind your partners back like that… not a good relationship. I really want a 3rd baby at the moment but my partner is not keen. I would not go behind his back ti get pregnant


If you’re scheming just to get pregnant, you shouldn’t even be trying to get pregnant. You need to be open and honest with your partner, because that’s a decision that needs to be made TOGETHER.


If you are not on the same page as him, and basically deceiving him. You are giving him a great reason for devorce and for him to get the kids full time. People have devorce for lack of trust. This is a narcissistic dishonest, untruthful, lying, mendacious, insincere, false, deceiving, dissembling, disingenuous, untrustworthy, unscrupulous, unprincipled, two-faced, duplicitous, double-dealing, cheating, underhand, crafty, cunning, sly, guileful, scheming, calculating, conniving, designing, hypocritical, perfidious, treacherous, Machiavellian, Janus-faced
informal sneaky, tricky, foxy, crooked, sharp, shady, shifty, slippery move.

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Maybe he had a vasectomy.

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Is this for real? You’re going behind your partners back trying to get pregnant? “He wont leave if I did get pregnant” HE SAID HE DOESNT WANT MORE KIDS!!! He just might leave because you’ve literally gone behind his back and done what he has said he doesnt want to do :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Oh my God… You are sick in the head. That isn’t right at all. I don’t care who gets pissed at my comment, truths the truth.


PM me tomorrow, I have great advise but on a date w hubby now.

Shady shady shady … selfish of you to make such a big life choice for him.


So you want to be a single mother of 3 is what I heard. :rofl: what kind of conniving girl does stuff like this. It’s disgusting.


Do not do this to him, yourself or a potential baby

soooo if you do get pregnant and he asks “how in the world did this happen you’re 40 AND on birth control ?” Are you going lie about it for the rest of your lives and pretend you’re surprised too or are you actually going to tell him you’ve been having tests done and actively trying to get pregnant for three years even though he has made it clear he doesn’t want more … the man might just want to enjoy his later years easing instead of wiping butts and stressing over a teenager when he’s nearly 60 …


Wtf?!?! This is like a man poking holes in a condom to get a woman pregnant without her consent, what is wrong with you?! Get a therapist!!


just like a man can’t decide when a woman should have his baby, you can’t decide when he should have one either. i can’t even believe you could think otherwise.


Why are you ignoring the obvious?? He doesn’t want the responsibility of being a father. Don’t play yourself by trying to get pregnant. Love and enjoy your children. Get rid of the drunk


Maybe he said he doesn’t want children because he is unable to have any. If you are told you are fertile and you still aren’t pregnant 3 year later it probably won’t happen. Nobody is trying to be rude by saying to tell him. You are lying to his face and trying to force him to do something he doesn’t want to. That isn’t a good relationship to have. If you want another baby so bad you better find another partner and this time tell the partner the truth. Sorry not want you wanted to hear but you lying could definitely ruin your relationship with him for sure

You are something else. I pray you never get pregnant again in you life. What kind of example are you for your kids. I feel so sorry for them.


You’re a toxic and manipulative person for doing that to him. You obviously don’t love each other very much, or at least YOU don’t, If you attempt to get pregnant by him when he has expressly stated repeatedly that he does not want another child.


Ladies why are you being so mean!! I would talk to him if you feel so strongly about it if he trually loves you he will see in your heart your want and need for one more chick in the nest!! I just had this convo with my husband. Except he’s wanting the third child but I have endometriosis and had a tramatizing last birth but I saw the desire in him to be a dad again so I’m starting treatment. It’s all about love! If anything give it to god. :slight_smile:


Maybe he got a vasectomy without telling u :woman_shrugging:


You’re a POS, I hope you don’t get pregnant, he finds out how you’re going behind his back and trying to trap him. I hope he leaves you. He deserves better! You sound like you’re psycho.


That’s messed up. :confused:
Shame on you for lying to him.