With my first, I had it fairly easy and was back to pre-pregnancy weight after about a month and a half. With my second, I’m three months postpartum and still have about 20 lbs to lose. Add a scar from a c-section, and I just hate looking at my body. I love my kids, and I would do it all over again, but my self-esteem really took a hit this time around. I know it sounds vain, and I feel guilty for even being so upset by this. I’m wondering what you mama’s have done to help your self-esteem. I’m not talking about working out or eating healthy (which I’ve already been doing) I’m talking about coming to terms with the fact your body is different?
Wear your warrior scar with pride! You had a human cut out of your body!!! You’ve done miraculous things! Cut yourself some slack. Your worth is not based on your weight. You’re a mama! Congratulations!
Please get out and enjoy the holidays w with your family
Use stairs as much as possible to help lose tummy and it helps to take some kind of gas relief after a c-section too. As for the scar you will cherish it and need it later when your child gets older and pisses you off
Your body carried your beautiful children and kept them safe and healthy until they were welcomed into this world. Your c-section scar is the mark of a warrior wear it proudly. I have never had a c-section but I know people who have and they say it’s harder to lose the weight after because of the time you had to take to recover from surgery. Hang in there.
My scar used to bug me a lit. After i healed completely it just started getting less noticable. Now i forget i even have it. It just takes time momma. And i struggled with dropping the extra weight i gained especially after the c-section. I eventually lost the weight too. It just took awhile but it happened.
Check out therapy. Not sure FB can resolve body image issues.
Post partum depression comes in many shapes and sizes. If it gets worse please seek out help, had a friend that felt the same and ended up with an eating disorder.
It’s easier said than done, but remember why that scar is there! When you get down about it, think about the baby that came from that scar and how much you love them. I also had a hard time with the stretch marks, c-section scar, and extra/loose skin but over time it’ll get better.
Your pre baby body was like roses and your postpartum body is like Christmas lights. Both are beautiful, unique, and deserve to be appreciated.
First, your body has housed two human beings. You’re taking care of two other human beings and keeping them alive despite themselves is a feat in and of itself.
Second. There’s nothing wrong with a C-section scar. There’s nothing shameful about it. And aside from getting a tattoo to cover it up you cant get rid of it. Embrace it. Its just a reminder of your beautiful baby.
Third. You can do something about the weight, if you want. Make exercise fun. Dance around with your kids. Take them for walks. Use a yoga ball. Don’t make it a chore you have to do.
Give yourself time. You’ll get your body back. I did and I feel better than before. I also had a c-section and i used to workout a lot. It was difficult seeing my body afterwards and it took time to get back in shape due to the surgery.
Sometimes there’s nothing you can do until your horomones regulate. You had a baby, several babies, it’s silly to think things will go back to the way they once were. I wish women could see real women’s bodies, everybody thinks women are supposed to look like porn stars after squeezing out kids. Get real, give it time.
You are a majestic zebra who earned that scar. That scar brought your child into this world and it stands as a reminder of how freaking awesome you are.
Ffs. You wanted a baby you got one. You didn’t buy it in a store. You were thrilled with the changes in your body during pregnancy now you are left with a post baby body aren’t we all ! Learn to love yourself
I’m 2 months post pardum and I still have 25 lbs to lose
I think ur being too hard on urself
The scar is hardly noticeable
I think ur still dealing with post pardum depression
But towards urself instead of ur baby
We all get it…its that sometimes the hormones take longer to leave our bodies which then causes us to be depressed even longer.
Be thankful for what is going right
It’s not a competition
I’m thankful for the 25 lbs I already lost
A healthy baby
Not in pain I can maneuver as I couldn’t get on and off bed it was excruciating pain…it took 2 months to get to where I am
Gotta celebrate the lil victories
U will lose the weight
Baby steps
I heard Keto coffee helps lose weight quickly
Dont starve urself…u baby needs u healthy and needs u to nourish urself so u can give baby health milk
What do is fix up my hair get my make up on I do my nails I go shopping for new clothes that fit me great
I think this may be a deeper issue if u have struggled before baby
It’s ok to need therapy
Sounds like you need therapy. I’m sure it’s normal but it could also be underlying postpartum depression. It never hurts to talk to someone
Check out thebirdspapaya on Instagram and read her posts
You are going thru the most natural process any woman experience you are not alone been there done that
Love yourself.i had major surgery at 24 and was ashamed of my scars. It took me years to accept and be thankful for my body.
With my first it was an emergency c section and I had gained over 70 lbs. I just concentrated on my baby and did slow work outs. It took me awhile before I felt comfortable with my body again. Fast forward 11+ years, baby number 2, c section number 2, I watched what I ate and stayed active. Only gained 23 lbs but lost 30. Everybody is different, your body will lose at it’s own pace. Look at that beautiful baby and just start slow. Your body took 9 months to create that baby, it’s going to take a while to snap back. Be gentle with your body your heart and your mind. Xo
So I recently had my second, and with him, my second c section. I didn’t have quite a shelf after the first one, but despite exercising and taking good care with the second, I have this… lol, FUPA? Like a whole roll hanging down. Now, I’m in decent shape, so there are people who have it much worse, I know, but it hangs over the edge of my underwear… and it’s just… always there. So what I’ve had to do is change the way I dress. I used to wear lower cut stuff, like bikini bottoms for example. Well, this summer I had to get the ones that go up to my belly button, because otherwise when I bend over they get sucked down and under my c section shelf and it’s like, oh hey, excuse me while I pick up my stomach and tuck it back into my pants. lol! And I have to laugh about it. There’s really nothing else to do. I’m less than 10 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight and this roll ain’t going anywhere without a tummy tuck. So I’m still negotiating pants. I was wearing leggings and tank tops with a sweater or sweatshirt last fall and winter, now when I wear that, the open sweaters show my… roll, or whatever you want to call it. And so now it’s a matter of finding better leggings that suck it in, and better denim stretch skinny jeans with higher waists that make the transition from stomach to groin smoother. That’s all. As for when you look at yourself naked, or when you’re gettin’ freaky… I mean… just… whatever you do, don’t look down.
In summary, new wardrobe and don’t look down during sex.
That’s all I got.
I can’t stand my body after my second C-section. I look at my kids and realize it was all worth it. I’ve also gotten to the point where I dgaf about what others think. I’ve done things with my kids I would have never done otherwise. When we go to the water park I wear a swim top and shorts or my swim dress depends on my size. I decided life is too short to worry about my body. It is what it is and I’ve come to accept that. I’ve also found ways to do self care. I take an hour or two to myself a day to work on my scrapbook, pictures, etc.
I feel you on this. I don’t have a c section scar, but I was huge for so long (still 20 pounds overweight), but I make sure I take time to get my hair colored, nails, and every so often, I’ll tan. Just do what you did before when you felt good.
You’re body is diff no matter what type of birth you gave. Look at it this way, you went thru literal hell to bring that baby into this world safely, by any means. I have stretch Mark’s and a c section scar. Neither bother me at all. Why? Bc my body grew a baby and brought that baby safely into the world. Love yourself. No matter the flaw.
Remember you earned that scar the weight will come off but but dont think about as I’m ugly think about the fact that you earned it you are amazing and a little confidence even faked goes a long way
ive had three c sections. This belly doesn’t go anywhere without surgery. Ive recently started working out because I am much heavier than I used to be. I recently realized I have also gained about 15 pounds. It hurts. I want to be skinnier and look better, but I know without a tummy tuck and some serious weight loss ill never be where I want to be. Its hard to come to terms with not looking exactly how you want, but it does get easier. Workout, eat better, itll help to make you feel better about it even if you don’t get right back to where you think you should be.
It took me almost 5 years to lose the weight from my first,and and I’m 15 months post partum with my second and have 4kgs to lose before I’m back to my pre pregnancy weight, but I’m not focusing on it. I’m fascinated by my stomach and jiggle it and laugh. Helps that my kids laugh with me.
After a while, you won’t even think about it. It’ll just me part of your birth story.
I’ve had 4 c sections and I love my kiddos. Be patient with your body. Your body spent 9 months creating a home for your baby. It’ll take time because each pregnancy is different. With my last one, it took me over a year to get where I was before (I also was pregnant with my 3rd then immediately became pregnant with my 4th so talk about being pregnant for almost 2 years lol)
CrossFit does wonders. Eating healthy with cheat days is awesome. My body is never the same. My hips is wider, my chest heavier, and my stomach, forever soft. At the same time I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in my life. Don’t need to be shredded to be in good shape.
But. Just be patient with your body. Be proud of your scars. It tells a story of how you birth your child, and how you carried your baby.
I love my scars.
I have had two sections with my boys and honestly my last one was 2 years ago and you can barely see the scar anymore . You can try putting vitamin E oil on it to help too
Simply accept that a dating childless single woman’s body and the body of a mother are two very different bodies. Pregnancy and the birthing process leave a body profoundly altered…and I don’t just mean the scars! Stand up and be thankful and proud that you were blessed with children…many are not. You are a child of God! Zero reason to hang your head!!
Hmm, I’m currently 1 month post partum, and I guess I also feel somewhat self conscious of my body. But I know there is no perfect body - and those that appear perfect have had a lot of work done (either naturally through workouts and diets, or unnaturally with surgical help!). So, I’m just allowing myself time to heal and slowly regain the NEW body I will grow to love soon. My body will never be what it once was, because it has to become the mom-body my kids need, and that’s all that matters. It’s all about mind over matter, and if you have any free time (yeah right?!), invest it in looking after your mental and physical health. Love yourself please and don’t stress too much over your body - you are a beautiful mum.
Get a haircut/ color. Nails done, makeup done. It helps my self esteem to get dolled up once in a while… or have a boudoir session done. It’s amazing how much that helps!
Face it, after babies nothing is ever going to be the same! Scars fade! And you will work off the weight!
I’ve had 4 & although I didn’t gain alot of weight with any of the 4 or get stretch marks, the c-section scar did bother me at first aswell! But scars fade & it’s hardly noticeable now. Eventually, you’ll stop noticing it! I agree with the other Ladies, go your hair “Did,” get a mani-pedi or do a mini make-over! Ya know, studies have shown that even a new lipstick, will raise a woman’s self esteem dramatically Lol. Little things! Hugs your way💙
Almost 6 years later and it is what it is. I was back to pre-baby weight 4 months after delivery (and I gained over 40 lbs), but the scar and loose skin upset me a lot. Time and exercise helped quite a bit. It will never be the same as it was, but I’ve accepted it now. Plus, my husband still says I’m hot as hell
Ive had 7 c sections. I have a small bump from the scar tissue over n over. Youll be fine js concentrate on enjoying your kid daily and grateful you didnt die while giving birth!
I weighed 93lbs the day I found out I was pregnant with my first child. After two c-sections in as many years my stomach was no longer flat and perfect and had begun to sag in a way that my scar created a weird smile. It’s like a permanent muffin top I don’t need tight jeans for. So I get where you are coming from, and here’s my advice: buy the giant underwear like the rest of us so you can wear the LBD on date night and get over it. Kids or no kids, your body is temporary and you leave it behind. Your kids are proof you already peaked and you obviously got an appropriate amount of miles on your pre-mom body. Embrace who you are, shake off the vanity and raise good people to see that beauty isn’t skin deep. Also, when you see another woman with gray hair, sagging stomach, or a stained shirt, lay off the judgement. She’s probably just more concerned about who she is than what she looks like. When you judge others less, you feel less judged. Good luck!
I had 2 c sections so ik what you mean when it is hard to come to terms with a different view of what we thought we should look like .you are a mom and we come in all different sizes and shapes . wouldnt it be a boring world if all women were curvy and no wrinkles or stretch marks . those are our battle scars sis wear them with pride … One day true story , i was feeling pretty low cuz i was getting wrinkles and old age spots on my face . my skin is sagging and my husband held me close and said ya know hon i love you and i dont care if you have wrinkles . they are what make you unique and nobody else has those exact wrinkles . you are who you are . i cried because he was so sincere . rest your mind love who you are the package is just window dressing . it is whats on the inside thar counts
Just know that your body is amazing. You literally grew another person inside you. Your scar is your battle trophy. Wear it with pride. I understand that it’s hard to accept something you don’t like. But there are creams to help the scar fade. In the mean time keep your head up momma you did awesome!
Why not take a day off from kids and hubby and have a spa day get your hair done a massage or something to make your self look and feel pretty having your body change is to be expected to happen but sounds like you need a day to yourself and maybe a night out with hubby give yourself a break
I have had 2 C sections. So my scars go from hip to hip basically. You will just have to learn to love your scars, love your body and love yourself. It isnt easy but they will be with you forever. So come to terms with it. My husband loves my scars because it shows what I had to go thru to have my kids.
Use mederma on the scar and itll lose its color and you won’t even notice it. Bio oil is good too… as far as the 20 lbs goes be PATIENT with yourself!! You have the amazing gift of growing another human being inside your body! There’s bound to be some changes! I’m sure your husband thinks you’re absolutely beautiful…
Suck it up. You have your baby. There are plenty of others who don’t
It took 9 months to get in that shape. Give yourself more time to heal
My c-section and meds from post-partum mental health issues made me not get back to my pre-pregnancy weight for abour 18 months. It took a while to come to grips with it when I had never weighed more than 120. The best advice I was given was strip down to the skin and look at yourself through a stranger’s eyes. Would you judge a stranger’s body the way you do yourself? No, you wouldn’t. A little weight, or a lot doesn’t determine your worth. Neither does a scar or stretch marks, especially when they have produced a beautiful, healthy baby. I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I’ve been there. It does get better… eventually.
I’ve had 4 babies. With each I gained 60 to 80 pounds. My last two babies are 14 months apart. My youngest just turned 16 months old and I still have 10 more pounds to lose before I’m pre baby weight.
It’s hard but you will get there. Your body still has alot of changing left to do. Me personally, I didnt start feeling better until 2 years post partum. Hang in there and give your body time to adjust.
Embrace the beauty of the scar it gave you your beautiful children. I always think of my stretch marks as tiger stripes and it makes me feel awesome
I had my first naturally with no drugs, no stitches, nothing…except a ton of stretch marks, but dropped the weight quick. BUT, my second was over 10lbs and so that began my c sections…I have had 3 c sections now within 7 years. Last one was 5 months ago, so I get it completely. You just have to realize that our motherhood scars are there to remind us of what is important in life and that we are strong. Focus on your kids and on loving yourself too. Also, remember real men do not find stretch marks, scars and a little extra weight unattractive because real men could not imagine what mothers go through and do for our babies. A real man would admire what you’ve been through. When you are ready to exercise or work on your body do it for yourself, noone else.
It takes time. It takes work. Write a gratitude list and you’ll forget about your scars eventually.
Love yourself!! You just created life with your beautiful body!!
No matter what anyone says. C-section is a major surgery and does take time to heal. I had 2 c-sections, like yourself I bounced back in my old Jean’s just 2 weeks later. Can’t say that with my 2nd one. Don’t let the scar bother you, it’s a scar of love. And over time it does fade somewhat. Our bodies will not be the same. Don’t let that bring you down.
give yourself a break … jeez that scar adds character to you, it should be a reminder of a miracle.
I know it’s not the same but I got my appendix out at 19 weeks so I have those scars and I haven’t lost any weight almost 8 months pp.
It sucks
My kids are two and a half years apart. With my first I lost the weight within 6 months. It took me closer to a year with the second. Your body is still in “eating for two” mode, even if you aren’t breastfeeding. Also, in my experience, it takes longer to go back each time your body changes. Imagine a hair tie that stretches every time you use it. Over time it loses elasticity. I’ve also noticed that 3 years later, I’m back to pre-pregnancy weight but my body is different. Hips are wider, thighs are striped, tummy is softer. To answer your question of getting confidence back. Short term, I bought cute clothes that fit my body better. Dresses, Jean’s, lingerie that made me feel beautiful. I changed my hair. I tried classes I’ve never done before to prove i could do it. And it may sound shallow, but having a partner who loves my body really helped Finally, it took time. I had my pre-pregnancy body for 27 years. That image didnt go away in a few months. I’ve gotten used to the way I look now, and I care less about how it looks or what other people think.