I just want to find out if other women have struggled through the feeling of judgment for choosing not to breastfeed. I had a c section with my first child, and my milk didn’t come in until about five days after she was born, but they had her latching and trying to feed immediately, and it caused so much pain and misery for me. Finally, I broke down and just went to bottle feeding. I felt like a failure. My breast hurt so much, my nipples were just raw and would bleed, and she didn’t latch right, and I didn’t know how to deal with it and felt like it was my first huge failure as a mother, but as time went on, I stopped being so hard on myself. I never really wanted to breastfeed, it was always more of an expectation from society than something I ever wanted, I’ve always had sensitive breast and been very weird about showing my breast or them being touched, even in my relationship. So it was just miserable for me. I am 3 weeks from the baby day with #2 (another c section), and I do not want to breastfeed. I honestly don’t even want to pretend that I want to breastfeed. I just want to skip it altogether and again; I just feel like that makes me suck as a momma. I’ve suffered antepartum depression horribly through this pregnancy and can already tell that I will suffer postpartum, and I just don’t want to go through all the pain and heartache I went through before. I just want to be honest and not be shamed for my choice. My mother didn’t ever breastfeed, and a lot of women in my family struggled with it as well, but some of the older women in my family expect me to do it because of how they were taught, and I just don’t like all the pressure and judgment. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with the expectations society puts on you and not feel guilty for making decisions that are best for your mental health? I don’t want to be bashed for the choice, or I wouldn’t be asking how to cope with judgment, so please, be kind. Thank you guys
I had no desire to breastfeed. Didn’t even make an attempt and you know what I’m okay with that. This whole breast feeding vs formula is just over done. As long as that baby is fed your doing fantastic. After all a happy mom is good for baby also and if breastfeeding makes you miserable your baby is gonna feel that.
Proud mumma of 3 formula and bottle feed babies. When people had something I say about it my answer was it’s my child not your so mind your business
As an L&D nurse and CLC, my advice is always to do what is best for your mental health. But also note, your breast milk doesn’t come in until 5 days, normally. However, if you don’t want to, then don’t. No reason to feel guilty.
Absolutely not. You are a great mother, because FED is best, whether it’s a boob or a bottle. When you go in to your next appointment let them know that you are not planning to breast feed and let them know you will need formula(if the hospital you go to provides it until you go home, mine does!) When baby finally comes, just remind them you are not going to breastfeed. If the nurses or doctors get pissy, simply let them know that it is your choice and you would like them to support it. If I had a nurse constantly try to push it or get rude about it, I’d ask for a different nurse. Dont EVER let anyone make you feel bad about the choices you make for you and your child. As long as baby is being fed, it doesnt matter the method. Good luck with your new arrival, and prayers for a safe delivery and speedy recovery!
relax- 40 years ago women propped bottles so they could light their Marlboro and drink tab with rum.
Don’t feel guilty…I have 3 children never breastfed. They thrived on formula. I too always had very sensitive breasts. Do what’s right for you.
I couldn’t breastfeed as I never made milk. My five kids ate formula just fine and are happy smart and healthy.
1st off breast feeding is HARD! its so natural butbhurts like hell! (Eventually it doesnt hurt) however A fed baby is best… was ur baby fed? And had a full belly? good job momma job well done.
Nope baby was fed that’s what matters
Fed is best! Doesn’t matter, formula, bottle, or breast. As long as you and baby are happy and healthy, that’s all that matters it’s your baby, your business.
As long as your baby is fed, that’s all that matters.
As a breastfeeding mother the only bad thing you could do for your child is not feed them. Fed is best!!! Formula feed if that’s what you want to do because a happy baby starts with a happy and well mama.
When I first read-it I read it as I chose not to be Breast-fed, LOL
Take a deep breath, let it out. Remind yourself that taking care of YOU is just as important as taking care of your baby, and then do what you decide is best. When things get frustrating, I’d smile blandly at the offending person and think on this: Opinions are like a**holes - everybody’s got one and many of them are sh*tty.
When i had my oldest i wanted to breastfeed.
He was bandaged. Had a broken arm. A severe nerve injury causing paralysis on the other. Breastfeeding while he was getting glucose drip was fine. But his IV shifted…it had to be taken out and they couldn’t get another line. Colostrum wasn’t enough. His blood sugar kept dropping. He was lethargic and jaundice. They were talking about sending him to a children’s hospital when i decided to give formula.
It helped. The first day or so he has to have a tube down his nose because he was too lethargic to eat.
I planned to pump and combo feed. At 1 weeks i was lucky to get 5oz from both breasts in a 24 hour period. I spent more time with the pump than i did with him…and slowly just started stopping…because it wasn’t worth it. All those precious moments i was missing…was causing a lot of depression and anxiety for me and a cranky baby for him.
At 1.5 months he was diagnosed with milk allergy and i gave it up completley. The guilt…was awful all the way around. If i hadn’t forced breastfeeding he wouldn’t have gotten so sick but breastfeeding was supposed to magically cure his nerve injury (lactation consultant bullshit)
With my second i went straight to formula. He had none of the issues my oldest did and while it might have been slightly different I’m not sure it would have.
I’ve pretty much taken a f–k you attitude about breast is best because my experiences say other wise. Both of my kids are healthy. They’re both bonded to me.
Babies do just fine on formula! No worries!
Girl u are not a failure I started breastfeeding with both of my kids n for me the latching was hard both times so I stopped within days with my first the second I just started pumping it was better than breastfeeding but I stopped n switched to formula which might I add is so much better taking care of a newborn is already hard as long as the baby eats and is full that is all that matters and oh fuck society do what’s best for u !!
if ur fear is just the pain u go thru try pumping only and feeding bby from the bottle…if u pump the same way u wd breast feed u should have enough milk within a few days without needing formula. the reason why ur nipples hurt n get cracked is bcz bby isnt latching on properly. try the WIC lactation program. they will help u so much! i was making one little mistake that cost me so much pain and they corrected it for me n that was it! best of luck!
As long as the baby is fed is all that matters. Breast or formula. By the time they’re 3 they’re all eating chicken nuggets and fries anyway lol.
As long as your child is being fed there’s no reason to feel bad or guilty! Pressure from an outside circle is a NON FACTOR!! Not their baby, not their body & not their choice!
Girl, just worry about keeping YOUR baby’s belly full. WORRY ABOUT YOU AND YOUR BABY! being a mom is hard enough. Dont stress over what others think! You got a lot on ur plate!
My first child I tried and tried and just couldn’t. I cried for weeks because of the guilt I felt. Second one, i tried but it hurt way too much to the point I DREADED bf him. I wasn’t bonding with him like how a mom should have been. I just wanted him off me and cringed every time he woke for a feeding. So I said fuck it. As a mom, you’ll be judged no matter what you do. Don’t feel bad and guilty. Don’t let others make you feel bad or guilty either!! Do what’s best for YOU.
Don’t feel guilty it is about what’s best for baby AND YOU. Breastfeeding is hard and draining (I’m on 19 months) and isn’t for everyone FED is best!!
The past is gone. Concentrate on the future.
I have 2 formula babes from birth, my 3rd is breastfed and let me tell you its hard but ive come this far so im not going to quit. You do what is best for you and your mental and physical health !
Ok I tried with both my kid because of the pressure. If I had to do it all over again. I would just go with the bottle. But you have to feel good about yourself. Good luck with your choice and being a good momma has nothing to do with breast feeding. It has to do with raising a productive human and a kind person. Unfortunately we don’t get to see that for 30 to 40 years. Good luck momma. You got this.
I had my heart set on breastfeeding my daughter but she wouldn’t latch so I had to pump and bottle feed her. I wished all the time I could breastfeed her but if she’s happy with a bottle then so am I. There is no need to second guess yourself and feel bad. You’re doing what’s best for your baby and that’s all that matters
As long as your baby is FED it doesn’t matter! YOUR BABY YOUR CHOICE. Who cares what others think.
I didn’t wanna bf my 2 i have
…i was kinda against it cause i doubt wasn’t my nippes to hurt like they say they will. I feel like my comfort needs to be put first in order for my baby to be ok and taken care of and if that means no boob for baby and formula instead then so be it! Its not like breastfeeding is the ONLY way to feed ur kid…do what makes u comfortable. If u dont wanna bf DONT. Formula is just as good. #fedisbest
I was the same way with my first. I had a csection and tried to breastfeed, but it made the contractions worse. So I was going to wait, but then I couldn’t get a good latch and tried to pump, but had no clue what I was doing and wasn’t productive, so I gave up. This time im.going to try to only pump and bottle feed so at least I don’t have to worry about doing it in public (which terrifies me) and since baby will be bottle fed I don’t have to worry about baby getting confused between bottle and boob and my husband can help feed too. Plus if I end up not producing like last time it will be easy to switch to formula.
I had a fairly similar situation and chose not to follow through with breastfeeding with my first. My mental health was more important than whether my kid had formula vs breast milk. With my 2nd (also a c section) I didn’t even pretend to want to breastfeed. I knew what I wanted and made my husband aware. Thankfully no one tried to sway me. It’s ok to not breastfeed and it’s even more ok to take care of yourself first. Think oxygen mask on an airplane you have to put your’s on first before you can help others.
I didn’t breastfeed with any of my 3 kids. By choice … it just made me uncomfortable … and I didn’t want to… people judged… but my kids are healthy 12, 14, 19 year old boys now … 0 regrets … don’t let society have you living a life that you do not even want.
My baby was a c section baby that was in the nicu. I pumped as much as I could and when we came home I breast fed. 6 weeks later, I was done. Took a lot out of me. Waking up around the clock, pumping, the whole thing was draining. I felt like a complete failure the second I gave my son formula. I thought he wouldn’t be as smart or as advanced as the breast fed babies because every one shamed me for doing it. My son is 14 months & the smartest, happiest, healthiest little boy. Don’t feel bad. And don’t let others make you feel bad. Do what’s best for you & your family
The only thing that matters at the end of the day, is you and your baby being happy and healthy. When our last baby was born I just couldn’t mentally and emotionally handle the stress of nursing or trying to pump again and my little one is just as happy and healthy as the others. Also the stress alone can cause your body to not produce enough milk and babies can sense that distress, so just relax don’t worry over what other people say is the right way… good luck mommy, congratulations!
I only formula fed both of my children from the start. I had absolutely no desire to breastfeed. I told everyone from the very beginning I did not want to breastfeed. My doctor and the nurses were all very supportive and made sure I had a supply of formula samples to leave the hospital with. Pediatrician was also supportive and also left there with sample boxes of formula after every appointment.
If people judge; that’s on them! Do you mama; and do what you feel is best for you & your baby!
As a mom of 2 (first was C-section 2nd was vbac) I can tell you I know how you feel. Big girl wouldn’t latch (eldest) and my little one had NO PROBLEM. I vividly remember feeling like a failure as a mom and a woman because I couldn’t provide for my eldest… Someone said to me a fed baby is better than a dead baby - morbid, I know, but soooooooo true. The pain of pumping, the frustration of a baby screaming her head of while trying to get her to latch, the feeling as a failure threw me into one of the darkest depressions I ever had (and I have had quite a lot). She took to the bottle immediately and I had an amazing husband and friends to help me through it. With my second, she latched right away and wouldn’t let go for about half an hour on each side. Yes, it sucks that I have to nurse or pump for about 4 hours or more combined a day, but I also supplement with formula too. Both of my girls are happy, healthy, and gaining weight no problem. Do not feel bad… Feel amazing that you are making the best choice for you and your baby… And eff what anyone says. Things are hard enough as it is being a new mom.
It’s your choice. They all turn out ok if you dont. I didn’t breastfeed my first three, I tried but it was so painful and I was so uninformed. With fourth I had to because the bottle I got she would take so I sucked it up and the first 6-8 weeks were so painful and I would cry with her before I got the courage to latch her. But she will be 3 in May and she is still breastfeeding
Mama do not let what the breast fed pushers say, bother you so much. You are a great mother I’m sure! Tell them thanks for sharing their opinion… and let it go… you just keep worrying about you and babies and not what others say💕 good luck
Sweetheart, you just feed that baby a bottle! Try not to worry about others opinions. With my first two babies I struggled mightily with breastfeeding. With my third I just put her on the bottle right away and ENJOYED every minute of feeding her! No regrets. My babies are grown ups and you can’t tell who was breast and who was bottle! All healthy kids!
Mom of 3 under 3 here I DESPERATELY wanted to breast feed. I had this beautiful image in my mind of bonding with my baby and doing the most natural thing a mother can do. With my first, I exclusively nursed while in the hospital. When we came home the first night my baby screamed. SCREAMED for hours. My milk had not come in and he was HUNGRY! My husband went downstairs and made a bottle (I had formula just in case) my baby guzzled that bottle and went to sleep for 6 straight hours. My milk never came in. I went to breast feeding classes. I nursed on demand and i pumped 15 minutes per side every hour. I would produce 1 to 1.5 ounces combined from both breasts. I did that for 7 weeks. I was miserable. I was exhausted. My babies drink formula and there isn’t a thing in the world wrong with that! Especially with baby #2 and #3, it’s nice to be able to hand the baby to someone else to feed them and get to spend some time with your older child/children. Don’t let ANYONE make you think bottle fed is bad. FED IS FED and your beautiful baby will thank you for that! If you don’t even want to try nursing, just let the nurses know. They ask what your feeding plans are. You won’t be the first or last mama to bottle feed a baby!
Realize people are going to judge you and let it go. I bf for maybe a month, and i was miserable. And i got tired of everyone saying, it’s cool, just pull it out and do it. (not really, but drs, want to see the latch, friends want you to be comfortable and empowered). Like, no, i good thanks. I’m perfectly fine with being secluded to do this.
People will judge, let them. You can’t change that. You Worry about you!
I didnt breastfeed. I know lots of mommas that didnt. It is ok.!
2 children 27 and 8 both bottle fed. No regrets. Both were honor students and very healthy.
Your body and your baby, it is not anybody else’s decision but yours. I chose not to breastfeed my first and also will not be breastfeeding baby #2 coming next month. I had a few people who tried to “educate” me on the benefits and basically their opinion but I basically told them to screw off lol. I understand the benefits but much like you I am super sensitive and at the end of the day I just wasn’t comfortable with breastfeeding and in my opinion that is ok. Don’t let other people’s opinions of how you should raise your children bring you down, just blow it off and move on. As long as baby is happy, healthy and FED that is what matters!
People will judge you no matter what you do. I formula fed never even tried to breast feed. Until people pay your bills don’t let their opinions get to you.
Never question yourself about yourself and raising your babies - don’t let society make choices for you about how to feed them either. I went through the same thing as you with the c-sections and breast feeding for some reason just did not work with me. Some women just aren’t meant to do it and there is nothing in the world wrong with bottle feeding from birth so you get them bottles ready for that little number 2 baby and feed him/her away - bc you hold them and cuddle them the same way bottle feeding as you do breast feeding next to your heart with love.
Follow fed is best on Facebook. Great group.
My child was formula fed and is the brightest in his room age at daycare. I had no guilt because I needed to do what was mentally best for me so I could be the best mom for my son.
Just tell them you’ve expressed and its breast milk in the bottle!! What they going to do, ask for proof?! Lol
You do what’s best for you, f#*k what society thinks! Most people are arseholes anyway and will have an opinion either way!!
a fed baby is a happy baby! it doesn’t matter where they get their food as long as they are eating and healthy. it is still your body and your choice. do whats best for both of you!
So I expressed for first baby…2nd one didn’t want to know but tried to suckle my pregnant sister threw her tops:joy:the 3rd was really trying to breastfeed he didn’t seem to get enough and was a much happier baby on bottles…and the fourth I didn’t last the week before getting bottles…do what fits you and baby xx you got this mumma so skip to the bottles
Just tell everyone you’re “broken” and cant make any. Then move on
I had a C-section with both my daughters and I breastfed both of them when they had children they chose not to it’s a personal choice don’t let anybody put you down or try to force their decisions on you it’s your decision alone
I only breastfeed because I’m broke formula is expensive and I don’t like that wic gives Gerber because it messed up one of my other kids stomachs majorly, I’m glad my baby is getting all the benefits and I don’t have to pay for it, otherwise - I don’t care who bottle feeds/breastfeeds, that’s your choice
You do you. A happy mommy is a better mommy.
It was just the opposite for my first. I wanted to breastfeed so bad. But my mom, her sisters & other relatives were so against it. My mom even asked for “dry up pills” for me hours after baby was born. They critised my attempts, made me feel like I was doing something wrong. I gave up. Then ppl started degrading for bottle feeding. I couldn’t make anyone happy so I wasn’t happy.
No matter what your choice is someone is going to try you the other way. It’s frustrating especially if your personality is like mine. You just need to make your choice. Stick to it & forget what others say. You don’t need to explain your choice. Don’t let them make you feel bad. There’s nothing wrong with bottle feeding. Just smile & put a bottle in baby’s mouth.
What kind of judgment did you experience? I mean, did people come up to you and say “OMG YOU’RE BOTTLE FEEDING YOUR BABY?” I’m genuinely curious, because I feel like either I live with my head completely up my ass, or people in real life just really aren’t that outwardly judgmental. I think people’s perception can be skewed by their own emotions? All that to say, mama… DO NOT make yourself feel bad about formula feeding, and don’t let anyone else make you feel bad either. You’re feeding your baby, that’s all that matters.
The painful nipples are completely normal. It is really hard to get through. My first daughter took 2 days to get my milk in and my second took 1 day. My nipples felt like they were being cut by razor blades for 1-2 weeks before they stopped being sensitive.
Considering all that - it’s not something to be hard on yourself for not wanting to do. It sucks plain and simple.
I won’t lie, there are amazing benefits to breast milk and it’s free but it’s not worth your mental health.
Girl if you’re feeding your baby and taking care of yourself, then you’re doing just fine!! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy
I never regretted it or had guilt. I tried with my first for 2 weeks. I was uncomfortable the whole time. I got an infection in my C-section incision and that dried my milk. It was the perfect reason to quit. I didn’t even try with #2.
Hun, just feed your baby. I don’t think a parent ever makes a decision they are 100% on or that someone else won’t have an opinion on “how wrong you are” but that doesn’t actually mean you’re doing anything wrong. Keep that baby fed and healthy. Don’t feel guilty about it. Generations of women have bottle fed millions of babies over time. They’re not worse off for it.
I had no desire to breastfeed my two kids( had csections with both) don’t feel guilty about it and if someone judges you just let go, your body and your choice
I breastfed and bottle fed all three of my kids. As long as your baby is getting food, you’re doing great. Don’t let anyone, including your own brain, make you feel guilty. Fed is best…period, end of story.
Most important - pain is your bodies way of speaking to you and so often we do not listen. Your first experience w nursing sounds painful to your body but also to your heart. This is from a momma who nursed her only now 13 yo to 3 which also wasn’t society’s norm. You do you and your family… hugs and get help if you need it for any depression you have at any time. Listen to your body. Hugs again
I didn’t want to breastfeed and was told by one woman that I was going to be a terrible mother because I was choosing not to. I told her to f-off and that I would be twice the mother she is because I’m not a judgy b*tch. My son is happy and healthy. Don’t feel bad that you don’t want to breastfeed. It’s your choice, a lot of women don’t breastfeed, no one in my family ever did and I have a huge family and we are all perfectly fine.
Girl, you got this. You were dedicated to trying as best you could. Take a look around at all the people in the world… can you tell who was breast fed and who was bottle fed as a baby?
You are amazing. Be proud of yourself. You are not a failure.
My three were all premature and spent several weeks in the NICU. I pumped and pumped for the longest time, never really got to experience them latching because they were in incubators for several days after birth. I know those feelings of failure. But the amazing feeling of watching your baby grow and thrive will eventually make those feelings dissipate. You’re doing exactly what your baby needs.
DO NOT EVER FEEL GUILTY ABOUT MAKING A CHOICE ABOUT YOUR OWN BODY! It drives me absolutely crazy that we’ve gotten to a point in our society that moms who choose not to breast feed feel they have to give a reason why. I didn’t breastfeed for no other reason than I simply wasn’t interested. My son was fed, incredibly healthy, both my husband and I bonded with him beautifully (note I said hubby too? It ain’t all about Mom!) Just ignore the urge to give reasons. It’s none of anyone’s business. You got this!!!
I had the same issue with my first. I made it to 6 weeks with dry, cracked, bleeding nipples every day and she also had a lot of formula because I just couldn’t begin to have enough milk for her. My second was a boy and he latched on like it was something he had done forever. It was pain free and I loved it, a completely different experience. BUT, you should NEVER feel like you need to do something just because of what society says! Fed is best! I have a friend that didn’t want to breastfeed because she had her nipples pierced, that was the only reason lol who cares?! Her baby had all she needed for nutrients and she was happy! It doesn’t matter your reason for not wanting to, it’s your body, your baby, YOUR CHOICE. You do you, momma!!
A lot of people forget that a mothers mental health is important also…
How you feed your baby is no one else’s business
I didn’t breastfeed any of mine. I had no issues with bonding, they are all healthy and smart. When I walk into their classes I can’t tell which kid was bottlefed or breastfed. No matter how you feed them they all end up eating chicken nuggets and stale Cheetos off the floor while driving you batshit crazy. Fed is best
Its okay to formula feed. You child is still being fed and will grow and go on to be just fine. Do not make a choice that you’re unhappy with. In the end if u do something you’re unhappy with you’ll be miserable. Your baby will be just fine. My eldest kid was formula fed. Second was formula and breast and my third is just breast. You do you. Dont stress abt other ppl.That said, You on the other hand mama sound like you have alot going on. You need a little relaxation. I’ve 3 kids one who turned a month yesterday so my version of relax is stay at home and read a book or watch a crap load of comedy. Take a moment. Breathe mama. You’re doing great. Your body is going through alot and it’s okay to feel your feelings abt it. No two ppl are alike so dont let others give you the “but I did” story. Their story is theirs. Create your own and be very sure it’ll be great. One day you’ll be the mama giving another mama advice. Stay strong
I don’t care what ANYONE says, as long as your baby has a full belly you are doing amazing. Don’t let mom guilt get to you
You have to come to the realization that no one can make you feel any type of way. Do whats best for you and don’t worry about what others thoughts are.
You do what’s best for you and don’t worry about what other people think. I only did it for 2 weeks then decided to stop and I didn’t give a crap what anyone else said. They weren’t the ones doing it so they have no say.
Tried for 3 months with my 1st, 2 months with my 2nd, and 1 week with my now 1 month old. (I didn’t produce enough even with the hospital grade pump and 2 different sets of lactation consultants with my first 2.) So with my 3rd, I bf for the 1st wk and switched over to the bottle. And you know what? My little ones are thriving😄. Don’t let society or anyone in your life mom-shame or make you feel anything less than the awesome mother I’m sure you are. You do what’s best for you and your family and the heck with anyone else’s opinions! Side note: the Baby Breeza is an absolute life saver for formula feeding. Worth every penny. Best of luck to you!
That was a huge disappointment for me too! I tried, cracked, bleeding nipples. Finally my baby must have sensed my agony and refused to nurse. Don’t blame yourself, it just happens. Baby formula is fine.
Girl don’t feel bad I didn’t breastfeed either one of mine I straight told them before I gave birth I’m bottle feeding don’t be hard on yourself motherhood is hard enough enjoy everyday with those babies cause in a blink of a eye they grow up quick
Do what is best for you and baby. I nursed my babies, my sister and daughter didnt. As long as baby is loved and happy it doesnt matter.
I wanted to soooo bad, it was my one thing that I KNEW I was going to do and be good at. After a long NiCU stay and hours of pumping I decided it wasn’t worth my mental health. I was so disappointed in myself and actually held some resentment to my baby because she wouldn’t latch. It crushed me, but then I saw her thriving on formula and that’s all I could ask for. She’s happy, healthy and we bond in other ways that pumping took away from me. I have more time to actually spend with her, instead of having to pump. I still wish she would have latched, but I don’t want to pump and that’s ok!! My baby is fed and that’s the important part, not my feelings about it
I didnt breastfeed i did the bottle cause it was easyer, that way you can get help that way.
Not all woman breastfeed, and it’s ok! You know what’s best for you and your child, don’t let Anyone make you feel bad, just tell them they aren’t you, they haven’t walked in your shoes so they don’t get to judge!
Dont feel bad. Is your baby fed??? Is your baby growing??? Then that’s it. If someone tries to make I feel bad for bottle feeding, then those people have deeper issues in their own life, and are projecting it to you and your life. Screw 'em girl. Just do what you do. If u dont wanna breast feed and baby is happy, then that’s it.
Honey that doesn’t make you a bad mother.As long as your baby is feed that’s all that matters.And to be blunt they’re your breast and it isn’t any one’s place to tell you what to do with them.If some one says something tell them to kiss your a$$!
My mom gave me and my little sister formula, she had no desire to breastfeed. I had to do breastmilk and formula because I didn’t produce nowhere near enough. They both went to formula at 4 months. I do not feel bad whatsoever. I did what i had to make sure my babies got fed. And that is your goal at the end of the day to make sure baby is fed whether it be breastmilk or formula.
It’s your body, your boobs… definitely your choice… do what you want and tell everyone else to mind there own business! Do you tell them what to do with their bodies?
I did breastfeed and I felt anchored to my child every second of the day. It was exhausting, mentally and physically. I felt so relieved when it was over. I instantly lost 15lbs, Anxiety reduced and felt mentally refreshed. I felt like ME again. I wish I would have stopped so much sooner than I did. Point being, do what works for you and enjoy your baby!!
Tell them to flip off. It’s your baby, your body, your boobs.
I was the same way.Its a choice not a requirement.do your own thing
Did not do it with any of my 4 kids … No regrets
Girl! I’ve breastfed my first for 15 months, my second one for a year, and my last for 18 months, and guess what? I don’t judge you for feeling the way you do, breastfeeding is a painful experience each and
time even for those who are pros at it. We develop things like mastitis, plugged ducts, yeast infections, list goes on, some of us have sensitive nipples, some of us don’t. Its based on individuals. Fed baby is best, no matter how you feed them! Happy, healthy babies are best! You do what is best for you. Sending prayers your way, keep your head up and keep mommying the way you need to!
Anyone who tells you that your wrong for bottle feeding. Can suck a d***. People need to get over there issues and grow up. You know whats best? Fed! Fed is best and it doesnt matter how they get fed. If anyone tells you breast is best tell them hitler was breast fed and just look at their face. That will shut them up.and good luck momma. Your a super hero to those kids!
Your baby is fed, that’s what matters. Yes breast is best, but a healthy happy mommy is even better. Let go of your guilt honey.
I didn’t and I don’t feel the least bit guilty about it. My kids are fine.
I breast fed my daughter for 1 month and we were absolutly miserable, she wouldn’t latch no matter what so we had to supplement with formula ( I wasn’t producing enough) and I literally started crying one day while pumping and said I felt like a cow and I hate this, so I made the decision to stop and just do formula and now she’s 5 and a half and at the top of her pre kindergarten class!!! You do you and don’t give a flying hoot what any one else says!!! Also I have to say the amount of supportive replies on this post warms my heart!!!
You are an amazing momma don’t ever doubt that you need to do what’s best for you and your babies I was unable to breast feed with both of my children and they are both perfectly healthy let go of that guilt mama!
Your Body Your Choice! You are a great mama either way!
As long as baby is fed, it doesnt matter. Fed is best.
I would try pumping for your own comfort. I had the same issue with baby #1 but not with #2&3. I let them try and pumped and gave it to them in a bottle till I dried up. Good luck. This is YOUR journey!! Don’t let anyone bash you for making what choices YOU make! My suggestion is just what worked for ME and simply a suggestion:)
I had a similar experience. Chose to bottle feed after 3 weeks of struggle- BEST DECISION I EVER MADE. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad.