My daughter was measuring over 8 pounds and ended up being a very small 7 pounds so those things can be off.
My first was an emergency C-section (7 lbs 6 oz was told over 8lbs) and the recovery was harder. My planned C-section in the 39th week (9 lbs 12 oz was told 6 lbs 8 oz) recovery was so much faster.
Don’t take those ultrasound estimates to heart. My last pregnancy, I measured LGA (large gestational age) for most of my pregnancy, in the ultrasound my daughter looked ginormous, she had a double chin and everything. I was also diagnosed with gestational diabetes which also puts you at risk for having larger babies. My babies prior were also big babies, with no gestation diabetes so my doctor was fairly certain I would have a large baby, but she ended up being my smallest baby at 7lbs 4oz. Needless to say, my doctor was fairly surprised hahaha
First- 8lbs 8oz - 40+2
Second- 8lbs 12oz - 38 weeks
Third- 7lbs 4oz - 39 weeks
When I was 19 I had my daughter, my one and only. She was 11lbs and I did it without a C-section. You will be fine, regardless. Keep in mind those scans are always plus or minus a pound. So, there’s a chance that it is wrong.
Take a breath.
Here’s what I’ve experienced and what I know.
First, the utlrasounds can be wrong…but they can also be right: With my youngest they predicted that he would be 10-11ish pounds by 39 weeks…I had a C-section at 37 weeks (preeclampsia) and he was 6 pounds 11 ounces. Tracking…he’d have probably been around 9 pounds at 39/40 weeks.
With my oldest they placed him at 7lbs 11oz at 38 weeks…and 39 weeks he was 7lbs 15oz.
Second, while it goes against the grain to intentionally scare people. You need to really understand the possible risks associated with delivering a baby that is too large vaginally.
While my oldest wasn’t considered big, he was too big for me to deliver (my cervix sits too far behind my pelvic bone).
He was born…not breathing and completely blue. He had to be revived. His arm was broken. His shoulder was dislocated. And he had a permanent nerve injury that’s caused about 75% paralysis to his affected arm. It’s called a brachial plexus injury…and it really is no joke. It’s not talked about that often but it is very much real. He also suffered from hypoxia which has contributed to him having severe ADHD and autism.
My doctor’s kept asking me if I wanted a C-section and I said no as long as it was safe. Unfortunately by the time they realized it wasn’t safe it was too late…his head was out but he was stuck.
With my youngest I wasn’t given a choice (my doctor with the youngest was a smart cookie who realized and was honest about the whole cervix behind the pelvic bone thing).
No one can tell you what to do, just our opinions and experiences. I will say that in my opinion…your first consideration when deciding what to do should be your baby’s health and safety.
I was told my daughter was going to be 6.5 lbs and she came out 4.14 and my son was supposed to be 5 lbs and he came out 6.7lbs. I don’t think they’re very accurate.
They told me my daughter would be around 11lbs based on ultrasound… she was 9lbs 3oz
I was told my daughter was around 6lbs so I was excited for a little baby. We had already scheduled delivery if she didn’t come on her own. They gave me everything to get me dilated and I just wouldn’t go past 2. I was there for 2 days and finally went down for C-section. She came out 9lbs. 4oz. I’m glad I didn’t try to have her naturally because she was a pretty big baby. I didn’t even start showing til the last month with her and I only gained about 20lbs.
Looks like your babies were smaller each time that’s how it was for me my last I had at 44 yo and she was smallest and I’m not sure your babe will gain more than 5 pounds in five weeks ?they will measure again
My daughter was overdue by a week and she came out 6lbs, 7ozs.
They said my youngest was just over 4 pounds the day before i had her(34+4) when i had her she was 3lbs 15oz. With my second they were only off by a couple ounces and she was 3lbs 8oz(33+5) but when my mom was pregnant with me, the weight was accurate
I was told the same thing at 31 weeks and ended up having a 7lb 6oz baby
I was told the baby I had was 3lbs 8oz and they were on the dot a week later when I was induced. He was 3lbs 8oz exactly.
My oldest son was 9lbs… definitely get the epidural
My oldest son weighed 10lbs. 14 oz. No c-section, no drugs at all, back when that was a thing. He was the easiest delivery. The rest of the kids weighed between 5-8 lbs. You got this!
My son was 10 lbs 12 oz. I’m only 5’ tall. Had to have c section - it was challenging but everything worked out. You’ll be ok! Whatever the size of the baby, you’ll be fine!
My last two babies, I had gestational diabetes. They expected my youngest to be over 10 pounds and they would not let me go past 39 weeks. I made an appointment with my OB that had the most experience and when he did my pelvic exam I asked him to feel the actual width of my pelvic bone opening to see if it would be an issue to deliver such a big baby (such as possibly getting stuck and needing an emergency c section) I was adamant not to have a c section as I had had my last two vaginally but they were smaller (less than 8 pounds) He gave me the “all clear” and told me it shouldn’t be an issue. I also asked him for a membrane sweep but he said he wouldn’t do that until the following week. He was good about that- he had done a membrane sweep on me my first two pregnancies. Once the day after my due date and with my second, he did it a few days before my induction at 39 weeks to give my body a chance to go naturally.
Anyway, I had another ultrasound at almost 38 weeks and he was measuring between 9 and 10 pounds. I ended up needing to be induced at 38 weeks 5 days because of my blood pressure. I had my son vaginally and he was 9 pounds 9 ounces.
In my experience, the ultrasounds were close to accurate when measuring my babies weight but they did tell me that they could be off by a pound (more or less)
A lot of hospitals and doctors are trying to break away from the need of c sections. The overall rate of c sections has went down over the years (not including emergency c sections) If it is recommended, then there might be good reasoning for it- such as, your blood pressure spiking or baby becomes distressed.
They said my son was going to be big but he ended up only being 6lbs. You really never know, but if you trust your body, even if your baby is big, your body will do it’s job.
They estimated my oldest son to be over 9 lbs. He was just over 7 lbs.
I was told my baby was going to be over 9 lbs when I delivered and he was only 6 lbs 12 oz! I think I may have had extra amniotic fluid that detected a big baby but I’m not sure. You got this!
Hit or miss! They’re wrong a lot of times! They told my sister her baby was over 9lbs and she was not!
They told me my baby was measuring bigger then she should be. She was 7lbs 10oz. Pretty normal
They’re not going to induce you early just cause you think the baby is going to be too big:joy:…you have multiple children, you should know this. The ultrasounds are not accurate and you’ve already pushed out a 9lber…You’ll be fine!
Just remember they are not always correct on the weight. I was told mine would be 9 pounds and maybe more. She weighed 7 pounds and 12 oz, was 15 inches long- or should I say short. Trust in yourself
My first came early at 39 weeks at 5lbs 11oz after they said he’d be 8lbs. So when my second was overdue a week, I was freaking out because they said she’d be 10lbs but she was 7lbs 6oz. I’d talk to your doctor about your concerns and make a plan at the next check-in. Your concerns are valid; this is your fourth. Doctors can estimate and measure all they want but babies have their own timing. You’ve got this!
At 33 weeks I was told “ well this certainly isn’t a small baby” and estimated her to be approaching 6lbs, I was induced for pre e at 35 weeks and my baby was 4lb and 8oz. Hard to tell the true weigh until they’re out.
They told me my son was gonna be a 9 to 10 lb baby but he came out at only 6 lbs
I’m on the smaller side I’ve birthed 6,7,8 and 9 lb babies do not let them push you into a C-section especially since you’ve already pushed out a 9 lb baby that’s ridiculous!
My second baby was 10lbs 3 oz completely natural and honestly, it wasn’t that bad. I had an easier labor with him than I did with my 7 pound baby
I had all 3 c-sections. Dr said I couldn’t deliver anything over 5 pounds due to my pelvic is inverted. I’m diabetic and had 10 lbs 14oz son a week early, 10lbs 10oz daughter 3 weeks early And youngest was born an emergency c-section at 12 and a half pounds 5 weeks early.
It’s either a hit or a miss. It is hard to determine until they are actually out. It doesn’t hurt to ask to be induced at 37-38 weeks - the worse that they will tell you is “no”. I definitely recommend advocating for yourself + explaining your opinions, thoughts, + feelings in regards to a c-section to your doctor. I know they mentioned they would recommend a c-section but I would speak further to them in regards to the pros and cons of not having a c section and then having a c section for baby. This is your decision.
Ultrasounds definitely are not 100% accurate on weight. I was young, dumb and they scared me into a c-section telling me my baby was huge and that he could have all sorts of risks in a natural birth. Obviously I didn’t want to risk that and he ended up being 8 lbs 14 oz. They were thinking he was 12 lbs at least. Your body was made to do this I’m obviously not a doctor and you need to do what’s best for your baby and yourself but yeah, they’re not 100% accurate.
Ultrasound was correct on weight for mine. I just had my 4th by csection too. He was 9lbs 13oz and his head circumference was 15in. He’s my biggest baby! I had him at 39+1. He was already 7.11 at my 37 week ultrasound.
My baby measured 6lb 6oz at 34 week ultrasound I went into labor 6 days early and he ended up being 9lbs 6oz I had him vaginally and no pain medication or epidural because my labor only lasted 3 hours from the first contraction to his birth it was traumatizing
You absolutely need your doctors advice!!! When I was a nurse in OBGYN it was a 15% swing +/- don’t know what it is now days for ultrasound but still talk to YOUR doctor!!!
In some states it is now illegal to be induced before 39 weeks unless it’s a medical emergency. My daughter just went through this in December. In labor for 5 weeks but her water wouldn’t break and the Drs couldn’t do anything to help. Finally about 3 hrs before a scheduled induction she was at a 9 and they broke her water. Thirty minutes after arriving at hospital baby was born.
They always told me my kids measured so and so. It was wrong . My oldest they tried to say he was gonna be 10 pounds he was 7 and 8 oz
It’s worth an ask, it’s up to you. I’d personally keep cooking that baby as long as he wants to be in there. My first was predicted to be 9plus lbs, but due to an emergency I was induced at 37 weeks, he was 7lb 4oz, but his lungs were weak and he spent a week having his lungs pumped. Something I will never want to experience again. I took him home barely weighing 6lbs. My second was almost 9lbs at 40 weeks and I birthed her fine, your body is amazing!
I have 10 lb babies. I’m teeny tiny. It’s no big deal, especially if you’ve already given birth before… you don’t need a c section. No need for induction. My baby was measuring 7 lbs at 33 weeks and not once was c section or induction mentioned. I had her at 41 weeks.
I get there’s a fear of big babies, but their weights aren’t just in their heads.
I asked to be induced with both my kids at 38 weeks because of the health problems they were causing me. They both carried and measured small throughout and I was nervous about induction for the opposite reasons (too small). But the other option was letting the pregnancy cause a possible heart attack or stroke. One was 6lbs 11oz and the second was 5lbs 15oz. They are both healthy and have no other issues. My point is sometimes you have to take care of you first and see it through to the other side.
At my 34 week uktrasound my baby was measuring 38/39 weeks. My OB said they would not induce based on birth weight alone. I ended up getting induced at 40 weeks and he was born 10lbs 2 oz vaginally. I was nervous, but it wasn’t that bad at all. My 1st baby was 9lbs 11oz and I thought that birth was worse
I think the scans are mostly estimates they put my daughter at 8 lbs the day before I was induced and she was only 5lbs 2 oz.
With my last one I had gestational diabetes, and 5 ultrasounds they all told me she would be well over 10 lbs, well not even close, she was born at 6lbs 4 once
I had a gestational growth scan at 32 weeks and they told me he’s small and would be 6lb to 7lb at birth but he was 9lb 1oz so there not accurate
The nurses told me my daughter when I was about to have her was at 4lbs she came out 7lbs 3 oz so they are not always right with the weight.
Ultrasound are not accurate for weight, they tend to be a pound off, at least. Your body will not make a baby that is “too big” for you to deliver. You’ve got this mama💛
Ultrasounds are so so off. My 4th they told me was going to be 8-9lbs and she came out at 6lbs7oz. I was high risk due to GD so I had anbultrasoubd weekly and they told me that at the last few.
They induced me bc my son was measuring big and he was 9.3lbs so they aren’t always wrong
My baby was measuring almost two weeks ahead at the end of my pregnancy & he only ended up being 8lbs 2oz.
It can be 2lbs up or down on the ultrasound they told me my baby was measuring big homie came out 7lbs on the dot
My daughter was 8lbs 10oz and born at 34 weeks we didn’t have an extended nicu stay because of the premature birth
Ultrasound weight guesses are just… guesses. At 35 weeks with my daughter, they said she was already 8.5 pounds and that I would need to be induced at 38 weeks… we were snowed in and I delivered her at 40+2 and she was only 8lbs 4oz. She was WAY off as babies pack on weight at the end. I was so stressed about it too being told my baby would be over 11 pounds… please try not to stress. I always measured over and my kids were all just above average.
My ultrasound said about a 9lb baby and I was 8 weeks early also high risk. Checked in and was induced with pitching twice before my water broke… it was a long night. I only dilated to a 5 and he started coming. He got stuck and his heart rate started dropping. I was rushed to an emergency C-Section. He was 10lbs 4oz and 22 inches long. No fat and all baby and practically holding his head up. That was 18 years ago. He is now 6’8
It has been my experience that the scan measurements are off by up to a half a pound. Babies also grow half a pound a week after 30 weeks. If you go to term that is 4.5 more pounds. If scan is correct that would be 9 pounds. If it’s your 4th baby your body should handle it fine. If they induce you a couple weeks earlier baby be closer to 8-8.5 pounds. I would stress until necessary.
The scans are fairly accurate… my first was " estimated " at 9lbs and that was before they did a measuring scan so it was based off of the 20 week one. He ended up 8lbs 7oz. Second was 9lbs 13.6oz, third was 9lbs 5.2oz and fourth was 9lbs 8oz. All of mine were sections, first was emergency bc he would’ve strangled himself if he came naturally with his cord and I wouldn’t dilate past 7.5cm.
Sections are hard recovery. Best advice I can give you is take it easy, have help, hold a pillow on your belly on your way home and anytime you sneeze or cough it will hurt like nothing you’ve felt before. BUT if you start walking as soon as you can feel your legs and stop when your belly hurts, you’ll heal just fine in a few weeks. I wouldn’t suggest inducing early just to avoid a section. Babies lungs are the last thing to develop in your belly, give them all the time they need to do it.
Good luck !
I was told both of mine were over 8lbs and both were only 6lbs
I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant and last week I had my ultrasound and they told me he is 6lbs and have a c-section scheduled a week before I’m due but I know I will go early cuz my first one was 5 days early and my second one was 9 days early, the only reason I’m getting a c-section is cuz my last one was a c-section and I’m having them take my tubes out. My husband makes big babies so I’m pretty sure this one will be big
My daughter was weighing 7lb 10oz at 36 plus 5 she arrived 40 plus 6 weighing 9lb 7oz x
I had a 9lb 9oz and 9lb 8oz out my hoohaah you’ll be alright.
With both of my kids I was told they were going to be enormous. Like well over 9 lbs for one and 10-11 for the other. One was 8.1 and the other was 7.13 so they were super wrong. These were different hospitals too.
My last one was measuring 9-11 pounds at my last ultrasound. He was just shy of 10.
Delivered him naturally, and drug free.
You can do it your body can do amazing things if you let it.
10.8 boy here. Doc said your baby is measuring close to 10 lbs you wanna try n push? I said no please take him out for safety reasons. He wasn’t really moving much n I was getting scared. Week later scheduled c-section. I’m so glad I did. He was huge
In my experience, those scans aren’t always accurate, sometimes not even close. I was told my second child was measuring about 6 and a half pounds. She was 8 pounds. With my third baby, my doctor feeling around my stomach, he predicted her weight way more accurately. He said she’d be almost 9 pounds and she was 9 pounds exactly.
As far as asking for early induction, most OBs will say no unless continuing the pregnancy is dangerous. But they might agree , all you can do is ask.
I have the complete opposite issue all my children were tiny and in so scared to have another small baby. My oldest was born 33 weeks he was 2 pounds my youngest was born at 35 weeks and he was 5 pounds
Those machines can be off by 2 whole pounds!! That’s not accurate for sight at all
I was high risk and with my first born was told he was going to be just over 9lbs. The OB wanted my body to do it naturally being my first so no induction. I hit 40weeks and then was induced as it seemed like he wasn’t coming on his own. After 3 days of bullshit and being induced and waters broken nothing. Bubba got stressed so emergency c-section. 10lbs 11oz later he was all Chubbs bubba. If you have support around you and are given the chance to heal properly from a c-section than have one but I would try naturally if you can. I have had 3 c-sections and on my last I had ripped open two layers of internal stitching due to reasons beyond my control and no support around me etc.
I wish I had natural births but not for my first lol he was massive
If you are high risk, they can induce at 38/39 weeks so try for that. Also, watch your carb intake and go for walks.
I had my growth ultrasound at 32 weeks with my 5th child. All my babies have been under 8lbs. I am small myself. They said this baby was measuring at about 4lbs now. I wouldn’t sweat it honey.
My ultrasounds were never right. My kids were bigger than the scan showed. I had a c-sec with all 3 of my kids. No big deal. I was up and about the same day I had them
My last one was measuring 10 lbs at 36 weeks. I had an emergency c-section at exactly 37 weeks and she weighed 8 lbs 6 oz.
My sister was told my niece would be btn 10 & 11 pounds she was 6 pounds 9 ounces at birth and didn’t even fit newborn clothes we had to get her premie clothes and she was a week late
Their weight is not a valid reason for a c section as the weight isn’t what determines the inability to birth, their head and shoulder circumference does. My 7lb 14 oz baby was my most difficult to get out because his head was HUGE literally. My biggest baby 8lb 8oz was my easiest because her head was the smallest. Also the scans can be WAY off. My baby cousin was suppose to be barely 4 lb she can out almost 7 lb. My youngest son we were told he would be pushing 10, he was born 7lb 12oz my 8lb 8oz daughter we were told she’s be tiny she was always measuring 2+ weeks behind… obviously not lol
Not to mention you already had a fairly good size babe so there’s no reason to believe you can’t again.
Literally the day before I gave birth they said my youngest was going to be 9lbs 7oz but could be bigger, he was born the next day at 8lbs 11oz. They’re never exact.
They aren’t always accurate, if you want to go for a vaginal birth then go for it. I had the same issues with my second and 3rd, my second was 9.1 and I managed a successful vbac, my 3rd was measuring to be bigger so I opted for a section, he was born just over 10lb9.
Talk about induction. But my daughter was 42 weeks an told me she was weighing 10+ but she was only 6lbs 13oz an my son he was born 32 weeks due to being induced n he was weighing 9+ but was only 6lbs 15oz
I just gave natural birth to a 10lb baby boy 6 months ago. I barly tore: our bodies can handle a lot more than what u think. It wasn’t that bad
My 3rd was 10lbs 12oz 22.5 inches at birth. He got stuck I did not use pain meds and I have ptsd from it so my last 2 I was able to have c sections. My 4th was 5 days early 10lbs 5oz 22.5 inches she measured over 6lbs at 32 weeks. If your OB is concerned I would push for a c section or early induction. My last was only 9lbs 12oz. Also as the weeks go on the ultrasounds are less accurate because they are so big. Good luck
don’t sweat it. Ultrasounds are completely correct.
My granddaughter had 2 necessary C- sections and has 2 absolutely healthy, adorable boys 1 1/2 and 3 1/2. Much better option than too early. Premies often have lung problems.
My Dr told me her boys were 13 pounds each .OUCH
Don’t be scared. Your body can do amazing things. I had my first at 8pounds 13 ounces and my second was 9 pounds 14 ounces and they were both induced but natural. My third was only 8 pounds and due to a prolapsed cord during induction we had an emergency csection. Also, your age is a number, they call it high risk but it’s actually very normal now. My first was at 34 2nd at 36 and 3rd at 37 so the last 2 were technically high risk due to age. Just relax go with the flow and everything will be ok
I was told I was measuring big the last few weeks and was going to have a 9-10lb baby… I don’t know what they did wrong but I had her at 38 weeks and she was 6.12 !!!
My kids were 4+ around that time. Both boys were 8 lbs 10 and 11 oz. full term for both.
That’s not accurate and our bodies are made to birth babies even 10+ pounds
If you have had 3 already why do u need advice to ask your Dr…???
My daughter was measuring 9lbs at 41 weeks and they did a c section she came out 5 lbs 12 ounces
I had 3 natural deliveries and my last was a C-section because of my health—she weighed 9# 3 oz, but had no problems with any other than it just HURT! I never found a way to avoid some pain, it just goes with the territory and you can ask for pain meds. Personally I don’t trust sonograms to be correct as far as weight etc as after working 30 years in a hospital I have found that they can be wrong and inducing ahead of time it is possible to get a baby who isn’t quite ready or matured enough. I always waited on my baby. Good Luck and God Bless!
Are 8/9lb considered big? I thought they were just decent sized. 10-12lb now that’s interesting.
You’re body can most likely birth them. Have they said exactly what issue you have that would keep you from vaginal birth other than weight?
I had to be induced 2 weeks early with all 3 of my kiddos. I had gestational diabetes with all 3 so the babies grow bigger. I would ask about induction for sure!
My grandma had my uncle at home natural birth. He weighed 13lb 14 oz.
I was 15 years old, 5’1, 110lbs before getting pregnant & I birthed by 8.6 lb baby w a failed epidural. Obvi that is much less than 10/11lbs but it’s possible!! Those aren’t always accurate measurements anyways.
I was told my son was going to be no less than 9lbs when he was born.
He came out 7lbs 9oz. Excessive amounts of amniotic fluid can throw off the calculations of baby’s birth weight.
Girl u do want a c- section & don’t even know it
. I had 1 of both l take c-section all day long over vag birth…for sure.
Ultrasounds are literally just estimates. They can be off by more or less. And sometimes they can estimate it almost exactly. I was told my son was going too be about 6 pounds. He came out via C-section weighing 8.6!!
First was natural 11 days post due date and 41 years ago, preeclampsia and no ultrasound. She was 7# 4oz.
Second one was 3.5 weeks early and I assumed she would be about 6lbs since a bit early. But, still no ultrasound. Did not know due to preeclampsia again that she had not been growing. #4 lbs 6 oz when came home.
Thanking God there are ultrasounds frequently for our daughters and their babies now! They may not be accurate exactly at time of birth, but can show many things happening or not helpful to treatment for healthy delivery.
Ultrasound is not always correct with weight. My son measured 2-3 weeks ahead at every scan and at my last ultrasound, they said he would be over 9lbs. But when he was born, he was 7lbs 5oz
I was told by my midwife that the ultrasound scans can be about a pound off. At 36 weeks my daughter was measuring 6lbs 12oz, I was induced at 39 weeks and she weighed 7lbs 14oz. My son measured 5lbs at 36 weeks and he was 6lbs 13oz at 39+4 weeks.
My daughter was 9 pounds and my son was 7.5 pounds
Be guided by your obstrition
Reguarding the best form of delivery for yours and bubs safety
My son was born in 2011 he weighed 8lbs 5 Oz at birth. He came home from the hospital in size 1 diapers. It is possible, although, I felt like I pushed forever!!
My mom had my brother and he was 9lbs 3 Oz at birth . That was in 1992. The last ultrasound before I gave birth to my son he was estimated to be about 7 lbs. So there not always right.