I am terrified to give birth: Advice?

Hun, I was scared even with my 5th. I promise though that now days they have came so far with everything and there are some amazing doctors that if anything went wrong, your in the right place. :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat: I have had some VERY complicated deliveries to being induced- My first went according, I almost lost my second daughter, my 3rd I was minutes from having her in the car, my 4th almost resulted in c section due to failed induction, to my last almost needing a blood transfusion from to much blood loss. Every single time they were on top of it and took care of the issue. You are going to do great and after you give birth and hold your baby in your arms, all your worries will be forgotten (I know not all scenarios and situations are the same believe me) and you will have such instant relief. I am a hypochondriac and have severe anxiety, so believe me I get it. Feel free to pm me anytime if you have any questions!!! I had my son in December too!!! I got the epidural for majority of my births, but was to late for my 3rd. Don’t let anyone make you feel any less because of the choices you choose. I know some turn their noses about it and look down on it, but it all comes down to you and what your able to handle. As far as the V not being the same, you can do keggels?spelling. I tore and had to get stitches, there are ways to prevent tearing, I would look into them more.

I had allll of these same fears and you will most likely panic abd cry as it starts but then something takes over you. You’re about to meet your child… everything changes. I had excess fluid and had a reason to be scared. Mine did not go as planned and I had no idea until about a year later when my family told me. But what I did now was that I got a episiotomy and my dr didn’t tell me to not push when she did it so I pushed and tore out my whole area. I tried to prevent a c section but ended up wishing I had gotten one. But I’m glad I had the epidural because I was none the wiser. Yes it took time to heal but it was over and my son was here and healthy and I was a mother! I know I didn’t help much because I just stated everything you’re scared of but it’s rare that it actually happens and I’m fine and my son is fine. I recommend the epidural!!

I have given birth 5 times! It hurts like hell, but it’s so worth it!

Once you have her, nothing else will matter-trust me. My birthing experience wasn’t so great, but none of it mattered once they laid my baby girl on me.

Your body will tell you what it needs if that moment. You will need comfort, hot water, massaged backs.
I’m sorry to say but you cannot prepare for birth and they are all so different. It hurts, but I promise it’s worth it and you won’t even think abit it once they are in your arms. Get the epidural if your worried about the pain cause that’s the worst part. Stay at home in your own comfort place til your contractions are closer together. They will send you home if you aren’t over 3cm. Not always but they can. Best luck :clap::heart:

Get you breathing lessons to feel more impowerd… And trust the fact we all here survived :wink:

The best / PRAYERS :pray:t2:. Nothing like PRAYERS. Relax and it would be fine.:pray:t2:

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I had 2 vaginal births. Only pushed like 3 or 4 times with both of my boys. It was super easy. I had a epidural both times. Was perfectly fine and up walking around, and taking a nice long shower that night, after each delivery. Stayed a little sore for a week or so, bled for a couple of weeks. Nothing terrible. You got this. <3


P.S. remember, your body was made for this. Trust yourself. <3

Everyone is different,
Make sure you express your concerns with your dr and your classes will help you.
Good luck :wink:

I was nervous but by the time I was close to 40 weeks, I was so uncomfortable I was ready for my son to come out and I the nervousness went out the window. Just be open to whatever as long as you and the baby come out fine thats all that matters


Have you taken a birthing class? That really helped me feel better prepared when I was having my first baby. I tore a little with him, got a few stitches, but everything healed and went back to normal and functions as it should. I’ve had three babies, all natural with no pain meds. It can be done! You forget all the pain once they lay that precious baby on your chest, I promise! Good luck momma! You’ll be fine! :heart:

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I was induced and had natural labor In labor 13 hours It hurt but in no way was it completely unbearable, and because it’s not constant ( you get a break between contractions) it’s bearable. The worst part was him seeing up my episiotomy and it was just a burning and over quickly. Aside from a little soreness I was fine. I couldn’t have an epidural due to scar tissue from back surgery, but if you can have an epidural you’ll really be fine. I personally would not choose a c section unless absolutely necessary because it takes longer to heal, you’re sore and it’s harder to move around and care for baby. You’re stronger than you think you are, you will be able to handle it I promise you!

I was the same way. When I found out i had to be induced at 38 weeks due to low amniotic fluid, I was like but…but… wait I have more time! There isn’t a wrong choice. Whatever you choose and feel comfortable with is what’s right. I have had 2 natural births with no epidural.

I’ve had my 2 kids 2 separate ways.
-My first was natural with an epidural. I was induced and everything went perfectly.
My second was emergency c section cuz his heart rate kept dropping with each contraction. It went perfectly. If you chose to or need a csection the shivering is normal (I didn’t realize until afterwards like 4months later lol)
Also with the epidural I would suggest getting if your worried about pain (with csection they will give it to you anyways) the numbing gel they put on your back hurts more that the epidural itself. Let your body let you know when it’s time to go into labor.
Overall the pain that you go through will be so worth it in the end when you get to hold your baby for the first time. Otherwise don’t stress to much over it. It will be ok. The doctor and nurses will help you get through it.
You got this momma

Everything is going to be fine just remember to breath the gas really helped me I also had an epidural which totally numbs you from the waist down but I didn’t like it but I found that was the easiest birth I’ve ever had the only reason why I had it was I had twins I didn’t like the fact I couldn’t feel when I had to push the nurses had to tell me to push I can’t comment on a c-section I’ve never had one but I know you don’t recover as easy as giving birth vaginally and you only can pick up your baby and that’s all a friend of mine showed me hers and it had staples in it and looked very painful but I’m a big sook as well

I had my 1st induced which didn’t work out like planned but she came out vaginally and no real issues, my 2nd was a few days early but she broke my water and was here about 12 hours later born vaginally also and not feeling any contractions the whole time which was crazy I had to watch the contraction monitor to know when to push I did have complications with her sadly but it’s very rare I ended up with 5 bags of blood and an emergency dnc because the umbilical cord didn’t attach in the right place, 3rd baby was breach and sunny side up so I had to have a csection and she was also a premie but it was harder to bounce back from than the other girls were because I ended up with an infection in my incision and had to have it reopened and it packed for a few weeks which it sucked but I had no choice. You may think that things won’t go back to normal but it does its ment to bring babies into this world unless there are reasons you can’t go vaginally I would so do it because you bounce back quicker and it’s not hard to do things I had a hard time hitting bumps, going up the stairs to my apartment, moving around to get to my new born because it hurts to have a csection and then the chance of infection isn’t good either. I did have an epidural with my first 2 and that did help but like I said my 2nd one if I was hooked up to the machines I wouldn’t have known I was in labor besides my water breaking.

Honestly it isn’t the nicest thing to go through it is painful BUT as soon as your eyes are on that baby you will forget about every bit of pain you just went through!!

I was the same and would have panic attacks leading up. I have a very, very low pain tolerance and if I don’t know what to expect, my nerves go through the roof. Honestly, take a deep breath and trust your doctors. Rely on your support team and do not have anyone in there who stresses you out. If you have a low pain tolerance, get the epidural. It does hurt going in, but then you feel amazing (or should, anyways). I slept my entire way through labour and woke up when it was time to push. Then , I pushed for maybe 45 minutes and it was honestly feeling like I was :poop: ing lol I was so drugged up from giving myself a second dose of the epidural that I didn’t feel what they were doing to me haha

I recommend a birthing class. They will teach you how to breath through contractions so it won’t hurt as bad. My first pregnancy, I took the epidural and my last 2 I went all natural. Our bodies are meant to do this and that’s one of the reasons why women are so amazing. Don’t worry so much.

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Your body is an amazing thing! Really is and will know what to do! It knows when to push, it knows when to not eat, when to drink. My labour was fast! Only in active labour for 31 minutes, after a full day of slow contractions so I didnt really have time to panic.
It hurts like hell and is one of your most powerful and weakest moments of your life, it is profoundly changing. Also very emotional!
I would talk to your midwife about a birth plan, ifs and buts, hard lines, maybe even epidural and when you might go for c section if labour is not properly progressing. But remember we women have got this! We’ve been doing it thousands of years.

As far as I got was my water breaking first 2 were emergency c section 3rd was scheduled c section 4th my water broke and they scheduled my c section a few hours later
Honestly from what I have seen and heard I can’t imagine myself giving birth the natural way all I know are c sections have them cut side to side (bikini line) not top to bottom I have had both my 3rd and 4th were side to side less painful

Breathe. Keeping breath pattern is important as hell. Ive done 2 vaginal deliveries with pain medication during labour and 2 vaginal deliveries completely natural. Breathing in pattern is key.

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I had a natural water birth, 4 hours from waters breaking to having him in my arms, not going to lie, it was painful, but (im currently 33 weeks with my second, having a homebirth) I sucked on gas for about 2min before I needed to push, then didn’t need it, I had no rips, no complications, after I had my first, (at a maternity unit, not hospital) I had a shower, had a cheese toasty, and hot choc, and went home, was an amazing birth, I must admit, I went into it with an open mind, watched a bunch of birth/labour vids on YouTube, I was a bit nervous, but then it went nothing like the ones I had seen, and when he was born I was like, um, is that it? And sat there like wtf I just had a baby, and I’m not an exhausted mess. :rofl: I would recommend having baby at the hospital if you are having doubts, so you have all options available to you, birthing unit where I was, epidurals are not an option.

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I was very nervous with my daughter too (only child). I had an epidural and I tore but I didn’t feel a thing. My doctor stitched me up and that was that. I was sore after the epidural wore off but nothing unmanageable. Good luck❤.

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Being nervous about labour is absolutely normal I don’t think asking on a Facebook page is the way to go because everyone and every experience is different if you read someone had a traumatic experience its going to heighten your anxiety and worry you more have a chat with your midwife they will be able to talk you through your fears and worries and what birth options would be best good luck it will be worth it all in the end

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Baby… We are women its what our bodies are ment to do… After that little bundle is laid upon your chest all that pain is immediately worth it and you forget about it… I had 2 naturals ans 1 epidural ans i despised the epidural which only worked like 30% i could feel my left side… For me the epidural hurt worse then the natural labor… Ita scary i know i even got a littlw panicked with my 3rd i had mt first 2 in my early 20s and then my 3rd right after my 31st bday i was worried i was older it was going to be worse i was going to have complications… But it was a smooth delivery… If you got a good ob she or he should be able to help you be more content

I’m 30 just had my first 3 weeks ago. I’m similar to you. Everything that could go wrong went wrong alright… 4 epidurals 1 shot of fentanyl couldn’t get me numb. Rapid response team took me cause I almost stroked out and lost baby heart beat. Got to the OR to do a emergency c section and I was crowning her. I also had complications that the house doctor missed while I was in labor. Such as my cervix ruptured. I had her all natural I tore abs I felt it. What I will say about my situation is that I was up walking 3 hrs after showering. I was ready for discharge the next day. Yes it hurt to pee your kinda in shock that you just went through labor. Get up and walk. The ice packs are your friend. Buy some extras at home. Enough for about a week to a week n half. You forget any pain YOU might experience.

Everybody labor is different. My suggestion let your body do its own thing. They can always do a section. The epidurals didn’t hurt in my opinion. Yes the medicine burned but they didn’t hurt. My photos were taken within a hr apart. Take a shower even if your over the mood excited. Take the shower reset your brain. I’m going to send my best wishes to you but no matter what the outcome is worth it. :heart:

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I was the same I was terrified so much so that I had a c-section my anxiety would of caused me to panic during labour

One c-section, next one vag. Epidural with both , no pain , healing was easier from vag. Mom your going to be fine.

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I have high anxiety… the best decision I made was the c-section … It took the worrying over a V birth out

I’m here to be honest. It hurts like Hell. If you’re not all “I’m gonna do this natural like God/Nature intended” an epidural is your best friend. I went from screaming banshee to sleeping in the span of 5 minutes.

But in either scenario, the moment you hold that baby in your arms the hours leading up to it really do become a hazy memory. You remember that it was painful, but the end result makes it not matter how hard it was. You’d do it again just for that moment


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am terrified to give birth: Advice?

I was nervous too! I think I told the OB during admission that I didn’t want to do this anymore and I was just going to go home lol. But I had the EASIEST labor and delivery. Didn’t feel my contractions, baby came out in 4 pushes, and I was up and walking as soon as I delivered the placenta.
No tears, and while some things have changed down there, my husband is still happy and nerves are all intact. :joy::sweat_smile:
Don’t stress!

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Not super helpful, but literally millions and millions of women have given birth, and a lot of them have had second children… which means clearly their lady bits went back to normal enough that their partners wanted them :rofl:


Do research on all the methods you’re considering and see what makes you feel the most comfortable. Remember it’s your body and your child, and you decide what happens. Talk to you doctor and see what they think. Anxiety is normal when it comes to thinking of giving birth. For my first I wanted an all natural labor but after hours of labor and having so little energy I got the epidural, I didn’t feel it at all, it made moving my legs difficult but other than that it made labor a whole lot easier!

Research vaginal and csection births so you know what to expect for either. I was so glad I did because I ended up with an emergency csection. But I wasn’t scared because I knew all about them, I had discussed it with the baby’s father and he knew what to do (I asked him to do skin to skin while I was being closed up).

Even though it wasn’t my plan to have a csection, it went so smooth.

Also, don’t fear the birth. That ends. Fear the baby waking up all damn night :joy: my oldest didn’t sleep through the night until she was 5!!!
The next was about 8months.

I promise you, it is not as bad as you’re imagining. You can go in and get your epidural as soon as you feel any pain if you prefer that! You do not have to be in pain!! I waited 7 hrs to get my epidural because I was terrified of the needle in my back. But I was so tense from being in so much pain that I wasn’t dilating past a 2. It really wasn’t bad at all. They numb the area with lidocaine first. Not anything, not even freaking close, to how painful contractions can be. I promise you, you’ll be great!! I used to have nightmares about giving birth when I was pregnant. Honestly, it was a cake walk. Don’t think I could’ve done it natural though! Pitocin was a B. You will be okay. When you get to the hospital make sure to tell your nurses how absolutely terrified you are. I did, and they were so caring and handled me with extra care. Seriously! Don’t stress too much.

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I’ve never had a c section. I’ve had 3 kids. My first I got the epidural. And I was up, showered and walking around right after! They wanted me to take it easy, and wanted a nurse to help me shower. But I felt so good after. They were surprised! With my second, I drove myself to the hospital. And had my son by the next morning. With no epidural or pain meds. Again, I was up, showered and walking around right after. My third, I got to the hospital, got to labor and delivery, was in the bathroom trying to put a gown on, and sat on the toilet in pain, yelled for my boyfriend, he ran and got the nurse, as soon as she got in there she caught my son. On the toilet, no pushing, no doctor present. Again, no epidural, no pain meds. Was up, showered and walking around! Literally had my last son 20 minutes after walking into the hospital. Labor is not as bad as some people say it is! And no matter what you plan, it usually changes. But when you hold your baby and hear that cry, you forget everything. That cry is the best sound in the world! My kid’s are 16, 12, 11. No more babies for me! Cherish every minute! It goes by so fast!

My Mom had six kids and labored through each birth. She told me you feel the pain at the time but once baby arrives its all about baby. She said she could remember the pain but not exactly how it felt. C-sections should only be considered when necessary or sometimes if you labor too long. Breath in pants with the pain and as the contraction ends let you breath out. You’ll do fine. Women have been having babies for many thousands of years.

The first time you do anything is scary. Your body already knows what to do when giving birth. Do some research on the different options you are considering, and talk to your doctor. Childbirth is scary and beautiful and as long as you remember to breathe you will be okay.


I have had 2 c sections gonna have my 3rd in a couple of weeks due to being high risk personally the c section experience wasn’t that bad for me I was always able to bounce back with no problems

I would highly recommend taking a birth education class and looking into hiring a doula

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Still in pain 21 yrs later. No one tells you how to push. Can barely seat. Bladder issues. I was completely exhausted afterwards. Post partum. I was 33. I had a 2nd child at 37.

I have had v births and one Emergency c-section I even had my last child v birth as the nhs did an amazing job unfortunately my daughter did a poo so that’s why it was an emergency but I was at hospital and even then new me and my daughter was safe and it’s amazing that I was able to go on and have an v birth again was just incredible I thank the midwifes and all the team they saved my daughters life but trust me whatever happens you will be in safe hands.Its normal feeling nervous but you got this good luck :blush:

I gave birth 4 times all on my own all my babies were big
Longest I was in labour. Was 4 hrs no drugs no gas no epidural nothing I would definitely go naturally stop been negative about it tell ur self u can do it I was up walkin round hour after all births it’s all about the breathing controlling it when u have to push now every one different but I would definitely go in with a better mind set calm breathe :woman_in_lotus_position:

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I’ve had two natural births the pain is not as bad as you think I also tore both times I didn’t notice. The Most important thing you can do is to be as calm and positive as possible as with anything if you go in thinking the worst that will be the kind of experience you will have. everything will go back to normal! Meeting her will be the most wonderful and rewarding moment of your life It’s unlikely you will remember it as bloody or traumatic just breath momma it will all be okay :heart:

I was absolutely terrified of all the things. Because let’s be real… pains happening now matter what you choose. But I can only share my experiences and overall my birth of my first was great. I was induced and labor was very intense. My nervousness prevented me from getting the epidural until the pain was so great I couldn’t function. Lesson learned. I did require 3 stitches and healing was horrible. They give you things to keep clean and comfortable. And eventually everything does heal up and sex is still great. It just takes time. Good luck mama. It will be okay!

I had a C-section with my first b cuz he was breech & then with my second & third …By choice I wanted C -sections with them…In my opinion I prefer having them…My healing time wasn’t that bad at all,so don’t let everyone scare u …

I was 30 when I had my first and only, (so far). I was terrified because, I felt like I was a little old for an easy birth. We did not have an easy birth. I had a c section and the best advice I got was to walk as soon as I could. Well I was walking within an hr after I got to my room. I healed perfectly and aside from a heart issue everything went so smooth and perfect as far as getting over the surgery. My body would not dilate due to endometriosis, and I had a heart problem were the reasons for the c section. . So things may come up. Just concentrate on the type of birth you want and know that people are there to handle everything for you and your baby for the unexpected. Stressing yourself out over things you can’t control is just going to distract you from thinking about all the good things!!!

I’ve had 2 vaginal births and 2 c sections. I would think about what kind of recovery you want. Because,as scary as it seems, it passes quickly once baby is here. Then on to recovery.For me, I would never choose a c section. Never. Never. If all goes according to plan, you’d be walking around soon with a vaginal birth. It’s such a hard and painful recovery with a c section …you can do this❤️

I’ll tell you my experience… I turned 30 in June… I have three kids I had my first at 18 epidural didn’t even feel it go in didn’t feel the pains all good ! No worries what’s so ever. I had my second at 26 not worried my son came fast they gave me the epidural but it was too late he came out the second they were done… your body deals with the pain. It knows what to do. My third I was just worried how long I would be in labor , they had to give me I think it’s called pictocin to speed up the labor. It worked I got the epidural I wish I didn’t I felt it not too bad but I still had some pains. All were vaginal. I felt nothing on all rip/ tear/ cut/ and sewn back no feeling . No troubles after. I think as long as you trust where your going into labor and your obgyn and you have family there to support you there’s no reason to worry mama. Women are strong and our bodies know what to do. Everyone I know who has had a c section hates it. The pain and recovery is much more then 2 weeks down there .

I’ve had 2 planned csections. I too was absolutely terrified because I knew I was having a csection & that’s a major surgery. I worked myself up so much the first time that I went into a full blown panic attack when they wheeled me into the o.r. But my doctor & anesthesiologist were both amazing, gave me some meds real quick & next thing I remembered was my husband holding my baby beside my head. The 2nd time was much more relaxed! I strongly suggest talking to your doctor now & letting them know how anxious you are already. They’ve been through this hundreds of times & will know just the things to do/say when the time comes to ensure that you are calm. Definitely research all your birthing options so that you are comfortable with what is happening before hand. As far as recovery goes, I can not recommend enough, if you have a c-section, as soon as you are able to be up on your feet, get up & walk. The more you walk the easier the recovery is. Follow instructions for lifting etc also. The pain meds they give you, use them! After my 1st I was back up, med free & feeling great by 10 days post birth, but I followed instructions to a t. My 2nd birth I hemorrhaged 24 hours post birth so I wasn’t able to be up & walking like I did the first time. I also had a 16.5 month at home so I was doing things I shouldn’t have done once I got home & my recovery took about 5 weeks before I started to feel ok again. So seriously, if you end up with a c-section follow the instructions they give you. They’ve been down that road so many times & have the most knowledge & tips/tricks for the best recovery!

I was just as worried as you! With my first one I had to have a csection, even though he was in position, but he was facing the front of my pelvis and it caused some worries for the drs which is why they called the csection and with my youngest it was an automatic csection due to where I live ( I’m in Grants Pass and was explained that if you have one csection and if you have another baby it’ll be automatic csection) as much as I didn’t want a csection I am grateful that it happened the way it did because I have two wonderful kids and that’s all that matters…

I had my first at 21. I was induced and had major problems with the epidural. But I didn’t feel anything when giving birth. I tore and had 13 stitches… but was completely healed by 4 weeks postpartum.
I just had my second at 23 2 weeks ago. Went into labor on my own this time, didn’t have any problems with the epidural like I did with my first except I got it way too early and by the time it was time to start pushing it had worn off and I felt everything. I just had to keep reminding myself that if I just pushed through the pain I would get to hold my sweet baby. Pushed for 23 minutes and he was out! This time my tear was so small they didn’t give me any stitches. Everything will be fine!

Everything will be worth it when they place that baby in your arms :heart: won’t tell you about my 1st child’s birth but I’m having a second one so there’s that :joy:

Your body is made to give birth so just let your body what it needs to do and remain calm and just breathe. I’m sure you’ll be fine

I’ve had natural and epidural and girl. Get the epidural. It sucks getting it but not near as bad as birth lol. I was laughing and joking while pushing during both my epidural babies. Thought I was a badass on the 3rd and went natural and I wouldn’t recommend it after experiencing it. Being very honest. My epidurals made my first 2 births a breeze. Zero pain. Didn’t feel her come out at all

First of all well done for speaking out and asking for advice
Second these thoughts are totally normal of pending arrival
Third try to relax as much as possible and just go with the flow. Also mention to your health care provider that is helping you along in this process. Your lady bits will be totally fine will take a few weeks to become there new normal but not much will chamge. Slight tearing isnt going to chqnge much it heals pretty quickly

I had my first baby last year at 29 and pregnant with my second. What helped me is I told myself women have been having babies for so long your body will know what to do. And the kid has to come. One way or another they will be born so no use worrying about it. I had an epidural which helped me a lot. I throw up when in pain apparently. Focus on little things and take deep breathes. You’ll get through this. :heart:

I gave birth to two boys and as my hubby puts it "you are riding on the same rims and tires you are bouncing on 20s in a low rider " in other words i had two natural births with pain relief and my recovery was fast

Both of my labors were long and rough buuuuuuuuut well worth it in the end.

You will be just fine we’ve got some of the best dr’s in the country to help with babies if needed, I was like you when I had my first he’s now 38 time flies but talk with your Dr an tell him or her how your feeling an yes it is a very scary thing to have a baby but you are going to be just fine an once you see the presious little gift from Jehovah god cause it was you your man’s stuff an jehovah God helping you with this pregnancy just try to relax an think happy thoughts

I’ve given birth vaginally to two children. My first I needed to be induced and I gave birth to an 8lb baby. I had a 2nd and 3rd degree tear but all healed up great I can still feel the scar. My second I had no clue I was in labor went to the er at 7cm dilated but I had the epidural with both of my babies my first I had a full epidural my second I had a half spinal half epidural so I could still move my legs but the contractions weren’t as bad (I loved the half and half way more than the full I’d recommend that over the full) I was terrified to but after doing it my vagina went right back to normal its a muscle it is made to stretch to birth a baby. I was terrified of a c section more than a vaginal birth. C sections are so invasive and I wouldn’t want to have one unless it was a life or death situation.

I was 29 when I gave birth. I remember exactly where I was driving with my husband when it hit me - “HOLY SHIT - this baby is coming out of me SOMEHOW!” I’ll never forget that feeling. I had so much anxiety about it. I ended up needing to have a planned c-section, as my son was breach. That was a strange feeling too - just being given a date and a time and knowing that would be the moment. I know at this point it’s sounding cliché, but I honestly thought the same thing that others have posted about women having done this since forever. You’ll be fine, mama :heart:

It’s normal to be scared but worrying isn’t good .Just pray :pray:and think positive thoughts and everything will be ok.

My mom always said your pregnant now so you can’t go back… now I’ve had four with no epidural. You can do it….

It’s not that bad, pain depends on your birth plan , and as of your concern of your V they should make boots and tires outta that because you can’t wear it out. Congratulations , relax and the best of luck

I was the same way with my first child. Scared to the point of giving myself an anxiety attack. I ended up having to be induced because me stressing stresses my son so they wanted him out. I had pitocin and a natural birth and I will say that whatever pain I was feeling at the time I forgot about 3 seconds after he was delivered. I did have to have an episiotomy with him so I would just rip but tbh she did lidocaine first so I didn’t feel the snips and the stitch didn’t hurt at all and I had no issues after. It’s the craziest thing how our bodies work and how we forget about the pain right after. With my daughter I didn’t have to be induced but I also panicked because I didn’t know how I would know of it was time to go to hospital since I missed that the first time but you know :rofl: I had her with no medication and it was just the same way as whatever pain I felt I forgot about after she was delivered.

I gave birth for time and was terrified it’s time it’s always different my daughters came within minutes my son’s took forever I had girls natrual n boys with epidural

Relax an your body will do the rest just think of holding your little bundle off joy at the end x

I was scared too, just remember to take deep breath’s

Hypnosis cd I listened to one everyday

2 children, 0 epidural with either one. No pain meds. If you can avoid epidural and pain meds, your recovery is a lot quicker. I was up walking around 30 minutes after both babies. Had planned an epidural with the 1st baby, but it was too late when the time came. Experience was so positive, I chose no epidural/meds for the 2nd baby.

I promise you will be okay! We were built for this! Women have been doing it since the beginning of time :heart: make sure your environment is relaxing.

it’s not nice it’s awfull :joy::joy: but once it’s over you forget if that helps

Sweetheart, first, congratulations on the baby. Second, find a dula. They can help you have a painless experience. Honestly don’t let horror stories about birth scare you, it’s not that bad. Some do have it worse. Relax. Your body knows what to do, trust it. Your v will go back to normal don’t let people tell you different. Learn meditation my friend is a dula in training. I have my 3rd baby on the way she said if you can control your mind during labor you can control the pain too. I had both my girls naturally no epidural. This one they are telling me their is a high chance I might have to have a c-section, that terrifies me a lot. I was induced with my 2 each time. I hardly remember the pain, I just remember the contractions and how trying it is to push. Honestly, looking everything up will scare the crap out of you. Most of the things you look up can be beneficial, but try to look at it with an open relaxed mind. Try not to scare yourself. I was in the same thought process with my first. And I am scared to habe my 3rd one due Nov 10th. But there is a 100 reasons why I am scared. But a few people could relate. You got this. You are a queen. Also take birthing classes. They do help

My first and only birth was easy. 10 hrs, 3 pushes, no cutting or tearing. It did feel like I got kicked really freaking hard in the crotch for a couple weeks afterward. I was 30 at the time.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am terrified to give birth: Advice?

OK so 1, the amazing thing about the female body is that we’re designed to give birth, no matter how bad it can get, your body is built to do this and bounce back. You’d be surprised how tough you actually are.
I’ve never had kids, but my mum did both natural (no epi, she was in the hospital for half a hour before giving birth to me, I was almost an elevator baby :joy:) she always said to me, if you have the choice, go natural, unless the c-section is necessary (my twin brothers were C-section due to the placenta coming before they did) it will put you out for like 6 weeks, natural birth you’re up and walking in like half an hour.
Plus c-section means all our organs on a table next to you when they’re getting the baby out, what a nice thought :joy:


Deffo speak to your midwife so you know your options- natural birth more uncomfortable for shorter period of time (unless tear). C-section takes longer to recover.
There are loads of different pin telling they can give you. I only had gas and air but the most amazing things is as soon as that baby is out you literally forget all about the pain like it never happened… it’s always scary when it’s something New and so big for the first time but you’ve got this! :heartpulse:

Talk to your midwife! She can help ease your mind, don’t listen to other people’s birth stories as everyone experiences it differently. Look into natural calming methods like hypnotherapy, take antenatal classes if you can, not sure if they’re doing them atm as I haven’t been offered like I was with my last. The calmer you are the less stressful it will be, educated yourself but not with scary stories. It is a scary thing especially when you haven’t done it before but we’re made for this :muscle:

I went to a birthing class that really helped. Understanding the process alleviated so many fears and put the control back in my hands.

You definitely need to speak to your midwife about a birth plan. Maybe list all pros and cons for every option. Remember you can always try naturally and still have an epidural (up to a certain point). I was advised that water birth can help with comfort during birth and I would have chosen this option but unfortunately I had c-sections and that is an easier option with regards to the actual delivery but you have to bare in mind the recovery from it and the support/lifestyle you have (no heavy lifting, no driving for 6 weeks) it is no easy option in a sense. Also look into birthing positions and meditation as this can make a difference. I wish you all the best but please talk to the midwife regarding this and don’t listen too much to others everybody is different!! It’s always about what is best for you and your baby no matter what anyone else opinions are x

I had my first 3 all natural, no drugs etc and yes it was painful but if you focus you can get through it.
My 4th was an emergency c-section at 24wks as I had pre eclemisa and I was terrified. Sadly we lost him after 4days. But personally I’d recommend natural just for the healing process. It’s alot quicker.
But definitely speak to your midwife and come up with a plan you feel comfortable with.

Whatever you decide, it’s all worth it when you get to hold your precious little one. :heart:


Hi, sending hugs! It isn’t silly to be shit scared when you realised that baby has to exit your body somehow :sweat_smile:
I would recommend creating a birth plan/preferences list. Start with whatever main preferences you have (water birth, no drugs, quiet music, certain scents etc) but make notes that you understand a c-section may be required and if so you want xyz to happen (such as skin to skin contact). Make sure whoever you plan to have with you during the birth is completely aware and on board with what you want so they can advocate for you if you are preoccupied on the day. I say preferences as likely nothing will go to plan haha plan for this also. My preferences was a water birth as naturally as possible, but I was completely aware of the fact that a c-section and epidural were also likely options. Once I came to terms with the fact that every option was going to be ok I felt much better about it all. My labour was intense and painful but you get through it. I ended up hating the water bath! And eventually the midwife told me I had stopped dilating and bubs wasn’t turning to come out and since my waters had broken the day before I would likely need a c-section. I got an epidural (best thing ever by that point!!! :rofl:). The doctors tried to turn bubs and the stubborn little madam turned straight back! So I ended up with a c-section. It was honestly amazing. I was awake, and painless, my partner was with me. I felt tugging but no pain. The doctors and nurses in the room were lovely and talked me through everything and answered any questions we had. I had skin to skin contact as my primary preference no matter what happened and they made sure that happened. I held my baby on my chest while they put me back together and then my partner took over when I couldn’t hold her any longer. After they were done she was tucked into me while we went to recovery. It maybe wasn’t what I originally wanted but it ended up being her magical birth story. Please don’t be scared of a c-section. There is a longer recovery afterwards yes, but I was cleared to drive after 3 weeks and my scar was healing well after 1 week. The hardest thing is getting up out of bed or off the couch so make sure you have plenty of snacks and water on hand so you don’t have to move as much!
As for the natural birth side, I don’t have a story for that but my midwife gave me info on perineal massages which can help loosen and stretch the skin in preparation for birth. Look into padsicles (pads with a type of lotion on them that you can refrigerate and pop on when you get sore). Also please be aware that you can refuse anything at any point!
Sorry for the novel, hope it all makes sense xx

I chose a c section (it was booked in before we realized I legitimately needed it), because I’m exactly like this. I had some hiccups with the spinal block and blood loss, but everything worked out fine. No matter which way you go, you’ve got this, hun

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am terrified to give birth: Advice?

It’s normal to be scared it’s a pretty terrifying thought. You’ll feel diffrent once in Labour and your body will be ready to cope, you are amazing and you can definitely do this, take all the drugs offered (I did one natural and drug free) it will all be over before you know it and the pain goes away as soon as you see your beautiful new baby. It is painful but temporary and so worth it x


You can do this. You are beautiful and amazing. Your body can handle this. Walk alot. Don’t listen to stories about other people. You are different and your experience is different from anyone else


The truth is if your scared and holding back your body won’t function as it should. The more scared you are and the more you fight it the more likely you are to tear and / or have complications. Save yourself the trauma and get a C section. (Coming from a mana who wanted an intervention free natural home birth but 24 hours later resulted in an emergency c section)


So I felt the same way, all I ever heard were horror stories about the pain etc growing up and giving birth was always one of my biggest fears since I was very young and I literally thought that I would die while giving birth. BUT, now I’ve had 2 babies and yes it’s painful and hard but it’s nothing like what I thought. For me I definitely knew that I wanted an epidural because of this fear of the pain and that I would be unable to relax like some women can to get through it. The epidural was amazing both times and I highly recommend it to everyone. I don’t think with the fears of giving birth that I would have ever been successful at a home birth, and the first birth was much more painful before the epidural than the second one was. Don’t worry so much while pregnant as it won’t help anything and you are imagining it to be much worse.


I used to have these fears too as a ftm. Then I just let go and told myself the only thing that matters is that me and baby stay healthy and leave the hospital together. Everything else is temporary and in the long run irrelevant. Get the drugs and let your body do what it was built to do. That magical moment when you put that baby on your chest will make everything else seem insignificant.


My mother was an OB RN for 20 years. The best advice she ever gave me was to not fight my body when I went into labor. I had 2 children natural childbirth following that advice. I went into the last few months of my pregnancies knowing that my body was built to give birth.


I had 3 kids, and honestly the fear of giving birth never went away :woman_shrugging:t2: i had 3 natural births m. it definitely doesn’t feel nice. But the end result is always well worth it.


I recommend an epidural. I don’t do well with pain so epidural was definitely right for me. Then you can just follow the instructions of the delivery team. Put your faith in them. Remember they have done this 100s of times. Then welcome your newborn with more love than you can possibly imagine. Wishing you all the best. You’ll do fine.


It is normal to be a bit scared hun. I was before each delivery and i had my 4 boys close together. 4 in 4 years. Best advice is just relax and let things happen as they are meant to and listen to the doctors. Walk as much as you can. I personally went as naturally as possible with number 2, 3, and 4. With number 1 a tornado struck really bad so i was kinda stuck in a predicament. When you stress it stresses the baby and it makes things harder. You can do this however it goes!


My biggest advice is to not expect anything to go a certain way honestly. It will save you a lot of trouble. I went through 32 hours of labor (got induced with preeclampsia) it was terrible and scary and ended up having to get a c section after pushing for 2 hours. She got stuck and I was too narrow. BUT let me tell you it was worth every damn second the moment you hear and meet your baby. Make sure you have a great support team if you can, my fiancé was so supportive and I couldn’t have done it without him. Just remind your self what your going through is temporary, that helped me a lot honestly! Also reminding yourself that you are doing this all for your little one helps! You can do this momma!


EPIDURAL. Seriously. I didn’t feel a thing. I tore during birth but really didn’t feel it until much later. Recovery the next few days is rough but you have to take care of yourself and let others take care of you and the baby as well. It took months for me to feel “normal” or to poop or have sex without pain or discomfort. But honestly, it was the least of my worries. Day to day, you’ll be consumed with the baby.


We suffer more in our minds then we do in reality. Honestly it’s going to fuckin hurt but it’s also an Amazing experience! Pushing out that little human is THE moment of your life.
You can always get an epodural which is an absolutely god send also :wink: no point worrying about what could happen when you can focus on what you know is going to happen!