I am thinking of putting my infant into a single bed: Thoughts?

I have a three-month-old baby girl. I’m thinking of putting her into a single bed. She has a cot, but during the day she sleeps on my bed and. I find that she is comfier and settled in mine. The last couple of nights, my partner has been sleeping on a mattress on the floor and giving the bed to us. So I was thinking of putting her onto a single bed right next to us. Am I thinking way too ahead of myself or?? has anyone been in the same situation?? Advice, please …


Single bed? Does she not have a crib?

I sleep on the couch with my daughter cause daddy works outside all day in the heat and she isn’t ready for her own crib. I don’t like to interrupt the few hours of sleep he does get and we have a Cali King. She takes the whole bed up lol

Ugh, she should be in a crib not a single bed. She should be sleeping by herself.


Put her in a crib or pack n play an adult mattress isnt a safe sleep spot for a 3 month old


Please dont do that with your baby. Shes to little.


In a crib in case she learns to roll or sit up in the middle of the night at least you would know she is safe in a crib


3 months old is so tiny. I wouldn’t even put my 10 month old anywhere but in a crib. If you can afford a single bed, you can afford a cheap crib.


Crib mattresses are safer for babies than regular mattresses. I understand being more comfortable, but if you want her to sleep on her own, she should be in a crib on a proper mattress for infants.


I feel that 3 months is still too young. Single beds have real mattresses, and a real mattress is too soft for that age. An infant should really be on a firm sleep surface until their bone structure is strong enough to support walking.


Put her in a baby crib it’s safer


Crib or pack n play …


OMG…way too young!!


I would say a crib or at least a pack and play until she is older. My LO is 1 1/2 and she sleeps in a crib no way would I put her on a single bed. Plus my child sleeps like a tornado and would fall off the single bed

I’d get a play pen. She could roll off.

Definitely crib or atleast pack n play. Much safer, the risk of sids or suffocating is so scary…


Try a cosleeper they attach to the bed. We bought the wood version from a yardsale and santitized it. My son is 15 months and still fits in his of course he sits up n walks so hes always supervised now but it was a lifesavee hes always had his own crib n now its coverted to a toddler too. If you decide to do a bed make sure you get the toddler mesh bed rails to keep her safe from falling off


Crib crib crib… please practice safe sleeping!


How about just put a crib or bassinet next to your bed or in your room


3 months is much too young. Obviously baby crib is safer because soon the mobility will start. Also, if the child sleeps on her back, there are crib sized mattresses that have a “crib side” (firmer) and a “toddler side” (softer). I used to put my girl on the toddler side when I was certain she wouldn’t roll and smother herself.


Maybe even a bassinet to start the transition. Any transition is hard especially when the baby isn’t used to it or whatnot.

My daughter has slept with me since she was 2 wks old… shes 15 months now! Use your momma instincts and do whats best for you and your family!


Sooo not safe. Babies tend to sleep better in our beds because they smell like us. Baby mattresses are much safer at that age. I didn’t change my daughter to a bigger mattress til she was like 3 & she still sleeps in a toddler bed on a baby mattress. My son is almost 1 1/2 & still in his crib.


Pack n play or a crib. Or get a king size bed and follow safe sleep .


no please please please, if not a crib then maybe a packnplay, or co-sleeper?


Crib. Adult mattresses are not tested. If she rolls on her side or tummy it can create a pocket and suffocate her.

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At 3 months old she should be in a crib, bassinet or pack n play. My kids were in the bassinet in our room until they were 4 months old.


That is literally the reason infant mattresses are more on the firm side than the squishy side. To prevent their faces from being pushed in and suffocating themselves by breathing in carbon dioxide that will build up in the pocket created around the face.


Umm a crib…my 4 year old slept in her crib until about a year ago!

You are the parent. Only you know what’s best for your child.

Crib, to small for a mattress. A crib keeps the baby safe while you sleep. Plus when baby becomes more active you’ll sleep better knowing baby has not wandered out of the bed in the middle of the night.

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Our now 2yo went onto a single bed on the floor around 10 months because the crib was just not working for him. But he still slept with us in our bed half the time as well

My daughter co slept. Well she started wanted to move all the time so I bought a mattress for her pack n play cause the pad it comes with has to be very uncomfortable like an adult sleeping on the floor you wouldn’t be comfortable. This mattress I bought fits perfect in the pack n play it has a firm side 0-9 months and a soft side for 9+ months. The pack n play is right beside my bed and I did have a time with her sleeping in it by herself cause she was used to me but once she realized she could move without a problem she has so far been doing good. Stop mom shaming this person for co sleeping with her child thousands of people do it yes babies should be in cribs or pack n plays made for babies but geez give them a break sometimes its what works best for the family!!! She just ask for opinion not to be shamed. You know what is best your child but I recommend a pack n play with a mattress or a crib with a mattress.

No she needs to be at least a year before that (before anyone says anything my daughter was ready at a year she was jumping out of her crib).
Shes waking up through the night because she is 3 months old. She is supposed to do that. Anything else is the odd behavior


Bassinet…I kept my daughter in one right next to my side and dangled my arm in it so she could still feel my touch.

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Cot surely. I put my son in his own room in his cot when he was 2 months old and he knows when he goes in the cot it’s time for sleep

A crib or pack and play would be better.


Get a bigger bed so all three of you can co sleep


We converted a crib into a sidecar… look up how to diy concert crib into side car on YouTube.


Keep her blanket or a sheet in your bed over night so it smells like mama…then put it on her bed … my older kids still like to sleep
With my sweaters or jackets when they are scared or away from home.


No non to young for that,do something different like a pack and play,crib or a baskinet,the bed is unsafe because baby can fall

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Crib or pack n play! Just to be safe!

Your kid should be in a crib ABC: Alone, Back, Crib. To prevent any chance of infant suffocation, diagnosed often as SIDS.


As long as the mattress is on the floor and you put mesh toddler bed rails on either side, the mattress is firm, and there’s nothing she can get her face in, she’s just as safe there as in a crib.


Definitely crib or pack and play. They can get hurt that young.

I would suggest trying a crib, bassinet, co sleeper that attaches to your bed, or even a pack and play. I understand using a mother’s instincts, and also wanting your baby to be comfy and happy. But safe sleep practices are so important. I am only sharing my opinion as I have lost a child to SIDS. If i can put my opinion out there in hopes it could help prevent a unsafe sleep situation I will. I never want a parent to go through what my husband and I have.


I would wait unti she’s a year old. Maybe buy a different mattress for her crib one that feels similar to yours. I put my son on a twin size bed next to mine when he turned one and now he’s 2 and been sleeping in his own room. You can get a toddler bed or a twin size ( I have a bed guard too ) when your baby is 1.

Why ask these total strangers? why not ask your doctor or your nurses opinion!


As soon as baby starts rolling and crawling you are going to run into problems


As a mother and grandmother of 7 I would never put a baby in a bed till they are steady on their feet but honestly ever child is different

Get the kid out of your bed! Start early or you will never have sex again. The kid will train without you even knowing it. Take it from experience. I am a great grandmother.


Get a next to me crib


You would definately need a side net so she cant fall off, also that will not be fun when she learns how to crawl and falls head first from 6 months onward…its totally different to have her next to you gaurded in your bed, thats normal. A twin bed for an infant wouldnt be very logical in my opinion.


My kid slept in a double bed on the ground his whole life. Any crib he would get his feet/arm stuck even with bumpers. If it works for your family do it.

She’s too young and cannot be on an adult mattress until she’s two. Maybe a crib :slightly_smiling_face: she needs a nice safe firm infant matress

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you cant put a 3 month old in a bed… thats so dangerous. infants belong in a bassinet/crib with nothing inside of it.


Once she starts standing you’ll regret it

Do what you want you know your child! As long as you put up rails or something that they can’t fall off the bed your child will be fine! All 3 of mine never slept in their crib (yes I owned one for each) either my bed or a twin bed! They all healthy and thriving just fine!


Get a next to me crib!! Or co sleeper enclosure. Theyre super nifty for situations like this

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Crib or pack and play! That baby is gonna start rolling soon and she can roll right off and don’t tbink she won’t. My 1.5yo still isn’t in a bed yet because of that very reason. She rolls and moves from one side to the other in the night and she will fall right off. That said I mean you do you, but be aware that something dangerous and lethal can happen.

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An adult bed isn’t a safe place for a child to sleep until they are 2. Your baby should sleep Alone, on their Back and in an empty Crib with nothing but a pacifier in it. You should join Safe Sleep and Baby Care – Evidence Based Support for safe advice. :slight_smile:


Whatever you put her in needs to have railings and a VERY firm mattress, especially as she will be starting to roll soon. One of the contributors to SIDS is a child that can roll from back to front, but not front to back, and of the mattress is too soft to push off of they can suffocate. It would be very hard to find a mattress firm enough for an infant to safely use in a twin bed.

My babies moved a lot when they slept. They would make it to every inch of that crib. I’d be nervous of them falling off, or getting stuck between the temporary rails. She will be mobile, standing before you know it and a crib/pack and play would be best. I cosleep/nursed when my kids were newborns/infants and a something like a dockatot.

Wouldn’t that put your baby at risk for SIDS?

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No definitely not, please keep her in cot to be safe and you shouldn’t co sleep it’s very dangerous

Baby may feel more comfortable in your bed because of scents from you. Try using your stuff in her crib. I would use a crib rather than like a twin bed. Definitely need railings, if the baby doesn’t move around now he or she will soon

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Get a crib. Having her in bed is for you not her betterment.

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A friend of my younger sister left her 4 month old on an adult bed unattended (baby was asleep) and came back to check about an hour later and the baby had flipped on to her tummy and suffocated. Get a crib.


I meeeeean… a crib is like, what’s MADE for infants. :woman_shrugging:t2:
If you think it’s the mattress that’s making a difference, nowadays I’ve seen some fancy crib mattresses. Pretty much like a mattress for an adult. But I think a crib is the best route with whatever mattress you feel makes all the difference. And it’s safe. Once that baby starts to get on the move and rolling, crawling, or pulling themselves up- a bed is not safe. Even with nets. The crib mattress can be lowered so the baby can’t flop out.

For the next few months, the baby would be safe on a pallet on the floor. But, once she starts moving and crawling, she will really need a crib. And, I agree with those that say get her out of your bed or you will regret it down the line.

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Maybe consider a Montessori type of bed for her. They’re a fairly easy DIY project. They’re extremely low to the ground, basically on the ground. I did it with my daughter a long time ago and she is 1.5. It’s not only safe but it teaches independence. There is no fighting naps or bedtime with her. She runs to her bed when it’s nap time or bed. So many other benefits come with the Montessori method and I see the tremendous results in my daughter.


Wayyyyyy too young she could fall out or anything

Look into montessori floor beds. It can be done safleey with the correct mattress

Floor beds for everyone! We had two full size together to make a super king bed.
Has my now 5 & 2 year old and me and husband since both kids birth.

Safe sleep 7 for safe cosleep help.

I say not a good idea she will start moving around and crawling soon and the crib basically helps keep her in a safe place :woman_shrugging:t3: but that’s my opinion

Definitely should he in a crib so she cant fall out! My 7 month old is in a crib, he moves so much every night I can hardly find him half the time! Your lil one will start rolling around and moving soon, it would be dangerous to be in a bed. And to be honest I wouldnt have my lil one sleeping with me so young either, it’s a really bad habit to get into as soon she will be moving all over the bed and could either move too close to you and get squashed or fall out the bed or become very dependent on co sleeping that it will be difficult to get her out when you want too. Plus your hubby should be able to sleep with you! You and him need to bond aswell.


Do you have a bassinet that you could put next to the bed? Or a crib along the wall? My baby was sleeping in a bassinet for 5 months she’s now sleeping in her crib

With side rails. Might be ok. But when she starts to move around you are gonna want the crib. use a playpen.

At that age she should be in a crib for safety.

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I had the same issue with my bubba when she was a bubba! I got a chicco next2me crib, one side folds down and you can attach to your bed. I also got a sleepyhead (these are soooo good) my bubba slept through the night from 4 months old in this combo. She now has an extending, toddler to single bed (from 2yo) and we upgraded to the sleepyhead Grande. Good luck x

Pack n play next to your bed


My daughter has co slept with me since she was born. She used a crib temporarily, but it didn’t last long. Shes 18 months now and I’m going to buy her a twin bed of her own finally. Some people think I’m crazy, but I don’t care. I say do what works best for you guys!!

Bedshare… shes safer beside you than by herself on a single bed… Bed rails are great till they start to stand then they can flip over… floor bed is the best alternative

Absolutely not, no cot either

A single bed? For a 3 month old? Are you new? Put a pack n play or crib in your room. I’m confused on how you even think that’s safe at all


Get a bassinet, put it next to your bed. Safe that way.


3 months old is far too young to be sleeping on a regular mattress. Babies are susceptible to SIDS until about 12 months of age and should be in a crib until at least then. If your baby rolls over on a regular mattress they are much more likely to suffocate. I get that baby is more settled in your bed but this is more likely because it smells like you and less likely due to comfort level. This is the same reason babies sleep so well on moms chest or in your arms.

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I would keep her in a crib for a couple of years. She may fall off of a bed without rails, and if she is in your bed you might roll over on her.

3 months😡your baby needs you more right now than your partner! If not put her in a crib , hellooooo !! Safer for Baby !! 3 months is a baby!!!

… Carlee Montney did i read this right??? :flushed:

Omg nooo! 3 months is way too little to be in a twin bed ! Co sleeping can be dangerous too. Put your little one in a crib

No way!! You could roll over and suffercate that baby! I don’t care how a light sleeper you think you are. It only takes one time!


I did the same thing when my daughter was about one year old…do what is best for ur family. No need to buy novelty baby items that never get used or used for year or less.

The amount of “moms” on this post commenting snarky things and being sarcastic and rude about her question is pathetic. It doesn’t matter if she is a new mom or not. It also doesn’t matter what you think at the end of the day because she doesn’t have to do anything any of you tell her to do as far as her baby goes. She simply asked for advice and suggestions and some of you apparently think you run the show and you get to be rude about it. I’m sure a lot of you moms were confused about this too when you had your first child. Don’t be rude about it.


My youngest never slept in a cot. She just wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t have felt comfortable with her in her own bed then though.

I put my son in a single bed next to my bed and put a bed guard thing on the other side he didn’t have a pillow or a quilt he only had his baby sleeping bag that fastens to them! He use to wake at least twice through the night in his cot but slept all way through in bed :woman_shrugging: each to there own tho :blue_heart:

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No professional worth their weight in salt would/should suggest this at 3 months. The safest place is in a crib with a firm mattress, no bumper pads, and minimal bedding. That’s just the reality of what helps prevent SIDS. Personally, as a mother, I did was I felt was right but as social worker I would never recommend cosleeping or having a 3 month old in a regular bed.

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I mean, I know there are Montessori beds that are on the floor and they have infants in them all the way up past toddler. I dont know if that’s what you are talking about or not. Not for me, but in my opinion… just get a bassinet

Please look up Biologically Normal Infant & Toddler Sleep
Cosleeping is perfectly safe if done correctly.

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Sleep the baby next to you in a bassinet then husband can sleep with you in bed that’s what I’m doing right now and I have a two month old .