I am thinking of putting my infant into a single bed: Thoughts?

Look into Montessori style floor beds, it’s comfortable and safe as long as you follow safe sleep guidelines. You can use a firm crib mattress with tight-fitting sheets which will be just the same as what they would have in the crib. I know some parents choose to start those pretty young, but baby might be too young for it at 3 months, I’m not sure. Floor beds are a good option because when baby starts rolling they will not fall off from a higher height like if they fell off of a bed on a frame, it will be an even smaller distance if you use the crib mattress.Personally what worked best for me was sidecar-ing my daughters crib to our bed when she grew out of her cosleeper and I also bedshared when it was just her and I in bed starting around 2/3 months .The most important thing with sidecar-ing is making sure there are no gaps between the crib and bed and no pillows or blankets near the crib. My daughter transitioned to a floor bed just before a year old for naps and eventually night time until she was 2 1/2 when I put a frame under her mattress. Always follow safe-sleep guidelines with baby’s clothing and keep any of your pillows and blankets away from baby.

Imma be completely honest. My 8 month old has never once slept in our bed because I refused to co-sleep. But we got evacuated due to a fire 5 days ago. He’s confused, stressed, scared and will not sleep in his pack n play. I have had him in bed with me the last 4 nights and it has been the best sleep I have gotten in 8 months and the best nights of sleep he has ever gotten. I don’t want him in bed with me, but at this point, it’s what’s best for our family :woman_shrugging:t3: I don’t want to encourage co-sleeping cuz I know how dangerous it CAN be, but you gotta do what works for you and what you’re comfortable with.


Wow some nasty comments here! :scream::flushed:
My advice would be to sleep with her sheets/blankets with you for a night or 2, get your smell on them and then pop them onto her cot. You will probably find it’s the comfort of you and your smells rather than the bed. She will get used to the cot and sleeping on her own, may just take a little time. IMO she is to small for her own bed, she needs the safety of the cot being so little. Babies adapt easily, you just do what you need to comfort her in the translation.
Good luck muma :kissing_heart:

Merica is not worth it… Michael :sweat_smile:

Can you take the side of the cot off and pull that up against the bed? I had my boy in a cot from 5 days old, as he wouldnt sleep anywhere but on me, then he did 3 hour naps, then feed, right up until 8 weeks old when he started sleeping through the night, in his own room, and has ever since, he went into a king single not long after turning 1, you know your baby, you know what will work, and you will make sure your baby is as safe as they can be, despite all the comments having gos at you, head up.

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No judgement here. My daughter is the best baby but has been a terrible sleeper since day 1. She is 15 months old and still to this day gets up every 2 hours all night long. Sometimes she wants a bottle, sometimes she wants rocked, sometimes she wants me to lay with her. I started out like you are supposed to day 1 and had her in a bassinet in our room. When she outgrew the bassinet (probably 2 months since she was a big baby) I moved her to the pack n play. She hated the pack n play because it was so open. I got a SnuggleMe and this worked until about 4-5 months when she started rolling. She eventually started sleeping with me in bed because that was the only way we would both get any sleep at all. Around 8 months I put a twin size mattress with a guardrail on the floor in her room with only a sheet on it and she started sleeping there. Sometimes I sleep in there with her and others not. I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with it as long as the room is safe. Her room is totally safe and there is a baby gate on her door so that she cannot get out. I just recently ordered her a Montessori floor bed so that she actually has a frame.


Both of my kids slept through the night when they were 3mnths old an there was nothing wrong with them they were healthy… I slept my oldest in a pack an play until he was a 1yr old an then he went straight to a big boy bed not a crib… Same with my youngest.

Just NO! you never know what could happen. If anything bad happened you would hate yourself the rest of your life while being in prison… please be safe whatever you choose!

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Why not just put her in a crib?

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That’s silly, put her in a cot, that’s safer

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No! She is way too young to be in a regular bed alone!


He clearly Ok with the arrangement she a baby.

Just let your baby sleep with you till she is in a deep sleep then put her in her crib?

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A 3 month old might roll off unless you have some sort of barrier around it

Definitely not a good idea! Something bad could happen. She could roll off or suffocate. Put her in a crib.

My kids didnt like their crib/cot as the mattress was too hard. They preferred my bed. So what i did was get a single/double duvet and placed it on top of the crib/cot mattress and put their bedding on top so now they sleep in their crib/cot as its much comfier! And they have a pillow for extra comfort. Wouldn’t advise leaving your daughter to sleep on a single bed as she’ll be rolling soon and you just never know! X

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I know moms who only co-slept and I know some who never started co-sleeping.

I personally cuddled with my son til he fell asleep in my arms then moved him to a bassinet/pack n play beside my bed. Then I transitioned him to his crib!

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Baby really shouldn’t sleep in their parents bed. Many infants have died because the parents are so exhausted they smothered them. Also they are to little to sleep in a bed.


I’d stick to a cot. Wayyyy too early!

No absolutely not she could suffocate or fall off

3 months old :flushed: yeah you’ll regret that once she starts moving. Take one side of her cot off and push against your bed like a side cart that way she has the space of her own bed but can’t fall if she rolls

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All these ladies talking suffocation…they can do that in the bed with you, they can do that in a bassinet, they can do that pretty much in any situation…are there safer options, sure…they have many options/accessories to make stuff a bit safer. They make baskets that attach to the bed on the side. Take one end of the cot/crib off and push it up against your bed. There are many thinga out there you can do. You just have to find what works best for YOU! Just be safe about your choices.

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That’s just plain stupid

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Once they start sleeping in your bed it is a battle to get them to sleep in there own…a biig battle lol

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She needs to stay in her cot hun. She’s way too young

You need to set a consistent bedtime routine. I had the same problem with my son but now he sleeps in his cot for day naps and night sleep. If you inbox me I can help you with some suggestions

Yes too far ahead. She needs a crib to prevent her from rolling, falling or getting pinned somewhere or suffocated.


Um maybe try a crib or even a pack n play in your room. She’s wayyy to young for a bed. Especially when she starts rolling over, she can roll right off. My daughter is a year old in two days she’s been in a pack n play since birth.

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If you want your child right there with you I would look at a co sleeper, little less than a twin bed, a lot safer. My daughter is twenty two, she lived through co sleeping, people have been doing it for thousands of years.

She should be in her own crib…


Wait until she is at least six months. Goal #1 is to get past the riskiest time period for SIDS. Once she can sit up on her own it’s much safer. In the meantime, move her cot right next to your side of the bed. That way if she wakes up at night, she’ll see you right there. If you need to, have her fall asleep in your bed and then move her to her own.

I put my kids in their own room at 2/3 months in. crib and never co slept wasnt for me. if other moms choose that that’s their choice doesnt effect me so that’s fine. do what you feel is best for your child and family

You can buy bed rails which stop them rolling out. You just need to make sure it’s set up like a cot- no stuffed animals, no pillows etc.

Wth she should be in a crib

She’s only 3 months. I wouldn’t do it. She’s gonna be rolling soon.

Um, when she starts rolling you don’t want her on a bed by herself. Wtf


train the baby to sleep in her own bed (the longer u leave it the harder it usually is, she may cry a bit at first but stick to it.
ur partner shouldn’t be getting out of his own bed for the 3 month old to sleep in the bed.
A baby mattress is firm to avoid suffocation. Plus the baby will learn to roll, crawl and stand. It’s safer in a cot. A rail wouldn’t keep the baby safe as soon as she is moving the baby will probably just crawl right over the rail an hurt themselves. (U want ur baby in the cot until they know how to escape lol)

My 4 month old is in a Co sleeper bassinett (as he has been really congested but my oldest 2 daughters were straight in cots after a month being in a bassinett. , he lays near by bed so I can hear him breathe an I wake if I hear him having trouble breathing … He will be moved into his cot very soon as his starting to try to sit up. But it’s not even a metre away from my bed.

Have you heard of a crib?


My daughter slept in bed with me until she was 3. That was before someone explained safe infant sleep to me. My son was in a cosleeper beside my bed for the 1st 3 months (that’s when he reached the weight limit) then was moved to a crib in his own bed.
Babies should be placed in a crib, bassinet or pack n play, alone (no pillows, stuffed toys or blankets), on their backs.

with that being said you’ll do what works for your family.
I’d look into a sidecar type cosleeper instead of a single bed. :heart::heart::heart:

Why can’t she go into her room into her own crib?

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Keep her in the crib seriously


Its more what works for you and your family my kid sleep with me at the age but you don’t get much sleep worried if a pillow will fall by them or blankets or you rolling over on them. But I always like how she felt safe with her mommy or daddy even if I was sleeping with one eye open kinda. My 2nd was in the crib till he demanded the bed to snuggle hes 10 months today he sleeps in the crib wakes to feed or for a diaper needs that cuddle time before going back in the crib. We lowered or bed once again just incase he spends more then cuddle time in there. Beware besides all the safety concerns it takes awhile to get them in thier own bed and once they do you’ll wake up with them in your bed by morning lol :laughing: but they’re only young once enjoy every minute

To each his own keep safe

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Um no she needs to be in a CRIB.


Sorry that I’m going to be blunt now, but you need to make up your own mind. I had all three my kids sleep in my bed on my side until they were big enough to understand that they needed to go to their own bed. I won’t take any bullying and others always think they know better. Do what’s best for you. My friend did the whole crib/cot thing and unfortunately the baby died due to cot death and she followed all the “rules”.


My daughter who is 3 sleeps with me and has fallen out of bed several times. I think at 3 months it’s way too early since she hasn’t even started to crawl yet.


Way to
Early you wouldn’t forgive yourself anything happened

Maybe start with an actual crib or pack-n-play?


You need a bassinet. She does NOT need to sleep in your bed just in case something happens and doesn’t yet need a regular bed. Please don’t cosleep with her. I know individuals that did and it didn’t end well.


Shes 3 months old, she needs to be in a crib. She will get get hurt if she rolls off


Regalo Swing Down 54-Inch Extra Long Bed Rail Guard, with Reinforced Anchor Safety System Amazon.com : Regalo Swing Down 54-Inch Extra Long Bed Rail Guard, with Reinforced Anchor Safety System : Childrens Bed Safety Rails : Baby

Just make it safe with no blankets and pillows or stuffed animals.


Crib or bassinet. I used a bassinet until she was rolling over, I loved having her right next to me. We had a Halo and it was wonderful

Ugh no. That’s beyond unsafe.
She’s naps in your big bed and probably can’t roll over yet or move far.

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Bed share bassenett? I co slept with all 4 of mine from birth cuz I bf and still to this day on n off bed share with my 4yo

My son has never slept in a crip

Get a pack n play if you want her right next to you and she can sleep in that and be safe.


My daughter slept in a crib/toddler size bed from the day she was born.

A travel cot would be better x

Safe co-sleeping options are out there, pictured is just one option. There are lots of styles of bedside bassinets. :blush:


Um no that’s so unsafe?? Not trying to sound judgy but that baby needs to be in a bassinet or her own crib, maybe even a pack and play. She could roll off the bed. Sleeping in the bed with the baby can also be super unsafe. My oldest has been in her own bed (whether it’s a crib, bassinet or actual bed) since birth. She sleeps really well


My baby has been sleeping on her own since day one until she was 10 months old and than when I became a single mom she started sleeping with me I regret not sleeping with her since day one

My son slept in a co sleeper with us in bed … I’m a light sleeper so I would wake up easily … It’s always best to be safe than sorry …

Both my kids slept with me quit a bit but I mostly had them in a bassinet or their own little beds since they were born.

At the end of the day its your choice. People are going to have their own opinions and parenting skills. Do what works for you safely.

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Nothing wrong with co-sleeping with your children!!!


We co slept for 6 months with both of our kids and I even asked their dr if co sleeping was safe and he said of course it’s safe mother’s have been co sleeping since the beginning of time but if your ready to have your own space a co sleeping bassinet or a pack n play by your bed will work just fine … my 2 and 9 month old still get in our bed and we don’t care bc it’s a safe place for them

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Your child, your choice. I see no issue in it. Id personally be making sure that the new bed is a close to the ground as possible though (like matress on floor) in case of falls.
grabs popcorn so I can fully enjoy watching this can of worms spill go ahead, bitch away. Im game.


Umm… a play pen or a crib… something with sides.


Way to early at 3 months imo


Bad mom checking in here. :rofl:My child has slept in a toddler bed with rails since like 5 months. He slept 100% better and even started sleeping through the night. I just made Sure to not have a loose sheet or anything that could suffocate him & of course I got up through the night and checked on him. He HATED his pack and play every part of it even the fancy vibrating rocker with soothing sounds and hardly slept for more than 1 hour in it. He always ended up sleeping on my chest . :woman_shrugging: toddler bed was the best choice for us and hes still in it at almost 4 :ok_hand:


Wow mines 16months and I’m stil considering putting him into a bed his currently in cot were I feel his safe from falling out bed or wondering off from bedroom

I used a pack and play with the bassinet attachment. Our youngest loves her own bed and always has since she was a baby. I would lay in my bed and feed her and put her to sleep and then move her to her own bed which was placed next to mine. I coslept as well with all 3 of my kids when they were infants. Our youngest hates being hot so she never liked sleeping with us all night.

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My guess is she sleeps better in your bed because she smells you and finds it comforting. I don’t advise a grown bed as she’s going to be toddling around soon and can make the great escape and you might not know it.

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I used this as they can still see you and you can move it around easily x

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Way to early for a child to be going into a bed alone I think, i didn’t Co sleep myself but I no others who did and feel if you want to do that go ahead but not put baba in a bed on her own she’s to small

No, I wouldn’t. Very soon she’s gonna be rolling all over the place. Not unless you plan on putting rails or walls on all 4 sides of the bed. I’m not against co-sleeping I have 3 children and I’ve slept with all of them in my bed as newborns. But once they start really moving it’s a whole different ball game.

Definitely not a single bed.

We had to a few times when we traveled. Just no sheets or pillows and as low to the ground as possible. Sleep so that your facing the child and can see him or her at all times. We co slept till my daughter was 3. When she couldn’t move or anything we put her in a boppy pillow in between my husband and I with her facing us. I kept my hand on her leg all night so I would know if she moved. You do what’s best for you and your family as long as you keep the baby safe. It’s not like they are going figure out how to crawl in the middle of the night at that age

Your baby needs to be jn a bassinet or a crib at this young age. Do you want to roll on this baby and smother it to death??? You really need to do some research on this and use some common sense.


We coslept the first couple of months, but my daughter rolls around a LOT in her sleep so we weren’t getting any rest, when we moved her to her crib she kept getting her arms and legs stuck in the railing, so we moved her to a single mattress on the floor at about 4 months old. She’s 8 months old today and has been fine. It’s only a 6-inch firm foam mattress, so when she rolls out she hardly even notices.

Just make sure that the whole area is baby-safe. My girl is prone to waking up silently and exploring if I don’t notice she’s up.

Just buy a mattress topper pretty sure thats how your child bust their head open after rolling off.

I co slept with my daughter from birth to 2yrs, the times I didn’t, she was in a crib. I would suggest against a single bed on the floor for quite some time.

We had a crib with one side off raised to the hight of out bed and pushed up against our bed (bed anf crib connected with no bars between) i loved this set up. Baby was in arms reach and didnt invade parents space. We had that set up til about 6-7 months old then transition into all 4 sides on crib pushed away from our bed but still in same room. Now shes in a crib in her own room (1yr old)

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I had to put my daighter in a bed after her bassinet because she refused to sleep in the crib. It was low to the ground and had all the necessary rails


A baby should always sleep in a crib, bassinet, or Pack n Play without blankets, lovey’s, bumpers, etc. Anything else would be unsafe. There are parents out there that will give their anecdotal evidence saying that co-sleeping is fine and NBD but the fact of the matter is it’s been proven to be unsafe and thankfully these parents are really lucky that nothing ever happened.



5 of my kids were in toddler beds by 12 weeks old. I used double sided bed guards my kids are now 15 14 14 12 &10 did them no harm I didn’t use pillows or quilts just the baby sleeping bags

Please don’t put her in a single bed or in your bed …young infants have been accidentally smothered…what’s the rush ? She should be in a crib till at least 1 yr old…I am the mother of 4 …grandmother to 5 .


What, you off your rocker? Don’t you know anything? SMH


There is a bassinet that has a side that folds down so you can bump it next to your bed

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We took the front rail off of our crib and wedged it between the wall and our bed so we were kinda co-sleeping but not exactly.

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I would highly recommend joining the safe sleep group on Facebook.

My daughter was climbing out of her crib by 1 so she has been in a twin been since… Every child is different… Mothers saying others wise shouldnt give advice…


In a crib, will no blankets or pillows. Safe sleep practices are advised before leaving the hospital and at your first peds appointment.

I co-slept with all 4 of mine. They definitely sleep better on mom’s bed, but it’s more likely that it’s because your bed smells like you. I would suggest trying a bedside bassinet or cradle, but put something with your scent in there. Or try sleeping with the crib sheet in your bed for a night or two, before making up her bed. :woman_shrugging:

We side-car’d our crib to the bed by removing one of the sides & using a mattress connector so their wasn’t a gap for her to fall into. You can put bed rails on the twin bed or put the mattress on the floor to make sure it’s safer

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Oh I just love reading moms bashing other moms. Stop being a bunch of bitches to this poor woman. She asked for advice not to be put down and bashed. Shame on you mean mamas. Listen here no one mom knows best. We all have to make adjustments because all kids are different. You do what feels right for you and your baby! Much love mama!! You are doing a great job!


No it’s not safe gets cot

Why are we bashing her? Maybe shes a first time mom. Damn. Lift up each others crown, not rip them off and shatter it on the ground.

  1. You can co sleep. There are safe ways to do it, but at the same time it can be dangerous.
  2. A twin bed would be okay if you had the baby in a bassinet on the bed. Or something with railings.
  3. I would honestly just get the bassinet bed side beds. So the baby is right next to you but not in the bed.

Ladies be fucking nice. Geez.


Familybed for the win :grin:

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Get a crib or pack and play mattress and put it directly on the floor next to your mattress so if they roll it is less of a chance of hurting them when they hit the floor. But honestly you should have some kind of enclosure so they don’t fall out of bed.