I am unhappy in my relationship: What should I do?

Leave; I didn’t get past three 1st sentence. If you’re unhappy then LEAVE

Going to read comments later

Go out on dates. Make time for y’all selfs without kids. Leave cute romantic notes randomly. Ask each other random couple questions.

I know what will get his attention! Get your hair and nails done, wear a cute outfit, plan a girlfriends outing and have fun in that way, when you get home he’ll pay extra attention to you! :star_struck:


Thsts what happens unfortunately. Just my opinion

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My man gets like this when he’s depressed (has had depression since high school), maybe you should talk to him about how he is feeling and be genuine instead of talking to him about how you feel. It could make a difference.


Your happiness shouldn’t rely on him, or any other person.

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The fact that you said you are ny in love with him means it’s time to end things. He and you deserve yo ve with partners that are in love with each other. No therapy can make you fall in love with him

Go outside and watch his videos with him. While on your way take him his favorite drink


Sounds like he’s in his own comfort zone. Don’t think your child doesn’t notice. Make your life happy and your child’s

If you aren’t in love with him, then leave. But don’t make your happiness rely on other people. It’s not his job to entertain you and make you happy. You have to do that for yourself. And maybe he is dealing with some stuff himself. A lot of people disconnect when they are depressed and you say the last time y’all really talked about your relationship was 3 years ago. Have you actually tried talking to him?

It sounds like you need to start loving yourself! Get back into his world. Ask him about his day, show interest. Try making plans that you will enjoy whether as a family or just the two of you. Too often we place our happiness and wellbeing and love into the hands of others. Expectations lead to disappointment! I know it’s easier said than done but it sounds like your energy is focused on the lack which will only manifest more of that. Focus on the good, tell him you love him, give him a message, tell him how much you appreciate him and want to spend more time together. Have patience men are dumb sometimes lol… If that doesn’t work then focus on you and your child. Best of luck :pray::heart:


Talk to him and tell him if it doesn’t you have no choice but to leave for good.

i love when it’s girls that ask this type of stuff because they tend to not even attempt new things to help fix the problem before going and asking what should i do😂


It’s time for you to move on….you love each other but your not in love anymore….there’s a big difference.

If your not happy your kids will eventually feel it. You really need to consider moving on


Maybe something is bothering him. Men struggle too. Seek a relationship councilor. Reach out to him. Its not just about you

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It’s time for you to move on….you love each other but your not in love anymore….there’s a big difference.

Go back to counseling.


It takes two to tango so I would suggest marriage counseling


Have you ever told him How you feel?Looks like you want the easy way out.How Will he know if you dont Tell him

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Happiness is not a person place or thing and if you go searching for it anywhere other than where you are you will not find it. Untill you find happiness inside yourself no one and nothing will truly make you happy long term.

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Don’t leave try couple therapy find out the problem I going through the same thing. Im not married but me and my kids father live together trying sending him text messages and telling him how you appreciate him and love him start from there. I know I should like a big kid but sneak I love you letters in his pocket on random days. When kids are sleeping lay next to him and talk about anything Idc what it is re candle it sometimes it takes one person to make it work.

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Sounds like depression or he checked out of the marriage if he is showing no Emotions . Me and my ex of 7.5 years ended our relationship cause he basically just checked out of our relationship cause he has depression and showed no emotions and he also cheated on me and now regrets walking out on me and our son that we had together cause he thought the grass was greener and it wasn’t so now he is living his life with out me but takes our son on the weekends he told me he really messed up and that he has demons and needs to work on himself and that he doesn’t know if this could ever be fixed and honestly I don’t think it can I’m doing my best to try and move on and he is now living with his parents and we are in the process of a parenting plan and child support set up he isn’t happy about me going for child support

Sounds like he’s not inlove with you either. Just existing together.

Your unhappiness is your responsibility not his especially if he’s doing everything right so you say


Counseling first. Individual and couples. If there is no reason other than not feeling that spark, like cheating or abuse, sometimes it takes extra effort to keep or get back that love especially if you have kids and work and he works and all you do is wave hi in the morning and say good night at bedtime.


Counceling, The Love Dare, the 5 love languages, Fireproof

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Sit n talk abt it and depending on the response u will make your move from there

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Loving someone and being in love definitely are 2 different feelings. Sounds like you need to go again and reset and think if you wanna do it again ever or both walk away from marriage for good, but keeping your baby in mind, not letting them see the hurt in both their parents.

Every marriage has ups and downs, you married each other for better or worse. Maybe talk to him again and get back into counseling. Maybe you aren’t loving him the way he needs either. Sounds like something is bothering him as well, counseling would probably really help.


Sounds like my kind of man.


I had a similar situation with my husband. What we did was we went to therapy. An I’m doing so we realized we weren’t actually communicating with each other. We learned how to communicate with each other an how to express our feelings better.

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Separate again and get back together again:)

Discover each other’s love language! Not everyone expresses love or receives love in the same ways. Individual counseling and couples counseling. Time to be a couple away from being parents, even just once a month. Find a hobby… one y’all like to do separately and together.


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Me and my husband are distant alot but I couldn’t imagine him not being here marriage is loven that person through it all me and my husband 4 years being married is tomorrow hope things get better

The grass is not always greener on the other side. If you have a good man don’t chase him away. There are more bad ones than good ones. You can’t change how someone is and how they act. You knew this all along.


He’s also in an unhappy relationship. There’s 2 of you, not one.
You can’t make him love you the way you want. So what’s his story?? You need to talk to him about this.

Try counseling and if that doesn’t work then move on.

Is he on any medication?

Do you know EXACTLY what it is that you need to feel loved, if so you need to communicate that in it’s entirety, so he’ll understand your needs-then this way he’ll know if he’s up to that challenge or not. But in the case that he is not, doesn’t want to or doesn’t have it in him then maybe it’s time to move on. (My opinion, anyway) either way Good Luck to you & I hope you find what your looking for…

Be the way you want him to be


Sounds like you both have a bit of depression… work through it :heart:

Sounds like my house. We get home from work, he hangs out in the garage. I do all the cooking, cleaning, etc. He comes in when ever, eats & goes to bed. I am so done

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You need to work on lovin yourself. That’s why you’re unhappy. Its with yourself. Once you master this, youll figure out why you feel this way. If he is a good man, be grateful he is not toxic. Think of all the good things why you choose him. Write them down and be grateful for him. Look at that list everyday… Personal experience here: the dating pool sucks this day and age. Many people talkin to others… Even the married ones. Its vicious cycle out here. Single since 2011.

You communicate with him your feelings

l get paid over $153 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17948 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info. https://MaxCash20.pages.dev/

Go outside and sit with him and watch videos, maybe he truly enjoys that even if you don’t. Start with the little things and maybe if he sees you trying he might actually start trying. Then move up to bigger things like date nights. It’s give and take some days you give more and take less and vice versa. Good luck!!:four_leaf_clover:

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Learn each other’s love languages

Please listen to your heart :purple_heart: it takes two to tango . Why don’t you both look into a good Christian get away retreat this could help you both to learn to know & love one another like the very first time you both  fell in love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: try it it can’t hurt to salvage you’re marriage :heart:

Try to set up little getaways for you and him to see how that works

Very sad , I lost my husband this year 19 years we were together , Hewas a great man and he was in a wheelchair after 5 years , I loved him very much, and can not understand how when you love some one you stop especially after you say he is good but you dont feel loved. sounds like you have the emotional problem not him.’


what do you actually want from him? Tell him; Is he happy?

Communicate. Ask him if something is going on at work. Etc. There may be something going on you don’t know about. Do the love language test so you know what each others love language is. Buy two of these books and you each need to read it and do it.

You need to be happy with you. No one is responsible for anyones happiness. Marriage contract does not say he is responsible for yours or you his. What it does say is you and he made a commitment to each other to be there for the ups and downs. Maybe his way to show he loves you and cares is being a good provider and family man.

Maybe start going out and doing things for yourself

I feel like that sometimes but I tell him. You have to communicate otherwise you will be miserable

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If you’re not happy, then leave. Absolutely no point in stringing someone along. And maybe you need to change some things about yourself, not just him doing all the changing. Love takes a lot of work. I feel bad for him that you’re still hanging around knowing that you’re not in love with him any more.

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If you expect another person to make you happy you may be the problem. Imagine for a moment the burden of ensuring someone else’s happiness? Make yourself happy, and if cheating is the only way you can think of do that you need counselling. Get involved in your own life and find what makes you happy. Your new found happiness and independence will change your life.


Sounds like u both are unhappy! Can’t stay together just for the kids bc that HURTS them in the long run!

Talk to him and be very direct with where u r at

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If you talked about it before and he couldn’t keep you happy he’s not it

Sorry I don;t know you but do some retrospective evaluation of yourself. Do you need to change? What does he want from you? Can that work for you? Explore, assess. reevaluate .Hope it works out…

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Start dressing up and going out with out him all for yourself . All the self care and love is what you need and I guarantee he’s going to start realizing .


l get paid over $153 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17948 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info. https://MaxCash32.pages.dev/

All these people saying “you’re expecting him to make you happy” are completely wrong. If he spends his time away from his family and isn’t there… he is exactly that… A roommate. If there’s no quality time together or bonding time together what exactly is making either happy?

My husband is the same way. I have learned to live a life separate from him. We invite him along, chances are he will say no he has other things to do. I’m too busy with my kids to even bother with him at this point.

Today is our 8 year wedding anniversary… He hasn’t made mention of it. My kids made me cards. Because they know this is important to me.

What is important to one isn’t always important to another. But in a relationship your job is to 100% make sure your partner is happy not depressed and sad.


Sounds like my past marriage. Ended up divorced. And that isn’t too pleasant either. But rather be lonely alone than with someone and feel alone.

Counseling for both of you?

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So here’s the thing. I was with my hubby for 14years. I won’t lie and say I was miserable all the time because my husband was God sent. I was unhappy and chose to walk away. I was hurting my child by her watching two miserable people together. I felt it was better for her to see two happy people live separately than two miserable people live together. I left after 14 years and 2 months later he got covid and died… Do I wish I stayed hell yes…Do I wish I could’ve smiled more hell yes aslong as he was still alive today… sometimes two people need guidance. Don’t wait till it’s too late. Sometimes you need a break but trust me it’s all worth it. Absence does make the heart grow fonder


You need too spice your relationship up Start having date nights again and alone time We get comfortable sometimes and don’t realize how it affects the other


So if it worked 3 years ago then it sounds like you need to discuss it again. Sometimes you fall into old habits & have to be reminded.


So you write- My husband is an amazing man, father, friend, hard working, kind…
I’m sure there’s hundreds of woman that will trade places with you Lol


I’d think about going to couples therapy. He sounds like a good man, and they are hard to find especially with having children. Don’t give up on your marriage,When you got married it was for better or worse.


People just get really comfortable and forget … have you put in effort to change or maybe go sit with him ? … it takes 2


not healthy for either of you as of now, what do you see in the mirror?

TALK TO EACH OTHER. Figure out what’s going on. Try everything you can to save your marriage. If at the end of the day, nothing happens? Then you can leave, knowing you tried everything. Change takes time, so be patient. I wouldn’t give up just yet. Couples therapy? Personal therapist? Dates? Try them all. Good luck. :heart:


What do you actually do for him? It’s not just upto the guy to bring passion and excitement back into the marriage. Maybe it’s you that has to change. Stop waiting fir him get off your backside and start . You want things to change, we’ll change them.


I hear what you are saying. Apart from being a good person/parent he’s not being a very active partner. You need more than what he is offering. It starts with communication. Sometimes we fall into old habits and need to be reminded. Discuss it with him. Maybe therapy will help.


You discussed it three years ago… what about since then? Have you shown appreciation when he stepped up? Have you given positive reinforcement? Have you offered ideas in ways to spice it up? If not try doing those things before you throw in the towel! Men need things from us too!


You should at least know why you not in love with him anymore and take it from there.

The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence but trust me, it rarely is. I made this same decision and made a big mistake. And you can’t take it back again. But the choice is yours alone and you will have to live with it.


Having someone there who loves you, makes it easier.

He sounds like a really good guy and he’s just not enough for you. You need to re evaluate yourself or go to counseling but people need time to themselves. Have you even tried talking to him? My wife said it sounds like you’re the one with the problem .

Are you both up for couple’s counseling? If you did it the last time your marriage was in trouble, it is time again. You should consider long term follow up, too. Bad habits are so easy to fall back into. Best wishes to you.


I feel like your explaining my life it sucks


It isn’t your husband’s job to make you happy. Other people are not responsible for your emotions, feelings, attitudes or behaviors. Why don’t you ask your individual therapist about emotional independence and see if they can help you learn skills to be happy.


Amazing friend, isnt that what a husband is. Do you mean he isnt a good lover ?? What

Sounds like he feels the same. You’d probably be better off as friends.


Leave and quit depending on others for your happiness


You gotta talk to him about it and work on things together


Me ex husband and I went through the same thing a couple of years ago. We ended up separating and getting divorced and got back together a year later and we’ve been back together for almost a year and things have been amazing. I know it sounds retarded but he and I both felt like being married was to much pressure for us and like I said now we’re stronger than we were before we were even married. There were other things in play that tarnished us but we recognized the problems and fixed them together. Try going on dates and reigniting that spark. Even if it’s just a picnic in the park or recreating that first date for y’all. Go to counseling. Try everything before walking away. My cousin always told me if you can simply walk away with no emotion whatsoever then you know it’s done. I hope and pray you figure it out momma!!


You already know what to do as you done it before.


Sounds like you are the one that needs to work on yourself. Sounds like he’s just being him and you’re looking to him to fill a void you have that you need to address. Have you tried couples therapy or making hobbies with him. Not everything is HIS responsibility. You have to do your part and be happy with yourself- you have to love him for who he is. If you can’t do that then you need to walk and work on you.


You have to find your happiness,life is too short ! Good luck

Get counseling- life is not always peaches and cream .


Don’t stay together for the kids sake. Otherwise you will begin to resent each other and it will start spilling over and the kids will definitely be affected. If its going to end, end it on as good of a note as you can. Thats the kindest thing for everyone. I’ve been there.

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Start doing things that light ur fire … go have feun with friends … pamper urselfeet new people make your life exciting again


Have you discussed this with your family physician? He may be able to give you some counsil on this.

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