I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

My goodness. As a mom in the opposite. I say, love your dad!

Id give anything for my sons father to be a part of his life. God knows i have tried.

My son turned 8 today. . . Hes hardly ever even met his dad.

And here you are whinging about a shirt your child’s father sent HER HOME IN.



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Some of these post man :joy::joy::joy:

Overreacting and not worth the battle on that one.

OvErReAcTiNG. If only this was my biggest problem to deal with in a day! :woman_facepalming:t3:


If it said I love dad more or something… understandable but just “love my dad” that’s just petty and sounds like you have some issues within yourself that maybe you need to work on and consider. She’s 4, she loves her Dad. My child, even though I had a horrible split with her father still dresses her in “I love my dad” shirts and I didn’t think anything of it. Luckily him and I after many years get along great now. But I def wouldn’t be making an uproar and issue out of an innocent shirt.


It’s just a shirt :joy: OMG

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Dont worry about how much time he Does or doesn’t spend with her… Also its a top At the end of the Day she does love her dad as much as she loves you. I wouldn’t Over think it!

Just have her wear it when she goes there. He got her a shirt which is nice. I honestly wouldn’t overthink this or get upset by it.

Sounds like he’s being petty to get a reaction out of you. Don’t give it to him, just let it go its a shirt. Just don’t have her wear it when she’s with you and send it in her bag when she goes to him.

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You can’t be serious :joy:


Um…what?? I know you can’t be serious. He’s her dad, it’s a shirt…Smdh it’s not like she came home wearing a shirt that said I love my dad more than my mom. Just be glad he’s there.


Grow up my kids have shirts that say something about mom and other ones that say something about dad

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Seems like YOU might of been the problem if you think it’s ok for you to be upset over a freaking t-shirt GROW UP …AND KNOW… its NOT about your relationship or feelings…its about you both giving her a sane co parent foundation to grow up on…AND NEVER EVER TALK DOWN ABOUT THE OTHER PARENT…EVER…EVEN IF YOU HATE HIM OR HER !!!:heart::white_heart::blue_heart::us:


Yes you’re overreacting… you asked

I feel like it’s definitely one of those things where you should pick and choose your battles. You want co-parenting to be as smooth as possible. I know little things like that hurt but they really aren’t worth a fight and like you said she does love her dad so I would definitely just let this one go!!


Waaaaaaaaayyyy overreacting. It’s a shirt.

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Send her with the shirt next time if he sends her home with dome fifferent them tell him

The most important thing is that your child is being loved by both parents and you are offended by a shirt he provided her with…wow… Your feelings for him dont matter its your little girls feelings and she obviously loves her dad…Grow up and think about your child not own feelings


Whoa. You are SO overreacting!!!
You need therapy to deal with your insecurities!!!
If you don’t, your child is going to pay the price!
Get. A. Grip!!


Wow … Yes. Major overreaction.


It’d be no different than her wearing one that says mom on it. She’s 4 years old and doesn’t understand any of this and you want to make a big fuss out of nothing. Why? She’s half yours, half his. Therefore she loves you both. Making a big deal out of something so tiny will make her grow up to not want to be around you unfortunately.

You’re being petty it’s not like it said mom sucks


Smh :woman_facepalming: your being so petty & childish


Did I really just read this??


I didn’t even bother reading past the first petty sentence of this post. Grow up.


Good lord stop it!!! That kind of behavior your displaying will eventually turn her away from you. Let that petty stuff go.


Just wash it and send it back with her when she goes back. Like an adult. :person_facepalming::person_shrugging:


Too have such problems… (eye roll)
Children don’t understand the concept of “how” present their father is. Presence of any kind is all that matters to them. She loves her Dad. The end. Is he wearing a Father of the year shirt??? No.


Honestly it sounds like you’re being a little childish to me it’s just a shirt every parent has the right to put what they want on their child. Maybe you should get a little bit more sleep you’ll feel differently once you wake up


Did you get the answers you wanted/expected?! Maybe reevaluate YOURSELF :revolving_hearts: therapy is a great option. Jealousy is ugly. Daughters that love they’re father’s are BEAUTIFUL :heart: at least he’s trying :sparkling_heart::pleading_face: not a single like on this thread only laugh react emojis …hmmmm

It’s just a shirt get over it

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Over reacting. Put it on her when she visits daddy. Daddy wants to see you wear his special shirt


You are completely overreacting.

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Nothing wrong with her wearing that shirt!

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Your bitterness is showing very loudly :joy:
Get therapy because you desperately need it :woman_shrugging:t4:

:speaking_head::speaking_head:LET THAT HURT GO​:bangbang:

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Toughen up and learn to pick your battles.


Not a fan of my ex at all but I always buy daddy’s girl tops for her, just like I do for the momma’s girl tops.

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Pick and choose your battles! It’s a shirt, regardless of his presence or lack there of in her life. Bet she still loves her dad, regardless. :woman_shrugging:

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That’s legit insane… You sound like a crazy person


I’m sorry, but you’re definitely overreacting.


Shes allowed to love her dad no matter your feelings twards him


You are overthinking this way too much. Just don’t put it on her when she’s with you. Pick and chose your battles.


Girl shush up. Childish

Really??? Your way overreacting for saying and kind of selfish. That’s her father !!! At least he is trying to be in her life and don’t take that away from her !


Get over it already!


Seriously? You’re being childish. Get over yourself


This is pathetic. Whoever the hell approved this post, did it out of humor. I can’t believe I just read this. You’re so lame.


I’m just going to pm you mama. These “mother’s” on here are brutal. I am so sorry. Please don’t read their comments.


That’s petty, if you don’t want her to wear stuff like that don’t buy it but if her dad buys it and puts it on her what’s the big deal?


Sorry but its about your child, not you. Sounds pretty petty to me


Silly thing to complain about. She should love her dad and be encouraged to love her dad. No ifs and or buts :shushing_face:


Send her back next time with a shirt that says “I love my new daddy”

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Yeah, I wouldn’t make a big deal about it. He definitely wants a reaction out of you and probably bought it for her because of his guilt of not being more involved with her. It has nothing to do with you, it’s something that he’s struggling with inside of himself. Just think of it as a nice gesture.

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Don’t be so sensitive :upside_down_face:

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Sounds to me like u have so much hate toward him, i do not know what happened between you guys n it’s no one’s business but don’t let it get to you and just think about the good, it is only a shirt. Just be happy he’s trying.


Seriously?!? Sounds like you have issues


I’m sorry but that’s her dad! And ofcourse she loves her dad… I see nothing wrong with it … I’m so confused right now :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


What the heck did I just read. :grimacing::grimacing:


No wonder you guys aren’t together. That’s the most insane nit picky self absorbed thing I ever heard.


Maybe she wanted to wear it that day ? Just send it back … if he did it on purpose that’s fine he will send it again and she will outgrow it soon enough but we’re probably giving him more credit than he deserves if that’s the case lol

Is this real? This is why coparenting is harder these days. The shirt shouldn’t bother you, unless you are feeling insecure about your feelings and your parenting skills.


Seriously ? You’re WAY overreacting. I can see why he got off the crazy train. You’re the conductor :rofl:


Man you all are brutal! Glad I’ve never exposed my feelings to any of you

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Why be upset? You surely must have other things in life to get your pantaloons in a twist over. It’s a shirt. She loves her daddy. If you want to continue to be petty, go get an “I love Mom” shirt and send her in that. I’m usually the first person to defend someone on here who is getting a rash of crap on here but even I cannot defend this one. :person_facepalming::person_facepalming:

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Are you overreacting? Yes. Period.


Who cares! She’s allowed to love her dad! Don’t be petty


I feel like you are probably incredibly jealous, petty and probably a nightmare to co-parent with. You sound very immature if you’re upset because she has on an I love my dad shirt but coupled with the “it’s part of the reason we parted”


Um :confused: petty ! His having her ! Spending time with her and buying her things ! Be grateful! Some kids don’t get any of that from their dads !

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You are still suffering your own emotional trauma. You need to let that shit go girl. Your only going to make her feel resentment and any parent whom lets their own feelings and emotions get in the way of their parenting is wrong.

Do you not love your dad? That’s very petty! She loves her dad! If that’s how you feel then she shouldn’t wear a shirt that says she loves her mom since it’ll hurt his feelings correct? Wow!:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2:


You are overreacting. She’s a kid and he’s obviously an asshole. I wouldn’t say a word because it’ll upset your daughter and make him worse! Next time he picks her up, she’d have that shirt in and I’d be smiling from ear to ear!

You are overreacting. Regardless of your feelings, how great of a dad he is, etc. that little human loves BOTH parents.

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You are overreacting and very jealous. Be happy he is in her life. My daughter is only 9 and seen her dad only a cpl times due to him not wanting a relationship with her. I still buy her clothes that say I love my dad ect. You need to seek counceling!


To me it seems like you’re overreacting, I don’t mean anything mean by it, but seriously she’s 4 and you’re a adult who cares, it’s just a shirt. If he does it repeatedly yeah then he is trying to get a reaction out of you. Don’t give him the satisfaction. I’ve been there and to deal with a almost non existent father and how he thought he was the best, but to my kid he was.

You’re overreacting and super petty.


Get over it. There is nothing wrong with the shirt. She’s 4. Let her wear it.


It’s not about you. It is not a competition. Let him have his day. If it makes him and/or little one smile good for them. Same way you would not expect him to say anything if it was u


Overreacting. Wash the shirt and send it back. Its not like she has to wear it while she’s with you.


Can you imagine him getting upset over a shirt that said “love my mom”. I’m positive You’d be pretty upset he was so petty!


Do you love your mom and dad equally? Regardless on the one on one time you had with them both, together or not? Why shouldn’t she?


Your trippin. Do you love you parents? Are your parents perfect? Are you a prefect parent? What if people define you as not a good mom? I’m sure your kid loves you just like she loves her daddy.

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It’s a shirt. He’s her dad. Yes, you are overreacting.


Is this real? I’m sorry but it’s a shirt. Just take it off and send it back when she goes back with him. Why make it an issue when it’s not even an issue?


Seriously? :roll_eyes: He didn’t send her home in a shirt that said “my mom is a psycho” get over it.


Send her to her Daddy’s with the shirt on

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It’s a shirt. She doesn’t care. She loves her dad it doesn’t matter how much he’s around she’s 4 and she loves him.

It’s a shirt your unhappiness doesn’t need to be projected


People on here forget that there is that “one thing” that gets to them too which may seem stupid or small to others. We all have something. Stop being so mean.
Original poster: You answered your own issue really. He may or may not have meant it as a dig at you. He may have truly meant it as something sweet for his child. Regardless, in your home, if you don’t like it, save this special “Daddy” shirt for Daddy days.
And sadly, more things will come, but you will get through those too.


What you should be concentrating on is your daughter not the shirt she’s in … like you said she can’t read so she doesn’t know what’s going on.
And do not send her back to her fathers with a shirt that says I love my mommy.
Do you want to start a war over something that’s so insignificant that in the end will only hurt your daughter?
You’re asking for trouble when you play tit for tat your daughter will be the one suffering.

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Love covers a multitude of things. Period. A grandma probably got it for her or something tho.

Seriously…yes u are over reacting. What goes on between u n ex(her father) has nothing to do with what the father n his daughters do together. Allow her to see for herself as she gets older…she catch on. What the father does n how he shows his affection toward is child is between him n the child. As long as he isnt hurting her. Don’t be that parent who gets in the way n expose the kind of person he is.

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This isn’t a big deal. It’s just a tshirt. I’d let it go and move on.


Every child deserves to love both parents. Her love for her father is not about you. Let her wear the shirt when she wants to and don’t have designated clothes for her to wear from one house to another. They’re ALL HER clothes. It’s not about either of you


When I’m irritated with my exhusband I send my boys in I love mom shirts just because I can.


No matter how you feel about him or a shirt, she’s 4. She loves her dad. If you feel left out buy a shirt that says I love my mom.

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Bitter much? Get over yourself!


You can’t have it your way, and he can’t have it his. Divorce just like marriage is about compromise for the kids. The child is clearly very little if she can’t read yet. My parents divorced when I was 15 my parents made lots of sacrifices on there kids parts and when you split when your kid is still little, you have to do your part to have a civil relationship with your ex everytime your forced to see him/her even if you’d rather just kill him/her.

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This is the reason why a lot of people don’t post things because they are feeling something and want advice and you people come here and make them feel like shit for having feelings, regardless if they’re right or wrong. There’s no need to shame anyone, you could’ve just said yes I think you may be overreacting or no it’s okay you feel that way but no all of your comments have to be so lame and rude.

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Is this a serious question. Yes!!! You are an adult!!! Be the woman you want your daughter to aspire to be like. Don’t be bitter


Yes your over reacting