I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

So buy a shirt that says Love my Mama and just laugh and smile … Create that friendship with the Father of your child!!

Instead of fighting me and my kids dad dress the kids in those kinds of shirts when we are mad at each other. Just send them in mom shirts that’s what I do. It’s actually become fun trying to find shirts to top one another. And the kids have no clue hahah

Who cares? You need to move on and get over it. Its a very small thing.

She the type to keep her kid away from the other parent bc she got her feelings hurt.

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Lmao are you serious girl? Get over it, your over reacting. Maybe go see a a theapist and get your feelings in check. :joy::joy::joy:

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You sound selfish its a shirt and he is her parent to not just you. Get over it its a shirt.


Oh my. :woman_facepalming: Is this some sort of a joke?

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Yes, you’re overreacting. Move on.


Put on your big girl panties and stay in your own lane.

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I never comment but this is ridiculous!!

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Wow! This is a You problem more than what he did, which was nothing. You’re definitely overreacting.

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Sounds like he’s doing this to get a reaction out of you and it worked! However send the shirt back and then send her in a I love mom shirt

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Definitely petty. If you get upset about this imagine stuff in the future about your daughter :grimacing:


Do not be so sensitive , let her be ,respect it

Your so overreacting. Grow up lol


OMW!! Really??? Can someone be this petty???


This child is going to be thrown in the center of your petty drama if this is the kind of stuff that upsets you. I feel bad for her


This is just ridiculous why can’t she love her dad


Yes you’re overreacting! That’s still her father and nothing can change that! Not even you! Nobody’s perfect, she’s still just a child, be grown about this come on man. This kind of mindset isn’t going to get you nowhere. Be happy for your daughter!

This HAS to be a joke.

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You have to stop letting the things that he does bother you…. That’s why you left him. It’s a tshirt… and she does love her dad! She needs a happy momma not one that gets hung up on every little thing. It’s not good for her or you! Honestly, I would make sure it’s clean and she’s wearing it the next time she goes with her dad.:woman_shrugging:t2:


“he doesn’t care about my feelings” sounds more like you just try to make everything about you in this post.


Lol I’m not with either of my exes but I will still put I love my dad shirts on both of my boys even on days they are only with me. Kids love their dads too doesn’t mean anything against you.


I’m sure he didn’t have any cruel intentions, it’s just a shirt. If it bothers you, please don’t let your daughter know that. Encourage your daughter to know her Dad regardless of how you feel about the man. It will cause her to resent you in the long run by trying to drive a wedge into their relationship due the way you feel about it. Put your differences aside for your daughter. It’s okay for her to love him too!


It is not about you love.

Really??? Are we being punked with this question??? I actually buy my kids stuff like that. Me and dad haven’t been together 4 yrs but he’s still their dad n they deserve support from both parents


Oh I can’t pm you. Wellll hopefully this finds you in an ok state after all of this crap on here. It is bloody hard co parenting mama. I’m sure there was no harm in the situation and wasn’t intended to hurt you. I’m so sorry people are so rude and would rather rip you a new one instead of helping you work through your feelings. As a women and mother who SUPPORTS other mothers and women I am ashamed of these so called females on here posting. If I can help in any way even just an ear to listen message me mama <3

Soooo go get her a shirt that says I love my mom and send her back to him in it :laughing: who tf cares, it’s a shirt :upside_down_face:


Youre over reacting, and sound selfish. Send her back to him with a I love my mom shirt :woman_shrugging:
God, help your child because you’re petty

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Ffs grow up and get the f over it. I said what I said.


He probably did that bc he knew it was gonna ruin your day :joy:


It’s just a shirt
He is her dad……


Ummmm. Let’s all be honest here. I bet the dude didn’t even read or realize what the shit even said. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

Oh my. Smh More of the offended generation coming out :woman_facepalming:t3: ITS A FRIGGIN SHIRT!

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Are you actually serious?? Put aside ur unhealed issues…and think about your daughter. Co-parent and make a great life for her. I’m embarressed for you right now.

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Are you serious? Grow up.


I think your hurt feelings and jealousy may be coming into play
Co- parenting is tough enough. Choose Your Battles Wisely

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I’m sorry for all the rude comments but yes I think you might be over reacting just a tad. I have split up with my daughters father and although our co parenting has not been perfect the whole time I still bought and sent her in a short that says daddy’s little girl but I know they love each other! I support their love because the more love your daughter gets that’s not toxic the better her life will be! Now we have an amazing co parenting and best friend relationship and I couldn’t ask for a better man to have a child with!

This a a joke right?!


I’m sure you are over thinking this. How do you know that your daughter didnt just grab a shirt and put it on? My 5 yr old son dresses himself most days. I dont see why you are thinking so negatively over a shirt…

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Honestly you’re overreacting… & over a shirt? What the heck lmao. Honestly if I got mad over every little thing someone did for my kids like this… I would be miserable lol.

I don’t always get along with my MIL and she buys my kids shirts all the time that says “I love my grandma” or “my grandma loves me” or “grandmas baby” … And I don’t care lol im glad to know that nomatter what our relationship is , she loves my kids and they love her… Im not gonna end that over my own feelings at the time lol.

Same with my sisters they buys them shirts stating they love aunty or my aunty is the best or cool like my aunt… Whatever lol i love it… My babies know they have people out here that love them.

If you are that mad and bothered buy her a shirt that says I love mommy… Something lol.

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So you’re hurt over your daughters feelings? Be happy he sent her home in clean clothes.


You’re over reacting

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow: so buy one that says I love mom.

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Get over yourself!! :joy:


Really? You’re upset cause your daughter is wearing a t-shirt that says I love my dad, which she in fact loves her dad. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I’m sorry but are you the parent or the child? Cause you’re acting like a child. :woman_shrugging:


I would have probably been a lil hurt and held it in until I could figure it out in my head … when I was younger I may have asked right away but not in front of the kid…

Umm ya overreacting by a lot


Uhmmmm, whether or not she can read regardless of the man he is she will always love him. Sounds like you need to know your worth more as a Mother and not let these things get to you, your child can’t read so she’s young, don’t carry this attitude throughout her whole life or you’ll be the bad one.

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Obviously the shirt was a trigger for you and there is definitely some underlying issues with her dad and you that need to be sorted out still.
I wouldn’t let the shirt or it’s intent if there was one bother you. Let it go… if there is reconciliation between the two you and a discussion about your feelings can help than work on it but if there isn’t any reconciling the relationship than I would just be glad her dad is being part of her life and coparent the best you can.

Let it go, don’t make a big deal it will upset ur kids

It’s a shirt he spent his money on let her wear it she loves her dad even if you don’t like it just send the shirt back with him :person_shrugging: the weekends I have my step son I wash and send him back in the clothes he had on at pick up just because that’s the outfit his mom purchased with her money

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My ex does this all the time. They do it to get arise out of us, don’t let him know it upsets you.

You can’t be possessive over your child. It’s just as much his kid as it is yours and without him there would have never been a child. You may or may not be the better parent, but I suggest never denying love and care for your kid from their father so that they may grow to feel confident, secure, and loved by the both of you.


Yes you’re over reacting stop being ridiculous


You’re definitely being silly. You should encourage her to love him and he should encourage her to love you. Love your child more than you hate your ex.

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Don’t let your unsettled scores affect your daughter’s relationship with her father. You are overreacting.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Doesn’t mean she loves one more or one does more. At least he’s in her life and spends time with her. Lots don’t get either❤️


Its a shirt. Get over yourself.


I mean, youre entitled to your own feelings but maam, you are reaching and yes overreacting. Its a shirt. Shes 4! Send her over in a “i love mom” shirt next time it it makes you feel better :woman_shrugging:t3:


Sweetie please don’t get upset over small stuff especially if you know she loves her dad!

Im sorry doll thats really overreacting and honestly clues us in to some unfinished business with your ex. Heal girl, it aint hurting nobody but you.


So I mean this w no hard feeling but dads arnt really big about clothes … he prob didn’t even relieze she had that shit on. My kids dad just picks out a shirt and shorts w no knowledge of what’s even on it

Oh my god are you serious? It’s a T-SHIRT


Its her dad she loves him let her wear the shirt


It’s a shirt……….
It’s not like it says my daddy better than my mommy……………
Pettiness brings you no where mama.


Just by this post, I can see why y’all did not work out… my daughter’s sperm donor only seen her twice when she was 4 months old (she’s 5 now), one of those times he brought 2 shirts that said “I love daddy” and “daddy’s new boss” I still let her wear those shirts, and she didn’t really even know him. Lol it’s just a shirt. :roll_eyes: you seem too petty and selfish. Y’all aren’t together, he doesn’t care what you think about the shirt, and that’s because he’s a parent also, and his daughter should be able to wear clothes he buys her. Same with you.

If it makes you feel any better send her with one that says I love my mom, when she visits. It’s really not a big deal.

Is this post for real? :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: 100% ridiculous.


Calm down, ma’am. Lol

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Is this a joke… stop thinking negative ABOUT A SHIRT! Thats total over reaction. Both of you made that child. Be thankful she was in clean clothes, even clothes at all…

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Is this real? Like a legitimate question? I’m confused.


Yeah. You’re very immature.

Give him a different reaction… if he is looking for a reaction out of you don’t give one… don’t send it back that would be a reaction… act like it didn’t faze you… if that’s what he is doing… or maybe he feels left out…and u can be the bigger person and include him…after all do what is best and doesn’t affect your little one negatively

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That sounds like my mom and it’s utterly sad. You are worried about your own feelings and not your child when my parents separated my mom tried everything she could to keep my dad away and then always acting like he was in the wrong whenever he did anything for us. Regardless if her dad is so so involved or really really involved at least he is trying to try to make it work because you worrying about your own feelings will leave your child never being able to truly understand theirs here I am 26 yrs old and still unsure of how to explain my feelings etc…

the fact you posted this in 2 different mom groups is jussttttt :face_vomiting:


You need to get over your OWN ISSUES, and stop projecting them onto your daughter.

Number 1 rule with co parenting… you don’t let your past or current feelings about your ex dictate anything to do with the child…

Your litterly just started something over nothing because your feelings in the past were butthurt…

Move the fuck along.

Jesus. You’re a nut case


In my opinion, they sell children’s clothes with “I love….” All the time! Like damn bro it’s just a shirt. If you’re going to get offended over a shirt god knows what else you’ll be offended by. You sound like a Karen. & yes you’re totally overreacting.

Get out of your petty feelings n be glad she has a dad who loves her n sees her. This is ridiculous seriously

It’s a shirt. Calm your tits. Your personal feelings have absolutely nothing to do with his ability to love and help raise his daughter.


He knows it will get to you. Let it go. Send it with her clothes when he takes her next time. Don’t say a word.

I donate anything that says those words. That is just like false advertising to me :rofl::rofl: kids don’t know but adults know so…

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Seriously ?! Get a grip lol :joy: that’s ridiculous

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Lmao some girls are just ridiculously dumb fr . Wtf it’s a shirt . Ma’am you need to grow up .


Ooof. “My daughter loves her dad but it hurts my feelings”. Summed up for ya.


It’s justa shirt. Lol seriously overreacting

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I think you are way over reacting! My daughters dad is absolutely not dad of the year… not even close and had she come home with a shirt that said that I absolutely wouldn’t care, she’s a child who loves her daddy. Your feelings shouldn’t be considered here at all…
It’s not like she came home in a my daddy’s better then my mommy or my mommy sucks (I have seen these shirts) this I could see being upset about.


This isn’t real. Couldn’t be. Someone making crap up to see our responses.


The child doesn’t read so the shirt is not a good or bad thing to her. Put it in her clothes going over to visit and it may never make it back.

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:joy::joy::joy:lmao! Definitely over reacting :woman_facepalming:

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It sounds like you’re being very petty. You shouldn’t be upset that your daughter loves her dad. There’s no reason to be upset. If he’s helping take care of her then there’s NOTHING you can or need to do.

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Well that is nothing to be upset about she loves both of you you don’t need a shirt to say that you love somebody they see who is taking care of them doing stuff for them and that’s all that matters if you don’t like her to wear it accidentally stick it in somewhere she can’t find it then you won’t need to do anything when she goes back to her daddy’s make her wear that shirt when she goes and then maybe she won’t bring it back

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Is this even that serious? Did this really get posted?

Why are you “mothers” so pressed about things fathers do?! How does wearing a shirt bother you that freaking much?? Get over yourself. Focus on raising your child to be happy and healthy.


Buy a ‘I love mum’ t-shirt if it makes you feel better, but if he’s a generally crappy dad I do see why it would be a little bit annoying! However you must let your daughter know there’s any issue with it at all, in her little mind she will feel grateful for a new t shirt from him and spending time I can Imagine. Even if he’s a shitty person x

Its a fucking shirt. Get over yourself. At least her father buys her clothes.

You’re reaching friend

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The name calling on this post is uncalled for. People are writing in for opinions not insults!

I mean I’m a petty B… But really?! If my oldest sons dad had done that when he was 4, I would have just laughed and rolled my eyes. Wash it and have her wear it when she goes back to her dads for her weekend. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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They need an eye roll reaction