I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

So my 4-year-old daughter, who cannot read yet, came home from her dad’s with a shirt that read “Love my Dad.” Of course, this is an innocent thing, and she does indeed love her dad. I’m having some guilt about feeling upset by her wearing that shirt when I’m with her. If he was a better, more present dad, then I probably wouldn’t mind. He is also very bad at thinking about my feelings (a big reason why we parted in the first place.) Anyway, what I’m trying to get at is this: am I overreacting to this shirt? I will simply send her with this shirt next time he has her and not say anything, but the lack of thought on his part hurt me inside.


It’s just a shirt… Now if he sent her home with a shirt that had something vulgar then I get being upset.

To answer the question, yes. I do think you are overreacting. It could be that someone bought the shirt for her her out of love for the dad (i.e. family member). Try not to sweat the small stuff with him. You separated for a reason, so don’t feed into it.

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Not at all, I had this with my ex, he portrayed himself as daddy of the year when his family where visiting but polar opposite when they left. When we split up he would do the same put tshirts on her saying daddy’s girl etc and it would rile me up because I know the truth. It’s their way of getting a rise out of you. It’s taken me a while not to react to certain things he does and see it for what it is, pathetic attempts to get to me. Have you tried keeping a journal ? It has helped me get all my feelings out and process them . Sending hugs

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read


I personally don’t see any reason to be upset over this. It’s no different then if you were to buy a “I love mummy” t shirt…

However your feelings are valid


Hahahahahahahaha what the hell lololol.



Yes you are overreacting. Get over it. Jesus christ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Send her back in one that says " I love mom" :roll_eyes::woman_shrugging:t2:


when my daughters dad does that I just wash it and put it on her when she goes back to his house :woman_shrugging:


Let it go… pick ur battles


I wish this is the only thing I had to worry about. Please pick yoir battles a little more wisely.


Pretty petty. If she likes to wear it then what the hell does it matter.

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Bitter bitter bitter


Lol it’s just a shirt!:rofl:

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I don’t see the reason in it bothering u . Ur both her parents

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:woozy_face: Please pick and choose your battles wisely.


Yeah…you’re definitely overreacting.


Just wow​:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming: get over it…it’s just a shirt


Be thankful he loves her enough to buy her a shirt


Is this a real question like really :joy: you’re way over reacting who cares it’s his kid to​:joy:

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It’s a shirt. Grow up.


You’re overreacting this isn’t about you. It’s about him and his child. He doesn’t have to consider your feelings. The same way you don’t need to consider his. Why don’t YOU consider YOUR CHILDS feelings and just focus on that.


Are you serious? THIS is a big enough problem to post on the internet? Count your blessings.


You may not love her Dad but she does


Your being petty! Be thankful she has a dad in her life.


Sounds like he KNEW this would get to you lol

Keep or “lose” the shirt if it’s that big a of deal to you


Definitely over reacting!!!

You are absolutely over reacting! Why are you putting this negative energy out to your daughter about her dad?


What did I just read?:rofl:


Wow this is abit pathetic really


I would say, learn to pick your battles and what to exhume your energy on. This is definitely not the battle to fight….there is nothing wrong with it (in my opinion)


You are being petty and getting upset over something ridiculous

Your feelings are irrelevant. It’s all about the children and doing what’s best for them. Don’t worry about how much time be does or doesn’t spend with her, just do you. :pray:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:t3:


Yes definitely overreacting

Ion need to say what I was thinking, these ladies already said it :joy:


Just send it back to him that will dove that

Get over it. You are going to have to deal with the fact that, she infact, does have a Dad, and that she also loves him. Channel your hatred for him into something more productive.


I don’t see the big deal,wash the shirt and put it back in her backpack when she Dad again

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Buy her a shirt that says I love my mom. Boom problem solved

Oh Lordttttt :woman_facepalming:t5: if this is ur biggest issue count yourself lucky…


I mean it sounds like he’s at least involved if he gets visitation, that’s more than some of us can say about our baby daddies. Be thankful he loved her enough to get her this shirt and that your daughter loves her father enough to wear it.

Please grow up, for the sake of your daughter.


You have bitter baby momma syndrome!!


This has got to be a joke.


This is satire right?


I’m so confused….so your feelings are hurt bc your 4 year old loves her dad….which is what the shirt implies. This is ridiculous.


Really a shirt ?? Atleast he has clothes for her :roll_eyes: . She can’t even read and honestly my 8 yr old doesn’t even read her shirts MOST of the time before putting them on …stop your jealousy it’s going to do nothing but put a wedge between you and daughter/dad…


:unamused::unamused::unamused: gotta be kidding me

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This about her, not u…get over urself!.:roll_eyes:


Seriously…if it’s isseu for you send her back in a shirt that says I love mommmy.

Oh wow. . . . Really?


To me it shows he loves her and is proud they share a bond! You should be proud, not upset.


This is pathetic. If this is what you consider a problem, maybe you don’t need this group after all.


Sounds more like your jealous , it’s ridiculous for u to be upset about her shirt saying she loves her dad! I bet u put clothing on her that says she loves her mom, so why can’t he do the same???


I would let it go at least her dad is present and she sees him my kids don’t get that privilege bc he’s a self centered asshole!!!

The shirt and the words on it have nothing to do with you. It’s a father trying to express something towards his daughter. What’s wrong with that​:thinking::thinking:

Wow! Are you being serious?? He’s her dad and no doubt she loves him. She doesn’t have to wear it when she’s with you. Send her in it or with it when she goes with him. Doesn’t matter if you like him or not he is her dad


Pleeeeeease say you are joking?!?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Send her to dad’s in a love my mom shirt I don’t see the problem with the shirt

Your being a petty bitch. She has every right to love and have affection for her dad. Your not considering your child your being selfish it’s not about you

Really ,Choose your battles!

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This is a real question ? :joy::joy:
Send the shirt back. Burn it. Do whatever… Its a shirt

Honestly, i suggest therapy. It’s a shirt, he probably didn’t think twice when he threw it on her. I think you need to work on your emotions with a professional.


go ahead and get in the pond since u wanna act like a silly goose

That guilt you feel about being upset… That’s cuz you dead wrong

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You’re definitely overreacting. Your feelings towards her dad are irrelevant. You, yourself, said she loves her dad. So what’s the problem? She has a shirt that says “I love my Dad” but doesn’t have one that says “I love my Mom”? Be glad her dad is present at all. My son hasn’t seen his biological father in almost 9 years. :roll_eyes:


I sincerely hope you’re not the type of parent to send her in an ‘I love my mommy’ shirt without thinking of HIS feelings too then :upside_down_face::roll_eyes:
Also, that’s her daddy. She does not need to know the adult side of your separation right now, it doesn’t matter to her what matters to you, it only matter to her that her dad is there.

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You’re jealous over a shirt. Please seek help


I’m speechless :woman_facepalming:t4:


Honey it’s a shirt that shouldn’t upset you get her one that says I love my mom!!! Problem solved

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It’s a shirt. Pick your battles.

Wow girl! Let her wear it when she goes to see him. I don’t see a problem with this.

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This has to be a joke!


Send her back with a shirt that says I love my family! The greatest lessons are love :heart:


Lmao this is almost comical but then again it’s not because some mothers are really like this…

Tell me you’re childish and not yet all matured without telling me. :woozy_face:


I swear sometimes I feel like we are all being Punk’d with these questions. This is a joke, right!?

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Seriously grow the fuck up this is ridiculous

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Come on! ANYTHING to complain about! :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

Let it go. Make a shirt that says I love my mom

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This has to be the dumbesttttttt thing to be upset about :rofl:


Wait… Really? You’re serious? :rofl::rofl:

I mean he’s involved in her life , I’m sure she loves him so why worry about her wearing a shirt that says I love my dad

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:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: you should be happy that she loves her dad!!! Wow!!

Insecure? Or are you telling me she can’t express her love for dad in front of you :joy:


If she wants to wear it and likes it then what’s the big deal. Isn’t your daughters happiness the most important thing. After a divorce you have to learn to just grin and bear a lot of things. If you’re gonna get pissed off at something this petty you’re gonna have a long road ahead of you .

Don’t be bitter - be better!,
Next time she sees her Dad, send her round in a t shirt that says 'My Mum is more than reliable, Mum Rock’s! :grin:

Get over it. Dont let her or him know it upset you. Best for your daughter.

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You sound childish asf . :sob::joy:


Ummm what did I just read …its a shirt

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:joy: it’s a shirt. Like are you dumb?

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You’re upset because you’re daughter has a shirt that she was sent back to your house because it says “I love my dad”

I’ve sent my kids in shirts that say “cool like mom” there was no malice intended. It’s a freaking shirt.

You’re going to get upset about so many more important things. Please let this go.


I hope you’re kidding, how childish to be upset that he got her a shirt that is sold in every store around, same with I love my mommy shirts. You act as if they had a shirt made that says I love my dad not my mom…but that’s not what happened :woman_facepalming:t2:

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You made him her dad… lmao

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This is rediculas and honestly your bitterness will ruin any co-parenting relationship you have. Swallow your pride, you made the choice to have a child with him so now deal with that choice like an adult

That’s actually pretty toxic and petty behavior on your part keep the kids out of the drama as long as the child’s safe cared for and loved that’s all that matters let it go she’s allowed to love her dad just as much as she’s allowed to love her mom the kids come first THEIR feelings and safety are what matters period

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These post get more stupid every time I see one :roll_eyes::joy:


Maybe it hurts u cause u still love him.

Its just a shirt. And the mature thing would be to not let it bother you and send the shirt on the child or in the suitcase when they go with the father,absent father or not.