I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Grow up I mean really!!??

it is literally just a piece of cloth lol

If that bothers you you must be the problem how petty

Someone tell me this is a joke please

Why should he be concerned about your feelings? You’re not his responsibility. Get over yourself and heal. If it bothers you that much, just send the shirt back the next time she goes over.

He’s still her dad. You may not be happy with him but she doesn’t need to hear it. That would be putting her in the middle of adult issues. And it’s natural for her to miss him because he’s not around much.



Im here to say you’re overreacting hard.
Drop the drama. Its a shirt. Lol

There’s no problem with her wearing that shirt, period.

I send my son TO his dads in shirts like that. I don’t see the problem.

Girl, grow the hell up. Please.

Pick and choose your battles, sis. It’s a shirt. :slightly_smiling_face:

— edit, if she came home happy, healthy, & clean that’s all that matters.


Sorry ur being so pathetic. He put that on her cuz she does love her dad and she does love her mom. This is the most stupidest shit to fight over! He obviously got that shirt for to show that he loves her and she loves him. U are so stupid. U are bringing up things that shouldnt matter. I think u are pissed that he has moved on and trying to be there for his daughter but he also has someone else. Grow the fuck up and stop using ur kid as bait!

You desperately need to work your shit out before it gets any worse. This is a toxic environment for your daughter. You may think you’re hiding it, you are not.

Your feelings are not his responsibility. Hers are.

His feelings are not your responsibility. Hers are.

Well if he’s not a real dad take it off her and put on something else.
I’d be irritated too.

Totally overreacting! It’s about HER LOVING HER DAD ! Not about you ,if you want wear a shirt saying how much of a POS you think he is… Very childish and immature . Smh

It’s a shirt. Totally overreacting.

Wtf did I seriously just read!!!
Are you kidding!!?
This really has absolutely nothing to do with him and everything to do with you being a bitter, selfish, self loathing person!!

How dare you get butthurt over a shirt that states the truth!

Talk about petty. Grow up

If your serious my advice to you is learn to make your feelings that concern your child about your child and not you or her dad. She didn’t ask to be born and be in the middle of yalls selfish petty minds

Serious overreact.
Hes trying to connect with his daughter :roll_eyes:


Too many fathers are abandoning their kids today. I would be happy to let her wear it if it makes her happy and if all it takes is a shirt for him to stay present and interested in her life.

In the nicest way possible, I can see why he separated from you. You have major control issues if a T-Shirt bothers you. A piece of clothing. :flushed: You have a lot of growing up to do dear.

It’s a freaking shirt. Send her back in one that says I love my dog!

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Your overreacting just cause he isn’t not around as much as you like or feel he’s doing the best he can doesn’t me he doesn’t love his child or that you guys daughter you both created together doesn’t love him. At the end of the day that’s still her dad and he’s still around unlike most. Did you ever stop to think that maybe he’s doing the best he can that maybe he has feelings to. That maybe you should focus on the fact he bought her clothes cause some split parent just don’t care to do that.lastly did you think maybe he needed it as a reminder to himself that even though you have her most the time and he’s doing as much as he can that she loves him still and that made he feel better for how much he’s not around or doesn’t do in your eyes

So get her a shirt that says I love my mom…no worries…pick your battles

It’s just a shirt don’t worry. Your child loves you just as much so please don’t make her pick. Life is hard enough for them

you need to grow up, I can see why you are not together.

It could be hard to keep this to yourself, you will be the bigger person for it.

If a t shirt is the worst issue then consider yourself lucky and move on!

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My kids dad id a real shitty dad. They would be better off without him and when they were little he never bothered to come around so that was great. But when my son turned 18 they became best friends and he is a horrible influence. But when it comes to needing something its always me he comes to. It is what it is. Life is unfair and you just have to accept that you had sex with a horrible human being and the kids will love their dad. Cant make them feel any different way. Keep your feelings to yourself

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Hopefully the child does love her dad. I don’t understand why your pissed about that.

Just send her back with a tea shirt saying my mom will always be my number 1 :woman_shrugging::rofl:

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Its not a big deal…not worth the stress of addressing it. Let her wear it when she’s with him and let it go.

Wash it and send her back to him in it when he has time with her. Win win. He gets her in a shirt he gave her or she picked out, she can show everyone she loves her dad when she’s with him and you don’t have to see it. It might come back to you the following trip but hey. Dealing with ex’s is hard. Don’t beat yourself up about how you feel. Your human, you have emotions. Especially if it was a tough relationship and emotionally harmful to you. Let him play his games and don’t let it show it bothers you. Self manage to keep your mental health in a good place and give her the best life. Don’t get caught up in too many of these comments, you know your past relationship and there’s a reason you feel this way. Work hard to work through it for not only your daughter but yourself. People dont see the mental abuse a spouse can inflict there are no obvious bruises. Hang in there and concentrate on your happiness without him and your daughter’s well being. You’ve got this!