I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

I completely understand your feelings about this. 2 of my step children are 6 and 4 and when they spend time with their biological mother it ticks me off really bad when she sends them home in something new. Because she only sees them 3 or 4 times a year and that’s her choice but the kids hold onto this new object like it’s all they have of her and it makes me sick and I literally hate it. I wish she would just leave things she buys for them at her house. So I completely understand. It’s a normal feeling but even though we hate it, it’s not about us. It’s about the kids and we need to accept that they can wear stuff from other people best of luck to you

God it’s made up just ignore it blatantly a post to wind people up about

Wow yes sweetie you are very much overreacting to a very innocent t-shirt that her daddy bought for her - if she loves it that’s all that matters bc she does love her daddy and why it would hurt you is beyond my thoughts bc that shirt had no bearings toward you at all but it seems you are trying to make it about you and your feelings towards her dad - it’s over between you and him but it will never be over between him and her bc he is her dad and you are her mom - cherish it and accept it.


Grow up you should be worried about why your daughter can’t read I love my dad and she is four

There is nothing wrong with the shirt. Your feelings about him are not valid. You are going to end up pushing those feelings onto her, and she is going to resent you for it. Trust me. My parents split when I was young, and I lived with my dad and his family for it. The family talked shit about my mom that resulted in me having a terrible relationship with her. But my dad always stuck up for her and never said one bad thing about her to me or around me. I now have a good relationship with both.

Yes, you’re being ridiculous!

Is this a joke? You’re being absolutely ridiculous! Wow some people are so freaking petty and pathetic lol it’s a damn shirt and your kid should be learning to read lol :joy:

Quit being Petty. Your child has the right to love her father as much as she loves you.

The real question is did you guys tell her what the shirt said? And does she like the shirt? Your kids 4, let it go mom. There are bigger fish to fry.

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It’s a just a shirt, bro.

Uhh… anytime my kids dad tried to get clothing that said daddys princess or my dads baby or some crap i just didn’t put it on them… call me petty idc. Hes not present. He barely helps. He thinks that seeing them 1x a month and calling 1x a week or every 2 weeks is enough? Naww you dont get to have that blessing. My kids don’t know what it says And their dad knows too that I don’t put it on them. I told him why and he said its okay hes going to work harder on his parenting for his kids. Okay buddy you do that. In the meantime don’t bring your drama around my babies. The reason why I was petty because it starts with little things like that… he claims to be a great father when he knows he’s not. Its all for attention. My kids can love him all they want but there’s a boundary hes not aloud to cross and thats playing with my children’s emotions and promising things he knows he can’t keep. I know we’re not perfect but never play with a child’s emotions.

A child only knows they love both mommy and daddy. Don’t make your insecure feelings or battles between you and the father hers. Let her love and enjoy both of you for one day she will see for herself the truth behind both of you. Hope that truth will be that you both love her enough to keep problems between you where it belongs…between the two of you and not her.

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Stop whining and overreacting over a child’s shirt :joy::person_facepalming:

Yeah, you’re overreacting….if he’s there for her in ANYWAY then he’s better than most already. My sons dad abandoned him(he had custody)with his mom a little over two years ago. I moved to her house to take care of my son and he saw our son twice in the last two years….and then he died 17 days ago. If that man spends time with his daughter and doesn’t make your life a living hell for not being with him, then to be honest he’s a pretty good dad…let him buy her whatever shirts he wants….at least he bought her something

I think there needs to be some healing done here. Ask yourself why is it triggering you to have emotions towards it? Get to the bottom of the real issue, it’s not the shirt or the words. There is a deeper issue here.

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He probably didn’t think about. Change her shirt and send her back to her dad’s in that shirt. It’s not a big deal.

Find one that says I love my Mom

She’s allowed to live her dad and to wear a shirt expressing it. You are absolutely overreacting and making your personally feelings a priority over your daughters. If he is trash she will figure it out in her own time and come to her own conclusions.

I see nothing wrong she loves her dad even if he’s not around she can love him

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i think u are overreacting…but you have every right to feel how you do…i see her wearing it and being a loving child…

Send her back in that shirt he"ll Love it!

He got what he wanted you reacted .Tell him you love the shirt and you are so glad he loves his daughter. Turn it around.

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Get her one that says I love my mom and teach her how to read it to her dad.

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Are you overreacting how…? You didn’t tell us how you reacted :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:

Get over it , he is dad. You are probably one of those people who have to be in charge of every thing!!!

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She does love her daddy and her mommy so the shirt is starting fact. Let it go mom, you can get her one that’s says I love mom to go with it.


You are upset only because you also still live him but u can’t wear the shirt… :slightly_frowning_face:

Its a shirt, and a fact…don’t let your bitter feelings sideline her relationship with her dad. If you bitch, you’ll come off petty and bitter.

I understand you’re upset with him because of how he is or was. But about the shirt just don’t over think it too much. Your kid loves you both.

Yea u r overreacting. Seriously getting butt hurt over this is dumb

It’s childish. I understand you might feel some type of way, especially if he’s a half added dad, but it’s nothing to dwell on. She loves her dad with no conditions. It’s her decision

Pick your battles, he’s insensitive and if you let him get to you over something as small as this you will constantly be hurting or mad. The important things are how well she’s being taken care of when she’s with him. You can send her back for a visit in said shirt just to let him know he didn’t get under your skin. If he’s playing mind games, then acting like it’s not a big deal is the best solution.

Yes you are that s her dad…how much better of a mom are you. Moms stop putting down dads…look at hour self in the mirror also…

You are being petty. Seriously.


It has nothing to do with her or the shirt. It’s just a t-shirt. You however are hung up over the lack of love for yourself. She loves her dad. She loves you. No questioning it. Just a bit of woe is me about your choice of partner/ex yes? It’s ok, we have our moments. You will get thru it.

Your daughter should love her dad💯 you are definitely overreacting!!

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Well it was clearly well played on his part, maybe you should send her back in one that says I love my Mom, or Mommy’s girl! But honestly, it’s a good thing he loves your daughter, embrace it and try not to overthink it, it could be way worse!

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That’s the reason why you guys probably didn’t work out is cuz you’re crazy


Did I just read that correctly :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

This is beyond ridiculous! It’s a shirt! From her dad! Doesn’t matter how often he’s around her, leave it the hell alone and let her keep the shirt !


Why wouldn’t you want your child to love their Dad ??


Wow… What a meaningless thing to even stress about. Your daughter doesn’t know the details about his parentage and she doesn’t need to know. All she knows is she does love her dad. Geez… She’s probably gonna wanna live with him when she’s older just to get away from you.

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Overthinking (sorry):heart:

Really?? Whatever happened between you and him was just that, you and him!! Grow the f*** up! She is still his daughter and and she loves him!


Omg! Is this real or am I being punked? SMH… Can someone say PETTY!

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well, even you loved him once🤷🏽‍♀️

Grow up and act like an adult. It’s a shirt that her dad probably gave her it cause your feelings would be way to hurt to buy it for her. Her father isn’t afraid to says he loves his daughter and not you. Grow up

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I’m sorry but you are overreacting.

Easy. Send her with I love my Mom shirt next time.

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Get over it. This is not about you!

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Omg really
Imagine when she gets older and them doing things or some she gets/wears causes jealousy for you AND YOUR CHILD SEES IT OR PIVKS UP ON IT
I’d be ashamed if I was you tbh

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I sent my daughter to her dad’s wearing a I love my mum top not even thinking about it… it’s just a top right :woman_shrugging:… but he noticed and went and brought her a I love my dad top to send her home in. It’s a top!! :woman_facepalming:

Wow! All about you huh?

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It’s not like the t-shirts says ‘my dad hates my mum’… I’m sure she does love her dad, as she should.

I just wanna say I get it and even though you are being harshly judged here I get how irrational we can be as solo parents when we feel the other parent is not pulling their weight. I’ve had similar things in the past and talked myself through them and it’s ok to feel upset sometimes, even if everyone else doesn’t get it it doesn’t make your feeling invalid x

Gtf over yourself. Theres nothing wrong with that shirt. It’s a shirt. Its not like hes telling her to tell you that she loves him more than you. It’s just a shirt.


Definitely overreacting. It’s just a t-shirt. You said yourself she loves her dad so… seems alittle immature to want to fight over a t-shirt :woman_shrugging:


Definitely over reacting. It’s her dad. She loves him. She will decide her feelings about how active of a parent he is when she’s older. Don’t put your feelings in their relationship. Kids figure it out as they grow up.

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I WISH my dad would’ve been around to at least buy me a shirt that said I loved him.
Get it together. Stand up for her IF she is being mistreated, but do NOT let your hatred or immaturity block their relationship if he is good to her.

It says ‘I love my dad’ not ‘my dad is the best parent that ever lived’ one can be true without implying the other

Just let it go. Honestly not worth the battle. She came home and is fine, and we’ll. Just take the shirt off and put it away and when she goes back over there pull it out and put it back on. As long as your baby was taken care of that’s what matters

Not that its a good thing, but kids that age will love their parents even when the parents are shitty people. At least until they grow up, kids are innocent. There’s nothing wrong with the shirt. I’m sure she loves her Dad even if he’s a crap parent to her & she doesn’t realize it yet. Let her be little while she can. It doesn’t matter if he ‘thinks’ he is a good Dad when she wears it, or if other ppl see it & think he’s a good parent when he’s not. The only thing that matters is your kid. A shirt is probably the least of your worries if he’s not doing right by her. Only you know the details, & why he should’ve known that it would hurt you somehow.

Your daughter loves her Dad and her Dad gave her the shirt…your personal feelings about him are just that your personal feelings and have nothing to do with how much your daughter loves her Dad. That is their relationship and if you’re feeling like he loves her more then he ever did you …please seek therapy for that. Your daughter doesnt need your emotional baggage and you should work on that to make yourself happier and not feel jealous of your daughter.

I think you feel triggered not by the shirt but the fact that you feel he intentionally sent her home with it on as an attempt to bother you…clearly there was some trauma in the relationship for you to feel triggered and sounds to me like he knew it would bother you…don’t let him get to you. It is just a shirt and he’s just being petty don’t feed into what he wants, which is upsetting you. Co parenting isn’t easy. I feel for you. With time it will get easier.

My child’s father and I aren’t together and I buy shirts that say “I love my dad” and other dad expressions, and vise versa. I think you being upset could be coming from unresolved emotions, and not just the shirt.

I went to build a bear and got my kids teddys with a voice thing in them that says “mama loves you”. I’m petty as fuck. But it’s not healthy. It’s ok to be a little jealous over it. But don’t let it hurt their relationship

It’s just a shirt. However you guys were together doesn’t affect his relationship with his daughter. It’s possible he has a good reason to not be as present, but If he doesn’t then she will develop her own thoughts on it when she is older.

Um, yes over reacting. Extremely childish. I have a feeling that was a factor between you. It sounds more like insecurity that she likes her dad more than you and you’re the primary caregiver. Be happy that the relationship between them is still good. And she doesn’t have to wear it at home with you, but if she wants then let her. Because telling her no to stuff like that will turn to resentment in a few years

You’re over reacting, honestly you’re in your feelings. It’s a shirt when she’s with you she doesn’t need to wear it she can wear it with him. Don’t allow the issues you have with him to fall on your daughter, it may be the shirt now but if you keep it up it’ll be other things as well. She will resent you later for it.

She’s 4 and it’s just a shirt. Let your child love her dad and let him love his child. Even if you two don’t see eye to eye he’s still a dad. I don’t care to know y’all’s history however I do know what it’s like to not have my dad in my life right now. It’s painful. I’ve lost both my biological dad and adopted dad. What I would give to have them both in my life.

Let it go and let him be a dad to his child.

My son has mom shirts and wears them idc who he’s with and his dad is his dad. I hope your daughter doesn’t hear you say that and feel guilty about loving one of you . Leave the kids out of it and get out of your feelings and boss tf up

So he’s a crap dad and it’s just a shirt. That hurt goes deeper than a shirt I can tell. Try counseling it’s obvious it would help you grieve/get through those negative feelings. :heart:

Are you serious. Grow up.
You never had her wear a I love my mom or my mom is the best shirt. Appearently he’s in her life enough to be able to be alone with him. You wouldn’t of Been mad of it said mom. You have issues lady.

Get over it, you’re being childish. My dad was the light of my life. You should encourage their relationship instead of being petty.

Simply, your overreacting. It’s takes two to make a child. Kids are allowed to love their other parent.

Let her wear the shirt and keep quiet. At least she has a father who will buy her clothes and spends time with her. Some dads dont help with anything.

Lack of hurt. Is this about the relationship because I’m sure he had no intentions of getting YALLS daughter a shirt. I can’t believe the bitterness you carry

Sorry you’re projecting your own hurt into the simple message on your daughters shirt. Send her back to her dad wearing it and hopefully it doesn’t come back. It’s not about you, don’t make it.

You are definitely overreacting… I use to buy my son shirts, bibs and onesies that said I love my Daddy… I mean get him one that says I love my Mommy on it and send him in it to him

You will have him to deal with the rest of your life, you better pick and choose your battles more wisely. And fyi this shouldn’t even be a battle :roll_eyes:

This is truly why he prob left you :dizzy_face: childish behavior from an adult

:grimacing::roll_eyes:i bought my step daughter a shirt that says i love my dad and sent it home with her wearing it unless shes showing stuff your really going to get hurt…:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::smiling_face:

My son has a " I :heart: Ohio" should I be butt hurt he loves the state he lives in and has NEVER worn a shirt that says “I :heart: Mom” by choice? F’n Ohio over me …SMH

Is it just me or are these fan questions more and more ridiculous? Lmaooooo there are starving kids in Africa but you’re mad about a shirt! :joy::joy:

Don’t put her in it unless she’s visiting her dad

Get I love my mom shirt ?

Why are you getting you underwear in wad, it just a shirt. You need to be the bigger person and not make a big stink about it. You have to learn to pick your battles.

It’s a t-shirt… Would u be bothered if it said I love my mum?

Wash it and send it back with her in her suitcase.

764😂 reacts to this oughta be a sign that this is ridonkulous

I wouldn’t be upset as long as the kid and the shirt were clean!! LoL

I don’t see a problem with it to be honest. She loves her dad. This is your issue not hers

Remember you loved him once, so what if she loves him now⁉️

OMG!!! Grow the F up!!! Just because y’all are no longer in love doesn’t mean she doesn’t love her dad. Teach your daughter how to be the bigger person and NOT how to be a petty BI#CH

It’s her dad of course she’s going to love him, just like you love your dad . That doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you… it’s just a shirt ! & like you said, she can’t even read.:woman_facepalming::rofl::roll_eyes:

Omg :flushed: she’s a little
Girl and loves her dad. You aren’t wearing it. This is wild to me.

In a nice way… Girl you really have overreacted… you need to get some counseling hun.

Buy her a love my Mom shirt.

C’mon. It’s a shirt & she’s 4.

Yes you’re over reacting. Don’t make her feel bad for loving her dad