I am worried about my 6 year old being bullied: What can I do?

I’m a Mama Bear, Lord knows I’ve got the claws and I’ll use them when needed- but I’ll always defend my little one to the end, as you did bc you walked over to see if the situation was ok bc you CARE. We worry about our babies and when they’re hurt or not understanding “others” we hurt for them. We’re always in protection mode. You did the right thing by talking positively to her and redirecting the situation in the car and reassuring her she’s amazing no matter what :heart:

I think you did a good job mamma. You took her to do something special like ice cream and you told her how cool she was and how much she meant to you. I think you did okay, I would have done the same.

I think your daughter was fine she asked they answered. Was she crying or did you feel bad. Sometimes kids are left out it’s life.

I have a story. When I was little my grandparents took me to McDonald’s to eat and play on the plays ground. There was a bunch of little girls running around in ballerina outfits and I had one just not on that day lol I’ve been a socially awkward person my entire life , but that day I really wanted to play with the other little girls so I gathered the courage to ask to play. They told me I couldn’t because I didn’t have the costume like they did :joy:. Broke my little spirit ! Now when my kids tell me something similar, I just tell them not everyone wants to play and make new friends. Besides me and you boys are to cool for others anyway :sunglasses:. Its just kids being kids. Hurts your feelings, but the other children aren’t really doing anything wrong unless the truly are bullying.