Just be glad you have a mother in law that loves to see your page and comment. What is the big deal.
Do we have the same MIL?? I literally just turned to my husband the other day and said, “THIS is why I block your mother”
No, I’d block him too
I’m only laugh reacting because I know someone who does this same thing and it’s annoying. If someone else comments on the post or asks a question, she thinks she has to answer it.
No you’re not wrong in my opinion but I also think if you have children together with this man I would probably unblock her and make some restrictions I hate to say it every time you make a post I would make it however you want it public friends only but you can exclude people so they can’t see it and exclude her unless it’s on pictures of the kids or something like that.
This can’t be a real thing
You can limit who comments on your stuff.
My mother isn’t my friend on Facebook because she’s afraid of me embarrassing her on Facebook
I unfriended a niece because she was commenting so rudely to everything I posted…
I tried explaining this to a family member and they proceeded to just stop interacting with me at all lol. Good luck.
So immature of you! She wasn’t doing anything wrong, you just want to complain
Yea that’s a pretty shitty thing to do
I mean, there’s ways to go about it nicer
People get too butt hurt about Facebook. Do what you need to do for your own well being!!!
It’s your social media.
I would at least talk to her about it first. Blocking is a little extreme for replying to stuff you post. She’s on your friends list so obviously you make it her business plus everyone else’s. I think you are in the wrong. Just apologize to her and talk to her about it.
So what I did, what u can do lol is change ur privacy settings. Add her to ur fb again or unblock her. Then go to ur settings and privacy settings and instead of having Ur privacy as (for example) Friends only. Friends of friends only. Me only. Public, You can chose the option that says FRIENDS EXCEPT FOR…
Then click it and find her name!
That way she’s ur friend on fb and isn’t blocked. But she won’t see any of ur posts. Lol
Life is so short and to get mad over a person commenting on your page. WOW reallyh
Nope. Your page, your rules.
Why post things if you don’t want people commenting on them?
I would have said something to her first… but if it came to it then yes I’d have blocked her too ha
Nope girl I did this too
So many people on here basing this off their own lives lol. It’s your life, do what u gotta do to keep your own sanity.
That was totally ridiculous and over the top. She’s trying to show she’s interested in you and what you post so you block her? You have some growing up to do for sure, they have every right to be mad at you.
No ur right but you need to explain it to both of them
U shouldnt block …just hit delete message…u hurt to many feelings other wise
I blocked my mom’s husband for that reason.
Nope. Hold your ground. They will get over it
My mother in law be blocked too
But like, why is she on your page so much, that’s kinda creepy to me
Or you can literally talk to her and communicate to her that she’s being too much? Don’t be scared to say anything
I bet some people are reading this so upset wishing they still had a mom to blow them up…
you’re being dramatic. Who care if she’s commenting on all your things. If you don’t want the attention, stop posting shit.
My own mom did this and i blocked her too. She would go through all my old posts asking questions .
My mom passed away and my mother inlaw is great ! Life’s to short …at least you have family
Depends what the comments were
I was blocked by my daughter-inlaw and then my son asked me to unfriend and block him My life is doing much better minding my own business and theirs to
- It’s not that serious.
- Keep in mind the reason for such platforms is to SOCIALIZE.
- You can hide certain posts from certain people, if you choose.
- Maybe it’s a sign for everyone to take a break from social media
Nope, your page you can block who ever you like. Gives a s… What either of them think. Do you boo
Yes you’re wrong… one day, you’ll be flattered by the attention when the rest of the world ignores you for reacting in a hateful manner!
If that’s the only reason
You have blocked her
That’s pretty shallow of you
How would you feel If she blocked you from commenting on her posts
Especially If they are about family
If it’s with good intentions I don’t think it was called for in my opinion. My dad just got a Facebook and figured it out he literally likes and usually comments on everything I post. Not disrespectfully or anything just good intentions. They are older and don’t understand technology like we do
Was she disrespectful? If she wasnt then you are an ahole.
make another fb for her. post a few things it’ll keep her busy
It’s your social media. You can do what you please, she doesn’t even need to be on it if you don’t want her to be
Really? It might be annoying but mellow out. It’s not that big of a deal.
Was she being rude? If no then ya your am ahole. Don’t take for granted you have a mother in law who wants to be involved
Turn notifications off. I don’t have any notifications on from Facebook unless it’s security reasons. My own mom will do this exact thing. Blow up several post and pictures in a row, I’m like wow mom calm down.
And yet here i am on the phone with my mil 2-3 times a day . We talk at least 2 times a day and before she lays down she calls me. But ive also known her damn near all my life.
Your page your business.
Your posts your rules
You’ll regret it when they’re gone.
If that’s all you have to worry about with a MIL you have it made lol
If she wasn’t rude then just ignore it🤷🏻♀️
Maybe you should be grateful for a supportive involved interested mother in law.
Not sure why this is such a “bother” to you?
One day she will no longer walk this plain. She is the keeper of all things about your spouse, he will be heart broken and sad when she passes.
How would you feel if when your children get older and marry the love of their life and that person treats you poorly?
I say suck it up and grow the hell up. Your being petty and cruel.
Honestly depends what she is saying. If she is being hurtful and stuff talk to her but if she is just being nice yet annoying you that’s on you. Coming to social media to ask this or blocking her before talking to her is pretty childish
Depends what she was saying I suppose!
I mean I wish my mother was still alive to blow me up… didn’t have to fully block her there is a setting where you can make it where everyone else sees it but her…
Unless what she was commenting was rude I see no reason to block her
Nope. It is your social media. Your choice.
Stick your ground. Let them be butt hurt about your social media decisions
Just block her from certain ones and apologize lol
It depends on what she was saying.
Need more context.
Instead of blocking her you can restrict the audience so she doesnt see specific posts
I wouldn’t have blocked her maybe just turn off notifications for your post.
You do realize you can post and set it to “friends except” and just enter who you dont want to see your posts.
What? I love when people do this it just shows they care…different strokes, I guess
Mine blocked me before I could block her. But she started a fight with my friends over my kids pronouns.
I’d just send her pics of the kids and stuff through messenger and be on my way. Personally I used to get along with mine but she crossed a line too and hurt me and broke my trust so I will never let her get close to me again but she’s welcome to the children of course. I send pics and such. But my Facebook is my peace at times. She’s disrupts that. I snooze her. And she can’t see my posts. It’s a win for us a both.
I don’t know what your relationship is with her though…
As for your husband explain to him that you’re uncomfortable.
Sounds as though she was being a part of as much of your lives as she could be. Adulting is sometimes like that. She was just trying to be involved with whatever she could maybe… thats your husband’s mom. Period. How can you be so uncaring, at something so important to him? I dont get it i guess.
I would have just restricted her
First off when you put something on social media you mean for someone to look at it and comment on it it doesn’t make sense that you’re upset that she comment on your stuff on social media if you don’t want her to comment on your things they don’t post it doesn’t make any sense you made a childish move
I’m not even friends with my Mother in law on fb lol
You could have restricted her or snoozed her as well.
I’m not understanding why everyone gets upset about Social media. Does it really matter ?
Does she have any other friends . She might just wanna feel included.
I wish mine was still alive to comment and cheer us on. Unless she was being negative or hateful, you are wrong.
I wish my mother in law cared enough to blow up my Facebook. My mother in law is even to the point my husband cut her out in 2018 and we haven’t spoken to when since and both my parents are gone
What was she commenting? If it was kind, who cares?! Turn off notifications. On the other hand, if she was being nasty or derogatory in her comments, show your husband what she said & keep her blocked because of the negativity. Easy.
If she liked you before and accepted you as family, that won’t be a problem now
I don’t see it as obsessive because it took 2 weeks for her to notice she was blocked and call your husband.
I’m confused isnt that what social media is for
I mean yes that can be annoying but if it’s because she’s interested in her son’s life and your life and the lives of her grandkids if you have any, I think it’s nice and sweet and kind. My mother-in-law doesn’t give a crap about our kids. So I could always be worse.
Unless you’ve already admitted to it you could just try to explain to her that the notifications were as you say blowing up your phone and you didn’t mean to block her you just meant to turn off the alarm of when she commented. She’s older she probably doesn’t understand Facebook that well just play it off like you meant to just stop hearing the notifications not stop her from seeing anything and the only reason you did it is because it was constantly paying your phone and it was distracting. Then you need to refriend her or unblock her or whatever that sounds pretty heartless that would break my heart if my son’s daughter did that one day. Especially if you didn’t talk to her about it first and explain that the excess of notifications were an issue for you.
I’m so confused. (Unless she was being rude or nasty) Aren’t post made to be interacted with? lol. I think it was silly to block her for simply taking interest in your lives on a platform literally designed for just that. But to each their own.
Doesn’t help your relationship with your husband I’m sure…that’s his Mother, make sure you remember this when your children get older…you’re going to be a mother in law someday…selfish move on your part that’s going to cause alot of future problems.
It’s social media!!! Never post something if comments bother you. If he did your mother this way how would you feel. I for one would be pissed. It’s his mother, have some respect.
That’s what social media for you share your thoughts & pics for ppl to like and interact. Even if they like all of them that’s okay not hurting you. I mean if they were being disrespectful I would.
Unless she was disrespectful no need to block her or anyone.
She was being “obsessive”. That is way too much. I feel you did the right thing.
You wasn’t in the wrong
I can post 500 pictures of my babies and my Nana is going to heart and comment on all 500 of them.
She loves and adores my kids. She doesn’t get to see them in person everyday so fb is her way of seeing what they’re doing. I couldn’t imagine taking that away from her. She will even call me afterwards to tell me how much she loves them and how her and my PawPaw watched them videos c amount of times.
Turn your notifications off so it doesn’t bother you so bad
Turn notifications off
She’s probably bored and lonely and doesn’t have much to do, so she gets on here to be social. You could always restrict someone from seeing posts without blocking them.
My niece threatened to block me because I commented on a lot of her posts, I didn’t really but I guess it was just too many for her liking. But i thought they were cute & funny…anywho, sometimes younger ppl take social media differently. I don’t comment much anymore on her stuff and I’m just fine:rofl:
world’s still spinnin
Nooooopppppeeeee i would do the same!!!
Mother in laws are just talking out loud,and it slipped out on the post…she’s just checking on thee babies.
I comment on my daughter n laws post alot, I don’t think its creepy, i comment if its pics of my son ( ger husband) pics of my Grandchildren (her babies) her career (i want to let her know i am proud of her to) if she post something that is meant for someone in particular ( i find no reason to comment) I don’t stalk her Facebook post, but I would be hurt if she blocked me, because I love them enough to comment. I live alone and dont go alot, my children have their own lives and work, so i don’t get to see them except occasional sundays, maybe your mother n law comments because she loves her family and is proud of them( when you married her so , you became her family as well) one day you will be someones ml just the same as her( I hope your dnl , doesn’t treat you as you do yours) now if she was commenting mean, or stuff thats hurtful etc… by all means tell her you’re blocking her, why you’re blocking her and then block her!
Nope! I have several family members blocked including my MIL. All are toxic and are not deserving of being in my children’s lives let alone know what we are up too. You do you!
Social media is so toxic.
It’s your Facebook do whatever you want on it. People take social media way too seriously
If it were your mother I bet nothing would have been said. You don’t like her and that’s why it bothered you. I’ve been in the situation and I’ve told both my significant other and his mom to get over it and left it at that.