That’s petty and hurtful. And a good way to cause unnecessary drama in an important relationship in your life. Is she commenting rude, mean and hurtful things? If so, then ok. But I’m guessing no. She’s likely commenting on posts you make about your family, which is also her family.
Just show your husband the posts and instances that made you make the decision that you did so that he understands why you did what you did. If he sides with his mommy, then you might have a problem with the little mama’s boy.
Sounds like a you problem honestly. I’d be so happy if my mil loved me this much. Mine passed away but even when she was alive she hated everyone and would belittle us.
depends on how long you want to be married
No, you are not wrong.
Hell my daughter has her mother n law blocked and if he is your husband he should stand by what u think and do and if he doesn’t then block him too
Um… it’s your page and you can do what you want.
You could’ve just turned off your notifications for that particular person …
I would say if she’d not being mean/rude or being nosey to get dirt i dont see a problem really
You need to pick your battles when it comes to your in laws. So what if she commented a lot? She’s probably bored and lonely. Try a little kindness. Now if she was being ugly or starting trouble, that’s a different story.
No I blocked almost all of my immediate family and any mutual acquaintances that could be spies!!! I don’t need toxic energy! Been at peace ever since!!!
I mean, if she’s not toxic, and simply just enjoys what you post and wants to show you that she likes it by commenting, I don’t see the issue. . One day she will be gone and you’ll wish for those notifications to pop up again.
What goes around comes around. Some day when your kids get married and leave home and you feel lonely hopefully your daughter-in-law or son-n-law will welcome you into their life.
I blocked my husbands bio father because he would comment on everything and act like he was involved in real life
This is what old people do sometimes. Really not that big of a deal…
Why on earth would your MiL want to be on your social media?
Just don’t put up personal posts
Some mother in laws cross too many boundaries like mine did. I did the same thing. She would steal my pics of my son and post on her page like he was her son. But then again I expected it from someone who has her own mental issues and isn’t right in the head
I refuse to add my husband parents on social media and he doesn’t have mine or my siblings either. I just refuse to allow our families to interfere in our private family life …. And not a single person is upset or butthurt over it
Was she commenting negative stiff on your fb posts? You never went into if it was just commenting on your stuff or being negative. If she was just commenting then I think it’s sad to block her for being someone that comments or likes your stuff. If she was being negative or rude then you have every right to block her.
Your husband is supposed to have your back, but you also should be reasonable. I can’t imagine getting mad that someone comments on my stuff to much, if it’s blowing up your phone then that’s an indicator that YOU post to much. You seem very toxic, and your husband has every right to be upset with you for treating his mom that way. Maybe there’s more to the story, maybe you don’t like her… but I’m going based off what I just read.
What were the nature of the comments? I don’t understand your issue with them.
I’ve done this before. My mil is a bit narcissistic and was always commenting rude things tho or making unnecessary comments. I’ll deal with it on the rare occasions that I go with my partner to her house, but I don’t have to deal with it on my social media.
One day you will wish she would comment on your post!
You can make it where she can’t see anything you post but still be fb friends
They’ll get over it!
Yeah, you were kinda wrong IMO. I wish I had a mother in law but my husbands mom died when he was a kid.
You can limit what posts she sees without completely blocking her.
No. It’s your FB page. Did you ever bring this to her or your husband’s attention and ask her to refrain from posting comments or did you go straight to BLOCK mode? That’s something to think about.
Umm…. Well was she posted unfavorable things? Was there some kind of reason you particularly didn’t like the comments or something? OTHER than them coming in abundance?…
Honestly, if it’s just the simple fact that she’s commenting, and she wasn’t saying anything wrong, I’d say that’s pretty extra, and rude of you to block her…. Like… compromise…. That’s your husbands mother…. How offended would you be if it was your husband doing it to your mom/dad?… just kind of unnecessary. Other things could’ve been done, before and without blocking her that wouldn’t have hurt anyones feelings. Heck, you could’ve muted her notifications or something.
She had a empty nest that you were filling again… let her she want be around forever she’s harmless just lonely;)
Why block when you could
Just turn off the notifications for that person and not cause all the drama?
One of my two mother in laws, literally follows and blocks me repeatedly all the time. I just leave it be. She’s very childish and toxic, but I just ignore it and let her do her thing, out of respect for my husband. Plain and simple. Ain’t worth stirring up drama or hurting feelings.
Don’t block her there’s an option to share w everyone except certain people u can hide things that way too
Honestly I have some this to my guys family members because they’ll go on liking binges every week or so and add comments so I wake up to 635 notifications. I mean it’s your page - you don’t have to add them if you don’t want to.
So she can see your page just what u want her to see
If she was being negative then I can see it. If it was just her getting on your nerves bc she commented, that’s petty af. Some ppl don’t have good in laws and wish they had that.
I have a cousin like that , she literally comments in every thing I post, she has friended members of my family she has never met and now is doing it with my friends
My mom does that with so my posts and my friends, but I rather her see my stuff and comment. I feel like she’s not missing out when I’m not with her, the older you get the more you appreciate it.
Maybe she thought she was complimenting what you said or showed. I thought that was what comments were for so educate her if she isn’t supposed to comment and tell her why to not comment. Maybe she was not a computer she person and didn’t understand and if you explain she might apologize. Life is short. We should strive to get along. Sorry if I offend anyone but im old too.
I mean it’s your page
But you can turn off notifications
No, you wanted piece and quiet.
She’s your MIL, she doesn’t have to be your friend. Of course, it really makes things go a lot smoother at family gatherings if you get along.
She doesn’t have to know all your business … but if you’re putting your business on social media, you have bigger problems than just your MIL responding to all of your posts.
I actually prefer NOT to be friends with my grown children’s friends or significant others on FB. There are things I just don’t want to know … lol
Turn off the damn notifications, problem solved
Honestly, go you! If she’s being nasty and rude then you having boundaries is NOT the problem. Let them be mad. I’m sure it’s not the first time this issue has been mentioned. Life is a one time thing!
Really your going be petty about stupid Facebook comment someone who loves ya the question is why does it bother you he’ll other ppl comment. It’s going notify ya if you post your going get notifications really ppl I’m a nana myself and yes my kids and grandkids bitch at me to ,you ppl don’t seem to mind when your friends comment and if they don’t your mad so either way us nana’s lose sad life is short all we got is our kids and grandkids most of us sit alone most time some have Facebook and enjoy a post or a picture you guys will be old someday yourself or your relatives will pass then your going regret hurting ppl feelings just giving my advice save the peace don’t hurt someone over something so petty Facebook is not everything it’s almost like advertising you post we comment then you mad
Be grateful. That’s all I’mma say. It’s social media. If social media getting on your nerves then block social media not you MIL she will always be around not this internet
I mean if she’s done nothing wrong then yeah you’ve caused drama for yourself. She’s obviously just trying to be in your life🤦♀️
She is probably lonely and trying to feel more connected to you.
Your business is your business
If anything you can always block her on most of the post you dont have to completely blocked her lol thats wat i do with certain ppl
I mean… was she being disrespectful? Also you could just put her on the restricted list
Was she being rude or anything cause if not , I’d say for you to grow up !
Nope you did right. He shd be sticking up for you
If she was commenting things that are mean or negative then I can understand. But I don’t see a problem if she was just commenting things on them. Isn’t that why you post, for people to see and like and comment. If notifications on your phone bother you turn Facebook ones off.
She just loves you! Appreciate the love. This life is temporary and you never know what someone else is going thru! Sounds like she just loves you. I miss my Mom so much as she passed away in 2010 and I am so thankful for my MIL… be kind and patient and savor these years.
Just hide your posts from her every so often. Let her comment once a week.
Was she saying unkind things ? If she was being cruel, then your in the right . If she’s being nice . Then yeah, you were kinda rude to block her .
I wouldn’t block her. Maybe talk to her about it. You don’t block family unless they do something really bad
It could be worse really she’s obviously love your family and you be great full
At least your mil wanted something to do with you. My current mil and her family destroyed my marriage.
Dam could b worse…,get over it
If she wasn’t commenting mean or inappropriate things I do not understand the issue , when you post on your social media you are practically inviting everyone to comment, if that gets on your nerves then start posting less .
You can always post and just block the notifications
We’ve all been there I say I’ve done it tho before he can say anything. My partner takes my side over anything anyway so doesn’t even matter. My MIL is great. It’s other people:woman_facepalming:t4:
You are lucky she even bothered to reply. If her replies are negative responses I can understand you blocking her, but if it is the fact she shows an interest in what you are doing then you need to get of Social media, stop posting bits. You are over reacting and I understand your husband not being to happy either.
There REALLY needs to be a rolling eyes emoji for feed posts…
anywho… LOL, and yes, I AM laughing about his nonsense Hell, block him too. He wants to act like hes in 7th grade about it? He can join her.
Is this a serious question?
Why didn’t you just speak to your mil? A message, phone call, something? Yes in laws can be annoying, opinionated and all the other ugh feelings but she raised your husband. His values, self and morals she started. So in effect by alienating your mil you’re telling your husband his mother isn’t good enough. Bet ya didn’t think of it like that huh
I can understand if she was being negative or critical. If she was just being annoying I don’t think you should block her. You should tell her why you blocked her.
Personally, unless she’s saying something negative or mean, then yes I think you’re causing unnecessary drama. It sounds as though, just as with most mom’s, they’re excited to watch your lives. Did you turn off your notifications? Did you ask her to stop? Did you just decide one day you’re tired of her commenting and just cut her off? I mean it’s obviously your page so whatever do you, but pick your battles. Just out of curiosity if she never commented would that piss you off too? Sounds like you just don’t like her
Grow up I would do anything to talk to my mum
Depends on what she was commenting.
Wow, over notifications smdh ridiculous…
Unless what she said was inappropriate or demeaning then yes you were wrong
If she was being negative on them, then yeah. You could just use the edit privacy feature and exclude her in each post. Maybe occasionally post one that she can see. That was ypu don’t have to block her. Sounds like she didn’t mean any harm.
Is it over trying to get to know you and interject herself in your life, maybe?!… Are you willing to talk to her and explain??…
Maybe the problem is how much you post on Facebook.
Haha I’ve blocked my mil and sil I just don’t have time for it
If she wasn’t commenting anything negative, then you’re just being dramatic.
rude. let her love you. why is it a big deal?
You shouldn’t have done that if she was doing mean things I could understand that, she’s probably just wanted to show you support and how much she loves you, give her a break
If she’s blowing up your notifications by commenting on everything you post, then you need to get off Facebook and stop posting so much.
Or, turn off the notifications. But this is clearly a personal grudge.
I get that if she was rude , and intrusive !But it’s always better to try and work things out first !Hey my Mother in law once told me I had a big butt !Im a small person of 5 ft 1 weighed 110 lbs I’ve never had a big butt it was the style of the pants in the 80’s!I got so fed up I usually zipped my mouth with her rude snide comments BUT she deserved what I said.My mother in law was short like me but weighed 320 lbs!Ya !!So I said,” Ann my A - - could be 5 times bigger than it is right now and it wouldn’t equal one half of one of your A- - cheeks !She got so pissed off didn’t talk to me for 6 months !Pretty nice actually !She expected an apology NOPE…never did but she sure got respect for me really fast!Can u just talk to your mother in law so it doesn’t cause a big fight ?Your spouse should be sticking up for you NOT his mother !She sounds very nosey tell her to get a life !
I think it’s your own wall and you should do what you want to !
if she was just being nice and sending you some love then idk why you got all mad ab it. unless she was being rude in any way, then yeah you’re in the wrong lmao. if she’s blowing your notifs up turn your notifs off for a bit…?
yes you were wrong, you should have just told her about notifications and I’m sure she would have said ok but to block her is rude , some grandkids aren’t lucky to have grandparents that love them .
I have a daughter who unfriended me on Facebook again. For me it has nothing to do with my posts and hers. It goes deeper than that for her. It’s family business. That will probably never get resolved. She is not my only daughter. I am sorry about your mother in law. I wish mine was still alive. I hope things will get resolved for you two.
You know it’s easy to just hit the notification button and then just not look at the notification
Just get off Facebook for a while! Take a break, problem solved.
There are a couple ways you can deal with this. First, by targeting your posts to your friends and excluding those you don’t want to share with. Check your privacy settings before you post. Second, you can get an entirely different account, make it private, and only friend those you want to share with. On your original page, keep posting recipes, funny memes, cat pictures, pics of your kids (if you do that) and general interest stuff. Nothing personal. Just like that, you will have kept everyone happy.
You didn’t have to block her. You could’ve restricted her. She can still be on your friends list but have limited access. You should talk to your husband and tell him that it makes you feel uncomfortable when his mother is stalking you. Just be straightforward. Unless she was being incredibly rude and disrespectful then that would be different and that would warrant a block.
Unless you have someone who follows EVERYTHING you post and comments, you don’t realize how frustrating it can be.
Ummmm you can turn off notifications and even limit what someone sees on your page - just say you don’t like your mother-n-law and let your husband know as well #itssocialmedia
Yes. Grow up. You never said she was being negative or mean which I think you would have put that in there if that were tbe case. So yes that’s a bad on you for being a crappy person. Who cares. She likes you and her son and his family. Why would you block someone tbats on you’re team. That’s childish and absurd.
I spent the first few years of my marriage trying so hard to please my mother in law and wanted her to like me so bad. I knew it was important to my husband for us to be friends. IFor awhile at the peak of my groveling she acted like she but she was faking it. I finally realized there was no point. She just isn’t going to like me. Point being maybe cut her some slack she is probably just doing what she can to be part of yalls life, be thankful for a supportive mother in law. I wish so much I could be like that with mine.
Repeat after me ’ other people’s feelings are not my responsibility’
It literally matters 0 if you delete, block, unfollow ext ext ext ANYONE. Its your page. Facebook is not real life.
I blocked my In-laws because they only live 10 minutes away and never reach out to my kids anymore to see them. But they would steal my social media pictures to make it seem to their family as if they were very much still involved in kids lives. Also, Privacy is ok. Your inlaws don’t have to be up your business 24/7 and your husband shouldn’t have an issues. It’s his parents he can share content with them if he so strongly wants to
I blocked my In-laws because they only live 10 minutes away and never reach out to my kids anymore to see them. But they would steal my social media pictures to make it seem to their family as if they were very much still involved in kids lives. Also, Privacy is ok. Your inlaws don’t have to be up your business 24/7 and your husband shouldn’t have an issues. It’s his parents he can share content with them if he so strongly wants to
No you’re not. I’m NC with my parents. Maybe hide posts from her unless public or mention it. Or compromise
I blocked my In-laws because they only live 10 minutes away and never reach out to my kids anymore to see them. But they would steal my social media pictures to make it seem to their family as if they were very much still involved in kids lives. Also, Privacy is ok. Your inlaws don’t have to be up your business 24/7 and your husband shouldn’t have an issues. It’s his parents he can share content with them if he so strongly wants to
I blocked my In-laws because they only live 10 minutes away and never reach out to my kids anymore to see them. But they would steal my social media pictures to make it seem to their family as if they were very much still involved in kids lives. Also, Privacy is ok. Your inlaws don’t have to be up your business 24/7 and your husband shouldn’t have an issues. It’s his parents he can share content with them if he so strongly wants to
I want to block mine because she’s a b word. Lmao she hates me and hates the fact that she can’t control everything her son is doing. She goes through every bit of his mail she does everything to try and control him. Then she plays this pity card because he usually don’t respond because she is usually doing dumb crap. Like today read every bit of his mail then text him and says call me when you get a minute then he doesn’t call within 30 minutes because be was helping me do stuff and she said well nevermind I’ll be here when you need me I guess. It was only to say that she opened his mail and he has a gift card. So him and I talked and he wants me to send something to her saying he has some kind of sexually transmitted disease and we are just going to ignore all of her phone calls and wait for it to escalate because she can’t stop with his mail.