I blocked my mother in law on social media

I blocked my mother in law from commenting on any of my posts on facebook because she was literally commenting on every single thing that i posted…2 weeks later and she calls my husband and says she cannot see anything on my page and of crouse he came to me pissed asking what i did this time…but she was really getting on my nerves and now they are both mad at me…was i in the wrong when she was literally blowing up my notifications


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I blocked my mother in law on social media


The end :roll_eyes: Grow up!


You could’ve talked to her about it beforehand :woman_shrugging:t2: seems like you jumped the gun


Was she posting negative things? Or were you just annoyed because she was commenting??


I don’t think you should have blocked her. I can understand why both of them are mad.


I mean I get it’s annoying buuuut you could always just make some posts not seen by her. Or just ignore it. Like I personally refused to have the Facebook app on my phone so I didn’t get notifications. I will get to Facebook when I get to it :woman_shrugging:


More info was she disrespectful? Mean?You don’t liker or she doesn’t like you?

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I blocked my actual mother lmfao


You sound super fun. Who cares if she comments? As long as it’s appropriate and you also as an adult should of brought it up if it was inappropriate. If not then you are just being dramatic and caused issues that didn’t need to even be there.


Thank her for keeping your posts relevant to other people by commenting. That’s how social media works :roll_eyes:


Yep! Wrong! She wasn’t hurting anyone! I’m sure you’ve gotten on peoples nerves before too! I know I have :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t2:


Seriously? Of all the issues there could have been you had to go and start one. You could have just ignored her or silenced notifications. Geez I wish that was the only thing I had to worry about.


Were the comments negative? If no then you behaved like a child.


I’ve done the same thing to my own mom🤷🏽‍♀️


Silence your notifications?


That’s definitely not a reason to block someone unless they are a creep. That’s the entire point of making posts is for people to comment. I blocked mine because she’s a toxic drug addict that never sees my kids and kept sharing my pics as her own and gossiping, not because she just commented on my stuff

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You can change your settings,so that only certain people can see or can’t see what you post.


You can just hide her comments

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Nancy Smith I should block you because you comment on all my stuff :joy: jk lol

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You literally blocked her for caring. :neutral_face:


Is it me… am I the drama…

Vibes :rofl::upside_down_face:


Turn your notifications off! You are posting on a social networking platform with her as your friend. Unless she’s being mean or ugly why block her? Isn’t that why we have social media, to share stuff with our friends on the platform?

You could try setting boundaries, like an adult :woman_shrugging: you gotta chose what choices future you will regret

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That’s petty and so wrong


I mean you can set the privacy so people cant see certain posts?

Please she’s old and has nothing else to do I’m sure and is probably lonely …


Was She talking bad in the comments?


One day you’ll be thankful for her comments in your memories…believe me, I cherish my mother in laws sweet messages on mine, she passed away in Feb from liver cancer.


You should be thankful that she even likes you that much to do that . Some ppl get stuck with crappy in laws .


You could have simply turned off your notifications. Is it really that serious? You have taken this to a whole unnecessary level. :unamused: Much peace and love ☆


No you were not wrong god some people kids hey wipe it off tell ‘em get over it Jk :joy:

Bahahahaha haters gonna hate, I did the same thing girl :rofl::rofl: but I also started limiting who can see certain posts. I agree, it does get annoying! Unless you’ve been in this situation then you don’t have a clue!


I could only wish my in laws interacted with my posts and pics of my kids. I’d love that unless they were saying dumb stuff on my posts. I deleted my mom for saying dumb stuff.


Your could just restrict her :woman_shrugging:t2:

Wait… how does one block someone from commenting… :eyes:

Was she being negative in anyway to you or your posts because if not then there’s no reason to block her you can turn off your notifications if it bothers you that much


So you blocked her over notifications… How old are you?


There’s people who wish their MIL was still alive to blow up their notifications. Get a grip! :roll_eyes:


Yes. That is petty.:rofl:


It’s called turn off ur notifications not that hard


U could just snooze her

I’m 100 on your side

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I blocked mine because she’s a bitch :woman_shrugging:t2:

Just tell her u were annoyed and didn’t mean to take it out on her, I get it but it’s obvious she just wanted to b a part


Lol y’all are coming at her for being childish/immature… but her mother inlaw stalking her Facebook page and her husband getting upset over it for no reason, seems just as childish to me. Ya her MIL might’ve been harmless about it but for her to call and cause a problem FOR NO REASON… is uncalled for. Your MIL needs to mind her own and your husband needs to grow up a bit :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


Its ok if she comments on ur posts good things


There are things you could have done to stop so many notifications. One of them would be too talk to her, another would be too manage your notification settings…


Ummmm, yeah that was a bit much when you could have easily talked to her OR not post so much. If it wasn’t negative then I don’t see the issue. People post for reactions and she gave them​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: why post if you don’t want people interacting with you. I’d be upset since I hadn’t done anything wrong :woman_shrugging: maybe make two pages. One for family and one for friends and post family things on your family page or inspirational stuff once a day and the other page you have with friends and you can post whenever you want BUT that’s double notifications. Turn off notifications and just scroll past hers… easy :grin::grin:
But you owe your husband and his mom an apology and explanation. Be honest and kind. Just say you got overwhelmed with her interactions and tried limiting her actions to see if that helped… it obviously didn’t.


Sounds like she put her on that setting where you remain friends but you can only see public posts but not friend posts. I don’t think it’s the biggest deal in the world. It’s just social media. It’s not like they can’t call or email or see eachother. I don’t understand getting upset about being blocked honestly. I just don’t see I that seriously


You can stop specific people from commenting :exploding_head: how?

Block her and her dusty ass son !!

Girl I blocked my whole family… their ridiculous online
So stupid… they abandon all logic and act dumb plus their Facebook hoes ( post anything and everything) …its social media…
It’s not even real, I keep social media out of my relationships ( entertainment purposes only)
she’ll get over it

If she worried about not seeing photos of you guys just send her a photo every now and then to her phone she don’t need your social media for that shit… 

I mean what exactly was she commenting that triggered you so bad? :face_with_monocle:


It is your page, your business :woman_shrugging:


Heck naw. I blocked mines too :laughing:

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Unless she was leaving mean nasty comments, then you were definitely in the wrong…what’s so hard about scrolling on?


Dude pick your battles. Are you 17 or something? Not liking comments on something you put up for everyone to comment on is just stupid


I mean I have very limited family on mine but for a reason. So I can’t say you’re right or wrong and I’ve blocked people for less so eh. If you feel justified then that’s enough. You’re not obligated to anyone or to let anyone see your social media if you don’t want them to. I mostly find it off that your husband is mad about it.


I deleted mine too… my husband didn’t care at all…

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Why even have social media and make post if you don’t want comments. Thought that was the point.


Why would it be a bad thing for your MIL to love/comment/like every one of your posts? She loves you. Not everyone gets a loving MIL


I’ve done the same thing for the same reasons. Like/comment on every pic and even taking my pics. Aggravating sometimes. I get it.


You don’t have to allow her to see anything. She and your husband need to get over it.


I deleted mine too… my husband didn’t care at all…

I did the same thing with mine. I don’t think it’s wrong.

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I can totally understand that. Lol
But it probably did hurt her feelings.

I blocked my whole damn family and future in-laws cuz I’m tired of everyone’s shit. Life is so much more peaceful now :woman_shrugging:t3:

She’s not owed access to your social media and he needs to stay out of this.


It’s fb and no big deal you can remove anyone you want. Not being on fb doesn’t mean you blocked em in rl :joy:


No you were not wrong

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I deleted my husbands whole family and most of my own. My Mom comments weird stuff so she’s gone too :rofl:


Yes it’s wrong especially if she’s just commenting and she’s not being nasty or rude… Maybe she’s lonely :woman_shrugging:

Surely she has more to do than worry about being able to comment on your post. If not tell your husband to start posting so she can comment on his.

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Older women do that!! Be glad she is still alive to blow up your notifications… I can understand it’s annoying at times I have a beautiful bonus mom and mother in love who do the same. They will literally love 20+ pictures and comment on them instead of the whole album or post. That’s just how they are. My mom passed away and I’d do anything to have her blow up my notifications. I’m happy that my husband still has his mom and my kids have a grandma who care. I’d be pissed if I was your husband too.


I wanna block my mom for the same .

I HAD a mother in law like that. So glad I’m no longer a part of that! I get sick and tired of seeing her posts on my daughter’s page though. “Check your messages.” How about NO!

It’s your Facebook page. You are an adult. You can do whatever you want!


Just mute notifications.


Dick move… she wasn’t being rude or mean, she was trying to be involved.

I don’t blame you I refuse to be friends with any of my in laws on social media, too much drama!!


I mean I would have talked to her about it first :joy:
If you have access… Maybe got on her fb and “unfollowed” yourself :joy:


Damn… I’d be thankful. My mother in law doesn’t say two shits to me… you have social media for people to interact with you… if you don’t want social interaction get off of social media… I’d be super upset if I was the mom, (assuming she’s being kind on your posts) if I was just being friendly and in turn essentially was told I was annoying… ouch… if she’s being hateful on your stuff… then I would have atleast tried to have a convo with her first. Like we are grown ass adults here :rofl:

Maybe just block her from some posts not all

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I blocked my own mother because of FarmVille’s requests lol


If it was disrespectful or out of the way comments then no. If it was normal stuff then maybe u should of asked her nicely to ease up. Either way wahts done is done they’ll get over it but remember now they are against you teamed up. Beleive that. Facts


I blocked my mil a LONG tim ago. Nothing wrong with it.


Both my in laws are blocked. They play too much on social media and I’m not about it. But my hubs minds his own and doesn’t get mad about things like this. He was on my side and said it’s mine and it’s FB, no biggie.


Of he was pissed too then that means he picked up the same traits as the mother … (obsessive) she has no business on your profile and if she’s calling and asking about it that means she really is (stocking you) you deserve privacy and with him acting the same exact way … I’d get out now before it gets worse. Next they will be tracking your gas milage !!! Been there !


U can change ur privacy settings in ur post and she can’t see them but can still see ur page but not the pos/

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Just block her from seeing your post .

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Its your page. You have every legal right to block anyone, at anytime for any reasons.

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It’s your page! She needs a hobby that isn’t reading your fb


my grandson’s wife blocked me for comments that she didn’t agree with. If you don’t want comments you don’t agree with , than don’t post. She has a right to her opinion as well as you do. So I would just not post stuff or swallow it.


Lol omg my own mother does the same thing and she will “Heart” every single picture and she tags me in every thing lmao . I rarely post anything now and i turned off my notifications.

If you dont like people commenting on your stuff just dont post anything, simple as that.


Hell no i block my own kids cause they blow up my phone just to annoy me :man_shrugging:.

Lmao I blocked my own mother because her and I dont click and never will

Wow, I wish that was the only thing I had to stress about in life. It’s not too hard to turn off notifications in apps.


Did you tell your husband in a nice way that you didn’t like your Mother in law commenting all the time on your posts .