Isn’t the point of posting for people to like and comment on it? There’s more to this than social media
If she comments on every post and its flooding your notifications maybe your posting too much
Time to have a chat with your husband about boundaries and. You are his wife, and his mother is not in charge of you nor is he.
So it’s ok for ur girls to comment or hot guys or whoever jus not the mil. Plus u can post stuff without certain ppl seeing it.
It’s social media…. It isn’t that big a deal on either side
She’s taking an interest in y’all. Be honored, she cares enough to do it. Remember you’ll be the mother in law one day.
Here is your b*tch award.
You’re not wrong at all. It’s your social media. You block who you want. She has no valid right to be pissed about it.
The amount of entitled AH’s on this post who side with mil is pathetic
You can hide posts from her so she doesn’t have to see everything without blocking her
Wtf is wrong with you
If that is your worse problem with your mother in law you are lucky
Is it a hill you want to die on? Things I ask my kids/teens on a daily. It’s not about right or wrong. No one else can tell you that.
Tell your MIL and husband to go screw themselves. You don’t have to explain yourself for wanting peace of mind! Why isn’t your hubby defending you? Let him marry his mother!
Of course she would comment. It seems so hateful of you to block her. I feel bad for her.
Yeah thats kinda horrible.
I absolutely hate when people comment on everything I post but you can adjust post settings. You don’t have to block her
I think the whole thing sounds childish
I’ve been married 27 years and girl you just want trouble….
So…turn off notifications? I mean… welcome to the SOCIAL part of social media.
I wish my mil was still alive… bc i sure do miss her comments!!
But to each its own…
Be lucky that you have a inlaw that actually engages into your posts. Be glad!
Ok let’s cut to the chase …give us some examples of the stuff she said on her comments
You could communicate with him for your reasons , that might have prevented him being by mad
I try SOooo hard not to be that mother in law but I know sometimes I get on their nerves anyway. I think it’s inevitable. I don’t mean that in a bad way. I love all 3 of my daughter in laws. Mine was SOoo bad I think maybe sometimes I try too hard. Try to remember that your husband loves both of you and things like this put him in a very awkward position. Unless she comments something bad or embarrassing try to look over it. She’s trying to fit in with you.
If she’s a major nuisance, I would block her. I’ve had a lot more mental sanity after blocking some of my insane relatives
If her comments are toxic you did the right thing. Just because she’s his mom doesn’t mean you have to engage. Ppl are jumping to alot of conclusions on here saying your a horrible person lol. Block any toxic person family or not🤷♀️
Was she being rude?i think blocking someone is kinda a lot,unless she was being toxic to you!you can literally change your settings to when you post something certain people can’t see it.
Posts stuff to get attention, gets said attention and gets mad? Make it make sense
You post for people to interact with you. Then you get upset…Unless her posts were negative, you sound a big ungrateful you have a MIL that likes you.
Facebook is for friends, family is just trouble on it.
I like it when people comment on my posts. Maybe just turn off your notifications?
You can unfollow and not block
my bio dad did this…I did the exact same thing. Don’t feel bad.
He wasn’t saying anything bad but it was unnecessary comments.
Ex. I’d post something to do with my kids, he’d respond “cute” etc but if anyone else messaged or liked the post he’d comment saying “thanks”. Like it wasn’t even his post. I got annoyed.
You could of just unfollowed her, that’s just petty to me.
Why post something if you don’t want comments.
It’s your Facebook. You are allowed to choose who is and who is not on your friends list.
Was she commenting inappropriately or you just don’t like that she always commented? If you didn’t like her always saying something but she wasn’t being rude or something you should have had a conversation about it like a big girl and you are a jerk in the scenario. If she’s always negative or being rude or disrespectful then it’s deserved. You didn’t really give enough info. The way you wrote this makes it sound like you just don’t like the number of responses but why do you post for other people to see if you don’t want interaction? She may just want to show support and could be her way to show love to you.
If you don’t want ppl commenting don’t post yes your completely wrong
It’s your Facebook page……
Dang … that’s definitely rude imo
maybe you might want to be more careful of what you post so she doesnt make bad comments like that
Maybe she didn’t realize that it affected your notifications….I used to always comment on most pics …but a friend asked me not to do so especially late at night etc…because it would wake them up or disturb her hubby at work….I hadn’t even thought about that…it was just the time I was on , and wanted to say o like their pics!
We’re my feelings hurt? a maybe for a second,until, I put my self last and realized she also had a point…
So maybe explaining to the person commenting , that maybe if they would just comment on one or two ??
I miss seeing my father in law comment on posts he’s passed away and my mother in law doesn’t comment.
It’s your Facebook but you should have just silenced notifications or something not so extreme.
Again it’s your fb
IMO I think your wrong. Did you ask her not to comment so much
Lol… I can’t imagine getting mad at my MIL for commenting on things I post
Yes, I think you were in the wrong
I blocked my mother in law about 2 years ago. So did my husband as she is a naracist.
It’s your Facebook I don’t think you had to block her tho you could have just blocked her from seeing the post
Blocking was a bit extreme… I understand why believe me…unfollow for awhile… just means that you can not she her …
Unless being mean or rude blocking was pretty harsh. You’ll miss them when she is no longer able to make them.
Oh good grief Why even have a fb then? Dang y’all petty as
. So your MIL comments and it’s nothing negative, and that annoys you??? Be glad she doesn’t hate your freaking guts. I’d be mad too, shoot if I can’t comment on my DIL posts w/o it annoying her then hell don’t even talk to me in person either. If someone annoys you on fb then they must annoy you in person too. If that be case, then just go ahead and delete me and we’ll put an end to all of it!!! Even if my MIL did annoy me I’d still show respect for her because why??? She’s my MIL!!! Should’ve never married your hubby if you can’t stomach his mama!!! Sorry not sorry, you asked!!!
I Blocked my mother in law from my life!! Best thing I ever did
Yeah sorta In the wrong. Unless they were negative comments. But if they were just regular comments. I don’t see why you would. I love seeing my MIL comment on my post. But to each their own. Maybe silence her notifications. But don’t block her. I know how it feels. A few of my family members blocked me because of my post. When they could have just unfollowed my post.
Problem Problem something for me to stay out of
Could have asked her to stop. Less of a slap in the face and if she didn’t listen then I’m sure blocking her would make more sense
You are not in the wrong
You got mad because your MIL was commenting on your posts too much? Why not just talk to her about it?
you have every right to block anyone you please, Hubby questions you like a child, he’s a mama’s boy obviously. didn’t have e-mail when my MIL was around, I would have blocked her in a heart beat.
No wasn’t but if wasn’t or was it would still be let on like it your fault because you are the out cast …
I’d unblock her and say it was a mistake
Was it because you did not include her in something or just that she makes comments .
Don’t be so precious princess
Don’t sweat the small stuff!
Maybe she just needs a little bit more attention from you than you give and this is the only way she knows how to do it because she knows she has your attention know because she made you mad.
Show him the blow up on notifications and tell him you simply blocked her from seeing what you post but didn’t remove her as a friend. Fuck the drama. Be mad Mf ain’t no one got time for anyone to fuck up my peace. Either contribute to my peace or leave me the fuck alone. I have blocked family members for less.
Don’t post if you dont want comments
Heidi Otis sound familiar?
Use customised setting so she cannot see your posts or some of them.
Gee just shut notifications off and let the lady comment
It’s YOUR FB page. You can do whatever you want. Your hubby needs to get over it.
Yes. You are the drama
Blame it on FB and tell her you’ll fix it if you can it might take some time .
I would just talk to her about it. Some older people dont mean to be annoying or what ever. They are just burning time. Also u can turn off notifications just for her comments or what ever. U cant just be mad about it without talking about it an expect her not to be upset.
I unfriended my whole family over 10 yrs ago don’t miss them at all
she is probably just trying to show her love. My elderly parents do this, they feel more Involved that way
You have a right to block anyone ,your husband is just that not your dad . But unfollowing is okay as well…