You sound like the daughter in law from hell.
Social media is for our entertainment and enjoyment. If she was impeding on that for you then she doesn’t belong just that simple.
Nope I am not going to say you’re wrong at all. Sometimes we have to do things for us!
You can “restrict” her … she will only be able to see public posts … set all your posts to “friends only”. Its a great way to block someone without them knowing they’re really blocked lol
Boundaries. Your social media belongs to you and no one has the right to see or comment unless you want them there. The entitlement for others to assume they have the right to exist in your inner circle or in your face is weird. Maintain your own peace, no one is entitled to infringe on it
It’s your account. Do as you please
Probably should have had an adult conversation before totally blocking her. She probably didn’t realize it was annoying you. Yeah it’s irritating getting notifications every two seconds but it could have been handled differently. There also are ways to restrict what is seen by certain people on your timeline. Next time something comes up, instead of creating drama, try to solve it. Be an adult and communicate. If it’s hard to talk to MIL have husband do it. Sounds like you didn’t confide in him about her being annoying either.
You could have just remove the notification…if she wasn’t posting insulting stuff…
Lol stop being passive aggressive and instead be a grown adult and tell her to stop commenting so much bc the notifications bother you or whatever. It amazes me the amount of people that can’t simply be transparent with people.
The things people do it’s social media… SOCIAL… if you do that … I wonder what else YOUR HUSBANDS MOTHER has to feel like you don’t like her. You are way yyyy in the wrong. Her child might not wanna play with you anymore if you treat his mom like she’s a random person being creepy. ( the child thing was a joke … but it’s true)
First off what mil stalks your Facebook page? I don’t know if I’d of blocked her right away but I would of talked to her about it and if it continued if block her from seeing all your posts but still on Facebook
Idk. After what mine pulled (lots of drama, trying to keep my child from me during a family event when she was newborn, and many other incidents that were more serious), I blocked her. No, she didn’t want to get to know me, was constantly trying to push me out when my other half and I have been together longer than she’s been with his dad, and even his dad said block her because he’s about had it with her behaviors, drama, and chaos.
Nah. I blocked mine too. Mine is an AH!
You shouldn’t have, but you could turn this back around then just turn off notifications.
Just block her from certain posts but let her see some. I always knew what subjects to hide from my mom or else she would comment something embarrassing or again at my beliefs. So I would make funny stuff or pics of the family available to her but that’s all.
Just suspend for 30 days every now and again. Keep everyone happy
It’s insane to me how many is telling her to grow up but nobody is saying that the mom should grow up as well🤣 regardless if she’s blocked or not she shouldn’t be running to her grown ass son tattle telling on HIS wife. Social media should never be that serious.
At the end of the day it’s your FB so it’s your choice. I’m not going to have anyone that I don’t want on my fb. I’ve deleted blood “family” and I don’t know the situation but I know my husband and I both have his mother blocked not just on social media but in life too
I’m confused… what was she posting? Was it negative? Offensive? Insulting? Or was she just commenting random stuff like saying a picture is cute or she agreed with a meme posted? One justifies being blocked, the other really doesn’t. Either way, it sounds like an adult conversation would have gone a long way and avoided some much needed drama.
No you were not wrong
To keep the peace, if you wanted, you can just add her to some posts.
When you make a post, click on specific friends under your name, add her name, and she will see those posts. It will make your life easier. I have done this with a couple people and only show maybe 2-3 posts a week.
She took the time to comment you should appreciate that
Could it be that your mother in law is just lonely.
Lol, no you’re not wrong. I blocked my mother in law too💁♂️ it’s my page, I can do what I want. My husband would get severely cursed out if he came at me talking like that
if they were not nice comments but if they were nice then I think you were wrong, why post something if you don’t want people to comment? Like someone said, you can just change it so you don’t get notified if she comments.
Not wrong… you can just control who sees your posts for the future.
sounds like my mom and my aunts and cousins
My cousin is the worst though
Commenting and liking every single story and post
I mean
The phone must be attached to her fingers
Oh goodness. I have a couple relatives that do this. You could just change your settings and leave her out of some things. My problem is people using your posts and sending other conversations or irrelevant comments to the original post.
I mean you can turn notifications off
I don’t have anyone from my husband’s family on my social media, except 1 sister inlaw. People put WAY TO MUCH stock into social media!! Why do they care!! It’s SOCIAL MEDIA!!
Wait. I’m confused. Isn’t the whole point of social media and making posts to get likes and comments? Why post if you don’t want the response. No if she’s being mean or negative in the comments I get it. Other than that stop making posts if you don’t want comments.
That is YOUR option!
l get paid over $165 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18517 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
Hey I blocked mine because I would post stuff that she didn’t like and she would comment that’s not nice and she told my husband that he needed to have a talk with me about what I post on Facebook and I told him it’s my page if she doesn’t like it she can scroll on am I wrong no you have to do what’s best for you not what everyone else wants you to do
Hey I blocked mine because I would post stuff that she didn’t like and she would comment that’s not nice and she told my husband that he needed to have a talk with me about what I post on Facebook and I told him it’s my page if she doesn’t like it she can scroll on am I wrong no you have to do what’s best for you not what everyone else wants you to do
Keep her ass blocked it’s your life she’s nosy as hell and no that is not right she’s looking for things to disturb your relationship.
People take social media far too far and way more serious than it should be. Just the same, you marked your Mama-in-law as insignificant by “blocking” her. If you weren’t displaying your page for likes or what have you, what were you posting for? Friend your MIL if she’ll take ya back or just get off the media sites
I mean you could have turned off the notifications instead of blocking her.
You are not in the wrong at all! I have all my “family” and his blocked.
I blocked mine off my fb page
Should have just been honest with her lol
It’s your page. Mama in law doesn’t have to be on your page all the time. Of its something you want to show her just put it on her page.
And if my husband every came to me and didn’t defend me against his mother. I’d tell jis pansy ass to move back home with mama.
I did the same, difference is my husband doesn’t care
Instead of blocking her, you can always choose your audience…. The “friends except…” feature is a wonderful thing! Use that and it’ll be a win/win. You can choose what she sees, your hubby won’t be pissed at you and your MIL won’t have hurt feelings! From a fellow wife who has both MIL’s blocked. This feature didn’t exist back then. I am a firm believer that my fb page is for ME and it shouldn’t be causing issues within my family.
I blocked mine and my cousin called cas on me
Then why did you post on social media isnt the the point for.peopme tp see.and comment
Lol the fact that you are mad about that is proof you need to get off social media. Put the phone down and live life. Why do people post EVERYTHING!??
No…you aren’t wrong…
Was she saying mean things?
Your husband sound like a mamas boy! But in al reality you can just turn off your comments. Or even have a conversation with her that she’s commenting to much per what you think is to much.
Is she commenting bad things? Maybe she’s just trying to stay involved. Or maybe she don’t realize that your phone goes off everytime she comments.
No. Everyone needs their privacy and that’s no real reason to be mad.
If she was being mean then I think that would be fine but it doesn’t sound like she was so I think it was kind of a petty thing for you to do. That’s what Facebook is for.
Not wrong. It’s your page. She shouldn’t have been commenting on some stuff I’m sure. Besides who all wants their in laws to know everything.
So you post but don’t want people to comment? Do you know how social media works or ?
It didn’t say she was being mean , you can stop notifications on posts. I think you were embarrassed of her, YTA
My guess Mother in Law wanted to be a part of your life… and you shut that down. Silently blocking her is rude.
I’d be mad too.
I’m fairness you should have expresssed to her that you didn’t like that she was commenting on everything. Blocking family should be as a result of something a little serious than showing someone attention. Especially if it is positive comments and you never asked her not to. You need to learn some communication skills.
My dad used to be like this. It’s just their way of staying involved and interacting. A lot of the older people see FB sort of like a conversation and they comment on what’s “said”/shared in your page to show that they’re following.
Now if it was something BAD or RUDE that she was repeatedly commenting, then it’s understandable to block her. But just for commenting a lot? That’s a bit of an overreaction IMO.
Not wrong at all lol
Shit o have my own mother blocked do whatever is good for your mental health. People are toxic and the energy they give
Knowing it would cause problems, I think I would just let it go.
If she wasn’t being rude I think blocking her was a little extreme. I understand them being upset because I’m sure that now they feel like you have an issue with her. It sounds to me like you dont really like her. There’s an option to take a break from interacting with people on fb for a period of time rather than just blocking her completely
They’re pissed over you blocking her on social media? People take this blue app too seriously. She better be glad you haven’t blocked her annoying ass from your real life yet. Your husband seems like he’s a momma’s boy and that’ll never change. Either suck it up or runaway.
I have my mother in law blocked also. She also ran and tattled to her son and he also was like wtf. My response was I AM NOT OBLIGATED TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR MOTHER ON FACEBOOK WE AREN’T FRIENDS IN REAL LIFE SHES JUST YOUR MOTHER! He gave me a look of omg. But not another word spoke of it!!!
One day when she’s gone, you will wish you acted differently. It’s something that she reads what you wright and either agree or disagree, she’s communicating w ya. One day she won’t be able to. Maybe think of it that way. W compassion instead of pissed over the small stuff
No. Show him what she was doing and why you blocked her.
Nope! I did the same thing, and she ended up deleting me.
Was it posts of the grandkids? I’m not understanding why notifications are offensive. Could there be more that’s driving you to block her? She’s prob really lonely and a real pita I’m sure!
Blocking her or not is totally up to you and you have every right however, Your reason for blocking her is what is wrong… that’s literally what social media is for… I have mine blocked because she runs to his HC baby mama an shows her everything I post and they both stalk me and harass me. THATS a good reason to block…not just for commenting on your shit that you post…
As long as it was nothing bad, I don’t see why you blocked her, now if she was putting you down on FB all the time, then that is another story
Yes you were wrong if the posts were not rude or mean and you did not talk to her first.
The hole point of posting on Facebook is to share things with friends and family and to give them a way to like/live/dislike/etc and comment.
Just turn the notifications off if they bother you. You are obviously wanting the attention if you are posting so much that her comments are blowing your phone up.
Why would you act like that with family? I love my mother-in-law’s comments on my photos, it shows me that she cares about me and mine and her sons and grandkids lives.
Do what you want, it’s your post after all.
Well was she being rude or passive aggressive in any way?? If not then I think deleting her or whatever you did is a bit much. At least she likes you and comments on your things. Lol
You weren’t wrong! I got two restraining orders on my mother in law after she tried to take me to court for “grandparent rights” to my kids…… by the way…. She lost immensely. It’s going on 3 years and it’s the best decision I ever made. I shared my kids with her but I wasn’t going to GIVE them to her and that was her issue with me. I wasn’t good enough and I didn’t do any thing good enough for them or her son in her eyes……
While I understand where you’re coming from I feel like there could have been other steps taken first. Obviously restricting her from seeing your stuff or commenting is going to create drama.
There is a feature where instead of blocking her you can make it so she can’t see your posts, but explain that she was being a little much, blocking her is a huge extreme
I don’t have my own mother on my FB. I mean she’s on another account that I have lol. When I want a lot of my family to see something, I just tag my other account.
I also blocked my mother in law on Facebook. Not because of her obsessive commenting but because of her drama bs her and her oldest daughter have always created drama and caused unnecessary stress
Just turn the notifications off
Just turn notifications off. What’s the big deal of her posting unless she is being mean or nasty
Just don’t answer her . Ignore it
Why don’t you just silence your notifications instead
It’s a little bit immature because it doesn’t even sound like you talked to her about it first, which is a show of being an adult
If she was being kind and you’re just annoyed, then you’re being petty. I’ve been down that road myself, and it’s an empty one. It’s better to be annoyed and just deal with it than it is to be petty and cause problems.
It’s YOUR feed. Block who you want. End of story
Yep. Who cares turn the notifications off. She could be a Monster in law instead. Be grateful she is in ur lives and if the only hell she makes is commenting on ur posts ur lucky!!
Just because she’s commenting on your posts weeks later doesn’t mean anything. My mil and a older great aunt do the same thing. They aren’t on fb every single day so they don’t see the posts everyday. You don’t have to comment when they do unless you want to. Patience and understanding for a older generation used to exist. I think you are being ridiculous. I’m pretty sure you would rather have your mil commenting on fb and not in your face everyday. Don’t be selfish
Was she being mean about her posts.
Nope, she needs to learn her boundaries . And he should be supporting you and more understanding
They should be mad maybe she likes to know what’s going on. Do u have kids or posts pics of kids . Sounds immature and petty
So how many or how often have you done petty things or over reacted? You said your husband asked what u
You did this time and is mad at you?
It’s your Facebook, do as you see fit
Blocking wasn’t necessary. You can control who sees each post. So have a post or 2 there for her to interact with and keep the rest away.
Blocking wasn’t necessary. You can control who sees each post. So have a post or 2 there for her to interact with and keep the rest away.
If she was commenting rude things then h*** yeah block Her. I have like 90% of my family blocked on my Facebook because they love to get on my Facebook and post rude condescending things so to avoid conflicts with them I just block them and I don’t speak to them anymore. But if she was commenting nice things I can understand how you would be annoyed But personally I would just deal with it She probably just wants to know what’s going on in your Lif and her Grand kids lives and her son’s Life. I think you can just shut notifications off for certain people so when they comment you don’t get a notification. It’s better to do that than be rude and hurt someone’s feelings, again, unless she was being rude to you than she deserves it block her.
You don’t have to block her. Set it up your friends list so she can’t see your post unless she looks. Then, turn off notifications for that post.
She may be bored and FB is how she interacts with the world.
Wish my mother-in -law was still here sure do miss her
You sound petty asf… your post didn’t indicate she was being mean or anything, so assuming she was just casually reacting and enjoying your content here, yeah. YTA
Sometimes its necessary and its no big deal.