I Blocked My Mother-in-Law On Social Media

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"I blocked my mother-in-law from commenting on any of my posts on Facebook because she was literally commenting on every single thing that I posted…2 weeks later and she calls my husband and says she cannot see anything on my page and of course he came to me pissed asking what I did this time…but she was really getting on my nerves and now they are both mad at me…was I in the wrong when she was literally blowing up my notifications"

RELATED: Q&A: Am I Wrong For Cutting Out My Sister In Law?


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I mean I get it's annoying buuuut you could always just make some posts not seen by her. Or just ignore it. Like I personally refused to have the Facebook app on my phone so I didn’t get notifications. I will get to Facebook when I get to it"

"Seriously? Of all the issues there could have been you had to go and start one. You could have just ignored her or silenced notifications. Geez I wish that was the only thing I had to worry about."

"You can change your settings so that only certain people can see or can’t see what you post."

"You can just hide her comments"

"I mean you can set the privacy so people cant see certain posts?"

"It’s called turn off ur notifications not that hard"

"U could just snooze her"

"Just tell her u were annoyed and didn’t mean to take it out on her, I get it but it’s obvious she just wanted to b a part"

"There are things you could have done to stop so many notifications. One of them would be too talk to her, another would be too manage your notification settings…"

"I’ve done the same thing for the same reasons. Like/comment on every pic and even taking my pics. Aggravating sometimes. I get it."

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