I cannot cope with what my boyfriend asked me to do

I’ve been with my boyfriend a year now and he keeps mentioning about him watching me have sex with another man! I have two kids who adore him but I actually can’t cope with what he’s saying, my youngest loves him so much but what do I do about the situation that’s making me feel like I don’t want to be around him anymore


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I cannot cope with what my boyfriend asked me to do

Why in the name of god would he even say that :see_no_evil:

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It’s called a cuckold fetish. It’s very clear that he’s pushing a boundary for you. If he’s not going to respect your boundaries, he’s not worth your time.

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Let him know how uncomfortable you are with it, and that it bothers you to the point you dont want to be around him just be blunt about it, I dont want to ever do that.


Went through the same thing, run faaaarrrr.

:joy: it’s just a kink. If you can’t deal with it leave but you should be glad he’s being this open and honest with you and you should return the same respect. Don’t expect people to mold perfectly to what you want


Leave plain and simple

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Run no matter how attached kids are

No is a complete sentence. If he doesn’t respect that, leave.

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If you’re not into it. Tell him in no uncertain terms, no. It’s quite simple.


Some guys are just into that. If you aren’t, then just be honest and tell him you ain’t about that life.


Let him know that your uncomfortable doing that, and if he doesn’t like it then leave!!

Don’t sell your soul


Don’t do it. Dump him.


Weiiiird fetish. He won’t let up on it. So go if you’re not comfortable

No no no one so many levels. If he can stomach just the idea of you being with another man he isn’t in love with you. Do not sacrifice your body to make him happy.


Awful…run away from this as quickly as possible


If he can’t understand you don’t wanna go there and he pushes it. _ NO PUNT INTENDED. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: MOVE ON.

Girl I’ve been with my man over 15 years… And STILL asks me to screw another guy so he can watch. Wtf wrong with these men?!?

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Some people are into that thing in their sexual life. It’s part of the lifestyle of swingers. If it is not your thing I would for sure stand your ground about not wanting to be part of that but I don’t view as a reason to end your relationship as long as he understands when you say no that it is not your sexuality.


Although I do understand that it’s not for everyone, cuckholding is a real thing, and is enjoyed by many couples. I’m not saying you should do it, I’m just saying it is not that uncommon.


Tell him no and not to mention it again🤷🏻‍♀️

Maybe he is gay and wants to watch the man?:thinking:


Some people here are SO close minded :woman_facepalming:t3:


It’s a trap so he can cheat on you and say you cheated first.


I’d do then leave him :woman_shrugging:t4: that’s just how I work tho lmao


If he’s pressuring you, then it needs to end. If he isn’t respecting your dislike of this idea he needs to stop, and if he doesn’t you need to walk away. You are both entitled to fantasies, you are not required to make his come true if it isn’t something you are comfortable with. No is a complete sentence n

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That’s not true love so I would say goodbye!


Sounds like it’s a fetish of his. At least it’s another man and not another woman. I personally would not do it because I don’t feel comfortable with it. Just be open and honest communication is key in a relationship. If he can’t respect your decision in saying no then he’s not who your meant to be with. !!! Good luck

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Mirror your wall or ceiling, then he can watch you two or go to Vegas and watch another couple…


Maybe he wants to film it and call you the cheat​:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: can’t think why any man would WANT to see their partner with someone else!!! Tf!

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Then get out! If you don’t want to be there, your living a fake life and a lie!!! Life’s too short to be unhappy!!! Make yourself happy!!!

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Sounds to me like he wants you to have sex with another man so he has the right to have sex with another woman.

Don’t do something that makes you uncomfortable but its important that you communicate your feelings with him. It’s kink for some but if it crosses a boundary for you, he needs to know that.

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Well his fantasies aren’t going to change so if you’re not comfortable with it, you should bounce.

It may be taboo to some but for those of us who enjoy the taboo, that’s pretty tame. If you can’t handle it, definitely move on.


Maybe he’s more interested in the other man?

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Wtf? Is he gay??? I would definitely leave him


Its a cuckold thing just a fetish. Watch a few videos on it he wants you to be more dominant Lol


I don’t see a problem with it. Might just not be for you


Just get drunk and do it, I’d feel uncomfortable but idk u might like it then down the road u can say u don’t remember lol jks


Leave him now!!! Your babies are young they will adjust this is not love.


It’s just a kink? If you don’t like it- explain that to him. If he is not okay with it not happening, then split up.

But don’t kink shame just bc you’re not into it. You’re acting like this is such a bad thing when it’s actually pretty common & done in healthy relationships all the time.


That is gross. Get out - - -

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Okay well firstly, whatever kinks he’s into isn’t something to shame him for. Everyone has things that turn them on and that has no bearing on their sexual orientation or who they are as a person as long as it’s not something that’s harmful to adults/children. And him
Wanting to see someone else be sexual with you isn’t harmful in any way.
However If he’s super persistent about it or crosses a line of respect when addressing it with you, that’s when it’s a problem and that’s what is defining his character. Not the kink itself


I would end the relationship

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The people in these comments don’t get out much do they? :rofl:


You need to get rid of the boyfriend

Tell him it makes you uncomfortable and you’re not into that kind of thing and to stop asking

If you’re not ok with it then just tell him no. But don’t shame him for his kinks either. There’s nothing wrong with him asking. Lots of ppl do this.


He’s communicating a desire. Communicate back


Explain to him that while he may be into that, you are not and lay out firm boundaries with him of what is and isn’t acceptable in your relationship.


My boyfriend has asked me the same thing it is just a fetish and you can say no I don’t think it’s important to him

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I couldn’t imagine what else he might ask you to do just end it your baby will move on as well and forget just wait awhile before entering a new relationship

kick him out. get away from him and your children!

That’s kind of hot :woman_shrugging:


It’s a kink/fetish. Not a big thing. He’s being open and honest with you. And no it does not mean he’s gay or bi. But even if he was that’s a whole separate thing that should be discussed. I have voyeuristic tendencies. If I have a partner I’d sometimes like to watch them with another woman. And maybe hed like to watch the same. It’s not a big deal if you don’t make it one and sit down and have an adult conversation with him.We would never do anything with another person without everyone being involved. Communication and honesty is the keym


He sounds like a total creep. Leave

Some people are Just into watching like that ? You have to be open minded to even understand it. But If it’s not your thing then tell him that! If he doesn’t respect your decision leave the relationship. Honestly If it a fetish of his to make you a “hot wife” I don’t think he should be judged for that, but If you are completely not into it then he needs to respect you!! If he doesn’t then he needs to kick rocks.


Dump and run it will fuck up your life I have seen it happen to a co worker bad news, tell him to grow the fuck up he is in a serious relationship

Never do anything you’re not comfortable with. :two_hearts:

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He’s into cuckold… talk to him about it. If it’s a deal breaker then move on.


Its a kink, dont kink shame its rude, if its not for you then tell him.

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Tell him tape himself and watch it later like wtf :joy::joy::joy::joy:

You could get toys and simulate it. It can be just a fantasy. Maybe that will be enough. If your not into it then don’t.

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Tell him this! If he still keeps it up I’d go áhead and leave. The kids will be ok💖

Tell him you want to watch him have sex with a man first, then maybe you’ll think about it!! :rofl:

Tell him to do it first and then you will ( 2men that is)


Oh interesting thoughts from commenters above…. But do you live under a rock? Talk about this with your partner. It’s not for everyone and sounds like it’s not for you… but are there other problems that your considering leaving, because a taboo request for the bedroom shouldn’t be the deciding factor.


you absolutely say no…to get a lot of your questions answered rely on your Bible.’


First off you dont shame people for kinks. Second you be an adult and have a conversation with him and tell him that you are not comfortable with it at this time and he SHOULD respect that…if he doesnt,he is NOT the one.


I see nothing wrong but if not for you cool but me and my husband are open about what we both want and what we ok.

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There are many reasons he might like you. You too if you open your mind to what you can do together as a couple with other people. It’s not always for me because I get Jealous but he is being honest with you about his kinks so be honest with him about yours. Maybe he don’t know if he will like it maybe he just thought it would be fun to try…… like being tied up not everyone into it


I’d end the relationship. This is a huge red flag. Hes not respecting your answer and no means no.


Boy bye …sounds like an idiot …sorry


If it makes feel uncomfortable talk to him about it. And tell to never mention it again lol on the bright, at lease he told you.

Leave while you can I went through that for 8 years

Reading your post it seems you have an issue with things he desires sexually. He was open and shared his feelings, no shame in that. However, if you knowing and having an issue with it to the point of not wanting to be around him…no shame in that either but…if you really feel that way then maybe you need to end the relationship.


Toxic Toxic boyfriend run :running_woman: for your sake but mainly for your children


Get someone to photoshop your face in some wicked pron scene so he has J/O material for the year.

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I see a lot of people here have a very vanilla sex life :joy:

Find a guy u really like and go for it maybe that guy will treat u better and u can leave him


How did you react to his initial request? What he’s asking for isn’t “wrong”. A lot of men…and women…are turned in by this and it’s an actual lifestyle choice.

Did he ask you or bring it up once and then stop when you said no? If so, he isn’t being disrespectful at all. He trusted you enough to divulge that and tell you what his fantasy is! Do you know how many feel that they CAN’T communicate that to their spouse? That is huge!

If he’s not constantly pushing you or threatening you with this, he’s not doing anything wrong and if this pushes you to stop loving him or leave him, then I would question your feelings for him all along. You never said you loved him, just that your kids love him.

Be honest with him about how you feel, both about him and about this. Sounds to me though that this match is probably not going to work as you both clearly have very different ideas as to what you want. Question is, will either of you budge?


Good grief, judgemental enough people? It’s a fetish for crying out loud. I’ve been into novelty stores and seen some of the crap available to women to satisfy our kinks and fetishes enough to know we have no room to judge a mans interests. It doesn’t make him gay, a freak or anything else. He expressed an interest of his… if she’s not into it then communicate that with him.
It’s unlikely his fantasy is going away so decide whether or not you wanna give it a try or run for the hills. It’s not for everyone. Personally I wouldn’t be interested in that but some are. But it’s definitely not for others to judge. :roll_eyes:


If it’s not something you can live with don’t do it. But it’s definitely a conversation to have with him about… it’s actually not as uncommon as you’d think.


Run sweetie. He is not the one


No no no if you are not comfortable it is going to cause problems in YOUR relationship! Both have to want to!


Damn he’s generous(or gay). Most guys want another female involved. :rofl:

What. If it’s not for you, that’s fine. But don’t yuck someone else’s yum… I feel bad for your hubby. What is going on with these comments? Barf.


Run girl …RUN… You do that and then his next request is for you to watch him…with another woman…don’t fall for the trap…

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Then once you agree to do that, does it give him the green light to ask you to join in with another female…:vertical_traffic_light:
That’s probably heading towards the real fantasy…:thinking::bulb::heart_eyes_cat:


Smh these comments :joy: look he came to u n communicated with u about it he dint go behind ur back he wasnt seeking someone else thats a good thing but whats wrong is u coming here n asking us when clearly u should have respected him by responding no im not into that im sorry etc he came to u with confiding in you and ur relationship n u couldnt be honest back to me yea u should leave but not cause of him cause u couldnt respect him enough to go to him instead of facebook smh only my opinion :person_shrugging:


Its funny how many of these comments are prudish and advising you to run away. Men have fantasies just like most women. Eventually he won’t but atleast talk to him about it before kicking him to the curb, I mean if you love him… I dont think it’s creepy… what’s creepy to me is asking a bunch of strangers what you should do about this! Good luck


It’s a kink. It would probably really turn him on to see you be pleased from different angles/perspective rather than him always be the one performing. If you’re not into it/comfortable with it and don’t think you ever will be then I would tell him

Some men have odd fantasys. If your not comfortable then tell him. Don’t let him make you feel bad for not wanting to do it.


This isn’t about him being unfaithful or anything. It sounds like he has a kink that you two don’t share. Open communication. Give him your boundaries and see if it’s something you can work around. If not, then it’s ok to coparent and find a different partner


Don’t let his disrespect you like that. Marriage is a holy union.


I’m trying to figure out why you even mentioned your kids in this post when it has absolutely nothing to do with them.


You need to tell him to get lost you need to get rid of him. That shouldn’t even be a question that should be an automatic MoveOn get another boyfriend somebody that’s better that’s my opinion that’s what I think you get rid of him

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I don’t see how that’s any different than a girl asking her man to watch her with another female. I feel the comments would be entirely different if that were the case. My kinks and fetishes are far from tame. Im 50 shades of fuucked up. I don’t judge anyones kinks (except the obvious. I don’t even think it needs to be stated) and as a bisexual woman, I wouldn’t be uncomfortable with being asked about it. Sex is sex. Humans are sexual creatures. What would bother me is if I wasn’t comfortable with the idea, and it kept being pushed on me. I wouldn’t RUN though. I’d just explain myself & end things because no matter what, if he couldn’t let go of having to take no for an answer , I’d know he’s never going to sexually satisfied with me. You’d be surprised how many men are bi or bi curious and if he’s never experienced it, who knows if he’d even like it or if he just picked it up from a porn he saw and thought it’d be hott. Reality can be disappointing and fantasies aren’t always meant to become reality. There are plenty of ways to handle it if you love him without running away. The only way it’s gotta end is if he’s fixated on it and you’re just not into it. You never have to do anything you don’t want to do. & he doesn’t have to stay unhappily. It’s just the fact of whether he keeps mentioning it and is waiting for you to decide or if you’ve made it clear you are obviously repulsed by it and he won’t quit.