I cannot cope with what my boyfriend asked me to do

He keeps mentioning means you haven’t given him a hard no. Want him to stop? Look him dead in the eye and say “This is never going to happen” if he can let it go, Great, all is well. If he can’t, then you’ll need to leave. But seriously, if you don’t allow your spouse to ask questions that are hard and uncomfortable, you’re never going to have a successful relationship. He cannot help what turns him on, and it’s a question that he felt was worth asking. You can feel it’s not ok and answer. But if you’re going to leave him just for asking, I feel you have bigger problems than just this one.


Say. Bye bye… do you really want this person around your children? Think about it…


My husband did that to me. It was a trap and I fell for it. After it was over I got called everything u can think of. It’s been 3 yrs. The past 3 yrs have been very toxic. We are now separating. We have 6 kids together. DON’T DO IT. I’ve lost my marriage/family over it


Huge red flag,he will make your life hell won’t let up we are all wired different or tell him sure but he has to first with the man if he keeps it up probably got some sugar in him,run fast


Uh, did you tell him no? Did you tell him you’re not into that type of thing? Did you tell him that is a deal breaker for you? If not, tell him how you feel. If he still insists then drop his a**. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Leave. He’s into men.


My husband brings this up sometimes. I don’t think I ever could. I would feel so incredibly bad letting someone else please me, even if my SO was there enjoying it. I also just think of the aftermath and how yeah, he may think it would be super cool, but would he feel the same after or would it change things? There’s so many questions and what ifs…It’s a no for me, dawg!

If it’s honestly making you not want to be around him, then he’s not the one for you. My husband is a straight up super freak…like omg…even his friends tell him he is an absolute freak lol, but everything he says has never made me be like “ew get away from me, I don’t like you anymore.”
A lot of the stuff he says I just giggle and tell him to stop it.


Everyone has kinks and that’s okay! But if you aren’t comfortable, tell him and that should be the end of the conversation. If it’s not, then there are other issues that need addressed.


Some guys have weird fantasies or kinks. Your man wants to be a cuckold. I dated a guy with that kink, and turned out he had a wife, two other gfs and 3 dif phones. So idk man but for me that kink is a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

Hell no! Your child will get over it. Something is wrong with him. RUN


Say…hit the road jack,and dont you comeback!!! Your child will be fine! You will not! No,no,no,

You state he keeps mentioning it not that he’s asked you to out right. I suggest you sit and have a chat with him communication is best. Obviously don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with .

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You better git now. They don’t change when they desire this. My recent ex…now deceased from Heart attack wanted me to do this. He was mentally abusive. So sweet, kind and generous but pushy when it can to this. He was cop and wouldn’t let it go


I’ve heard about guys wanting to watch their girlfriends/wives have sex with another man; it is a fetish that some men have. If you don’t want to do it, he shouldn’t pressure you, so I would leave personally

So many people I’m here saying he’s toxic :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: how?? It’s a sexual fetish just like feet or having someone stick something in your butt or a 3sum or role playing but those things don’t make you toxic :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

And if you don’t want to be around him simply because he has a sexual fantasy you aren’t comfortable with it’s time for you to go because you obviously aren’t the right one for him…. My husband wants a 3sum…. Has sense before we got together BUT I don’t want one…. But the fact he wants to try something that I don’t want to try doesn’t make me not want to be around him that’s just stupid :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

He’s also not like “Hey let me go sleep with other people”
He’s not being toxic…. You are and I think it’s best you leave

Since when is it wrong to have a harmless kink?? The red flag is you freaking out over it. You could have just told him you’re not into that and that was it. Yikes.


personally i would love this! but if that isn’t for you then you need to tell him and be 100% clear that it isn’t for you.


Thats a red flag dump the guy he does’nt love you… Your kids will be fine…


If it’s not something your into then you have to tell him. You can’t have that between you two and you can’t do something your not comfortable with.


alot of men are like this, and alot of women want this. there is nothing wrong with it
the kink life is a lifestyle and if youre not comfortable with what he desires sexually, you need to move on to some one more like you in the vanilla life
you are never going to be comfy with him now, bc you know what he wants out of you
and eventually, hes going to find someone who will do this with him and cheat or make you leave… you wont feed his appetite after so long. for real.
so either do something crazy in your life and expand your sexual desires WITH him, or leave him and be boring with someone else


dump him and move on. There’s plenty out there that want to keep their woman to themselves


If you aren’t into thst kinda thing get out now. There really is no question

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He has a fantasy that he wants fulfilled and wants you to do it. He’s not necessarily into men. Sit and have a talk with him. Tell him you aren’t interested in something like that


You should not have to ask!!! If you have ANY brains at all LEAVE, he is really sick and messed up


Alicia Skaggs Swartz

Nope. Don’t do it, and however much your kids love him, you need to do what’s best for you. If that’s getting rid of him, then do it.

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I’ve never wanted to be someone so bad … :rofl::rofl: nah jokes. In all seriousness some people are just into it be honest and ask he no longer discuss it if he keeps going then leave. :slightly_smiling_face: best of luck


That’s something you need to talk to him about. If he’s into cuckold that’s not weird or unusual. But if you are not into this you need to tell him, and explain how it makes you feel.


He doesn’t love you. Get out of there. Just now he may fiddle with your kids… keep your eyes wide open as you RUN


Take your children aside when he’s not there. Say it’s not working out anymore. That he has changed. Then pack your stuff and go. What he’s asking is not reasonable or healthy for your relationship… if you have one left. I wonder what he is up to… Just go.


Let him know you arent comfortable with it and its not going to happen. If he continues to push it leave. You and your kids will survive. Its ok to have sexual kinks as long as its not hurting anyone, but if you and your partner dont agree then get out. Its only going to lead to problems later on.


Have you told him that’s not something you’re interested in?

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Run girl and get your kids away from him!


Leave him I was in that position and I refused then he kept telling me lie after lie and tried to hurt me so I left and moved on… hes toxic

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That’s pretty slimy. You do realize that’s not ok, not only is he disrespectful to you, but you shouldn’t let him be a role model for your children. They should be your focus.


I need more info… like is this everyday convo or is it pillow talk? If he just says it in bed it’s just a kinky wish… if it’s in everyday convo then tell him that it makes you uncomfortable.


Some call it a “harmless kink.” I call it weird and a fkn dealbreaker. They have clubs for sh like that. Break it off and let him go catch some sh off Craigslist.


Say NO and leave him

Relationships require you both to set boundaries and limits. Sex is a huge part of that. With that being said, do not ever feel like you need to compromise part of who you are, and what your limits are. He shouldn’t either. If this is something that he feels he needs, you should both make the adult decision to end the relationship civilly. If its something he doesn’t need, see if you guys can come up with something new that you’d be willing to try that could just be a you guys thing. Good luck (:

I went threw this 20 years and after a couple years I realized it wasn’t me he wanted to see it was the guy🤣


Sounds like an abuser to be honest. Wants u to commit adultery so then he can beat u for agreeing to it. It happens…


Not an uncommon kink. But if you’re not into it you need to have a conversation about it


Wow:::: y’all are so narrow minded in this group. But it’s called cuckold. And it’s a sexual fetish/fantasy… y’all need to have a conversation about sexual compatibility. I honestly think sexual compatibility is a big thing when it comes to relationships… it could be a fantasy that he only things of while having sex as a turn on or he really does. But… have that conversation with him… instead of coming to this Karen-hole… :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

Everyone has sexual preferences. Some are a lot kinkier than others. If sexual preferences don’t align there needs to be boundaries and understanding or the relationship needs to come to a close for everyone’s happiness and sanity.

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I don’t blame you for not wanting to be around him

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If he loved you he wouldn’t ask you to do that… it’s disgusting and sick and something he can throw in your face later… the beginning of the end. Dump his sick ass… I hope your not desperate for a man to actually do this…

Ask him when is his daddy free? :crazy_face::rofl:


It’s a kink/fantasy. You could always try recording yourself with a dildo. It may give him enough of what he’s looking for. I don’t think it’s reason to run as long as he’s not being abusive about it.

Get away from him,wall I can’t say that it’s just never lower your standards to be with someone.GOD has a Person just for you. If I’m not out of line . And please don’t let know one meet your children until a comment is made. They don’t know any better.

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Dont cave in!! Youll regret it

Whew thats a nasty kink :face_vomiting:


You do know ppl are allowed to have fantasies right? Not everyone just wants reg sex and that’s ok. It’s sad he trusted you enough to tell you and you find him gross for it. I do agree run so he can find someone who loves him enough not to shame him. You don’t have to do what he asks that’s your choice but your reaction is enough to say you don’t love him

I would totally talk to him about that. I would feel the same. That’s kind of heartbreaking. You also don’t want to open that door and then he will think it’s ok to sleep with another woman


It’s called cuckholding. It’s actually extremely common BUT it’s perfectly fine to not be into it. Never change your preferences unless you are comfortable. Have an open calm conversation about it with him. Find out if it is something that is absolutely necessary for his intimate life. Let him know your feelings towards it without using demeaning language. Then you guys need to decide if you should continue the relationship.


Just talk to him about it. Tell him that that is just not part of your fantasy or that you can make that part of his come true. It’s not a red flag. It’s not gross. He has a kink that you don’t and that is alright. It’s just almost like a 3 some except he’s not participating in it… I mean my ex husband always wanted me to do a 3 some mff tho. I can’t do that. just not my thing. But yall need to talk about this. And set boundaries in that department.


Someone I know Husband likes this but he likes her looseness

These comments are crazy.There is nothing wrong with you or him. It’s probably a discussion that needs to happen. Sexy time in the bedroom is a deal breaker in my opinion if you both desire different things. You may or may not be open to the others desires and that is ok. It’s your personal boundaries. However if you can’t come to any type of agreement than someone is bound to not be happy. What is a relationship if it’s not a happy one? I would focus on you and find out what your comfortable with and then decide what is your next move. If your comfortable and happy great. If your not comfortable I would move on because you will find someone who desires the same thing.


Some are ya’ll need to grow up. Don’t kink shame someone. If you are not into a particular kink that is okay, not everything is for everyone. But if he is expressing something he is into, which in this case sounds like a mix of being a cuckold and voyeur, than that’s him. If you do not wish to participate in said kink, than it is your job as a healthy partner to express yourself freely and tell him, “I’m sorry, I am not into this, I do not feel comfortable in such an act. And I do not want to continue this conversation any further at this time.” If you can not speak freely with your partner and express your concerns, than this relationship is going to go no where.


Some of these comments are insane lol. If Someone isn’t as vanilla/tame in the bedroom as you are doesn’t mean you should shame them or make crazy assumptions. Everyone has their kinks :joy:


I had to read the post like 3 times to make sure i was reading it correctly!
That’s beyond weird
My man would never want me to have sex with another man and him watch wtffffff
There’s literally nothing kinky about that!!!
Break up!!!

Get rid of him before it’s to late

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Let him know that you’re not a household item that you just let people borrow. You human and you have feelings. And you are absolutely…under no circumstances do it. He should be ashamed for even asking.


Run. This isn’t love

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Don’t do it. And if he can’t control himself to respect what you’re ok with the you need to leave.

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Just tell him that. Tell him it really turns you off when he says that and while you appreciate that he’s open with you about his kinks, that you’re just not into it.


Nasty. Wouldn’t trust him around my kids.


My ex boyfriend wanted to do that too…and a few other things, I ended it. Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with, you’ll hate him and yourself if you do. I’d tell him he’s making you feel uncomfortable and if that’s what he really wants then he needs to find someone else who can fulfill that wish. That’s just me though.


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You don’t need him. Move on!

Tell him its something you rather leave as fantasy and youre not comfortable doing it. To each their own. Hes not a bad person for liking it.


Leave - never stay in a situation you don’t need to be in!! Your children are watching you and learning .


What’s next? Honey we can make a fortune on your back??? Smh


I know someone who was in the same situation and she is getting devorced now… This will not stop you will never be enough. You deserve a man who wants you and only you.


It’s actually really common as long as your man doesn’t hold anything over your head go for it


:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:narc behavior. Run. Don’t entertain that.


Stick to your values. You can’t buy them back. He’s asking too much. Tell him so. It he persists-- not a role model for you or your kids

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Me ex use to say the same to me! :expressionless: Like are u fn serious?! Your supposed to want me for urself it’s so fucked that men are like this…I myself was never into that and made me sick that he would even ask me that

Then don’t be around him , he’s a pervert! Period, sick, sick. sick!


If he truly loved you he wouldn’t ask you to do that sorry


Save your soul girl. You know it’s wrong. Ask yourself if God would be pleased. Please God not the devil in this man.


Yeah he definitely not the one for you…Leave him.

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If you don’t feel comfortable and it’s making you not like him anymore then before your kids get really attached I’d cut ties with him. Unless, you want to work on the relationship then communicating your feelings about that is something that needs to be done. Maybe couples councelling?


Huge fuckin red flags … move on lady, better for your children and yourself

He should respect your boundaries. If he does not, you should act accordingly


If he’d want you to do that then I don’t believe he truly loves you


It’s so that he can have sex with another woman …he’s thinking if he can get you to do it first than it’s now ok for him …

his kink not yours. if you say no that should be the end of it.


It’s a kink, yeah it’s weird to some but doesn’t mean he’s a horrible person. Just say no and move on tell him to stop asking cuz you’ve made your mind up. There’s really not a reason to make a big deal out of someone’s sexual fantasy


Leave…he has issues you can’t solve!


If you say no and he doesn’t respect that, you have to figure out what’s best for your state of mind.


Tell him no and to not ask you again!


Leave him!,That’s so disrespectful!

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Kick him to the curb and find a real man who will appreciate you for who you are. So sorry this happened to you.


Don’t do it. If he cared what you wanted he would have dropped it once you said no. Also, if you give in to this who knows what will be next


Cut him loose he only sees you as a sex object not a mother a woman definitely not a life long mate … Run

Ask him if he enjoys being a cuck :woman_facepalming:t2:


That’s A Hell No For Me

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Tell him to hit the road.

Be blunt and straight forward with him. Tell him that this is something youre not comfortable doing, nor will ever be comfortable doing, then ask him if that’s something that is sexually imperative to have with his partner … if he says no and he respects how you feel, then tell him to drop it. If he says yes, then tell him you two are not compatible because youre never going to be able to fullfill that fantasy for him.
Its fairly common believe it or not for a man to desire this … in my opinion, and experience … it usually comes from lack of self worth or feeling like hes not enough and just wants to see you happy and satisfied, seeing you blissfully satisfied would turn him on alot. I don’t understand it but its a real thing. Men like this are called cucks … do some research on it . One of my exes approached me with this in the past… it dumbstruck me … i had no interest in that what so ever… so i approached him the same way Im advising you. He told me its not a deal breaker and wont effect our relationship… he stopped bringing it up … was never an issue past that point.

Edit add on- what someone desires sexually -as long as its kept private and away from the children… does not constitute what type of parent they are. If he respects you and your decisions, is good to you and the children, thats all that matters.


Run!!! You have kids, if you’re not comfortable get out while you can. The kids may love him, but you’re still the adult and they need guidance. As well as protecting.