I cannot cope with what my boyfriend asked me to do

Send his sick self on about his business. I am sure he can find someone willing to fulfill his freaky fantasy.


It’s a kink. Just tell him you ain’t down with that shit. If he’s too pushy with it tell him again. Then you can leave if he won’t drop it.

Maybe a kink? Or maybe he cheated on you and feels like if you have sex with another man you can’t hold it against him. I know someone in an abusive relationship who’s bf tries to push her to do this. He is really narcissistic. Either way, just say you do not want to do it. If he tries to push it then leave

I don’t blame you he sounds creepy get rid of him l would steer clear if l was you :heart_eyes:


Very much sounds like a cuck. It’s more common than you might think. I’m sorry it’s making you uncomfortable


That’s why you take time and get to know people before you introduce them to your children that’s a whole fetish, it might be sick to us but so many things are that we consider normal… have a conversation with him and COMMUNICATE…y’all might can get past this with that much…tell him not us‼️

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Maybe he’s bi! Maybe this is the only way he feels like he can tell you. He’ll probably watch and then want to join in bc he’s so turned on.


Hes asking you to do something you are deeply uncomfortable with, repeatedly. He doesn’t respect you or your boundaries. I would cut my losses and leave.

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I would drop him like a hot cookie. That is disrespectful to you. He may want you to do it so he could do it with another woman. He must not really love you. Someone that truly loves you would not want to share you with anyone. You are going to have to figure out what to say to the kids. Good luck.

Cut him off he doesn’t respect you or your boundaries

This is a real fetish for some people… maybe the two of you could compromise? Instead of a “him” see if your husband would be willing to watch you with a toy instead?


He sounds like a damn brick get away from him findu another man that would treat you like a lady

Sit down and tell him it’s not your thing… if that’s a deal breaker for him, then it’s best to go your separate ways.

The guy has a kink :rofl: it’s not that serious yall are acting like he’s a pedo :roll_eyes: if u definitely not into that stuff then yeah long term probably isn’t gonna work but he obviously feels comfortable opening up to u


Tell him yall need to sit and talk. Tell him very firmly this is a FIRM NO IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Explain to him how uncomfortable it makes you feel and that it’s not something you can just let go. Explain if he doesn’t stop you will leave.

Tell him sure but he has to screw him first then if he says ok let him do it, then walk out :joy::joy::joy:and tell him no , and leave his ass !!

Trouble with a capitol T.

Some men like that. It’s a kink! If you aren’t comfortable with it then talk to him about it and if he can’t deal then leave. Don’t do it just because he wants you too! But definitely talk to him about it and say you’re not comfortable with it and you’re not doing it. But I wouldn’t say it’s a red flag because of what he enjoys.


I would be like ok I get to pick the man :joy:


Eww girl, no!! If you’ve told him no and he STILL asks… he doesn’t respect you!

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I mean don’t be judgey about it. a lot of people like it. Everyone has their kinks.
If YOU don’t like it tell him, if he doesn’t drop it or respect your choice you need to leave him. Communication is key especially with sex.

Do not feel guilty about not being able to do that. It’s ok to not be comfortable with that! I couldn’t imagine!


Why would you get into a relationship with someone you are not sexually compatible with? You really talked about everything else except the subject of sex before get involved with each other? He’s not wrong for having a fantasy, if that fantasy is deal breaker pack up an leave. If you decide to stay be prepared for him to eventually be tired of not being sexually satisfied and leaving you. Next time make sure you’re sexually compatible so you’re not trying to get Random people on the internet to validate your feelings.

Create a boundary. If it is not respected, remove yourself and your kids from anyone and anything that crosses it.
Most of our strife in life comes from not wanting, and darn right refusing to believe someone when they show us who they are.

Require more for yourself, and those who look up to you for protection and guidance. :heart:

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I may be the odd person out here but he feels safe enough to open up about his sexual desires. Don’t shame him just keep telling him that isn’t something you’re interested in doing. Just because it isn’t for you doesn’t mean it’s wrong or he’s a horrible person. Talk this out with him. Give him your firm answer and navigate if the both of you can respect the boundaries. If it’s something he feels he needs to do then it doesn’t sound like the two of you are wholly compatible. But don’t shame someone for their desires.


You’ve only been together a year, and have no kids…. Just leave girl.

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He ain’t for you girl. Don’t ignore the red flags for the sake of love.

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This is just my thoughts. Everyone is different. But if you truly love someone than watching the one you love having sex with someone else would totally kill your relationship. He would always think about it and get mad and jealous. It’s human nature to get jealous if love is involved.

Your stupid if you listen. No man should put you in any CONDITION like that if he loves you


Kink shaming much…yall need to grow up and mature some more sit down with him and tell him this just isnt something your into


Everyone has sexual fantasies. Where you decide if he is a good match to you is how he respond when you firmly say no and go from there.

The sexual kink is not the issue. If there’s an issue it will be based on how he respects your boundaries and his ability yo let go of that said fantasy.


See, I am Polyamorous. I have a husband and Boyfriend both are aware. We’re all having a baby. This kind of thing doesn’t phase me.

But that being said, if its not your cup of tea, I’d tell him this is a “hard no”. And that you would appreciate it he respected that and stop bringing it up. And that if you ever changed your mind about how felt about it you would let him know lol.
Or respond that you want to see him do the same. What’s good for you is good for me, baby!


Consent is very important. If you don’t want to do it, do not do it. Next time discuss about sexual expectations early on in a relationship. A lot of people want extra things and they can get partners who also want those extra things. Sexual compatibility is important. You are not sexually compatible with this man, so leave him.

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The amount of ignorance in the world baffles me


I had an ex told me the same shit! I thought about it cause the idea seems hot to me. But I loved him and felt weird about it. Now I regret not doing it.

Sounds like my ex husband who routinely in our last year of marriage begged for a 3some with my best friend at the time

If it ain’t your thing. It is not uncommon and really not a big deal. You have to decide if his fetish is a deal breaker for you. If it is move on :woman_shrugging:


Yikes that sounds very uncomfortable

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Maybe he wants u to watch him have sex with said man

It’s called having morals, and values.
Don’t do it. Once you comprise those , you have nothing and will hate you’re self


Men’s stupid fantasies, some won’t stop until they’ve experienced them at any cost.

Leave and find a Man with decent morals and family values.

He will only go on to hurt you and destroy your Happy centre.

Well he has already.

Now you know what he desires.

It will never be the same again.

So sorry :disappointed:


I would leave but that’s just me. Not my style either. If you can’t cope leave.

Maybe his fantasy is to have a threesome with another man and this is his way of telling you by asking if he can watch you with another guy


It’s ok to discuss your fantasies and it’s ok to ask it’s also ok to say no and sit down and have an open conversation about why it’s not for you and if he persists then maybe your not compatible but don’t shame or emasculate him we all have different kinks


Everyone has things they are into. Its honestly not that odd of an ask. That being said if you aren’t comfortable with it tell him and ask him to not ask again as it wont change. Let him know if thats something he needs from his partner that its best you split. Dont shame him or make him feel bad atleast he trusted you enough to be open about a want he was having.


If he loves you he would not ask this of you.


Wtf scary and so sorry leave. He sick


“Get away from him” lord some of y’all are exaggerative asf :roll_eyes: it’s just a kink doesn’t mean anything is wrong with him my husband used to fantasize about it and wanted me to do it once. I wasn’t comfortable sleeping with another man so I said no. He’s been over it for awhile now we’ve been together since I was 17 I’m 27 now lol


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: no future with this boy stop wasting your time

Uh. Say no because thats how you feel. And if he doesnt respect that then leave

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If this is a deal-breaker and he still wants to pursue it and keeps bringing it up, then you’ll have to end the relationship. Your children will eventually get over it (I’m sure they have friends whose parents, SO, etc have separated.)

Give him the boot No good

Maybe his just testing you to see if you would wna sleep with another man

Umm no. Sounds like he wants to watch the D

Everyone has different kinks. If it’s not for you then say that but don’t shame him. It’s not wrong or disgusting for him to ask or think about the possibility. There’s much worse that it could’ve been.


Some of you need to grow up, it’s a kink there’s no need to shame, belittle and be nasty about it, if it’s not your thing there’s nothing wrong with that but there’s also nothing wrong with being into it. If him mentioning it makes you not want to be around him anymore then move on.


My goodness the amount of shitty advice here :woman_facepalming: sit down and talk with him, tell him the idea makes you uncomfortable and this is not something you want to do. If he insists you need to be straight up with him. Tell him if this is something he really wants he needs to find another woman to pursue his fantasy because you will not. Make it very clear this will not happen and if he continues asking then it’s a deal breaker (if it is) and you need to move on. I’m sorry but a public Facebook post is not ur answer, TALK TO HIM! TELL HIM THIS!. :slight_smile: good luck.

Ask him if that’s a dealbreaker, because you are not OK with it & that it’s a Hard pass and to stop asking because you’re uncomfortable.
But if u change ur mind u will let him know.
Also is this the type of life style he had or wants? If so he should be upfront that way you can decide if it’s a dealbreaker for you.
But this is not that uncommon.


This is why you wait a longer before having them round your kids :unamused:

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WHY are you against it?
If it’s because you have bad feelings about women being with more than one man becsuse a patriarchal society has made you feel that it makes you “less than” to do something like that but you make physically enjoy it- maybe try to step out of your comfort zone…

If it’s just a hard “no”, no matter what- you night want to twll him “this is su h a big deal to me, I’m willing to end the realtionship”.

If he stops, and you’re able to stay with him- maybe ask some questions about what it is about that that he thinks he will like. Maybe bringing in some toys can fill the need for him- it might be as simple as being able to say some things to him during the act that will fill the need for him… something to help fulfill him sexually for something he’s asking for without YOU having to sacrifice your morals or comfort or whatever.


Dump him he’s a loser

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It’s a legitimate kink. He wants you to be a hot wife and fulfill his cuckold kink. If you can’t, set him free so someone who shares his kink can enjoy him


He is sick He needs help Dump his ass now

It sounds like he’s a cuckold or a stag. But regardless, you have every right to not be comfortable with that, but you need to explain that to him.


No is no, tell him if he can’t respect that he needs to leave…

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Talk to him about investing in adult toys to use to fulfill his kink without making you be with another man. If you are ok with it of course. There needs to be consent from both of you for stuff like this to work

If you’re feeling uncomfortable follow what your instincts are telling you. If you want to end the relationship then end it, don’t use the kids as an ecuse to stay, they are resilient, they’ll be fine x


leave him that is offer he doesn’t love you are he would not ask a thing like that


Everyone has different kinks and if you can’t fulfill his then he isn’t the right person for you :woman_shrugging:t2: time to leave


Run…if he really loved you he would never ask you to do that


If you are not sexually compatible then the relationship doesn’t work. Yes you could work on standing up for your boundaries, have you actually told him no I’m not comfortable with that. Or are you afraid of telling him the truth? Is he not respecting your sexual boundaries and pushing the issue, or have you not been open and honest? It’s just a fetish, lots of people have fetishes. It doesn’t have to be all this he’s testing you shi t, we are all damaged and it shows ladies. Ignore this next part if you know me irl. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil: I have fetishes too …because I’m a grown azz woman…


Hit the road Jack…
And don’t ya come back no more, no more, no more, no more.


Hahaha im sure that he finds you yummy attractive and probably wishes he could be a fly on the wall watching you in action…but if it ever came down to it, he’d probably never share you. Look on the bright side, he knows you got it boo!!!


That’s just something he’s into sexually whether it be fantasy or reality. Tell him how you’re really feeling. If he doesn’t listen, then move on.


Sounds to me like he might have a hidden agenda here. This act of watching you with another “man” may be leading up to him eventually wanting to join in. Personally I don’t see his suggestion is showing you any respect at all….who wants to watch someone they claim to love having sex with another person? He knows what you look like during love making so I’m thinking it’s watching the man is where his real interest is. So I think maybe he is trying to fulfill his own fantasies of being with a man and needs your confirmation that it’s okay by going first. Turn the table on him…ask him if you can watch him with the guy first…his answer should give you yours…. This would all be too weird for me. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Run lady. He is a kink and narcissist. Look it up.


Don’t do anything you don’t want to do. Look at him and tell him you hope is a better boyfriend to his next girlfriend and kick him to the curb.

Just tell him not into that. Friends that are a couple wanted us to do swapping with them. I debated with my husband about it for 3 months. No rushed decisions. At first i didnt like the idea of sleeping with another guy. My husband is the only guy id ever been with before then. Had no qualms about the wife…I’m bi. However…if hubby didnt mind me sleeping with his friend in front of him,and we were definitely stable and never thought of cheating or anything, then i said why not? To hell with it…new experience. It actually strengthened our relationship. Sex with another guy is just sex and same with him with another woman. Dont have same deep feelings as when we have intercourse. Played it safe during so no fear of STDs or unwanted pregnancy. Did it a couple more times with same couple and now it just isnt appealing as much anymore. Would never do this with a stranger. Does he know this guy he wants you to sleep with and that he is STD free and everything? Have yall been in a relationship long enough to have a strong enough bond and trust could stand seeing each other have sex with someone else? Have to be able to say yes to those questions first or it will break up your relationship.No matter what…dont make him feel gross or bad for having fantasies/kinks. It is normal.

Get out! the kids will be fine!


Is this him trying to get you to sleep with someone so he can? Idk I would never do it. To me cheating is cheating and that’s a big NO for me. Find someone who shares common values and principals.


Odd!!! Maybe he’s hoping you will switch off with him!? :wink:

He has a kink. If you don’t want to do it tell him. There is nothing wrong with having kinks though. It doesn’t make you a bad person :roll_eyes:


Do not lower your morals. Have a serious talk and if he can’t accept that you will never do that then you need to separate.


Tell him the truth . There is no way you would do this so he can knock it off if he keeps it up leave


Your nuts. U can sleep with other people with permission. Mows the time to find a sugar daddy in the mix of it all.

Get the hell outta there…like now , take your kids and get the hell away …it won’t end well if you stay…I know a guy who did exactly what you describe…get out now…:thinking::broken_heart::heart::rose::wilted_flower:


Tell him the truth. But don’t judge him for having a kink.

And honestly, that’s not even one of the worst ones he could have :joy:


Explain your feelings but do not kink shame him. It’s a common one.


he has no respect for you if he asking that get out now


Plain and simple if you don’t want to do it tell him no!

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He’s into something kinky. As long as you say no and he accepts it, nothings wrong but… if you’ve said no and he keeps on… you gotta let that one go


You do what makes you feel good, not what someone else likes.


Did you tell him how you felt about that!
Sounds fun to me


Get professional help

No is no. Can’t respect that…bye


This is a pretty common kink. If you’re not comfortable with it, tell him and then ask him not to mention it again. If he still does then it’s time to reevaluate the relationship.


Tell him cool when should you call his best friend over :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Anyone asking you to do anything sexually that you are not comfortable with is not ok I’d flat out tell him hey I’m not ok with this i am not going to do it or anything else that i am not ok with an if you can’t except no for an answer then we are going to be over no means no always in a relationship or not no means no


It’s probably a setup just so he can say you should’ve known better but you did it knowing you’re in a relationship smdh… I’m not sure I would trust bro on this on!!!

Just tell him you’re not into that