I cannot lose weight: Help!

Team RH all the way - you can’t spot reduce belly fat I’m afraid - but tracking calories in a deficit is the only sustainable approach - almost 37lbs down in 9 month :raised_hands:t2:


It’s the eating once a day that’s the issue. Believe it or not eating less hurts your metabolism. You have to eat in a calorie deficit, but not drastically.

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If you’re not eating all day
Then fill your face with food (most likely full of carbs) your body will store it

I’ve been losing 1lbs a week regularly since I started eating a handful of carbs
Slightly bigger handful of protein
And massive handful of veg

Breakfast 3 egg omelette
Lunch porridge (50g)
Dinner (as mentioned)

Snacks no more than 200cal total for the day

3 x 45 minute walks


Simple as f


Please just start calorie counting. Calorie deficit is the only way & it may be that you are eating very high fat & high sugar foods and drinks, but not realising it. Please consider the free My Fitness Pal app as a great starting point and some sensible food advice from Team RH . They offer a no BS approach & you can eat whatever you like at an 80% nutritionally dense & 20% pure rubbish ratio. Cos lets face it, if we can’t have a bit of what we fancy, we lose our :poop: :rofl: !!


A lot of experts on here.:joy::joy::joy: Absolute whoppers!:joy::joy::joy:

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Get into a calorie deficit and you will lose weight and not have to cut out anything x


Are you on hormonal contraceptives?

Have you ever been tested for PCOS or thyroid issues? If not get those things tested first and foremost.

When breastfeeding your body can store fat to help with your milk production so some women do struggle to lose weight when breastfeeding

Wow I was thinking at one point to join team RH but after seeing the responses from them here maybe not!

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Team RH all the way :+1:t2:


Omg put me down now :tired_face:

Team RH all the way!!

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Eating 3 meals a day especially breakfast helps

Smoke some dope it helped for me​:skull::rofl:


Not in a caloric deficit

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I know it’s not for everyone but I lost 50 lbs and have kept it off for 1.5 years now with intermittent fasting. I only ate dinner also so it was very easy for me to fast every day doing 20 hour fasts. I also have so much more energy and have cleared up my eczema. If you’re still breastfeeding you have to wait until you’re baby is completely weaned though. Good luck with which ever weight loss journey you choose!

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It could be hormonal. I think it does take at least 9 months for all your hormones to go back to normal after giving birth. I would maybe look into getting your hormones and thyroid function checked by your doctor. Those things could have an affect on weight loss as well.

I have put on 1.5 stone in 8 months and I have no idea how.

Calorie deficit and exercise, eat less, move more, unfortunately you cannot target certain ares of fat but being in a calorie deficit will burn fat everywhere, I’ve been doing it since January and have lost 40lb, no cutting out carbs, sugar or anything else I like, just fit it into my daily calories. Good luck on your journey xx


I recommend looking into BEPIC products. Expensive but worth every. single. penny. !!! Within 3 months you will see a huge difference but also feel much better energy wise and it’s all natural

Join Team RH this will educate you on food and a healthy life plan :muscle::muscle:


You need to eat little and often. Track your calories and up your protein and water intake.

Make sure you aren’t consuming empty calories or drinking calories ie sodas.

Eating once a day is ur problem here. U need to spread ur calories over the duration of the day. Ur body will store all the energy from food as fat as it doesn’t know when it will be having food next.

This is tried and tested by myself…who also used to only eat once a day :person_facepalming:

If that isn’t the problem then u need to cut calories.


Take Apple cider vinegar gummies from Holland and Barrett they break the fat up it works me and my friend have lost lbs and before we was struggling to loose weight

Paleo is the only thing that helped me

First I would get your labs checked.
I was eating everything in site and super tired, but yet lost 40lbs in 2 months.
Turns out I have graves disease
So definitely get your thyroid checked it could be hypothyroidism which makes you gain.
Or really anything, MAKE SURE YOURE HEALTHY FIRST. I guess Is what I’m trying to say.
Once then ask the doctor for tips. And seriously eat so much fiber.
Fiber is so good for you. Look up how it helps with weight loss.

If all else fails try adapex. That’s probably going to be an unpopular opinion but I know alot of people who lost the weight with adapex and have been able to keep it off years later.

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Join Team RH I’ve been doing it 7 weeks and already lost 74lbs


I’ve lost 90 pounds in the past year by completely cutting out sodas and most snacks(or just eating the recommended amount when I haven’t eaten a ton that day) and making sure I stay active enough to meet my daily goals on my Apple Watch, monitor your activity vs your intake, if you’re doing more activity than the calories you are eating you should see a decline in weight. If not maybe talk to a weight loss doc!


Try eating more. You may be storing fat because your body is in “starvation” mode.


I have been taking probotics for about two months and have lost about 10 lbs of blubber after I started…I don’t eat bread soda and low carb… well I try, low crab flour tortillas are a blessing. The probotics are at Walmart just the cheap ones for $12 the weight is coming off slowly :snail: but it seems to be working good luck.

hormonal imbalance will put a handbrake on any weight loss attempts. You need to address the hormones.


Are you tracking calories? They do matter, as does food quality - fruits and veggies take up room. Make sure getting decent quality protein. Eat what you enjoy, just less of it. Try to scale back any greasy carbs.

Start with an honest self assessment of your eating (input) and activity (output.) Any you eating too much or too little? Are you “emotionally” eating - bored, tired, sad, anxious, etc? The answers may be there. Stress can also make a person hold on to weight and little is as stressful as a baby!

If none of this is a cause, it’s still worth looking at as any good Dr will want such records before exploring other possibilities like hormones, deficiencies, etc. I caution against “weight loss” drugs as so many have come and gone due to long term health damage . My MIL had to have heart valve replacement surgery from a “safe” weight loss Rx.

Team RH
Richie is straight to the point and he’s the main reason a lot of people join team rh and their results are spot on x


If your in a calorie deficit you’d lose weight… sorry, but if your 220 and say your active but only eat once per day… your one meal must be over 4/5000 calories - which I doubt very much.

Team RH will help you hit your goals, but if I’m honest. Just eat less than you burn off on a day to day basis. And you’ll not have the issue you do for much longer :+1:t2:


It’s not easy but I did low-carb for the first two months I stayed under 12 carbs a day the next two months I moved up to 21 carbs a day and I lost 40 pounds in those four months now I’m just doing portion control to maintain and I’ve actually lost about 54 total in the last nine months!


I know it sounds crazy, but you need to eat more than one meal a day. New babies are stressful and long days at work. Cut yourself some slack and talk with your Dr. Your Dr can check to make sure your hormones,thyroid,vitamins and everything is good. If it is ask to be put with a dietitian to help you work on healthy eating habits. Relax mama and enjoy your baby because it takes time after giving birth.

Metabolic adaptation (Google it)… Your maintenance calorie value will be lower than most because you starve yourself and do not hit you protein target.

You may have to start eating more to increase this value before before you look at losing… It’s a long arse process but that’s where you’re at

Basically slow and steady wins the race… 1lbd a week, every 2 weeks will mean when you finish your diet you won’t put it back on again so easily

Team #teamRH and #jamessmithacadsmy Facebook will give you an the information you need… Team RH prices are more respectable and affordable in today’s cost of living crisis

James Smith is equally informative but because of his popularity he can charge double the price. …

They both literally spout the same shit except one has a really annoying Geordie accent

Ask your doctor for Hormone Pellets…
Also you need to start drinking water half your body weight in Fluid Ounces. Also you need to kick start your metabolism (its not working for cause you aren’t eating enough) by eating 5 to 6 small meals a day.
Small breakfast, snack 2 1/2 hours later then another 2 1/2 hours later eat lunch then another snack 2 1/2 hours dinner then a snack and hour or two later.

Samples of tour meals to eat…

Breakfast include 1 or 2 hard boiled eggs with a piece of broccoli and 2 or 3 pieces of turkey links or ground turkey.

Snack carrots with handful of nuts and cranberries

Lunch Salad added with chicken a fish or any lean meat no bigger than the size of palm, oil and vinegar salt n pepper

Snack hummus with sweet bell peppers…and a few cherry tomatoes.

Dinner any lean meat or fish with fresh steamed veggies

Snack frozen grapes dipped in yogurt.

Breakfast is most important meal of the day it gets your metabolism rolling for the day. Something small is better than nothing also if you go to the gym it is best to hit it early in the morning to burn the calories from the night before rather than a lot more from throughout the day so atleast go in an do cardio every morning or walk your neighborhood or ride bike in the morning then go eat breakfast you’ll also realize doing that early gives your mind a healthy start an you’ll start your day in a good mood positive attitude gym 5 days a week Wednesday an Sunday off eat enjoyable healthy meals… no real big meals any unhealthy meal you eat eat a small healthy snack in between the next meal lower your calorie count egg whites every 3 eggs only eat one yoke go to wheat bread instead of whites brown rice over white that is where all your calories are at 1800-2100 calories a day all grains have a lot of calories

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You need to eat at least 3 meals a day or your body thinks your starving it and will hold fat to survive. Give up refined starch and dairy as much as possible. Natural foods are best.

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Check out either Fat Loss Feast or rebelfit both different groups with different approaches but both run by lovely blokes who are knowledgeable, hekpful, friendly, supportive and who genuinely want to help…xx

Take a look at Team RH
I’ve done every plan you can possibly imagine over the years and please believe me when I say its the best plan ever x

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Ww…60 lbs 7 months…all online,never went to a meeting or purchased a product, specific point systems for breastfeeding, diabetic etc

All this advice is just crazy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Eat LESS calories = SIMPLE!!!

One meal a day is no way to lose weight. Your body is clinging to what it can for energy etc. You need to be in a calorie deficit but they say no more than 500 calories below what you should be eating. Try intermittent fasting, only way I can lose Weight. But make sure you’re finding time to eat at work. Even if your squeezing in a protein shake or smoothie, fruit, eat on the go. I drive and eat if I have to (plus side of having an automatic car) try not to cut out food groups, eat a bit of everything in moderation. Or later after you’ve lost loads from cutting carbs etc and introduce them back into your diet you will put the weight back on.