I would get him evaluated through early intervention because he isn’t saying to many words. They will send a speech therapist and another person to look at his behaviors. He may qualify for speech and he might be doing the head banging out of frustration. If they see any other concerns they may want to have him evaluated by a psychologist. It can’t hurt to get the evaluation and it doesn’t cost anything. It might just be a phase but it might be more than that. I would have him evaluated to put your mind at ease. Go with your gut.
My son did this and we went through a program called children’s first that have behavior therapist please don’t listen to these trolls that say spank him. This too shall pass.
Have you tried teaching him simple sign language its not to late to start…I did not do it with my 2 boys but did with my daughter and omg the difference in the fits was amazing…her actually being able to tell me what she likes I can pm you some of the things we did if you like.
You need to take him to a different doctor. That’s not behavior you just “ignore”.
When my kids threw fits i got down and done exactly what they were doing and then when they would look at me like i was crazy or laugh at me, i would say thats exactly how you look and eventually all fits stopped.
Now i am not saying actually bang ur head and hit the floor but act like you are and even add a ouch that hurts in there. It will go away. Testing would be a good idea though to make sure there is not medical reason behind it, but mines was just attention getters they were trying.
These are some warning signs for autism. Please get him evaluated.
Sounds like autism, my grandson did the same thing. Don’t discipline him, he needs to release his frustrations the only way he knows how. A new doctor would be my suggestion.
Sounds like he might be autsistic. Have him checked.
You need to have your child evaluated
My oldest did that, he’s autistic. You cannot ignore that & please don’t “sternly correct” him. He cannot help it. Take him to be evaluated
For his behavioral difficulties he needs occupational therapy. Your primary care doctor can give you a referral. Home health would provide people to come to your home.
So head banging is so scary and actually pretty common. My oldest son did that too. A lot. He couldn’t communicate so he’d bang his head, I told his doctor. She said to move him to a soft surface when he was doing it. Tried this, but he would instantly go for a wall or the hard floor when I’d move him to a bed or couch. We then met some friends, taught him basic sign language for like “more” “drink” “food” and it helped tremendously he actually stopped. Highly recommend
You need to see a dr.
Both of you…
You need mental health care. He made have delays
My son used to do this and I just let him do it and ignored him he even did it at a store one time and I just stood by him while he did it and he realized he wasn’t going to get a reaction out of me and stopped
This sounds like Autism Spectrum Disorder. Many young children exhibit some ASD behaviors and outgrow them, but there’s definitely a red flag when it’s extreme. Take him to his pediatrician and they’ll take it from there. It may be nothing, but early intervention is key in helping young kids with ASD.
Get his ears test and get him evaluated. Talk to the doctor and tell them u think there is more to it and you want him tested. If the doctor doesn’t listen find a new one
Maybe he is sleepy, or needs milk. This is my 1 1/2 behavior also when he is sleepy or needs a bottle. Sometimes, they want something they can’t have
This sounds like autism. My kid is on the spectrum and he used to do the same thing, now he just throws himself to the floor and screams. I’d say get him checked as soon as you can! Good luck to you and your baby
My son is autistic and used to do this badly…
His educational psychologist said to ignore him as it’s manipulation to get what he wants…
It’s difficult, but it works most the time.
Strongs mommy.
That’s when ass whooping will come in with me. You people are raising entitled, spoiled kids because they never get an ass whooping. All 4 of my kids got their butts whooped a few times and now they’re all good kids, honor classes, in clubs, sports, respectful young girls. Stop coddling and start whooping.
Could the reason he his not taking be due to a hearing problem, hense the banging of his head and other things due to frustration because he cannot hear properly.
My sisters son did this and it turned out he is in the spectrum
Meanwhile can u put him in a play yard when he does that? Teach him sign language even just a few words and it should help
Pinch him back…as for the head butting,that’s a rough temperament there and I cant say I’ve ever experienced it,so I cant speak on it My own pinched and kicked and guess what,solved that problem.She never kicked me again.
I told her when she was ready to talk we would,worked like a top.
My youngest used to hit her head off the ground when she got upset… I put a bike helmet on her when she did it & she stopped…
Your dr is a wrong ,find a dr. who cares!
My daughter done this when she was little use to pull her hair out smash head on whatever was there and bite pinch kick. Do it all back not as hard obviously but show him it hurts. As far as the head banging he will do it a little to hard one day and learn it hurts thats how my daughter stopped. She was never suspected of autism or anything else just a stubborn little girl doing whatever it took to her her way
My son did these things. Find out if your area has a birth to 5 program or infant and toddlers. My son has mild autism and adhd. Once you find out how to help him things get better. He may need some speech help. Once he gets that the screaming will stop. I’m not saying your son had either diagnosis but any help you can get, take it.
Until you take him to the drs I suggest putting him in his crib that way he’s as safe as he can be until he calms down that would freak me out
Your doctor or his pediatrician?!?!! Go for a second opinion because your child needs to be evaluated. Hearing and development ASAP! My friends grandson used to hurt himself out of frustration and he was diagnosed with autism at age 2.
Spank his butt and put him in the bedroom with safety precautions of course. Don’t give in he will learn there r consequences for his behavior.
I agree with Gloria Vidal. I have 2 children on the autism spectrum and a friend who has one child it might be something to discuss with the doctor.
Everyone saying it’s autism, its most likely Not autism . Me myself and my son did the same thing . My 21/2 year old smashes his face on floors walls and objects as well and he hits himself too it’s a tantrum thing. they can’t communicate there big emotions they Do get over it and grow out of it . Best to ignore them or put them in a safe space like there bed or somewhere without tile floors and let them figure it out
Try to teach something’s by something like sign language, I had one like this and it helped, she didn’t start really talking until 4
Does anyone still spank there children
PLEASE DO NOT injure your child back. I can’t believe anyone is suggesting spanking, biting back etc.
PLEASE find a physician who actually cares. The constant head butting can cause damage. Go to a walk-in, an emergency room, anywhere where there’s a physician that can document the behavior and send you to see a specialist.
My son use to do this to hun to the point he cracked a sliding glass door at childcare. He started school last year and had an amazing teacher and has not done it since. They use to tell me he would grow out of it and so far he has. He does bang his head on the pillow at night to get to sleep still but no more anger banging. He is now 5 and seems to have grown out of it but is on the wait list to see an OT and a psychologist. I would put him on his bed when he would do it or carry a pillow so he can learn to do it on a softer surface. Hope it gets better soon for you.
He is showing clear signs of Autistism. Get him seen by a specialist this is a great thing for baby and mama!
My son used to scream in unknown situations and was a headbanger…in gradeschool he was diagnosed with ADHD and hyperactivity…he was and is extremely smart in certain areas…he could compete easily in Jeopardy! Now in his 40s he would tell you that a better diagnosis would be Aspergers…He is a hard worker and is a truckdriver…he likes being alone doses not do well with a lot of commands comming in at once… get a good Dr. Or educator that will work with you and not fill him full of drugs…
Have him tested for autism and you can get him into speech that will help a lot I’ve been going through that with my great-grandson and he’s speaking better and not banging his head a lot of times they bang their head cuz they don’t know how to communicate there are a lot you can learn to help him don’t let it get the best of you and good luck
My son does this and he has severe autism and is non verbal.
Is your little one training his momma??
Well girl, I’m not a dr. However am very very educated in the Autism field. My son was doing the same exact things right down to the pinches. At two he was diagnosed with Autism. He’s doing great and all those behaviors have regressed greatly except he still pinches me whenever he’s excited or being hyper. Good luck get your sweet little evaluated ASAP so you can start ABA therapy to help your little early
My sister used to do this. She eventually grew out of it. My mom did what your doc said. First she would give a reprimand and then if it continued she would walk away and/or ignore it.
Ask the doctor for a birth to 3 program referral.
This sounds like a sensory issue. Please seek help from a developmental pediatrician.
Have a pillow handy to throw under his head. Try and redirect his anger. My son would scream and scream and scream but I eventually changed that instinct into a stomp…. Your doing the best you can momma and maybe get a second opinion from a behavioral therapist
My oldest whom is now 8, smashed his head off of everything and didn’t talk until he was almost 5. He quit when he was almost 4? He also bit me and pinched me a lot. world in a way I never even thought. We had his tested for autism, add, adhd, and a few others. He doesn’t have any of them. He did best with a strict schedule, and he definitely did better with independence. He doesn’t play with kids his age, they have to be older, but loves babies and does amazing with them. He plays by himself a lot. But he’s also a perfectionist which is sometimes hard to deal with. with them. He plays by himself a lot. But he’s also a perfectionist which is sometimes hard to deal with. But we work with him and his emotions and he thrives
Put him in a child development center that does assessments and accommodations. Not just any daycare. A development center! I have a degree in child development and this isn’t typically development. (I’m not saying he has a disorder. He may or he could just need to learn proper coping skills.it’s ok for kids to be different but if it can be worked on that’s better for both of you! ) I would also bring it up to the dr again and ask them for a referral to a behavioral therapist or at least notate in the chart about his behavior. Best of luck.
They always told me they don’t see autism in my son. He still does some of it. I was told ADHD, impulsive behavior he’s almost 9 in a few days
You should of been taking him to doctor appointments and explaining that you know this is not normal behavior . If they do not listen get another doctor. Lots of kids have ear problems and it causes that behavior . It has to be medical of some sort. Start there but do not take no for an answer . YOur the mom and you know . Lots of luck on finding out why . Its scary and I am sure other people have better advice on here but please go to the childrens doctor and make him listen and if they do not get another opinion.
That sounds like autism. My daughter is autistic and I used to care for adults with autism and took many courses about it and how to deal with behaviors. You’re going to want to redirect him. Ignoring him will not do anything. Redirecting will take time, but just keep redirecting to a preferred behavior, the same thing every time. So for instance when he bangs his head give him a toy or tablet with a show he loves everytime. He is sensory seeking by banging his head, so you could also maybe fill the sink and let him play in the water as a redirection. Just keep redirecting, it’ll take hundreds of times, but eventually he will get it. Getting a diagnosis will help you get him help and the tools you’ll need to navigate this. Good luck momma
autism, deafness or both. try sign anguage it can help
Elite DNA has helped me w my kids
It sounds like you or someone else taking care of him or possibly a child he’s around solves problems, anger, frustration by being aggressive. He’s learned that when you’re angry you cause pain. Try watching how you react to things. Check on his caregivers to see how they handle these emotions. Self harm can be a sign of abuse, physical or emotional.
My son did this for a while he would hit his head on the crib railing but my doctor told me the same thing to just ignore it and he’ll stop cause he’s doing it cause it gets your attention
This sounds familiar you may want to ask your pediatrician for a referral to a behavioral psychologist for the fact this sounds exactly like a sensory issue I went through this with my son and now because he has resources is doing much better sending positive vibes and hugs momma you are strong capable and can handle things reach out to parenting groups for support
Talk to his Dr. That’s what I did and she connected me with early childhood development specialist for speech therapy and developmental play therapy. They came to our house a few times a week and it didn’t cost a thing! When one of my sons was 5 he was diagnosed with ADHD took him to a children’s hospital for further research when he was 6-7 they said same Adhd, then at age 9 asked to see a neuropsychologist because Adhd wasn’t cutting it as a Mom you just know…he was diagnosed with Adhd, Autism, and Dysgraphia! And now he’s getting more help with his education Be his advocate if the first doc doesn’t listen when you ask for help go for a second and third opinion! Sign language helped me tremendously he stopped screaming at me for everything it was a blessing Kudos for reaching out, I hope you get some answers and relief soon!!
Get him one of those helmets to wear.
To me it sounds like autism, have you spoke to the doctor about a protective helmet? Screaming when he can’t talk its frustration, find a way to try and communicate with him, sign language learn the basics so you can deal with what you need to right now… Definitely speak to a doctor and ask for a referal x
My son started this crap of screaming and pulling his hair at about 2! Took him to the dr and he said a kid will not hurt themselves! It may look like it but they aren’t! He said next time he starts pulling his hair, reach down and give it a yank! A couple of times of that and his tantrums stopped!
My son did this so did my daughter she’s even in a program right now that a behavioralist and speech person comes and works with her and us please talk to your doctor about an early intervention program in your area